Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Slifer Love: A Jaden/Syrus Pairing ❯ Secrets ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The next morning Jaden and Sy were woke up by Chazz laughing. "I always knew you 2 would end up together!" He said. Jaden blushed. Chazz must have found out the night before. Sy blushed also. "How did you find out Chazz?" He asked. Chazz smirked. "I saw you 2 hugging in class so i knew something was up." He replied.
Sy blushed smiling. "Does anyone else know?" The little bluenette asked. "No." Chazz said. Jaden smirked. "Good keep it that way." he said.