Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Everybody Hates Leon ❯ That Guy With the Funny Hair ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Just a few more chapters...just a few more...(DIES)

Ahem...anyway...I hope I got the sequence of events in the Grand Prix right. Some stuff may be changed slightly, but it’s not like Melissa is going to barge into the middle of all the important duels.

Disclaimer: Y’all know the drill. I don’t own Yu Gi Oh.


It was almost time for the park to close for the night.

I hoped Leon would come back soon. Otherwise, being the embarrassing parental unit I was, I would have him paged over the intercom system.

But thankfully I didn’t have to resort to that. Leon showed up around the time he was supposed to.

There was no need to ask if he had a good time, because it was obvious he had. He was in full chatterbox mode.

“Wow, a lot of fun stuff sure happened! We went on a lot of rides, and I made a lot of friends, and I got to meet Yugi Mutou, and...”

I was drawing a blank at that last part.

“Uh,” I said VERY intelligently, “Yugi who-now?”

Leon was in total shock.

“You mean you haven’t heard of Yugi Mutou?” he exclaimed.

The name sure didn’t ring a bell, and I said so.

“But EVERYONE’S heard of Yugi! He’s really famous! And he’s really nice, too; you’d like him!”

And with that, he flashed an autographed picture of this mystery person whom I should have apparently heard about long ago.

Oh yeah, HIM! I had seen a poster of him in Leon’s room and laughed at his hair for a good five minutes. But I hadn’t heard his name before.

Speaking of hair...

“Leon,” I said, “You need a haircut.”
He protested at this. Apparently, it was one of his superstitions that he would get bad luck if he cut his hair during a winning streak.

“And besides,” he rationalized, “This is nothing compared to Zigfried’s hair.”

Well, he had a point there. But I wasn’t done complaining yet.

“Can you at least wear a different outfit tomorrow? Or at least put on a T-shirt? I thought I told you that long shirts and shorts don’t go together!”

But he was no more willing to obey this. As he said it, this was his “lucky” outfit.

Then, Leon abruptly looked at his watch.

“Oh man, we’re going to be late for the party! We have to move!”

Once again, I was out of the loop. I had heard nothing about any party, but I figured that it couldn’t be harmful as long as he let me come and supervise him.

Leon agreed to this on one condition.

“You have to pretend you don’t know me. Zigfried wants people to think that I don’t have any family with me.”

I didn’t like this, but I had no time to argue. Apparently, the party started in half an hour.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------

After a dash across the park and a short train ride, we had arrived at the “Hotel Kaiba”.

This Kaiba guy sure liked naming things after himself, didn’t he?

I had to wait to enter the lobby until five minutes after Leon walked in, so people wouldn’t figure out that we knew each other.

Part of me just wanted to walk in with him anyway. However, I also didn’t want to get on Zigfried’s bad side.

I did vow to keep my eyes on Leon from a distance.

When I finally did walk in, I found myself at a very upper-class party. There were TV cameras rolling and everything!

I felt slightly out of place in my jeans and T-shirt, but no one seemed to notice me. All the attention was on the guests of honor.

I started to wonder just what kinds of drugs some of these people were on. What, were they celebrating Halloween early?

There was a guy in a doctor uniform, a detective guy, some weirdo who reminded me somewhat of Tarzan, and even a boy who was apparently dressed up as Harry Potter.

There were even weirder costumes yet, but I didn’t have time to look at them. For who should walk into the room just then than Zigfried himself!

Zigfried didn’t seem to notice me or Leon. He was involved in a dispute with someone named Seto Kaiba.

So THAT was the elusive Kaiba! I had expected him to be a lot older.

Had I met him before? He looked a bit familiar.

But, yet again, my thoughts were interrupted as the lights dimmed, a guy made a few introductory remarks, and...


Where was my camera when I needed it?

I was tempted to not pay attention to the other people being introduced, since everybody should know Leon was the only important one! However, I couldn’t help but see who Leon might be up against.

There were about ten people in funny costumes, a woman who looked like the sluttish type, a girl about Leon’s age, a teenager, and old guy, and Zigfried himself.

Then the attention was focused on that Yugi guy with the funny hair. I had to clap my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing at the hair again.

I heard Yugi talking with the teenager in what sounded like Japanese.

And then the party wrapped up, and it was time for Leon and I to go to our hotel room.

Well, technically it was HIS hotel room, but he said he would let me “camp out” in it, since there were two beds.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------

It was two AM.

I had been asleep for a while, but went up to get a drink of water.

I expected to see Leon fast asleep in the other bed. Instead, he was sitting at the table, looking over the cards in his deck and muttering things under his breath.

I walked over and told him to go to bed.

“But this is important!” he protested.

“I don’t care. You need your sleep. How can you do your best tomorrow if you’re dead on your feet?”

Leon mumbled something slightly rebelliously, but got into bed anyway.

He was so tired, he fell asleep before he could even switch off the light.

I got back into my own bed. Tomorrow would be a big day!

A/N: I had episode summaries up in a separate window while writing this chapter, so I think I got all the canon events close enough to correct.