Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ From Hatred Comes Love ❯ Seto and Teji's Love ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own yu-gi-oh but I do own Teji and Sogio.

WARNING: This has a lemon! If you don’t like it don’t read it plez J

Chapter 10: Seto and Teji’s love


“Sogio?” Teji yells up the stairs to her brother.
“Yeah sis?”
“I’m leaving to go see Kaiba, I don’t know what time I’ll
get back.”
“OK Teji. See you later!”
With that Teji got into her favorite red car and drove to Kaiba mansion. She arrives at 7:00 sharp. She parks her car and walks up to the door.
Knock, knock, knock. She stands there impatiently.
“Hello, welcome. Master Kaiba has been expecting you. He told me to send you up to his room.”
“Anytime. Go up the steps and its your first door on the right. His name is on the door, so you should be able to find it.”
With a nod Teji walks up stares. She gets to the door, it has a blue dragon on it. She knocks lightly on it.
“Come in.”
Kaiba sounds in a good mood. Teji opens the door and closes it behind her. She looks up and sees Kaiba has no shirt on.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Teji turns away as she begins to blush rapidly.
“It’s OK, I have pants on. You can look.”
Teji still bright red, turns around to see Kaiba standing there in pants with out a shirt on, trying to put a new bandage on his broken ribs. Teji walks up to Kaiba, “Let me help.” She takes the bandage from Seto. And begins tying up his cuts. Teji is almost done when the stitches start to bleed. Teji looks to the floor while tears form in her eyes.
Kaiba looks down at her. (She is kneeling on the floor, Seto is standing up.) “What’s wrong Teji?”
“Its just… I hate seeing you hurt.”
“It doesn’t really hurt that bad.”
“But, even if you’re not in pain your body is, and it’s my fault!”
Kaiba just stares at her. “How can you be so kind to me? And care so much about me? All I have done is cause pain to you. You even said so…”
“When did I say that?”
“Last night, when the nurse let you stay. You were telling me about yourself and what I had done to you, and how you felt towards me at school.”
“You heard that? I thought you were sleeping, other wise I’d have never said anything…”
“But, I’m glad you did. Every time I tried to sleep all I could see was you, and what I had done. Even in the car be for I crashed… People say there life pass be for there eyes, well you passed be for mine.”
Teji just sat there staring at Kaiba. She finally broke away from his stare and began fixing up the cuts. She had one more wrap to go, but the bandage didn’t seem to care. A stream of blood came from the cut and onto Teji’s hand.( Teji had only a short sleeve shirt because she took her jacket off when she was going to clean the wounds.)
She watched it slid smoothly down her arm until it came a few inches from her sleeve, that’s when it went around her arm and dripped off. This happened a few times until the last time it happened, she
licked the blood be for it could fall. Then she finished bandaging Kaiba up.
Kaiba had a weird look on his face when he saw Teji lick the blood. He kept thinking to himself. Why did she do that? Was it to prove a point or something?
Teji put her hand on Kaiba’s stomach (Which was a six pack). She looked up at him. “Is that better? Or is it too tight?”
He looked at her for a moment, “It’s perfect.”
Seto gave a small sigh be for he spoke, “I’m so sorry for everything I put you through. I knew it was wrong, but I liked you ever since I first met you. I thought you might not like me, so I forced you to like me. It seemed like a smart thing at the time... I was just scared you wouldn’t like me, not that that makes what I did ok... I never felt this way towards anyone ever be for. I’m so sorry. I know these are just excuses, but please try to forgive me. I Love you Teji!”
“I forgive you. How couldn’t I?”
“You shouldn’t, you deserve better…”
“But don’t you see? You are the one I want.”
Kaiba now stood right next to Teji. He leaned over and began sucking on Teji’s neck. She took a deep breath in, in a scared type of way. He stopped immediately, “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have.”
After a long pause, Teji looked at Kaiba. “No, it’s ok Kaiba.”
“Please, call me Seto. Kaiba is my business name.”
Teji nodded.
Still Seto stood there in sock not believing after all he has done, she
still wanted a kiss from him. Teji leaned close to Seto’s ear. “I love you.”
Teji began kissing Seto’s neck. Kaiba still in shock just looked at her. A moment later he said, “I love you too.”
With that they began kissing. Deep passionate kisses, that only you’d give your true love. They started out small, but good. Then got to the long deeper kisses. If you were to look at them you’d see true love. A love so true, that you could cry watching.
Slowly, Seto leaned away from Teji. She looked up at him. He had his warm eyes back, the ones she fell in love with.
Seto looked into Teji’s eyes She is so beautiful…How did I ever get this lucky? I should have done this first not the other thing…Teji, your eyes, they change. Be for, when well you know, when I use to make you...Well you got a look like you were lost in sadness. Or lost in a nightmare. I use to think of that as your gray eyes because you looked so sad. Not now though, your eyes look bright and green like fresh grass on a warm summer day.
Teji smiled at Seto.
Seto knew what she meant, when they use to just talk, he had a funny feeling but didn’t know what it meant. Much like he was feeling now. That must of shone through his eyes…
Seto gave Teji a snuggle type of hug, and Teji began licking Seto’s neck again.
A huge smile came to his face. “I love you.” He whispered again
to Teji.
“And I love you.”
Slowly they made there way to Seto’s bed. Once right next to it they sat down, not breaking the kiss. Kaiba removed Teji’s shirt and pants, while Teji undid Seto’s pants.
They both sat there kissing in there under garments. Seto once again broke the kiss. “Are you sure you are ready for this?”
“Do you want to do this Seto?”
“Yes of course, but I don’t want to pressure you…”
“As long as you want to, I want to too. Seto, I love you and I want to show you I do. But, only if you let me, and want me to.”
“Yes, I do. I’ve wanted to show my love towards you the first day we met, I didn’t know how to and everything got all messed up. Just because I didn’t want to admit I had feelings for someone. That just by looking at them, it made me melt inside.”
“I felt the same way, and still do. Kaiba, you are the only one I ever did this with, and I want you to be the last.”
“ I want to be the last.”
With that, Seto gave Teji a rain full of kisses all over her face. They were both in heaven.
Teji took Kaiba’s hand and put it on her bra in back where it clipped together. Seto immediately got the hint and un did the clasp. Even though Seto had seen her be for ( not by her choice) it was still like the first time though, because she wanted it now, and so did he.
Slowly he slid the bra off and it dropped to the floor. Seto go a big smile across his face. “You like Seto?”
Still smiling, he nodded. Kaiba is so cute when he got his
goo-goo look. Damn is he hot! Teji thought.
He slowly took of Teji’s under where, and really began smiling. At the same time, Teji was working on Kaiba’s boxers.
Once she finally freed Kaiba’s junior, Seto pined her down. Kaiba now on top, began kiss Teji. Then slowly he began kissing his way to Teji’s neck and gave it a few licks be for going down to her breasts.
He went to the first one, be for he did anything he looked up a Teji, who returned the look with a huge smile. Seto went back to
what he was doing.
He licked around the nipple then began sucking it. Softly, so soft it felt like an angle was kissing her. He kissed across to the other and did the same thing. This was quite pleasurable for Teji, which she expressed with a soft moan.
This made Seto more happy, to here the pleasure of his love, and he the one making such pleasure for her.
Kaiba licked his way down to the lower part of Teji. He lick around it for a while then in it.
Kaiba then decided it was time to go inside Teji. He went in once to here a soft moan in return. He did this a few times, slowly with the same result. But, this didn’t satisfy him.
Teji’s eyes were closed, and he had to be sure she was enjoying this. “Teji, open your eyes.” Seto whispered.
Hearing his wishes, Teji opened her eyes to find Kaiba looking at her. Seto then smiled. Teji had a look in her eyes, a burning look of passion, as did Seto.
With this he was pleased and began going inside Teji. Slowly, then quicker and quicker. Teji’s soft moans became ones of loud passionate
sounds. Seto even began to give small moans that got louder.
The feeling of being in side Teji was a feeling that could not be described.
But, it wasn’t as good as Teji felt. She loved the feeling of Seto inside her.
It hurt at first, but the pain was bearable knowing the pleasure Seto was getting from this action.
Seto gave Teji a orgasm (her first one). That must have been the best part of it for both of them, because shortly after, Seto’s orgasm kicked in. Just as big and just as needy as Teji’s.
He only stopped when he ran out of breath. He slid back by Teji panting. They both were from all the excitement and thrill.
Now Teji got on Seto. She stared it off with a lick on the neck. She then licked her way to Seto’s chest, which she didn’t pass until she ether kissed of licked every inch of it.
She moved her way down to Seto’s junior. She licked around it a little then took the tip near her moth and breathed warm air on it. This made Kaiba get very impatient. He was practically begging her
to get it over with.
Finally, after she tortured Seto enough with the wait, she put the whole thing in her mouth, sucking and licking. Kaiba loved this feeling almost as much as being inside Teji.
It went on like this back and forth for a few hours until it was 1:00 A.M.
Teji laid down next to Seto, both of them out of breath. He laid on his back, and Teji put her arm around him and rested her head on this chest.
Seto was always so warm and comfortable to lay on. Shortly after Teji fell asleep, and soon Kaiba joined her in slumber.
5:00 in the morning Teji woke. She tried to sit up but was stopped by Seto’s arm. She smiled to her self, Seto was still asleep. She laid down remembering the night be for.
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