Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Destined Duel ❯ Ancient Egypt ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Necropolis demon
Disclaimer: Me no own YuGiOh.
Destined Duel
Chapter 1 Ancient Egypt
Ryou disappeared and found himself engulfed in the darkness which he came to know as the Shadow realm, he looked around seeing nothing but blackness, trying desperately to call out to anyone.
“Anyone? Can anyone hear me? Oh, What's the use?” he gave up, letting his shoulders drop. He knew he was doomed; no one had ever successfully attempted to escape from the shadow realm, no one except his darker half Bakura. He thought of the fiend who had always been a parasite to him, asking himself if the fiend would indeed help him find a way out of the Shadow Realm.
Just as the pale haired youth fingered the millennium ring concealed underneath his shirt, he felt tired, drained, as if he was falling unconscious. A beam of white light blazed ferociously in front of him, almost invitingly, having no other choice than to follow, he extended his right arm and reached out to the source of luminance…
Ryou felt his head spinning, his stomach churning, he felt like he went through some sort of vortex taking him deeper into the shadow realm. He panicked while closing his eyes asking himself what would happen to him next. Would he encounter some sort of vile shadow monster?
The spinning stopped and he slowly opened his eyes, to his astonishment, he found himself in an old Egyptian looking room with high stone ceilings and walls adorned with Egyptian hieroglyphics. Slightly staring in awe he moved forward, his vision was blurred and he could only make out a fuzzy image of a figure dressed in robes, wearing a headdress that hid the brown hair underneath it.
Hesitantly, the boy moved forward again, trying to mutter a word when suddenly he was hit by a wave of dizziness causing him to faint. The last thing he could remember was landing in the arms of the brown haired figure dressed in white.
The teen woke up lying on a bed with lots of pillows; he was comfortably settled underneath the linen sheets that seemed foreign to him, then he noticed… It wasn't his bed! Quickly sitting up and gathering himself, he noticed the room he was in. The room was grand with stone walls and many hanging curtains of different colors while the bed was roomy with many sheets and cushions, a little far from the bed was a table where his belongings were placed at, his books, his bag and duel disk were there though his duel monster cards were slightly scattered and laid out on the table clearly indicating that someone was looking over them as he slept.
He got up from the bed rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn, wearing his shoes that were placed beside the bed, he stood up and sauntered to his things. Everything was in order, no cards were missing, no pages of his books were torn and his bag seemed to have never been opened, though there were a few scratches on his duel disk it seemed that it was still functioning correctly seeing as it was still on and that it still indicated his recent life points of 350.
Placing a gentle hand on the gadget, he tried to recall what happened. He was devoured by darkness…then there was light, then he found himself in a room while facing a man taller than him who had brown hair hidden underneath a headdress. Wincing at a newly formed headache, the pale youth tried harder to remember the face of the one who had cushioned his fall when he fainted. Brown hair…blue eyes…fair skin…Kaiba!
His eyes widened in shock, it was Kaiba who caught him! Kaiba who held him! Kaiba!
The name rang again and again in his head, why was Kaiba dressed that way? Why was he in an Egyptian looking room? Was he going nuts?
Ryou paced around the room, thinking hard and analyzing the situation, he decided to reach for his cell phone and call Yugi but when he did there was no signal.
Sighing in defeat, he sat on the bed, burying his face in his hands while softly trembling.
There was a click on the door but the white haired teen paid it no heed for he was too busy trying to calm himself.
He felt a pair of eyes staring intently at him so he looked up and to his surprise found himself facing Kaiba.
“Awake now aren't we?” the brunette said bluntly, looking down and admiring the beautiful white blond haired teen who was currently in a state of panic and confusion.
“Kai…ba?” for a moment Ryou thought, hoping that he wasn't dreaming
“Pardon? Who are you?”
Realization dawned the white haired boy; he realized that the man in front of him was not the Kaiba he knew for this one did not even seem to know him. This one was different, he did not look as haggard and stressed as the Kaiba he knew as his classmate, this one did look the same as Kaiba but for some reason Ryou felt that the man was not the brunette CEO.
“Sorry, I've mistaken you for…a friend of mine” Ryou said, looking down at his feet, slightly disappointed.
“Who are you and where did you come from? You are certainly not from here aren't you?” the brunette interrogated.
“My name is Ryou and…I come from err… Domino, Japan.” He replied, still looking down at the floor. Slowly he lifted his head and asked with an unsure voice, “Where am I?”
The Kaiba look-a-like paused for a moment as if looking for a lie in the shy boy's eyes, then he answered, “ In the Pharaoh's palace…in Egypt.”
“Egypt? How-what…why?” Ryou seemed to have lost his pace for he began to stutter and panic once more. “What happened? And…who are you?”
“I am the High Priest Seth and…” he paused then continued, “for some reason which I cannot explain, you appeared from a swirl of black fog while I was in the middle of a Shadow Game.”
That was it, Ryou could not believe it, he was in ancient Egypt, there was no doubt about that, here was the proof! Seth who seems to be the past self of Kaiba that was mentioned in the tablet back at the old museum exhibition during Battle City was standing in right front of him, he was in a room wherein the walls were covered with drawings and hieroglyphics telling stories and such. Ryou Bakura traveled through time!
Flash back
A certain tri-color haired pharaoh was watching an exciting duel between two of his priests. High Priest Seth was facing another priest who claimed to be better in performing Shadow magic than him; he was aggravated at the challenger's boastfulness and decided to teach him a lesson.
“I call upon the great dragon who will bring me my victory and will burn your soul! Come forth! Blue eyed white dragon!” with these words a stone tablet broke and released the said creature in all its glory, fangs extended, arms ready to strangle, the creature opened its mouth and from it emitted a beam of light that pierced through the enemy's creatures.
As the screen of smoke from the blast cleared, a silhouette of a longhaired figure appeared from nowhere, there was a black swirling vortex behind the figure and Seth thought that it was perhaps another monster summoned by his opponent. Noticing that the silhouette looked too human to be a monster, he carefully approached it, ready to strike with his dragon.
Cautiously he approached the stranger who seemed to have been staggering towards him as well.
Long beautiful white blond hair that was almost godly and divine met the priest's eyes, at first he thought of the boy as a god but realizing that he wasn't; he put up his stern façade and sauntered towards the boy. The closer he got, the more he noticed the boy's angelic and heavenly features; the boy was dressed differently and this of course surprised both the priest and the pharaoh, he had milk white skin that was almost impossible to have if you're living in a hot desert and soft brown eyes that shined with innocence.
The pale boy fell forward and fainted, landing right in the middle of the shocked priest's open arms.
“High Priest Seth, what is all this?” the pharaoh asked, rising from his throne to walk up to the said priest.
“I do not know.” he replied sternly, gently holding the slumbering teen.
The guards came and surrounded the two, carefully examining the unconscious and fragile-looking boy. The deck of cards on Ryou's duel disk scattered all over the floor while the guards were looking over the teen's bag.
One of the guards picked up a duel monster card, eyes widening at the picture of the creature on it. “Pharaoh! This…this monster on this card looks like a fiend from the shadow realm!”
“What?” the pharaoh snatched the card and looked at it with a perplexed face. “This is indeed a monster from the shadow realm. Who could this boy be? Seth, do you think he's some sort of spell caster?”
“He might be pharaoh Atemu since he looks foreign, like from a distant land and his clothes are rather eccentric don't you think?” Seth answered.
Atemu glanced at the pale teen; whose head was currently resting on Seth's chest, he couldn't help but envy the priest who actually got to catch the angel and get the unconscious youth in his arms.
“Prepare one of our finest rooms and take this boy there. Have a nice bath prepared for him when he wakes up and dress him in one of our finest garments.” Atemu ordered.
“But pharaoh, he might be some sort of evil spy under the influence of thief king Bakura!” Seth argued.
“Does he look evil to you?” the tri color haired king glared at the guards and priests who all remained silent. “I didn't think so…now go on! Bring him to his room!”
Seth carried the boy in his arms while the guards gathered the boy's things and brought him to the assigned room, laying him gently on the soft bed. After the guards left he looked over the cards the white blond teen had, immediately recognizing the monsters on them.
“Curious…very curious indeed.” The brunette muttered as he placed the cards face up on the table.
The priest turned his gaze from the cards on the table to the boy's school bag, noticing that it was unique and eccentric…well at least in his point of view. He fingered the tag on it that said in Japanese: `property of Ryou Bakura' and tried to read the Japanese words but couldn't.
Sauntering to the boy's side, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked over the white blond youth. Ryou was simply dressed in his blue school uniform that consisted of a pair of blue pants and a long-sleeved button up top with a collar but to the Egyptian brunette these clothes intrigued him much.
From the buttons on the shirt to the pockets, he wondered where the boy came from to have such complex garments, Seth couldn't even figure out the zipper on Ryou's school bag so how could he expect to figure out the boy's clothes as well?
Sighing in defeat, he took the young boy's shoes off and set them aside noticing that they too were rather complex and advanced.
He got up and walked towards the door taking one last glace at the sleeping angel before muttering quietly, “Who are you?” then closed he the door.
End of flashback
There was an awkward silence in the stone walled room; Seth glanced at Ryou who did the same until they heard a knock on the door.
“Enter” said Seth, the door opened revealing a woman roughly around the age of thirty who entered, carrying clothes for Ryou.
“Pharaoh Atemu sent these for you.” She said, bowing to the still confused teen sitting on the bed.
“Um…thank you.” He replied softly. The woman gave one last bow to both Ryou and Seth before she exited the room.
“Do you want to take a bath first or do you want to see the Pharaoh right away?” asked Seto, the boy shook his head no saying, “I want to see your pharaoh immediately if you don't mind, I hope he can help me get back to my home.”
“Then get dressed, I'll be waiting outside when you're done.” With that the priest turned and headed towards the door slightly blushing as Ryou began to undress.
“Um…Seth? Do you think you could err…” the pale one faltered, a taint of red on his cheeks as he gestured towards the bundle of silk and jewelry in his arms, “How exactly do you wear these?” he asked, embarrassed at having to have the other teen help him get dressed.
The cold-hearted priest gave a sigh and walked over to Ryou who was having trouble with some gold bangles.
“These go here.” Said Seth as he slipped the thick golden bangle on the boy's wrist.
“Really? Gee…I thought it was an anklet.” Ryou blushed and giggled.
First, Seth slipped the pieces of jewelry on Ryou, teaching him how to properly wear them then he instructed Ryou on how to wear the silk clothing before turning around as the boy undressed. A few minutes later, Ryou emerged, dressed in a long white sleeveless robe showing his bare chest that reached below the ankles and was held together by a white sash tied around his hips, over the sash was a thick coil of gold that covered the sash for decorating purposes. On the boy's neck was a gold choker and several golden necklaces, some were thin and light while others were thick and heavy, there was a thick ring of gold on both of Ryou's upper arms and one on his left thigh, which was hidden underneath the white robe.
Upon seeing the pale teen in such luxurious clothes, the priest blushed immensely. Realizing that he was blushing he quickly looked away and controlled his red cheeks putting up his strict image.
“Do I look ok? I feel weird wearing this…” the pale teen blushed as he carried his school bag and put on his duel disk.
“You look fine,” the priest answered bluntly but the truth was he actually thought Ryou looked…cute, but he'd never admit that to the other teen. “Now come on, the pharaoh is a very busy man.” He said walking towards the door, gesturing the pale one to follow.
The pair went through various majestic hallways as Ryou stared at the writings on the walls in awe, he couldn't believe his eyes! He was walking through the halls of an actual pharaoh's palace in actual ancient Egypt. Once in a while, Ryou would stop walking to take a closer look at some of the hieroglyphics noticing whether they were made recently or were older than the others. All the while, Seth watched the inquisitive youth fondly, letting out a smile or two once in a while whenever Ryou wasn't looking his way.
The high priest had to admit; he enjoyed seeing the young boy so happy and so astounded, it made him wonder even more about where the boy came from.
At last after crossing various halls they arrived at the pharaoh's court where they saw Atemu the pharaoh, king of all Egypt, sitting on his throne as one of his other advisers was talking to him. At the sight of Ryou, Atemu quickly sent his advisers away and ushered the priest and shy stranger to approach him.
Necro: Please submit a review if you wish for this fic to improve or to continue, no flaming please and thank you in advance.