Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ From Hatred Comes Love ❯ Weevil's Plan ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own yu-gi-oh or it characters… I do own Teji, Sogio, Mr. McFoster, Ryan and Angel because I made them up.

Chapter 22: Weevil’s Plan


Bakura and Ryou’s P.O.V.

“Bakura! How could you call Teji with out me knowing?”
“I’m sorry…”
“What the hell were you thinking?”
“I just- just wanted you to be happy…that’s all…”
“Why the hell do you even care?” Ryou yells.
“Well, your like a best friend to me. Why wouldn’t I want you to be happy?” Bakura says in his shy voice.
“Friends? I never thought of anyone as my friend.”
“Well you can start now, and I’ll be the first.” Bakura was
smiling at Ryou.
“Hell no!”
Bakura blankly looked at Ryou, he knew what was coming now. Ryou hit Bakura across the face and then punched him a few times. He pulled out a knife and cut Bakura.
The pain was overwhelming, it took all of Bakura’s strength not to say a word, he then passed out.
Ryou stood there a moment looking at the only one who cared for him laying half dead on the floor. Why do I keep doing this?
Ryou ran out of Bakura’s room and into his own. There, he took out a knife and cut himself twice for every mark on Bakura’s body. I’m so sorry…


Weevil and Rex’s P.O.V.

“Hey Rex,” Weevil yelled, “What do you think of that Teji girl?”
“She is hot.” He replied.
“Think I should go for it?”
“I don’t know,” Rex said thinking. “That Kaiba guy seemed to get pissed off every time someone brought up him and Teji…”
“You think I should worry about him?” Weevil asked as if it never occurred to him.
“I’m just saying you should be careful, you heard what Ryou said. Kaiba has been trying to get back with Teji.”
“Yeah, but he wouldn’t try anything because he wouldn’t want
to get Teji mad.”
“But her and Joey seem close.” Rex pointed out.
“I’ll just have to break them up.” Weevil decided with a smile.
“That’s evil Weevil, I never thought you’d go so low.”
“I’d do anything for love.”
“I wouldn’t count on it, she seemed to care about everyone’s feelings, not to mention her and Kaiba still have something you can see it in there eyes…”
“We will see about that Rex, we will see.”