Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Duelist's Souls ❯ Chapter 2: Isis and Kuro Explain ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
KS: Here it is- Chapter 2!!! Read and review people or Kuro and her attitude will come after you... MWAHAHAHA!!!

Alex: Excuse her, she forgot to take her medication. Sorry its short, it happens to be one in the morning.


Chapter 2: Isis and Kuro Explain

"Ummmm....." Shadow and Alex stated together.

"Hey, Shadow! You haven't change a bit," Kuro stated, wrapping her in a warm embrace.

Alex let her mouth hang open and Isis shook her head, murmurring under her breath about how she needed to knoc Kuro out. When Kuro let go, Shadow went, "Do I know you?"

Isis bowed from the waist to Alex and said, sweetly, "An honor to see you again, Princess." Kuro rolled her eyes, when Shadow looked over at her.

"Where are we and why are we here?" Shadow asked, staring at them.

"Where in the Shadow Realm, I think it was named after you as a matter of fact, Shadow. Don't worry, its not a bad thing," Kuro stated, smiling slightly. "And you're here because the world needs you."

"Yes, thanks to Alexandra putting the pieces together you summoned us from the cards," Isis agreed.

"Wait... You don't look like you from the card, Kuro," Shadow said.

"Yeah, thats because that dumbass Pegasus didn't know what I looked like and gave me blue hair," Kuro grumbbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes, well appearances aren't everything," Isis stated.

"I know that," Kuro snapped.

"I'm still confused," Alex stated and Shadow modded her head in agreement.

"You're a princess, the sister of the pharoah. The spirit of her resides in your puzzle," Isis said to Alex and then turned to Shadow. "And you're their guardian. I'm sorry to say that she died in the process of this. The Shadow realm is hers created so that monsters will stay in and there was always a place for lost souls to grow. Unfortunatley, for every soul sent here it can grow stronger and Millennium Item owners like to take advantage of that."

"Nice to know I died creating something horrible," Shadow muttered.

"Its not really that bad," Kuro stated, as if trying to make her feel better, but she saw Isis giving her that look that said it-might-have-been-better-off-if-she-hadn't-created-it. But Kuro just glared right back.

"You need to protect the Pharoah," Isis stated, getting back on track. "You need to make sure nothing happens to the Millennium Items, they cannot fall into the wrong hands. We have to be going."


But it was too late for any buts, they were no longer in the Shadow Realm. They were in Shadow's house. "Great. My life is just great," Shadow stated.


Blue pleated skirts, white knee socks, brown shoes, pink jackets, white blouses, blue bows on their chests, and blue scrunchies. Those were the uniforms Alex and Shadow had to wear to Domino High on Monday. Along with the gold pyramid and black rimmed glasses for Alex, and the gold Millennium Item for Shadow.

"I look like an idiot," Alex stated as she sat into the seat next to Shadow. Shadow was about to reply when she say a short kid with tri-colored hair and a pyramid resembling Alex's. Obviously, Alex had saw it to because the next words out of her mouth were: "Oh my god."

"Class, class! Please sit down we have two new students today," the teacher said. "Could you please state your name? I want to make sure I have this right. And stand up and speak loudly so the whole class can hear."

Shadow stood. The second she did there was a lot of whistling and clapping, and murmurring. "My name is Shadowena Tokoro, but please call me Shadow."

She glared back at everyone as Alex stood up, if they started anything she'd be on them faster than the spped of light. "My name is Alexandra Yuuki. But you can calle me Alex."

People were clapping as she sat down and then a shout: "We've got hot girls, finally!!!"


KS: In case your wondering, their last names represent something. Tokoro is Japanese for place, which you could take as the Shadow Place or Shadow Realm, which will probably haunt her. Until she discoveries what made her make that in the past. Alex's on the other hand is Japanese for courage, something Alex feels she is not. She depends on Shadow and she will until she gets her past.