Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ An Argument with Kaiba Seto ❯ Contrivance 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An Argument With Kaiba Seto

By Shella


Contrivance 2.

Jounouchi took a deep breath. It didn't quite have the calming, rationalizing effect he'd hoped for, so he took another. And then another. Then he realized that if he took any more deep breaths he'd hyperventilate. He stopped.

Although as Kaiba approached him, the thought occurred that if he wasn't careful he'd be going in the other direction, and asphyxiating instead. That sort of thing could happen when you were too nervous to breathe. And discovering that two weeks, one day, three hours and fifteen minutes' worth of brain-wracking introspection (not all of it sober) were about to be blown to hell made him nervous.

The fact that he'd had two weeks, one day, three hours and fifteen minutes of brain-wracking introspection since Kaiba had kissed him (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) was of less relevance to him now than the price of shirt buttons in the Conga. Then again, maybe it would be a good idea start researching living expenses in obscure parts of the world, if his current state of brain jelly-ness was going to affect what he said to Kaiba. No doubt it would be less inconvenient to deal with acute embarrassment in a place where nobody knew his name.

All tangents aside (and no puns intended), it came down to the fact that Jou had been obsessing over the fact that Kaiba had kissed him for two weeks, one day-you get the picture-and he still didn't know what to say to him.

Damn TV, he thought angrily. You've stolen my intelligence, my vocabulary, my … um …

And then suddenly Kaiba was standing in front of him, looking like he expected Jounouchi to speak (or do a tap dance, the expression on his face was hard to read), and Jounouchi's brain went beyond jelly, right through the dessert menu to chocolate pudding.

"What the hell are you lookin' at, Kaiba?"

Sometimes, it was much easier to run with what he knew. And starting arguments with Kaiba Seto was nothing if not familiar territory.

"To be honest I'm not quite sure. It's always difficult to tell with mongrels."

Even the acid-barbed response, armed as always with dog comments, was predictable in its disdainful scorn. Jounouchi wondered briefly why it was the brunette using all the dog insults when he was the one who was doing all the bitching.

"Oh, no!" he shot back sarcastically. "Don't tell me the great and powerful Kaiba Seto can't do something! You gonna blame it on someone else now?" (Well, maybe not all the bitching…)

"Not at all." Kaiba's eyes were like blue steel with strongly reined anger. "Unlike you, I don't go running and making excuses at the slightest hint of trouble. This may come as a shock, but not everyone is as spineless as you." The contempt in Kaiba's words and the venom behind them sounded more and more to Jounouchi as if the brunette wasn't getting any.

"Shaddup!" A stunningly intellectual and witty reply, as always, but there was a thought wandering through his mind that maybe that kiss (the one he'd spent two weeks etc. obsessing over) had been Kaiba's first. Hm…

There was a glint in the other teenager's eyes that said something to Jounouchi in a language he didn't know and had no time to learn. All he knew was that Kaiba's lips were quivering with rage and his shoulders were tense and the sapphire blue of his irises was burning, and it all appeared to mean something extremely important and entirely unexpected.


At least, that was what he thought Kaiba had said - it was a bit difficult to tell, since there was a pair of lips obstructing the brunette's speech.

Hold the phone-

Those were his lips!

Jounouchi nearly fainted. Luckily a sense of self-preservation saved him at the last minute, as a deep-set instinct rejected in terror the thought of being unconscious and helpless in the vicinity of Kaiba Seto.

However, said sense of self-preservation appeared to be having mood swings, as he discovered belatedly that he was still kissing said Kaiba. Not only that, but he was pressing him against a wall, and cupping his face in his hands, and … and … the mind boggled. It then boggled again, in an even more boggly-ish fashion, when it detected that said Kaiba's arms were actually cradled around the waist of the person kissing him, whom, it had been established, was Jounouchi Katsuya. Kaiba Seto, being physically affectionate. The mind passed out. (Not that it had been effectively conscious anyway, but that, like all good tangents, is beside the point.) It appeared that his sense of self-preservation had taken a flying leap right out the window.

Are you there, God? It's me, Katsuya…

Actually (on another tangent) the whole kissing-Kaiba thing kind of invited belief in God for a different reason altogether. Like, the fact that said Kaiba was damn good at it.

Jounouchi gasped and broke for air, staggered at what he'd done. He was staggered again when he was confronted by the look on Kaiba's face.

If that's not an invitation, I'll give Otogi my Red Eyes!

When the teenaged CEO leaned forward and closed his teeth on Jou's bottom lip, the blonde felt like he'd either melt or explode - more specifically, like he'd either ravish Kaiba or kill him. Either option sounded acceptable. Especially since there was a pair of blue eyes taunting him in something similar and yet so, so different to the way they'd been taunting him ever since they met.

"Where the hell did you learn to kiss like that?" he demanded. To his intense embarrassment, his voice came out as husky as a porn star's. The smug look on Kaiba's face only mortified him further.

"Talent," the other replied. It was one word, but somehow coming from those - sigh - talented lips it embodied an unspeakable wealth of sin and sex and - ooh, he'd better stop thinking like that or there'd really be an explosion. And not the kind he needed when he didn't have any tissues or changes of pants on him. Maybe that had been Kaiba's first kiss … whoa.

He realised he'd been staring at Kaiba like he was trying to see if he could shave using his reflection in the brunette's eyeballs when said brunette raised one infuriatingly elegant eyebrow and enunciated, "Well?"

"Well what?" Jounouchi repeated intelligently, suddenly distracted by the fact that he was still holding Kaiba's face in his hands and the other teenager's arms were still around his waist. Holy crap on a stick, he was being held by Kaiba Seto. Was this the end of civilization as he knew it?

The brunette sneered, but somehow the expression didn't hold all the contempt it used to. It was almost - God forbid - a fond look. "Well, what now?" he said impatiently.

"Oh." At that particular moment in time Jounouchi was less concerned with words and speaking and all that stuff than he was with the different shades of sapphire in Kaiba's eyes. As this fact made its slow, languid way into his consciousness, a feeling of impending doom accompanied it. Jounouchi realized that he thought Kaiba was hot, and decided somewhat wistfully that he'd miss civilization as he knew it.

Damn it, he did the eyebrow thing again.

"Um." Feeling like he was focusing on all the wrong things for what he was trying to say (considering he was trying to be serious and Kaiba kept being hot and distracting him), Jounouchi tried to compress everything he was thinking and feeling into one syllable, and failed miserably. The unimpressed look on Kaiba's face was enough to make him want to go home and hide under his blanket. With an increasing degree of desperation, he grabbed at the last shreds of his defiance. "Look, I still hate your guts, right?"

"And you're still an amateur unworthy of my time." The promptness of the other teen's response served to throw into sharp relief Jounouchi's own awkwardness, he whose puberty had never been awkward, and he flushed.

"Just so's we understand each other," he almost snapped, and kissed him again aggressively. As Kaiba responded, Jounouchi's brain seemed to vacate his body, and he went soft and squishy in the other's embrace, like a fluffy cushion or a sponge cake. Mmm, sponge cake … mmm, Kaiba …

"So I take it you don't mind the whole puppy-love thing," murmured Seto, and Jounouchi sighed.

"I guess I can live with it."
