Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ To Stand only to Fall ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Se---eto!" The little girl called out as she ran towards the little Kaiba. "Wait up for me!"

"Hurry up, Dawn! The bus is coming!" Kaiba said. I was finally able to catch up to him before the bus came by. I stopped and took a breather, feeling like I was running a race.

"You know, you should learn to get out earlier..." Seto said as he put his hands on his hips. "Every morning it seems like you're always running to this bus stop. And I'm not going to be here waiting for you all the time."

"Hey, that's mean! How could you not wait for me??"

"Because you're slow!"

"I can't help it if I have to have breakfast!" I replied.

"But you have BIG breakfasts...."

"That's because I have a BIG appetite." I smiled.

"Yeah...and not an ounce of fat on ya!" Seto said. We both laughed in amusement.


O h, those were definitely the days....I thought to herself as she was on a boat ride to Duelist kingdom. It seems like nothing has changed between the two of us...even when we're older now. I haven't seen Seto OR Mokuba in a couple weeks, and that worries me. My vision made it clear to be at Duelist Kingdom....and if I know any better, Pegasus won't make this easy for anyone. If he thinks that he's going get away with whatever he is planning, he is seriously mistaken.


"W ow, look at that star go by!" Dawn said as she pointed at a shooting star. "It's so pretty!"

"Did you make a wish?" Kaiba asked, as he layed back on the chair.

"Yeah....I did." Dawn replied.

"What did you wish?" Kaiba questioned.

"I can't tell you that!" Dawn responded as she leaned up against him.

"Why not?" Kaiba asked, giving her a timid smile.

"Because then it wouldn't come true...." Dawn replied.

"Yeah, but you can keep it between me and you, right?"

"I guess...."

"So...? What did you wish?"

"It sounds so stupid though...."

"C'mon, Dawn. You can tell me."

"....I wished that life would stay the way it is now...so perfect. Life just couldn't be better...."

"That's a good wish, Dawn."

"You think so?"

"I know so."


Dawn... .Kaiba sighed. That wish of yours has to come back to life. I promise I'm going to try all I can to make that a reality for you. Once this is all over....You'll be able to go back to your own life.


"So... .hungry......must get food........." Jounouchi groaned as Yugi and company walked through the woods. "There hasn't been one duelist in sight! I say we should camp for da night! I'm STARVIN'!"

"What do you want us to do about the food situation, Jounouchi? It's not like we brought any with us." Anzu added, also hungry.

"Dat's why I wanna find a duelist! To see if they got any food...or somethin' edible!"

"We won't be able to get anything for a while." Bakura said as they all sat down.

"So then how are me and Yug supposed ta duel when we have empty stomachs??"

"Try not to think of it now, Jounouchi...We'll find something to eat." Yugi said, lying down. The rest of group settled down with him, with Jounouchi sitting there, pouting for the lack of food. Man, if I was at home...I would be devourin' a whole pizza....mmm.....*drool* Jounouchi thought. If I go another minute without food, I think I might go crazy! He then turned to see that there was a figure in the distance. He immediately got up and ran towards it.

"'Ey you! Hold on a second!" Jounouchi shouted. The figure stopped and then turned towards him. Once he got closer he noticed that it was a girl(me). He stopped in his tracks and then he began to blush. "Heeeelllo!!!"

"Hmm?" I responded. When Jounouchi was able to get a better look at me, he completely stopped. Just then, a memory flashed in his mind of a little girl.

"...Hey, I remember you...." Jounouchi began. "You're Dawn....Dawn Grayson, right?"

"That's right...and who are you?" I asked.

"Don't you remember me? I'm Jounouchi...we used to play together when we were little!" He explained.

"Jounouchi....?" I said, then it finally triggered in my mind. "Oh yeah! I remember you now! We did used to play together!"

"That's right! Wow....it's been quite a while since I last saw ya." Jounouchi said. And wow, did she get PRETTIER!!!

"Yeah....it's been definitely a while." I replied, and then looked down at the ground. Jounouchi then, noticed that she had a duelist glove on her left hand.

"You came here to duel?" He asked. Well, d'uh she came here to duel! How else would she of gotten here?!

"Yes." I replied, smiling. "I'm on my way to meet someone."

"Oh..." Jounouchi said. Suddenly, he could hear his own stomach growling. I happened to hear it as well.

"It sounds like you're hungry..." I giggled.

"Boy, am I EVER!" He said, holding his stomach. "Me and my friends didn' bring food wit us, and now we're payin' da price."

"Oh, I see." I said, continuing to smile. "Well, bring me over to them and I'll give you guys some food, all right?"

"REALLY?? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" I replied. He then noticed that I didn't have a bag on me. "eh... Do you have any food? Cuz, I don't think you'd stuff them down your shirt....."

"Oh, no...don't worry about that. I got food."

"Okay...(WHERE??)" Jounouchi said, trying to figure out where I had food on her. He then walked back to the camp, where everyone sat around a fire. They all looked up at him.

"Geez, Jounouchi...where'd you go to in a hurry?" Hiroto asked.

"I saw someone....Say hello to an old friend of mine that is also our food savior....This is Dawn." Jounouchi explained. "Dawn, these are my friends, Hiroto, Bakura, Yugi and Anzu"

"Hi." I said, giving them a small wave. The others responded back with a hello as well.

"So Dawn...do you have food?" Hiroto asked.

"Yeah. I got plenty." I said.

"Where?" Bakura asked. I then lifted up my hand and directed it in the center of the group. Before they knew it, there was a whole feast of different snacks and such. Everyone looked at it in shock.

"W-whoa!!" Jounouchi said. "Look at all dis!! There's enough here to feed an army!"

"Yeah! You're right about that!" Yugi added.

"Thanks, Dawn!" Anzu said.

"Oh, you're welcome." I said.

"Let's chow down!" Bakura said. They all nodded and began to pig out. I then began to walk away from the group, but then Yugi noticed that I was leaving.

"Hey Dawn!" He called to me. "Why don't you come eat with us?"

"I....can't." I hesitated.

"No, c'mon, Dawn. Just stay for a lil' while?" Jounouchi asked. They were all looking at me, and I just sighed, giving them an "Okay..."


"So, you're a duelist, right Dawn?" Hiroto asked. "How many star chips do you have?"

"All ten." I replied.

"Wow. So that means you're going to go to Pegasus' castle now, right?" Anzu asked. I nodded in response.

"You must be a really good duelist if you got that many star chips this fast." Bakura said. Yeah, not only a pretty good duelist, but she's really REALLY cute! Jounouchi thought, smiling. I think I gotta chance wit her!

"Can I see your deck?" Yugi asked.

"Yeah, sure." I replied. I opened up a pocket on my side and took out the deck, then handing it to Yugi. He began to shuffle through the cards, having a complete blank stare at them.

"Shiva, the Ice Goddess...Bahaumat the Flare God....Diablos, the Shadow God...Oh wow...!" He exclaimed. "You have all the Gods and Goddess' in your deck!"

"Gods and Goddess'?" Jounouchi repeated.

"Yeah. These are one of a kind cards to have!" Yugi explained. "They're attack power is much more powerful than what I had expected them to be! Your deck seems pretty unbeatable! With all these strong Monster cards and then all of these trap cards, there's no way Pegasus can beat this! Where did you get them?"

"Um, well, my mom gave them to me as a birthday present two years ago. They used to be hers..." I said. I lowered my head, with my smile fading as well.

"Did something...happen to your mom?" Jounouchi asked.

"Um...it's nothing! Nothing to worry about!" I said, waving her hand.

"You sure?" Bakura asked.

"Yeah. Of course I'm sure!" I said, smiling.

"Well, isn't this nice....the whole troup is here together...." A voice said. Everyone looked around but finally spotted someone in the bushes. When everyone was able to get a glance at it, we noticed who it was right away.

"It's Kaiba..." Yugi said. I looked at him in surprise. When Kaiba noticed me, he too, was also stunned to see me. He didn't want them to see him in his more sensitive tone, so he remained to act cruel as he always would towards them.

"Hello Dawn...." He said in his usual cold tone.

"Kaiba..." I responded back, seeing that she sounded a bit angry. "It's been a while."

"Indeed it has."

"You two....know each other?" Anzu asked.

"We do." Dawn replied.

"I don't have time to waste on you losers....I'm outta here." Kaiba said, and continued his walk towards the castle. I was silent, remembering what I came here for, but I didn't want to say anything about it.

"It seems as if you haven't changed, Seto." I said as my head was down. He stopped and then turned around to look at me.

"Excuse me...?" He asked.

"You heard me. You're not going to bother to even say anything to me, after what you and your STUPID company have put me through?"

"What??"Jounouchi managed to say as he looked at me, and then back at Kaiba. "What did dis slimeball do to you, Dawn? Did he hurt you in any way? Cuz' if he did, I'll make sure he pays...." Jounouchi then began to grind his fist into his one hand.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Dawn, but if it helps, when I'm finished with my own mission, I'll pay you for whatever pains you have against my company." Kaiba replied.

"Nothing can pay me back for the kind of grievances I have faced, Seto." I replied, holding my anger down.

"........I don't have time to talk to you about this right now..." Kaiba said and walked away.

"....Don't go to Pegasus' castle!" I snapped.

"And why should I listen to you?"

"Because....." I said, looking around to think of how to word what I wanted to say without it seeming like a big deal to Yugi and the others.

"I thought so....Can't think of a good reason. I'll see you losers later." He said and walked off. I felt angry at myself and then went after him, because I was unable to get what I wanted to say out...and I was mad at him; for being the typical jerk he always has been and still was.

"Hey! Dawn! Wait!" Bakura said.

"I'm gonna go after her!" Jounouchi said as he ran out. When he got in there, both Kaiba and I were out of sight. Man, where did they go? He thought It's like they disappeared.


Thank god that was only a brief moment seeing her...Kaiba thought. If I had to say anymore...I don't think I could have.

"Seto....!" I began, finally able to reach him. "I have to talk to you...it's very important."

"I don't have time to talk to you right now." Kaiba said in a cold tone as he turned around to continue his walk to Pegasus' castle. My angered flared a bit.

"Don't turn your back on me, Seto Kaiba!" I snapped. He immediately stopped in his tracks when he heard those words come from me. He felt like he was stabbed when I had said that to him. That must have been the first he felt like he was really doing something wrong. But he knew that he had to ignore it.

"Dawn....I can't do this right now." Kaiba said and continued his walk. I then jumped in front of Kaiba, getting into a fighting stance.

"Then you're gonna have to get through me first if you want to reach that castle." I said in a low, angry tone.

"....You dare choose to fight me?" Kaiba replied, closing his eyes. "That's more of a nuisance than a challenge to me, Dawn. You're a beginning fighter, and I'd end up taking you out in one shot."

"But would you dare hit a girl?" I asked.

"If something or SOMEONE is in my way of acheiving my goals, then I have no choice to but to get it out of the way so I can continue....so you're nothing but an obstacle to me."

"......" I growled in a low tone. "You'd be surprised, Kaiba...how much I have learned in a short period of time..."

"Oh, really? It's probably still not good enough to defeat me yet, I bet." Kaiba asked. I then charged at him, using a series of punches. No matter how fast I was, he was blocking everything. He then ducked under one of my punches and triped me over with his leg. I fell onto my back, but then rolled up into a kip-up to get back on my feet.

"Are you still willing to fight me?" Kaiba asked, with a small grin. "Little girls like you shouldn't be playing around like this. They get hurt way too easily." My hands clenched together and I then stood up, and then attacked once more.

"You charge foolishly.....that's what's going to get you killed, if you keep this up." Kaiba said, and took me by the arm, and flipped me onto my back once more. I was completely frustrated, and I wasn't going to lose to him. I threw my legs up and locked them around Kaiba's neck. He was thrown off by my offensive move, and was struggling to get out, but useless. I then used all my leg-strength and threw him over me. He then got up slowly.

"Good move, Dawn.....but it's not good enough!" Kaiba moved in fast, now beginning to get more offensive, while I tried as best as I could to block his every move. He kept forcing me back until I was cornered, surrounded by trees on both sides. Kaiba then threw his final punch, and I closed my eyes, feeling prepared to take the hit, but fist ended up hitting the tree. I opened my eyes back up to find that Kaiba was staring at me with his deep blue eyes. From that look, I knew that he didn't want to fight me, and that his last punch wasn't intended for me. I lowered my head in frustration; unable to believe I wasn't even TRYING to attack him.

"You've improved a great deal." He said in a soft tone, somewhat panting. "but you still have a long ways to go before you can go to my level."

".....You haven't seen my full potential, Seto...." I said.

"Maybe I have already...." He said. I looked back up at him. "And maybe I haven't....but I don't want to do this anymore. So I bid you farewell...and will catch you later. And I expect you not to follow me, understand? If you know what's best for you, I suggest you listen to what I say." Kaiba then turned away and began to walk out. But for me, I was not willing to accept defeat. I began to create a ball of white light and I threw it a couple feet in front of him, and it created a huge ice wall. He stopped and looked at that massive sheet. Kaiba then turned back to me with an expression that was very furious.

"Dawn, why are you stopping me from trying to reach Mokuba? Do you want to him to die???" Kaiba asked. My eyes widened, but I still kept my calm.

"I'm just trying to help you; as much as you don't want it." I replied.

"You're just preventing me from saving Mokuba....is that what you want? I know what this is about....you just can't stand to see me with Mokuba because he's really the only family left. So you just want to see me alone like you, is that it? Is it??"

"No, Seto, you don't understand-!"

"Then why do you keep playing these childish games with me?" He asked. I then stopped.

"These aren't games, Seto, and you know it." I replied.

"Then what would you call it?"

"A warning....." I said as she lowered her head in anger.

"Why don't you just go home back to your family...?"

"My family is DEAD, Seto." I said. Something felt sharp that stabbed Kaiba in the stomach when I had said that. "Pegasus' men decided to stop over and kill them just for fun. I tried getting there on time, but when I did manage to arrive there, it was too late. That's another reason why I'm here."


"And there's more to all of this than you think, Seto. A lot worse than you could imagine."

"I'm listening."

"I know you already know that Pegasaus is holding Mokuba prisoner.....but there's more to it."

"I know Pegasaus is going to use Mokuba for KaibaCorps. You don't have to tell me that."

"No, that's not that bad thing. Pegasaus took Mokuba's soul away from his body, just like what he did to Yugi's grandfather..." I said. Kaiba's eyes widened, and then he turned back to me.

"He took his....soul?" He asked.

"And that's not all. You challenge Pegasaus in a duel, and instead of using your new gadget, you end up facing him in a real duel. The only reason why you agreed to duel him in the normal way, is only because he was going to use Mokuba's body to duel you. You don't duel him, and...and...." I began. "You lose.....the duel AND your soul!" Kaiba's eyes widened even farther.

"It was so horrible....feeling this come into my mind like a truck hitting me. That's why I'm here; to help you fight Pegasaus. Sometimes I wonder why I'm even here to help you in the first place, seeing that I shouldn't care and that you're affairs are none of my business....but I'm helping you anyways."

".....People always fight for themselves. You aren't any different. The reason why you're here is because you think you can just come here out of no where and save the day like you did back in the day, am I right? Just so you can keep the 'family' together?"

"You....You're wrong!" Dawn said. "I know that's done with! That has nothing to do with this anyways. I'm just trying to do the right thing...it's what I do."

"I'm sure...." Kaiba said as he began a short, low chuckle. "Always looking out for me....and Mokuba. Trying to be the perfect guardian angel. Well, it's not like we're still little kids, Dawn. I'm older now, and I think now I can handle this situation on my own."

"You're just as stubborn as you ever were." Dawn said. "Why won't you even let me help you? I just don't understand why you keep pushing me away....it's like....you....you hate me." Kaiba looked at her with a rather saddened expression.


"That's it......isn't it?" Dawn asked.


"Geez , where did she go?" Jounouchi asked aloud, as he was trying to make his way through the dark. If anything happened to her, I'd not forgive myself. If Kaiba puts his dirty hands on her....I swear......There's gonna be some bloodshed. "It's just like she's disappeared without a trace...ARGH.......Dawn, where are you?!"


"The moment you took over KaibaCorps and Pegasaus came into the picture of things, was the moment, we were strangers to each other....right?" I continued. "Yes, it may be true that we fought a lot because of the differences we had in the past because of our parents, but even recently, not one single word has come out of you. I care about you and Mokuba... as friends. Nothing more. That's why I just couldn't bare the thought of something bad happening to you both. I worry a lot about you two...seeing how odd you were acting and then all of a sudden, you leave. I...I always felt as if it was my fault for what happened to our rough start......But that's no surprise....seeing how almost everything seems to be my fault....."

"Now you know that's not true.......and you're wrong. It was neve-" Kaiba began to reply, but then he turned away from her. He didn't want to think that she was thinking that he had some kind of feelings for her. But he felt really bad for me....No matter how much he didn't want to show it, he still cared for me.....more than he even thought.

"So then why the ignoring? Why the silent treatment? Why did you distance yourself from me?" I asked, but Kaiba was silent. "WHY, Seto??" Suddenly, Kaiba got really close to me, he hugged me, and that completely threw me off. I could smell the cologne he had put on, and it was just making me feel intoxicated w/ it.

"Forgive me...." Kaiba then said. All of a sudden, I can feel this sharp pain hit my neck. My eyes widened further, to only then close again. That was when my vision became a little bit fuzzy, and before I knew it, I was on the ground, completely numb.

"Seto......." I began in a soft tone, trying to keep myself conscious. "Please.......don't go to Pegasaus' castle.......I.....don't want you to lose......"

"I can't do that. Mokuba's in there and I have a reputation to defend. There's nothing that can be done to change that." Kaiba replied.

"Then let me come with you at least." I said.

"I can't afford to see something happen to you too....."

"Seto....You can't do this alone."

"I have to." Kaiba said. He backed away from me and began to walk away, in the direction of Pegasaus' castle.


"Dawn, if you really care, then you would stay out of it...." Kaiba said as he walked off. "I don't need you right now to be worrying about it. I'll settle this matter myself and return things back to the way they were before any of this ever happened." I watched as he continued to walk until he was out of sight, and then let my head rest on my arm from being so tired to let it hold up. Jounouchi then came out of the bushes and when he noticed that I was on the ground, ran over to me.

"Dawn!" He said. Jounouchi sat me up, and looked down at me. "What happened? Did Kaiba do this to you?"

"Joey...." I managed to say.

"Did he?? I have to know!" Joey asked.

"......." I was silent. Sure, Kaiba did it so he could get on with his own mission, but it's not like he wanted to. "No...I kind of fell when trying to chase after him."

"Here. Let me help you up..." Jounouchi said as he put my arm around his neck to help me keep my balance.

"Thanks, Jounouchi." I replied.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and then turned to the road ahead back to the camp. There was quite an uncomfortable silence between the two of us, and suddenly, I heard Jounouchi clear his throat before he was about to say something.

"Ya know, for hating Kaiba so much, you seemed persistant with him, in what you wanted to tell him....Do ya mind tell me what's going on with that?" He asked.

"I just wanted to warn him of upcoming danger with Pegasus." I replied

"Why would you wanna be concerned about a jerk like that...?"

"Because I have..."


"...........Because he's my fiance...." I managed to say in a low tone, but loud enough for Jounouchi to hear it. His eyes widened in complete shock.

"Y-You're fiance??" He stuttered. "How the heck did THAT happen??"

"It wasn't our decision...It was the both of our parents to decide it....."

"Can't you break off the ties?"

"We've tried...but nothing has worked. Both sides want us to get married..."

"I don't think you should marry him! He's a big jerk and a creep to everyone!"

"Seto...wasn't ALWAYS like this...." I replied. "Back when we were younger, and I had just moved into my new house with my family, I was introduced to Seto and Mokuba. Seto was so kind, and fun. We used to play together all the time. I remember hearing from my parents from the distance saying that we were the cutest 'new' couple, though I had no idea what they were talking about back then. I didn't care either...but one day changed everything for me..."

"What happened...?"

"He and I were playing on the swingset that was in the back of my yard, and all of a sudden, out of no where..............Seto pushed me off the swingset, and made me hit the back of my head against the little house that was next to it on the side. He then turned back to me and gave me the most evilest look I've ever seen, and said 'Get away....' I began to cry and I ran back to my house. I was never so surprised in my whole life to see something like that. I never wanted to talk to him ever again, but then a week later, we both found out that the both of us were going to be engaged to each other. That just made a lot more angerier than before. Ever since then, he and I have been arguing ever since, unable to see eye to eye with each other."

".....But that doesn't make sense...." Jounouchi said, trying to think this through. "WHY did he push you?"

"I don't know...And I don't wanna know. I could only imagine it was because he was trying to get a good laugh out of it. But even though, after all these years....." I said, but then I stopped myself to not say anymore.

"I just can't see it...." Jounouchi said, shaking his head. She can't be engaged to that CREEP! It's inhumane for her! Finally, Both Jounouchi and I had returned back to the campsite, where Yugi and the others were waiting for us, sitting by a fire.

"Dawn! Jounouchi! Good to see you guys come back safely." Yugi said as he stood up.

"We thought that you two got lost." Bakura added. I gave them a timid smile.

"Nah, everythin's cool." Jounouchi said.

"What happened to Kaiba? Did you lose him?" Anzu asked.

"Yeah. He left." I said in her soft tone.

"Why did you even go after him in the first place?" Yugi asked. "Was he the duelist you were looking for?"

"Yeah....I needed to talk to him about something important."

"Were you able to tell him?" Hiroto asked.

"Yes." I said as she sat down by the others. Now, whether he decides to use that piece of info or not is up to him...I just hope he makes the right choice, I thought. Jounouchi was silent, and then began to walk over to behind the tent. Angered over the situation, seeing is how Kaiba can manage to take everything away, even the one girl he has TRULY liked...even when he was a kid. The bastard doesn't see what a great girl he has for a fiance....and he's throwing her away like she was a newspaper, he thought.

"Jounouchi, where are you goin'?" Anzu asked.

"I'm a little tired. I need some sleep. G'night everyone." He said and with that, he was out of sight. Everyone was silent.

"Jounouchi is acting a little weird...." Yugi said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. He doesn't usually do that." Hiroto said. "It's not like him."

"Maybe he's sick." Anzu said.

"No, that's not it." I said. Everyone turned to me.

"Did...something happen between you and Jounouchi?" Bakura asked.

"No...nothing happened at all." I said. "I think it's what Jounouchi HEARD, is what he's mad at."

"What did he see?" Yugi asked.

"He heard about my story about me and Seto." Dawn said. Everyone looked at me with a more eager look.

"Which was....?" Hiroto asked.

"....Me and Seto are engaged." I said in a low tone once again. I could have sworn that everyone's mouth dropped. I then looked away at the sky.

"Y, you're engaged to him??" Yugi asked.

"Well, for the record, It was arranged by our parents; so neither one of us want to marry each other."

"I don't believe that!" Hiroto said, smacking his forehead. "I don't see how you can be paired up to a guy like THAT."

"......" I replied.

"Do you even LIKE him, Dawn?" Anzu asked.

"Of course I don't! He's thoughtless, and sometimes rude...and just is a pain in the butt." I responded quickly.

"Hey! Some of us are tryin' to sleep! Why don' the rest of you go to bed too?!" Jounouchi said, not wanting to hear anymore, while he tried to sleep, and block out the things that were being said.

"Yeah. Jounouchi's right...We all better get some sleep." Yugi said. "We all have another big day ahead of us."

"Are you staying with us, Dawn?" Anzu asked.

"....I guess I don't have a choice." I shrugged.

"You're welcome to stay with us, Dawn." Bakura smiled. I nodded in understandment, and with that everyone went to sleep, while I could think nothing but the dreadful thoughts of what could was going to happen to Kaiba.