Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ From Hatred Comes Love ❯ It's Over ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-gi-oh!

Note: Sexual theme

Chapter 15: It’s Over


Only a hour until Ryou comes. Why am I so excited? Oh well just get it out of my system and I’ll be good.


Knock, Knock, knock. “Coming.”
Kaiba opens the door. “Hey Kaiba.”
“Hello Ryou, come in.”
Ryou walks in the mansion. “Nice house, its huge!”
“Yeah I guess it’s ok.”
“Are you kidding me? I didn’t know you lived here!”
“You think this is impressive, follow me.”
Kaiba took Ryou around back to a giant set of wooden doors. They walked through them to a beautiful garden. “This,” Kaiba explained, is my favorite place off all.”
Kaiba gave Ryou a tour of the garden there were trees of all sorts, and tones of fruit and vegetable growing plants. There were also lots of flowers of all sorts. Not to mention lots of statues of the Legendary blue dragon. This was Kaiba’s favorite, he explained.
“… and over there, is a Olympic sized swimming pool.”
“Wow, it’s huge. Hey Kaiba?”
“What’s that over there in the pool?”
“Oh, that’s my water pool table, Mokuba designed it. But, don’t worry. There is another pool table a few feet away from it on land.”
“What’s wrong with that one?”
“Well, nothing I just figured you wouldn’t want to get wet.”
“And if I do?”
“We can use that one if you’d like.”
Do you mind, Kaiba? Its so warm out here anyways…”
“Fine. Do you need a pair of swimming trunks?”
“Na, I can go in these.” Ryou striped down into his boxers. Damn he looks so hot! Try not to look, just try not to look.
“You ok there Kaiba? You look pale, you don’t mind do
“No, its ok. I’ll just go in mine too, so you don’t have to wait.”
Kaiba quickly undressed to everything but his boxers. Why did I tell Ryou about the garden, not even Teji knows…
A half hour passed and still no one won. “Hey Kaiba, how would you feel making a little bet?”
“What kind?”
“Lets say if I win, you got to tell me one of your desires.”
“And if I win?”
“Then I’ll tell you one of mine.”
The pool game went on for only a few more minutes until Kaiba sunk the last ball, the 8 ball.
“Ok, you lose. So what’s one of your desires?”
“You.” Ryou said calmly.
“You heard me, I want you. I want to do you right now, in your room.”
“But why?”
Because you look so damn hot right now, in your wet boxers. And
your eyes are so hot too. They are such a deep crystal blue, and I can see into you, you want to do me too. That’s what you desire. No need to speak Kaiba, I know. I can tell by the way you look at me. Now, lets go to your room.”
Kaiba nodded and grabbed them each a fluffy white towel. Seto lead them up to his room and closed, not locked, the door behind him.
Ryou had just began kissing Kaiba’s neck when Teji walked in.
“Seto!” She wailed.
“Teji! Its not what it looks!”
“What the hell do you mean! Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t like me?” Teji began to cry.
“I do, I do Teji!”
“Then why did I find you in here kissing Ryou!”
“It’s not what it seems we were playing pool, and then there was
a bet about our desires and…”
“Shut up! I don’t care! You only used me to get a little
action! You were the only person I ever opened up to, and this is what you do to me!”
Teji, I’m so sorry.”
“I’ve heard that be for and I don’t care this time. I’m not going to have you making out with people and think you can still go out with me. We are through! I hope you and Ryou are happy together!” With that said Teji stormed out of Seto’s house.
Kaiba and Ryou just sat there looking at each other. “I’m sorry Kaiba…”
“Get out.”
Ryou sat behind Kaiba. “How about a back rub, you could use one.
“Get the hell out of here! You fucked up my whole life! I didn’t even like you, and I love Teji so go!”