Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ From Hatred Comes Love ❯ The Man ( Chapter 33 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 33: The Man

Everyone stopped what they were doing when they heard the gun being fired, even the D.J. stopped playing music. It was dead silent. Teji’s face turned pure white and she pushed Mokuba and Sogio behind her.
Kaiba was looking at her but Joey was the one who asked the question. “Who is he?”
Teji didn’t respond. So the man began talking to Teji. Everyone was still silent. “What Teji, didn’t you tell everyone about me?”
Teji still stood there not talking. Mokuba whispered to Sogio to ask who it was but Sogio couldn’t remember where he saw him.
“What? Did you give up speaking now Teji?” The man laughed a wicked laugh. Still she didn’t say anything. “Get over here! I’m sick of
you games!” The man yelled at Teji.
Teji whispered to Kaiba. “Make sure he doesn’t get Sogio.”
Sogio just then remembered who he was. “That’s Mr. McFoster!” He said it a bit too loud and everyone heard.
Joey looked at Teji. “Is that you foster dad?”
Everyone had stopped whispering. All Teji did was sake her head yes.
Everyone became quiet. He spotted Sogio in the crowd. “Come here Sogio, give you pop a hug.” Mr. McFoster held his arms out for a hug.
Teji turned around quickly. “Stay away from him Sogio!”
He didn’t move. “I’m you father! You are still in my custody
until you are both 18. Now get over here!” He demanded.
“Leave Sogio alone, your not here for him!” Teji Yelled.
“How would you know why I’m here?”
“I can guess it has something to do with me and Ryan.” Teji said in almost a growl.
Tea looked at Joey. “Who’s Ryan?”
But, Joey didn’t have a chance to answer because Teji did. “Ryan was our step father’s real son. But he killed him!” She hissed.
“I did not!” Her father was getting very mad.
“It’s your fault, if you would of just left me alone that night, it would have never of happened! You killed Ryan!”
“You are my kid, he had no right to get into it.” McFoster said evenly.
“So you through him out a window?” Teji was almost in tears but held them in.
“It was an ancient! Just like what happen to your mother…” He said with a smile knowing that would push Teji’s buttons.
“Shut up! You don’t know anything about her!”
“We will see about that soon enough.”
Fiver man in black suits came down the steps, they all had guns. Some how, a man snuck up be hind then and grabbed Mokuba. No one seen him come in.
“MOKUBA!!!!!!!!!” Kaiba yelled.
“Now Teji, unless you want to see your friend here shot in the head, you’d better get over here.” He commanded.
Teji looked at Kaiba. “I am so sorry, I’ll make sure nothing happens to him, I promise.”
Teji walked over to her step dad. The color in her face had gone back to normal. “Leave Mokuba out of this!” She yelled.
“I wouldn’t worry about his life right now, I’d be concerned
about your own.” He laughed again.
One of the man came and put a gun to Teji’s head. “Teji!” Sogio
yelled on top of his lungs.
Almost everyone was in tears, those who weren’t were ready to break down. Teji was everyone’s friend, they all cared deeply for her.
“I’ll listen, just guaranty Mokuba will be alright.” Teji pledged “OK, you be good and listen and I’ll let him and all your friends go.” Foster agreed.
If Teji was scared she did a great job hiding it. Her facial expressions didn’t change.
“I don’t think I want to just kill you right away, I
want to make you suffer… Just like when you were a kid.” Mr. McFoster said in a cruel, tormenting voice.
A tear came rolling down Kaiba’s face Teji, no. I cant loss Teji too. Not like everyone else… Because I know you Teji, you’ll do anything to make sure Mokuba is safe, even give your own life…
Joey was also in tears. He remembered all the stories Teji had told him about her childhood after she fought his own dad. They were all true. Teji! Joey was freaking out inside his head.
The guy with the gun pointed at Teji’s head moved toward everyone else. “If any of you move,” The man spoke, “I will shoot you, and then Teji!”
Another man stood on the other sides of them making sure no one could leave. They even made the D.J. come stand with them.
McFoster was holding on to Mokuba now so the other guy could guard the entrance. Five more guys came down.
“Now Teji, lets see how good you fight.” Mr. McFoster began to laugh.
This is something I’ll be good at. Teji thought to her self.
The five man had no weapons making it easy for Teji to knock them all out in less then a minute. “You think you are good Teji?” Foster hissed in anger. “Well this time you aren’t so lucky!”
Five more came down this time they all had knifes. Still easy. Teji thought.
They all came at her at once. One guy knocked Teji off her feet and he cut her arm as she fell. This mad her in raged. She knocked them all out in minutes.
Mr. McFoster was getting mad at her stubbornness to get beaten up. That’s when he had an idea. “You’ve done well so far Teji, but this time lets change the rules. I’m going to sent five more guys down here, they wont have any weapons, and you can’t use any weapons. This time though, you can’t hit or touch them. If you do, I’ll slit this boy’s throat. Do you agree to this fight? Not like you have much choice.”
Teji was mad now. “Fine just don’t hurt him!”
“TEJI!” Sogio yelled, “How will you protect yourself if you cant touch them but they can touch you?” He whined.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.” She reassured everyone.
“Some confidence there Teji, lets see how mush you have after they get done with You.”
The five of them came down. They were easy for Teji to doge because they kept getting each other’s way. Mr. McFoster was getting mad. “Four of you get over here! It will only take one to get rid of her.” He instructed.
The one left was big and quick. He dove after Teji and Missed. After a short time he had Teji cornered. There was no way she could dodge another attack. He punched her hard and with all his might. The hit sent her sailing towards her friends.
There was a huge red mark on Teji’s cheek. When she stood up, she clinched her fists ready to knock him out then looked over at Mokuba.
He was crying and begging to get let go. Smack! He hit Teji again and she instantly fell to the ground. Her mouth began to bleed. “TEJI!” Kaiba yelled out.
Everyone looked a him. He always kept calm and put together, but now, he was in tears and they just kept flowing down his face, no end in sight.
“I’m fine…” Teji reinsured Kaiba and stood back up ready to
dodge the next blow.
This happened again and again. Everyone was yelling for Teji to keep getting up, and each time she did.
Teji tried to dodge another punch but he punched her good and hard. She was getting weak from getting hit so many times. She hit the floor hard hitting her head and didn’t get up.
“Stop!” Sogio Yelled. “What will it take for you to stop this?”
“All you have to do is come with me Sogio, and I will tell him to stop.” He said plainly.
“Fine, just don’t hurt her anymore!” He exclaimed.
Sogio took a step towards Mr. McFoster. “No….” Teji said in such a weak voice that it came out a whisper. Sogio stopped and looked at his big sister. “Don’t go Sogio.”
Teji was beginning to get back up. She was on her knees when he came and kicked her in the side. She fell. “Teji, I’ll make him stop. You’ve protected me my whole life, now its my turn to protect you!”
“Don’t let him go Seto! No mater what happens don’t let him
Kaiba grabbed Sogio and held him back. Sogio kicked Kaiba. It made him wince but he refused to let go.
“Teji! Just let me help you!” Her little brother yelled.
“Sogio, you can’t help me.” Teji tried to get up again, only
to once again be kicked down. “Trust me Sogio, I’ll always take care of you. No mater what, I wont give up and make you go back with him!”
The man gave Teji another good kick. Teji rolled out of the way of it and got to her feet. “I’m not letting you take my brother or any of my friends!” She declared.
He charged at her and with the rest of her strength she dodged him. He fell into a wall, but Teji collapsed when her feet reached the ground.
“What’s wrong Teji?” Mr. McF Hissed. “To worn out?”
Teji laid on the ground not able to stand up. The fighter picked her up by her shirt and punched her letting her fall to the floor.
She tried to crawl but couldn’t even do that. Teji laid on the ground waiting the next hit.
“That’s enough, bring her to me.” Foster ordered.
The man picked Teji up and through her on the floor in front of Master foster. “Now Teji, who is your master?” He demanded.
“I don’t have one!” She flared back.
Master Foster pulled out a knife and raised it up to Mokuba’s neck. “Don’t test my patents, who is your master?” He repeated.
In such a quiet voice Teji responded. “You are.”
“What? You forgot the ending…” He said it like it were a song.
“Master…” She said between gritted teeth.
“What was that? I don’t think all your friends heard.”
Teji grit her teeth. “You are master Foster.” Teji said it as loud
as she could.
“That’s right you little brat, and don’t forget it.” He stomped on her back. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Teji didn’t respond at first until he kicked her. “Was it?”
“No what?”
Teji took in a deep breath and said it again. “No master Foster.”
“Good girl Teji. And since you were so good, we get to watch a movie!” He used a fake nice voice when he talked to her.
One of Master’s guards picked up Teji and brought down a chair from out side the subway. He set her in it. Next they put a band over her eyes. And a screen in front of her.
“Don’t worry Teji.” Master Foster teased, “This is something I had my scientist whipped up. Let me tell you what it does. You see who ever wears that band over there eyes, you can see what they are thinking… Sounds fun right? That’s not all though, lets give them a taste of your past. Wont that be fun!”
Teji struggled to get free. “Don’t bother you wont be able to break
them, they are pure steal. Oh yeah, I almost for got. You see on the side of the screen, we can see what you are feeling. So lets try to keep you feelings under control.”
A mad in a gray suit came and stood next to Teji. “Hi Teji, do you remember me? I’m MR. Ratwell. I’m the guy you checked in with at the orphanage. I’m going to turn this machine on and try to get you to remember your past, ok? Here we go.”
They flipped a switch. “First lets think about your mom. Think about what she looks like. I’m sure Sogio has asked you a lot of questions about her.” Ratwell teased.
A picture of a beautiful young girl came on the screen. She had long red hair like Teji’s and yellow eyes like Sogio. “Good job, it says your mad looking at her picture, is that true?”
“NO!” Teji snapped.
“Ok next person, how about your dad, what did he look like?”
A hansom guy with black hair and green eyes came up. “Isn’t he nice looking, I can see where you got your eyes from. But, It says you are still mad, lets try a different emotion shall we? Ok, think about the day you were watching the news, what happened that day?”
It showed the three kids playing in the toy room, and her grandma and her watching TV. It showed the broadcast and it showed her dialing 911. They saw Teji sitting in the hospital hearing her grandma is dead and she has to be sent away.
“Oh Teji, that’s so sad, it even said you were feeling sad, are you?” He waited for a response. “No? I think I know what will get to
you. Think about the funeral.” He demanded.
Teji thought hard. A picture of her sitting with her two cousins and Sogio by a door in the church appeared. There were coffins lined up agents the wall. One for each family member. It showed Teji going up to each one, saying a pray and going back into the corner, making a promise to them that she will one day return to there hometown in Silver Town. It showed her saying good bye to her cousins and getting into the car to go to the orphanage.
Teji was in her seat tying to break free. “Get me out of here!” Tears were poring down her face.
“Not yet Teji, there is still more to come. Settle down.”
The others watched help helplessly whale they went through Teji’s past. They saw everything. The orphanage, after she was adopted, it even showed some of he at school, when she first met everyone.
“Have you had enough now Teji? I think you have lets take her out.” Mr. Ratwell ordered.
The man who had hooked her up to the stuff was now un-hooking it.
Sogio whispered out loud, “You said you didn’t remember anything any more, is this why you didn’t tell me? Because all you could remember were these horrible memories?” Sogio said it a bit to loud and everyone was looking at him.
Joey put his arm around Sogio. “Its ok, Teji was just trying to protect you so you didn’t have to worry.”
When they finally got Teji un-hooked, she was as pale as a ghost and had tears running down her face. Not only that, she had a lost look in her eyes.
“Here, give them back this brat kid. Teji is so out of it I wont need him anymore.” Master Foster demanded.
He let Mokuba down and he ran to Seto and stood behind him next to Sogio.
Master Foster put a gun up to Teji’s head. “Now if you don’t come Sogio, I will shoot Teji right through the head.”
“Do it.” Teji challenged in a half there half gone voice.
“What are you talking about?” Master Foster asked.
“Shoot me. Put an end to my miserable life. I’ve been wishing I were dead for ten years, ever since I was seven. So do it, kill me, make everyone’s life’s’ better.”
Teji closed her eyes waiting for the shot. Nothing happened. “You don’t mean that Teji!” Kaiba yelled. “There was a time you didn’t wish you were dead. What about when you met Joey, and Mokuba. What about when you first met… me?” Kaiba was looking away.
“I didn’t mean it like that Seto.” Kaiba looked up at her sorrow filled eyes.
“Shut up you two or I’ll shot you both!” Barked master Mr. McFoster.
Master Foster ordered all the people who had guns pointing at Teji’s friends to come over. “Teji, your last fight is between these five and your self. Since you are obviously so tiered I’ll let you fight back this time, but they still get to use there guns.”
Teji jumped off the floor and ran as best as she could. She was doing a pretty good job dodging them until one would of hit her in the heart, but Kaiba push her out of the way.
Luckily Teji caught her balance and pushed Kaiba back out of the way and took the bullet in the arm.
“Teji!” Kaiba yelled in a worried voice.
“Stay back! I don’t want anything happening to you!” She said though tears.
“What about you? What if you die? Did you Ever think of that?” Kaiba asked. “What would I do with out you Teji? What about me?”
“Just stay out of the way, its better me then you!” Kaiba went back by the others looking sad.
Teji had three of the five knocked out in a few minutes, and had one more down in a few more. But the fifth person she couldn’t hit because he shot her in the arm again.
Teji howled with pain. Everyone wanted to help her, but she wouldn’t let them. “I have to prove it to myself that I can handle taking
care of Sogio. If I cant at least do that, then Sogio should have a better home.”
“Don’t say that Teji, you’re the best big sister ever!” Sogio exclaimed.
Teji kicked the last guy and he got knocked out too, but Teji had collapsed.
Master Foster pointed a gun at Teji, luckily a gun from one of the other guys was laying on the ground. She picked it up and shot Master Foster. He fell to the ground be for he knew what had happened. Teji just laid there in shock.
Yugi ran to call 911. Kaiba ran by Teji’s side. He lifted her so she was sitting up leaning on him. “Teji, are you alright?” He asked in a sweet voice.
“Seto?” She asked.
“Yeah Teji?”
“Promise me,” Teji began to breath hard. “Promise me if I die, you’ll take good care of Sogio for me.”
“Yes I promise, but you wont die. I wont let you!” He began to cry once again.
Teji opened her eyes and looked into Seto’s. She managed a smile.
“You know I’ve always loved your eyes…”
“Just my eyes?” Kaiba said in a sad voice.
Teji still smiling continued. “And you. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”
“Don’t say that Teji, you were the best girl friend ever! Not to mention a great friend to everyone, and the best big sister ever.”
Teji leaned up and gave Seto quick kiss on the lips. “Where is Sogio?”
“Right here.” Sogio said in a squeak.
Sogio walked up to his sister slowly, everyone wanted to give Kaiba and Sogio the most time with Teji, in case she didn’t make it.
“Teji, you’re going to live aren’t you?” He asked in an innocent voice.
Teji reached up an put a hand on Sogio’s face. “I don’t think I tell you this enough Sogio, but I love you so much. Always stay a good kid Sogio…”
“Teji stop talking like that your not going to die!” Tears
were running down Sogio’s face and falling onto Teji’s hand.
She lifted it up and wiped away all of his tears. “Don’t cry Sogio, I’ll always protect you, no mater what.”
“I love you Teji.”
“I love you too little bro.”
Joey walked over. “Listen, don’t go dieing on us, you know some of us cant live without you.”
“Joey, your such a nice guy, your going to make someone very happy…”
“You don’t want to go out with me any more?” He said in disbelief.
“Its not that…I don’t think I’m going to make it this time.”
“Don’t say that!” Joey yelled at her.
“There is no point in lying to myself and everyone else…” Teji said.
Tristen walked over and looked Teji deep in her eyes. “I truly am sorry about the whole beat up you and Kaiba thing, I was trying to look out for Joey, honestly.”
“I know, you are a good friend Tristen.”
Mokuba came up to Teji. “I know you probably want to hear from Sogio but I got to tell you thank you for saving me back there. You were willing to give your life for everyone else. We all love you Teji, don’t ever forget that.” Mokuba gave Teji a hug. “We aren’t going to let you leave us, we need you too much to let you go.”
Rex and Weevil walked over, “You were a great friend even though we have done some stupid things to you.”
Teji giggled a little.
Ryou walked up with Bakura. “You know what? Bakura and
I are going out now, its because Bakura called you that it ended up happening.”
“I’m not good with this kind of stuff.” Ryou added.
“Let me try to say what Ryou is getting at. We love you and you are the best friend ever!” Bakura gave Teji a kiss. “I’ve always wanted
to do that, your lips are so soft looking…” Bakura blushed.
“Thanks Bakura.” Teji said with a grin.
Yugi was back and he sat down next to Teji crying. “You are the best at Duel monsters, and one of the nicest people I have ever met. I’m so glad you decide to have friends once you moved here.”
Even Yami got down and said a few words. “We are glad your around, so don’t leave us.”
Sogio didn’t let them say anything else. “Teji, I love you don’t leave me, pleas don’t leave me! You’re the last of my family... If you die I’ll kill my self!”
“Sogio,” Teji said in almost a whisper, “If I leave I just want
you to know I’m not abandoning you. So don’t be mad at me. I’ve been mad at mom and dad and everyone else in the family for so long, I don’t want you to feel that way towards me Sogio, that would be worst then anything…”
“I promise, I wont.” Sogio pledged.
“Everything happens for a reason. When everyone died in our family I thought it was a punishment, and when we went with
Mr. McFoster I thought we were bad. But the truth is you have to loose something to gain something. We lost our family, but look at the new we got now. And living with Mr. McFoster helped me so I could run
a company.”
Teji closed her eyes.
“Don’t go Teji, not yet, Don’t leave me here!” Sogio begged.
The doctors rusted through the door and got Teji on a stretcher and rushed her off to the ER with only Sogio. “I’ll call for a limo to
take the rest of us to the hospital.” Kaiba said crying.