Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ Horror Strikes into Dawn's Eyes ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

OKAY....chapter 2 is now up! Whee! For some odd reason, some of these events feel like they're happening too soon, so when I get the chance, I'm going to redo some of this fic. But you still have to read, since you all have been waiting so patiently to read this! So, please don't badger me if you think this is all too soon...but now that I think about it, this might be longer than some of you might expect with a few "surprises"....So keep reading and stay on the watch for the new chapters that come in!


Tha t confidence....I thought to myself. No matter how much he thinks he's going to win, you can't change your future THAT way....Even with that knowledge, He doesn't have a real stradegy as to avoiding it. He will lose...Oh, Seto...why do you have to be so stubborn? I have to go there. I'll see Pegasus myself, and see to it that this madness be put to an end. And with that, I got up. I looked around to see that everyone was still sleeping. Hoping that I wouldn't wake anyone up, she made herself disappear. Jounouchi's eyes were halfway open when he saw me leaving, and once I left, he got up and began to wake everyone else up.

"Guys! Hey! Wake up!" He said as he began to shake everyone.

"What's the matter, Jounouchi....?" Bakura asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Dawn is gone. I think she went to go see Pegasus..."

"What?! Why??" Anzu asked.

"My guess is to get there before Kaiba does....She knows something that we don't. Let's go there and try to find her!" Yugi said. Everyone got up and began to run towards Pegasus' castle.


Pega sus was sipping his wine as he was finishing up his dinner, and all of a sudden, the glass from the windows began to shatter one by one. The guards began to run around, surprised from the attack that was coming.

"Isn't it always the problem....?" Pegasus said, feeling a bit annoyed. "You sit down to a good meal, and company shows...." The smoke cleared away to reveal my presence, while Pegasus crossed his arms.

"Well, if it isn't smoky the babe..." He said. "Good entrance, hun, but I think it was a little over the top. You practically had my guards running."

"Good." I said. "That's exactly how I wanted it so I can talk to you."

"What do you want to talk about that's so important to ruin MY dinner?"

"It's about Kaiba." I began. "I saw what you did to him in the future, and I'm here to make it stop."

"What did you see exactly?"

"You dueled him and you took his soul because he lost, that's what! Along with Mokuba's!"

"......You are good, Dawn. That's what I was planning to do from the start. I need him out of the way so I can have little Yugi get into the castle, and allow me to duel him. "

"You're sick! How can you play with people's lives like that?"

"It's easy...and quite fun." Pegasus replied casually. "For one that SEEMS to hate Seto Kaiba, you sure must love him enough to come here, confront me, and attempt to take me on for his sake."

"I'm not doing it for him!" I snapped. "I'm doing this for Mokuba. He's like a little brother to me, and I also can't stand anything happening to him! I'm just killing two birds with one stone. By saving Mokuba, I save Kaiba as well."

"Oh, you'll save them....but the question would be, for how long will they REMAIN safe?" Pegasus said. "You see...Even if u did successfully freed Mokuba, and prevented Kaiba from coming here, there is a such thing as a second or third plan."

"Monster....." I said in a low, angry tone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Kaiba was close to getting inside Pegasus' castle, when suddenly he saw that all the glass from the windows shattered open. He jumped out of the way so he wouldn't get hit by the glass.

"What the hell was that??" Kaiba asked. He then realized it could have been me, going to attack Pegasus. She wouldn't....he thought to himself. DAMMIT, DAWN!! And with that, Kaiba ran towards the entrance of the castle. When he arrived there, he noticed that there wasn't any guards there to guard the door. They must have all gone inside to get Dawn, Kaiba thought. I have to hurry!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

"I'd be willing to make a deal with you that would help save Kaiba-boy and Mokuba's life if your interested." Pegasus said in his evil tone.

"...What kind of a deal?" I asked.

"For their safety, you must give up your powers of the Millennium Heart."

"My....Millennium Heart?"

"Yes, Dawn. That Millennium item of yours is quite the attraction these days, aside from little Yugi's Puzzle. It's definitely something no one would want to overlook."

"I can't give this up! My mother gave it to me when I was very young...it wouldn't be right. Besides, what good will it do you since I am the only one who can have it? Even you, with your Millennium Eye can't touch it."

"Then I can't ensure the safety of your lover and his little brother."

"Lov-? Don't be RIDICULOUS!" I asked.

"I know all these things. I can look into your soul and I can see many things that had happened between you and Kaiba-boy......so much love between the two of you, and yet.....so much pain the both of you have gone through."

"You're lying! Besides, that is NONE of your concern. You're concern right now is YOUR life."

"Is that a threat?"

"You better believe it to be." I said. "And I'm a lot stronger than what I just demonstrated."

"You think you can just beat me with pure strength?" Pegasus asked.

"I don't just think it....I KNOW it." I replied. "I don't need much for the likes of you, in order to take you out." Just then, a huge group of guards came by and surrounded me in a circle.

"If you're willing to try to get through all of my guards, and then to me, go right ahead and be my guest. But the moment you move is the moment they start shooting. And believe me they won't hesitate when I tell them to." I looked around, seeing that there was no where for me to go. Even if I wanted to performed a high level of magic, I wouldn't be able to get them all in just one shot.

"DAWN!" A familiar voice shouted. I turned around to hear that it was Kaiba, trying to get in through the door, but it was locked. I then could hear him trying to break it open, using his shoulder with all his might. It wasn't working. He finally got fed up with it and kicked the door down. When he got in, half of the guards pointed their guns at him, not allowing him to move an inch further.

"Seto Kaiba...How nice of you to drop in." Pegasus began. "You're just in time to see the last moments of your deal beloved."

"No..." Kaiba said in a low, shocked tone.

"I'm sorry...." Dawn said in an equal low tone as his. Kaiba then looked around.

"Great mess you got yourself in, Dawn." He scoffed. I then gave him a glare in anger.

"Pegasus...What are you going to do with Dawn?" Kaiba then said, turning to Pegasus.

"It really shouldn't be any of your concern....besides, you'll probably going to end up the same way as she will." Pegasus replied. I've gotta think of something to save Dawn...but what? Kaiba thought.

"Pegasus, Take my advice: You don't want to kill Dawn." He said. I turned to him, not believing that he's standing up for me.

"Why do you say that?"

"She's got no figure, she's as delicate as a brick, she's coordinated as a WHALE, she's lead in water, and she's a COMPLETE TOMBOY!" He rambled. "Compared to her, I'm the better pers-!" As he continued his rant of insults, I just began to get more disgusted with him, and then I threw a chair at him. It slammed into his face.

"And for a second I thought that you actually were CARING for my well-being! You're sucha jerk!" I shouted at him, while everyone else just stood there with a sweatdrop.

"And who are you to talk?? Acting like you're just this BIG hero, and always doing that saving thing....I think you LIKE to cause trouble, just so you can just save other people...OR EVEN TRY...Geez...It's like you go looking for it-!" Kaiba replied, and then I threw the whole table at him. I was beyond ticked.

"God, I can't stand you! You got this super BIG MOUTH that you can NEVER control! I just shouldn't even bother to try to save your little brother OR you!!" I shouted.

"Now this is an interesting situation to be in." Pegasus began. "Here we have the ex-best duelist in the world, here to save his baby brother, and then we have his fiance, the super-strong-willed woman that packs a ton of a punch. Which one should I eliminate first? The one who seems to be more the nuisance? OR should it be the one I want to see go first? Decisions, decisions...." Pegasus said, crossing his arms. Both Kaiba and myself both had angry looks on our faces. We were both silent after a small fight, trying to think of the best way to get out of this...

"Take me first if you're going to shoot someone...." Kaiba said suddenly. I then turned looked back at him in surprise.

"No, Seto! Mokuba needs you! You can't leave him alone!" I said.

"He'll have you.....I don't mind, as long as you can get out of here first, and save him. I would be willing to sacrifice myself...." Kaiba said. For the both of you...he thought.

"Seto, you can't!"


"Who a! Dat explosion was huge!" Hiroto said as the group continued running.

"That must mean that Dawn is already there..." Bakura replied. "And it also means that we don't have that much time left."

"Let's hurry then!" Yugi said. Dawn, please let nothin' bad happen to ya, Jounouchi thought in his mind as he continued his mad dash for the castle.


"This isn't open for discussion!" Seto snapped.

".....You....you...can't! I can't stand the fact of Mokuba growing up without his big brother! He's already lost his parents...he'll be alone without you! I don't want to see him alone!" I said. Pegaus was silent during our whole conversation. He was completely unamused by the over-dramatic sequence that was taking place.

"This is getting to be all so boring....." He said and with that, he snapped his fingers to have a couple guards shoot Kaiba. Three bullets hit him twice in the chest and the other one in the hip. My eyes widened in fear, watching as Kaiba's eyes became blank. He wobbled a little, trying to keep his balance...and then he finally fell to the ground....

"NO--O!" I shouted as I ran towards him. I slid down to her knees to go to his aid. "Seto! Hold on! Please don't die!"

".....Dawn.....please.....save...mokuba........." Seto said, barely able to speak the words. And with that, Seto was gone. My eyes filled with tears and I buried my head into his chest, beginning to cry.

"SETO! SETO! PLEASE.....!" I bawled out. "Please don't leave us...Please.....!" Dawn, release me! Release that anger and hatred towards your enemy! The voice shouted. My eyes began to widen. I held myelf, feeling great deal of pain. There it is again....! That feeling! I thought. Stop....It feels like needles prickling everywhere....! Suddenly my eyes turned a bright white light, while, the room was exposed to another bright light. Everyone that was standing in that room was thrown back into a wall, hard. It was hard for them to move.

"Don't act like weaklings! Shoot her!!" Pegasus shouted. The guards did what they were told, trying to get their guns to point at me. When they tried shooting at her, it just went through. I was invisible.


" It's this way!" Bakura said, using his millennium item to lead them around the castle. They finally arrived at the door that led to Kaiba and me. But there was streams of bright lights coming through the door.

"What's going on in there??" Yugi asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, we're going to get past it to get to Dawn!" Jounouchi said. He went ahead of Bakura and opened the doors up to only be blinded by the light. When his eyes were able to adjust to them, he looked to see that the possessed I was floating in the air, destroying all of the property that was in the room. Pegasus and his guards were being thrown around, everything ripping apart.

"Is that--?! DAWN??" Anzu asked.

"It is! Dawn!" Jounouchi shouted to me but there was no answer. He began to walk over to me but then he noticed that he was getting cut up really badly from the power that I was generating. It made it harder for him to get closer to me.

"Incredible....!" Bakura said in a low tone. "If she has manifested THIS much power of her millennium item, then the blood that flows through that and hers are now one in the same!"

"Yes, but that power is going to destroy everything if we don't do something about it!" Yugi said. Jounouchi fell to one knee, unable to keep his balance from the immense power I was providing. She must be under some kind of trance...but what can I do? Something had to be done.

"Dawn...!" Jounouchi shouted. "DAWN! WAKE U---P! YOU'RE HURTING PEOPLE!!!!" He used all his might to jump up and grabbed me. My eyes faltered back to my original color when I heard Jounouchi's voice. The rest of my body became weak and fainted from overusing my powers in a small amount of time. Jounouchi landed on his feet, with me in his arms. My clothes were practically gone from the intensity of the power. Only small threads remained on me. Jounouchi then took off his jacket and placed it over me.

"Dawn...." He said in a soft tone. "You're not an ordinary girl....not by a long-shot....."

"It seems that Pegasus and his henchman slipped out when Dawn stopped using her powers..." Bakura said, looking around the room.

"Well, we better get outta here....Who knows how much damage Dawn as caused....and I'd rather not take the chance of this place being unstable." Yugi said. The rest of the group nodded and the ran out of the castle as far as they could.

"Hold her tight, Joey, so she doesn't fall!" Anzu said as they continued to run.

"W-well, I am holding onto her...(but am I allowed to hold onto her tightly?)" Joey replied.


A light....I thought to herself. The light was streaming in through a window and was getting mer in the eyes. God, that light is bothering me....I then slowly opened my eyes to see a figure watching me. It was still kind of blurry, but once my vision was able to clear up, my eyes widened in surprise.

"Seto....?" I said in a soft tone. My eyes opened to realize what I had just saw. It was in fact Kaiba himself. "Oh my goodness..... Seto, is that really you?" I tried to get up from her bed but then he put his hand on my shoulder and his finger up to his lips.

"Shh...you need to relax." He said. Am I dreaming? I thought to herself. Or have I BEEN dreaming? I looked around and noticed that I was in my own room.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You collapsed on the softball field for no aparent reason. You've been out of it for a while now....The doctors said it was nothing more than anemia."

"That would explain the long dream...." I said in a soft tone.

"Long dream?" Seto asked.

"Yeah...it was a scary dream, so sad....All this blood and destruction. I remember meeting some people that I had no clue where they came from.......And I remember at the end....this guy named Pegasus and his guards shot you...and...and you died....It was all so horrible..." I said as I put my head against my knees.

"It's okay, Dawn. It was just a dream....like you said." Kaiba said. I stared into his pretty blue eyes.

"I'm glad it was just a dream...I didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone.....Youa and Mokuba are like my second family....." She said.

"But a little different." Kaiba replied.

"?" I was a little confused on how he meant that. He then close his eyes and kissed me on the lips! Amazingly I kissed him back, with my eyes closed. When I opened my eyes, it was not Kaiba who I saw. I slowly opened my eyes to find that Jounouchi was looking at me. My eyes widened up fast.

"Eyah!" I shouted as I slapped Jounouchi in the face. I moved away from him, backing away as fast as I could. Jounouchi was on the ground, holding his cheek. I looked down at myself to see that I had nothing covering myself except for Hiroto's trenchcoat!

"What da hell was dat for?!" He asked.

"You were trying to take advantage of me!!!" I accused.

"Take ADVANTAGE of you?! Why would I wanna do dat??"

"I don't know!! But you were right on top of me!"

"Whoa, slow down Dawn." Yugi said as he walked up to the both of us. "Jounouchi just came over to check on you, to see if you were all right. You just happened to wake up at the wrong time." I then looked at the rather ticked Jounouchi.

"I'm sorry Jounouchi...I didn't mean to slap and accuse you like that..." I said.

"Hmph....Dat's okay....I guess it did seem kinda odd....." He said. I looked down at myself.

"What...happened? Where are my clothes?" I asked.

"Don't you remember what happened?" Anzu asked, walking up to us with Hiroto and Bakura from behind.

"I only remember up to when I was surrounded by Pegasus' guards with Seto...And...and then they shot him......That's when everything went blank." I turned my head away from everyone, trying not to show my tears that were about to fall. Everyone's face had a surprised reaction on them, not believing what they just heard.

"So....Kaiba is really gone....." Anzu said, feeling like she was going to cry.

"Yeah....even though he was a big jerk....he didn't deserve that.." Jounouchi added. The group became quiet after that.

"........Dawn?" Yugi began, breaking the silence. "You said after Kaiba....died....you don't remember anything?"

"That's right...." I replied.

"So that means....you don't remember the destruction that you caused to Pegasus' castle?"

"Destruction....? What destruction?"

"See for yourself." Yugi said as he pointed into the far-off distance, where some of the castle tried to remain standing. My eyes widened in surprise.

"You definitely gave Pegasus and his men some challenges and put on quite the show." Bakura said.

"I....I did THAT???" I said, in shock.

"Yes....we're not quite sure how you did it, but you did." Bakura answered.

"What are you going to do now, Dawn?" Anzu asked.

"Well, now all I have left is Mokuba...." I said. "I at least have to get him back or.....or.........."

"Don't worry, Dawn..." Jounouchi said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "We'll help you bring back Mokuba...."