Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Halloween ❯ The First Victim ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
: Hyper Yamis armed with candy! Lots of sugar and coffee! And swearing! And strong language.


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2. The First Victim

"You know we planed to start with someone else, Marik?"
"Because it was my great idea?"
"Because it probably wouldn’t take so long and because it was my idea?"
"And because you don’t get anything done alone?"
"And because you never told me where we are going at the moment?"
"And because I don’t know how I'm supposed to help you when we are there?"
"And because I have better things to do then getting dragged around by you?"
"Can you say more then just Yes?"
"Yes! I'm here, can't you see me? You should go to an eye-doctor and let him look at you if you can't see the tall, blonde, handsome Yami in front of you! That doctor will give you new eyes, maybe even better ones!
Or I can go and find some for you, but you have to tell me what color you want.
Just don’t take golden ones, they look stupid and ugly, and there is only one as far as I know…"

For a moment Bakura pondered if he should rip his own hair out in sheer frustration, or if he should tear at the blonde mane in front of him. Marik just happily dragged him away by his wrist without a care if Bakura want to follow or not.

"And Yes was good as an answer until now.
I like Yes. Yes is good.
Especially if Malik says it. Or moans it. Or screams it… Or…"

Startled Marik nearly jumped a bit as Bakura ripped him from a daydream about his Light wriggling and trembling under him, saying Yes over and over again.
"I didn’t need to know that, psycho! You will see him again in the evening, when he and the other Hikaris go out together!
Can't you restrain yourself until then and think about something other then fucking your Light?!
I can do it, too, so stop it and get a move on!"

"Oh yes, I nearly forgot…
They wait until the evening and waists the whole day, instead of going now like us…
Malik showed me his costume yesterday, it looks great, and tight… not much fabric in all the right places, if you know what I mean…" he told Bakura with a smirk and a dreamy look in his eyes.

"He looks hot in it, but he told me that he wears it only later as I asked him last night, and he refused to wear it for me!
Because it’s a Halloween costume, and you should wear it on Halloween, and when he meets Yugi and Ryou, they will also wear costumes, and he refused to make an exception, even as I asked really nicely, and that was really mean of my Hikari-Pretty, but I told him I understand, even when I didn’t really understand, because he likes it if I understand, and it makes him happy, and that makes me happy, and then we all are happy!

Except for Ishizu, because she is mean and kicks me out, and she keeps Malik away from me, and that makes me lonely, and I can't touch him, but I'm not even allowed to defend myself from her, because she is his sister, and then Malik would be mad at me, and I don’t want him to be mad at me.
Because then he kicks me out, too, and that is even worse, because he wouldn’t let me back in through the window then…
I don’t see the difference if he wears it an evening earlier, but its okay, because he will wear it today, and I can look at him as much as I want then, and Ishizu will be away, and I can do what I want if she's not watching all the time.
And why are we not wearing our costumes, we should, but we don’t, and why is that, tomb robber??"

"Maybe because Ishizu kicked you out before you put yours on. And because you woke me up and dragged me out of my warm bed just because you were bored and you need my help with your stupid cookies.
There was no time for a disguise, and we are more discreet like that anyway!
It's your own fault for coming that early, so don’t whine about it now, or I may feel the sudden need to kick your ass!
Besides, we can do that later in the afternoon. I don’t want Ryou to run around alone after sunset, and he said I have to dress up also if I want to tag along with them!"
"Awww… how sweet! Our little tomb robber is worried…"

But Marik stopped dead in his tracks before Bakura could hit him over the head for that:
"Wait a moment! They are going out? Out where peoples can see them? Dressed up like that? In their little costumes? I don’t want stupid humans seeing him like that! What if they ogle that cute little ass of his?"
Bakura backed up a little before he answered warily.
He didn’t want to get hit as Marik waved his arms around as if he wants to fly away in his detest.
"Yes... That's the plan… Since a few days actually… That’s why they even got that disguise… To go out on Halloween, like other people too."

"But I don’t want them to see him like that!!!!!"
Marik yelled at him before he calmed down a little and said a bit quieter:
"Only I am allowed to see him like that, or I will have to remove their eyes personally!
You can have them then, I don’t need them. You can keep them or give them away as candy!
I saw something like that in the shop today; it wouldn’t attract any attention since other does that, too. Is there rule against going out like that and stare at my Hikari? There is one, right? There has to be!"

Bakura just shrugged his shoulders:
"How should I know, I don’t need a rule, I have a knife! Make such a rule, if you want one!
Just see it as Yami- law:
From Yamis, for Yamis.
And even our well-behaved little pharaoh follows it…"

The blonde nodded, gripped Bakuras wrist again and dragged him enthusiastically away:"Why are you standing around like that?! You are wasting precious time, we have to go and do things.
Lot of things! Important things!"

Shortly after that conversation, they stood before a high wall with a heavy iron gate.
"You know he will never give us anything!"
"Of course! That’s why we are here, after all!" Marik nodded eagerly, as if it was obvious and looked at the camera above the gate.

Marik kept ringing the doorbell and showed a little too many teeth in his smile until a hum showed that someone was listening on the other side of the line.
"Trick or Treat!"
"Get lost, Marik, or I call the nuthouse, let them pick you up and lock you away, were you belong!" Kaiba growled annoyed at him through the speaker.

Of course he didn’t open the gate for them, he didn’t want them in the house!
They are worse then cockroaches to get rid of once you have them inside!
"But today is…"
"I don’t give a damn, go away or I release the dogs!"
"Well, you have to wake them up first!" Grinned Bakura and held a Steak up in the camera.
Kaiba couldn’t see the crushed sleeping pills on it, but it didn’t take a genius to guess his intention.
After all, if it were normal meat, Bakura wouldn’t show it to him; he would eat it! Raw and un-spiced.

"We will be back and make you pay for that! Mark our words, We will be back!
Because we are allowed to do that today, and there is nothing you can do about it!
Better you think twice!"

"You have to get in here first before you can do anything, and I have ways to prevent that!" But, just to be sure, the CEO checked again if the alarm was really on and working.
He had the faint hope that his dog are well trained enough not to eat anything that comes from outside of the gate.
Not that he really believed it, but one can always hope…

Satisfied Kaiba watched them turn around and go away with the camera. He never noticed that this was way too easy to be true…
A simply, pointless threat and they just retreat?
But he didn’t have the time to think about crazy Yamis now; he had more important things to do!
Maybe they are on their way to bother Yami, since their own Hikaris seems to have little to no control over them.

"Are you sure that this is such a great idea?"
For a moment Bakura though about what he just said, before he shook his head. Of course this is not a great idea!
This is Marik, after all!

Marik, who robbed a candy-store, before he came to 'play' with Bakura.
Marik, who knees beside him with chocolate smeared all over his face.
Marik, who grins like a lunatic and bounces impatiently around after eating too many of the cookies and candies they had prepared in his kitchen.
Marik, who dumped the sister of his boyfriend together with her bed in her pool because she didn’t give him sugar…

"Of course I think it is a good idea!"
"Sure you do! You know that it's better to do this in the dark? When no one can see you?
Like always you psycho don’t know anything!"

"That’s not true! I know a lot! I just don’t care most of the time! So what's wrong with that, its not like I need to know it, others don’t know it either, and they are still alive, except if I kill them, then they are death most of the time. Or dieing. Or both! Or neither…"
For a moment Bakura wonder if Marik even knew what he was talking about, because he himself didn’t have a clue. But then again, this was Marik…
He's not supposed to make any sense.

"You know, I though it would be easy for the king of thieves to get us in there," Marik said with a sad pout, "but I guess it's too difficult for you. You're whining even more than your Ryou-
What did you do that for?
It hurts, and I didn’t deserve that!"

Marik rubbed his sore head where Bakura punched him.
"Don’t ever dare to insult my sweet little Light ever again, get it!? Not everyone has an insane Hikari like you, mine just happens to be gentle and nice! And beside that, I'm not afraid!
I'm just careful, and that's a difference!"

"If you say so…"
"Yes, I do! One of us has to use his head to think, and I sincere doubt that you are that one!
That would be something new, and we don’t even have Christmas!
Everything your empty head is good for is as a battering ram to get through the door! And even that is doubtful!"

"That’s not true, I think a lot!" But Bakura simply ignored Marik's protest.
Really, how can you take someone serious if he has a chocolate bar hanging out of his mouth!

"Yes, I already saw what happens when you try to think!
'His Shortness' always kicked your ass into next week and spoil your plans, as soon as you try to think!" the thief mocked with a mean grin, while the other Yam just glared at him angrily and gnawed on his bar like a dog on a bone:

"Oh really? As far as I know, the same happens to you all the time! Now shut up and think about a way to get us in, we have a lot to take care of today, and you are wasting our time again!"
"We have to wait until Kaiba is gone to work, then we can get easily in."
Pouting the insane Yami shoved a cookie in Bakura's mouth to shut him up:
"I don’t want to wait, I wanna in now!"
"And you stop feeding me that sugary shit, or I shove it up your ass!"

Quickly Marik put a hand over Bakura's mouth as a big, shiny car rolled out of the gates and slowly away. Both hide under a bush and out of the way, without anyone noticing their presence.
As soon as the car was out of sight behind a corner, they used the opportunity to dart in before someone could see and stop them.
With a loud *Clang* the gates closed behind them, and they didn’t even need Bakura's burglary talents.
Everything goes according to plan.

In the garden they found a dozen sleeping dogs spread out all over the place.
Curious Marik sat down beside a really big one and poked the poor dog in the side. The animal didn’t moved and just kept snoring; it just twitched from time to time with its tail as if dreaming something nice.
"Rich people really have a weird taste in decoration… Can't he use lawn gnomes, like other peoples too?"

Giggling and grinning over their whole faces they knocked on the big front door.
"Hello, anybody home?"
"Happy Halloween, Trick or Treat?"
"And we even bring the treats!!!"
"We promise not to trick you!"
"You just have to let us in, shorty!"

"Really?" Mokuba asks with big eyes as he opens the door a little bit. "But Seto isn't here at the moment, and I'm not allowed to let strangers in."
Marik pouted a little: "But Moki, you know us both of us, we are no stranger!"
"You are even stranger then most! At last Seto says that!"

Casually Bakura took a bag with sugarcoated Cookies out and looked thoughtfully at it before eating some.
The powder sugar sprinkled down and over his hand, and he had even some on his nose, as he hands the rest of the bag over to Marik.
"You want some, too?"
"Shouldn’t you collect them instead of giving them out? At last when you go from door to door."
"Oh well, you know it's our first Halloween, so we are allowed to make some little errors…" and he held the bag out to Mokuba with a questioning face.

With a smile the dark-haired boy let them in.
He never thought about that his brother was gone and everybody else, too. Or that those two Yamis are everything but trustworthy…

They promised him sweets, after all, and his big brother always kept an eye on how much sugar the smaller one was eating…
An opportunity like this is rare and should be used well.
And Ryou and Marik were his friends, and he also knows the Yamis. They were friendly and never really tried to harm him, so it should be all right, right?
And a little company never hurts…
Especially if that company brings candies and cookies.

"Tell me…" Bakura laid his arm around Mokuba's shoulder, and Marik did the same on his other side.
"… your brother didn’t give you any candy, right?"
"Of course not, it's too early for that!"
"And no chocolate, no lollys, and no cookies either?"
"No, but…"
"Then he deserves a prank!"
"And we will help you!"
"Because he didn’t gave us anything either!"
"So we are allowed to punish him!"
"Because we asked him nicely, and he was so mean and cruel to us!""And we already have a plan!""You want to do something great, right?!""After all, Kaiba only deserves the best, so we have to do our best!"
"Only the best is good enough for your big brother!"

Mokuba looked a little overwhelmed from one to the other and didn’t know what to say.
Sure he would like to play a little prank on his brother. It wouldn’t hurt Seto to be not quite as serious as normal for one day…
But by the way they were smirking at him, he was sure they don’t plan anything little. And he doesn't want him to get hurt…

"I'm not sure…"
Marik emptied the contents of his big bag on the kitchen table:
"Eat something sweet at first and you can think about our offer later…"
Mokuba watched the blond Yami playing around with the coffee-machine, and pondered if he shouldn’t better stop him, but then he just let it go.

They could always buy a new one, and it was a long time since they had a visit from someone from the fire department.
A little bit of panic wouldn’t hurt anyone…
Soon enough the smell of coffee floated through the big kitchen, while the thief and the psycho tried to persuade him to prepare everything.
It is always easier if he helps them.
Then at last it wouldn’t be their fault alone, and alone the fact that the boy helps them would be enough to push Kaiba's buttons even more and make him furious…

"You know, I don’t want him to be too angry…" Mokuba murmured as he played with another cookie before he bites in it.
He made big eyes as he, too, got a cup of coffee, along with Bakura and Marik himself.
"I'm not allowed to drink coffee, I'm too young!"
"Well, then it's a good thing that this is no coffee, but chocolate with coffee-favor.
And don’t worry, if your brother gets too angry, we will just apologize to him!"

"Apologize?" the boy asked with big puppy-eyes as if hearing the word for the first time, while Bakura beside him yelled unbelievingly:"Apologize!!?? Are you insane, you crazy motherfu-"
But before he could rant on, Marik shoved a chocolate bar down his throat. Because since he was busy choking on it, he couldn’t protest as Marik stood up:"Well, guys, just enjoy your breakfast, I take care of everything else. And when I'm back we can prepare everything!"
And with a happy wave he skipped out of the mansion…

Mokuba looked up to Bakura, who finally managed it to dislodge the evil candy bar and wash it down with coffee.
"Is it really safe to do this? Without anyone getting killed, I mean." he asked worried, but the white-haired darkness just petted his shoulder:"Don’t worry, I'm here. And what can possible go wrong when the great thief king takes care of it?!"

Then he looked him up and down.
"But shouldn’t you wear a costume? You are supposed to, you know!" and with a mischievous smile he dragged the shorter one away:
"But don’t worry about it, we have something for you, trust me! Here, take that as supply and come with me." And he gave him a chocolate bar, drunk his cup and then shoved Mokuba eagerly out in his room.
There gave him an odd bundle of fabric and grinned broadly:
"Here, put that on! And this, too. And here…"

Marik came back a little later, and found that the atmosphere in the mansion had totally changed.
Mokuba beamed brightly up at him and tackled him to the ground as soon as he was through the main door:

"There you are again, do you have more candy, we ate them all, and we need more. Can you make more coffee, because Seto never let me have any coffee, he says it makes me jumpy and nervous and I can't sleep and now he can't say anything because he's not here and can't see me and he can't stop me, and I can drink all the coffee I want and I can eat candy for breakfast…"
All the while he searched in Marik's pockets for anything sweet without caring about the person standing behind the Dark.
(Like a little puppy happily begging for a treat with a wagging tail…)

"Where is Bakura?" Marik asked after Mokuba found a packet bubble gum and finally let the Yami get up.
"He's in Seto's bedroom, he wants to redecorate it, but he doesn’t let me help him, he says I'm too small, but I took care of the kitchen instead, and he helped me a bit, but it was my idea, too, and…"

Marik steered his guest in Seto's study and made sure he stayed there, before he took out his chainsaw and skipped away with an insane grin and glittering eyes.
Bakura wasn’t the only one who wants to renovate a little, and Mokuba was also enthusiastically working. The two of them had to be a bit careful so they wouldn’t get in the way of an excited Marik and his roaring chainsaw, but they managed to avoid any painful and bloody accidents.

Kaiba sat in his office with a bad feeling in his stomach and looked over some papers. Something was bothering him, but he could tell what it was, and it nearly made him squirm in his seat.
Only nearly, thanks god, but it was worse enough as it was. It's just not his day today, even if he couldn’t tell way. But maybe it had something to do with an early visit of two troublemakers?…
As suddenly his phone rang, he nearly jumped in his chair, and swore violently.
At first he tried to ignore it, what are secretaries there for, after all. They shall work for their money, not sleeping in the office all the time.
But then he saw that the number belongs to his little brother and he picked it up after all:

"Hey, little brother, is everything all right?"
All he heard on the other side of the line was giggling.
"Mokuba, what are you doing?"
More giggling, and there was a voice in the background, but Kaiba couldn’t recognize who it was or what they said.
"Who is with you? I told you not to let any strangers in when I'm not home! Especially today, when everyone is disguised and you don’t know who is in the costume."
"Don’t worry, I know who it is…" Mokuba giggled again.
"And we don’t wear a costume!" he heard Bakura calling in the background.
"Moki, stay where you are! Don’t go away, do you hear me, I'm coming home! I'm there in a few minutes."
Before Mokuba could even answer, he had hung up and stormed out of his office in a hurry.
He had to get home!

At record speed he drove home, run over the traffic lights at yellow and nearly broke the speed limit on his way.
Worried he looked around, but except for the sleeping dogs everything seems to be rather normal.
For a while he tried to call Ryou or Malik, to tell them their Yamis are running amok in his home, alone and irritating, and they should please remove them.
But Ryou didn’t pick up his phone, and Ishizu just yelled at him that he should just put Marik to sleep when he gets too troublesome…

Carefully Kaiba opened the door and stopped in horror.
Before him stood his sweet little brother and beamed excitedly up at him:
"Hello, big brother, there you are again!
I thought you planned to stay longer in you office and work, did you get lonely, why are you here, I'm happy that you are here!
Look who came to visit me, and you, and us, and they even brought me candy, but they do it all wrong, they should collect the candy, not going out and giving them away, but that’s okay, because it's their first Halloween, did you know that?
They never had a really Halloween before, with trick or treat and costumes and candy and all, but they will learn this year and we get to have fun and sugar…
Bakura even gave me this costume, isn't that nice, what do you think, they say I look nice in it and…"

He twirled happily around and let him look at him from all sides to show off his new clothes.

The dark aired youth wore a short-sleeved French-Maid blouse with a short skirt in black and white.
Long white stockings reach up over his knee.
His small white apron was bordered with lace, like the edge of the stockings and his collar, which had a small golden bell on it.
He had matching white gloves and black patent-leather shoes, which clattered with every step.
He wore a little make-up and had something sparkling dusted all over his hair and skin, and a white bow in his dark hair…

Bakura and Marik stood behind him and held onto each other, or they would roll on the floor in a mad laughing fit as they watched Kaiba's face.

"What did you fucking insane psychos do to my little brother?!"
No, apparently Kaiba was not happy with Moki's new clothes.
"But Seto, don’t you like my beautiful costume even a tiny little bit?" the short boy asked with wide, tear-glistering eyes.
"No, I don’t like it, and now get out of those clothes!"
"You will have to catch me first!" and with that he stuck out his tongue, turned around and run away giggling.

For a moment the CEO just stood there and looked from the laughing Yamis to his escaping brother. He pondered if he should murder them before or after he captured Mokuba and wrestled him out of those hideous clothes.
Then his brother won out, and he run after the boy, only sparing a moment to snarl at the Yamis.

"Oh yes, you better watch out where you step, because-"
But Marik's warning came too late, and Kaiba vanished through a hole in the floor, which was hidden under the carpet.
Then his head appeared again.
And then vanished.
And appeared again.
And vanished again.

Because Marik had used his big, fine chainsaw to make a big, fine hole in his floor and placed a trampoline under it…
As Kaiba finally get a hold on the edge of his new hole, the Yamis were long gone to play elsewhere.
"I kill them both, as soon as I get my hands on their necks, and no begging Hikari will be able to stop me this time! They are as good as death, even if they don’t know it…"

But before he could think of more ways to murder them, he suddenly lost the ground under his feet. Because he dangled in a net under the ceiling…
"Death isn't enough for them! I'm going to torture them! Like, with a 24-marathon of watching Teletubbies, or Sesamstraße, or something! Oh no, I don’t let them die, they can't escape me that easily!"
Somewhere in the depths of the house, he could hear tree persons laughing at him, and he looked right in one of his security cameras.
Someone should see what's going on here, so where were those sleepyheads now…?

As he finally got out of the trap, he run towards the kitchen, where he heard the noises before.
But before he got there, he slipped on an oil-trace and slithered through an open door.
He collided with something soft that he couldn’t recognize, before the door closed behind him and left him in the dark.
He noticed that he was in one of the broom closet, and the soft thing was an upright standing mattress. But that was about anything he could identify.

Kaiba pounds against the door and tried to open it, but it stayed close.
Then he heard a quite scraping somewhere above him and started to swear.
Great, now he had bugs, rats or something, running around, too!
As if Marik, Bakura and a sugar-high Mokuba, weren't already bad enough!

What he wasn’t aware of was the small figure that loomed with a spray can over him. This he noticed as he heard spraying and something wet trickled down on his head.
Startled he jumped back and trashed out, but only hit the thin air instead of his invisible enemy. Kaiba stumbled back against the door, with gave in under his full weight.
But he hadn't enough time to be happy about his new-won freedom, as he saw a black skirt from the corner of his eye. It dashed out of the closet and disappeared around a corner before he could get on his feet.

He started to go after the boy before he caught sight of his face in a mirror.
Or better, his hair.
Which was suddenly painted in a nice, bright neon-yellow…

Kaiba followed him toward the stairs in an angry huff, before he stopped suddenly.
And not a moment too soon!
There was a thin rope in the way to trip him.
"And you really think I'm stupid enough to fall for that? I should…"
But sadly, he didn’t see the buckets flying down to him, until it was too late to get out of the way and they doused him with their content.

At first a bucket of glue, followed by one with red feathers, and the last one with sawdust…
For a moment Kaiba just stood there and blinked. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath.

"Okay, calm down… no need to blow up… You're too young for gastric ulcer…"
Then he calmed down a little and decided to go to a bathroom, instead of making an even bigger mess by running around like that.
At last, he planned to wash his face, but as he opened the door he had another (unpleasant) surprise waiting for him.
Behind the door was a wall of water, which knocked him over.
Soaps, towels, hairbrushes and lots of other stuff floated out, since someone has filled the room with water.

The wave washed Kaiba backwards and freed him from many, but mot all, of his feathers and leaves.
He saw Marik surfing on an ironing board, grinning and waving at him:"Hey, you! I hope you can swim!" and again he was gone before Kaiba could stop him.
"How dare you to float my home! Come back, asshole, so I can flay you!!!"

Of course the Yami refused to do him that favor…

But luckily it wasn’t as bad as it looked, the damage wasn’t so great, since the water was able to drain off.
Kaiba noticed that as he was washed down another hole in his floor. As he opened his eyes again, he sat in a big rain barrel, which caught all the water.
Several rubber ducks float happily around his head, and he noticed a white head sticking through the hole, looking down at him:
"Hey, are you alive?"

Soaked to the bone, with yellow hair, red feathers and leaves still stubbornly sticking to him, Kaiba was not a happy camper.
He decided to better creep to his room and change into something dry. He was carefully, because he didn’t feel like running in another trap, and he simply knew that there were more!

He bypassed a hole in the floor and nearly stepped into another one, which was hidden behind the first one. But by now the CEO had a little practice in detecting and avoiding such traps.
He even dodged another bucket with bright yellow feathers at the stairs, the color exactly matching his hair.
But he had to sacrifice one of his shoes, as it got stuck on a puddle of glue on the stairs.

Thanks to this caution he made only slowly progress and with a lot of cursing and swearing.
Until he opened the door to his bedroom…
"What did you do to my room, you damn…"
His room upside down.

Somehow the Yamis managed it to nail all the furniture and the decoration to the ceiling, while the lamp stood/hang for unknown reasons upwards from the floor…
His bed, his closet, the table, pictures, blanket, pillows, everything, everything is upside down!

He walked over to his closet to change, (and maybe search for an ax) as suddenly his blanket came down over his head and stole his sight.
Someone pushed him around, but he couldn’t see whom it was or where he was stumbling. But then the ground got oddly smooth and slippery under his feet, and he landed more or less gentle on his ass and slided down.
Over and behind him he could hear three voices snicker, and then he was on his way down.
Giggling, and there was again the smell of chocolate and coffee…

At the end of his glissade he finally managed it to wrestle his blanket from his head and into submission.
He looked around to orientate himself new, since he didn’t know where he had landed now.
Just that it felt like a waterbed, if the wobbly feeling was anything to go by.

Sadly his 'waterbed' turned out to be his swimming pool!
His swimming pool filled with green jello!
"Mokuba, I particularly forbid you to try this!!!"

"But Marik said I can try it, because you never gave me any candy before you left!"
"Did he also tell you what I'm going to do with him when I get a hold on him?!"
"But you have to catch me first, moneybags! I wish you luck, we are gone, then!"
And then the steps behind the door hurried away, while Kaiba still tried to get out of the sticky mass.
But due to his struggling and moving he sank in deeper and deeper, he couldn’t hold on anything since there was nothing. As he finally made it to the steps with the railing, the stuff nearly reached up to his chest.

He stretched out to the railing, as he suddenly lost his footing and fell face first in the sweet substance. He left behind a nice, clean imprint of his face and looked down at his hands with a snarl:"Honey…" he caught sight of a note, written in Mokubas handwriting:

Attention, freshly painted

And under it, in Bakura's scrawly writing:

Be good and eat your desert :-)

"I hate this damn stuff. I hate those damn Yamis. I hate this entire, god-damned day!" upset and distressed Kaiba crawled out of his pool and shuffled towards the kitchen.
"Why can't they play somewhere else, and keep my brother and me out of this? He was always such a nice, sweet boy, and now? He runs around in a dress and sprays my hair yellow…"

"Don’t worry, we can easily change that!" Bakura whispered behind him, and Kaiba made a run for the kitchen and clashed the door behind him in hope to keep the thief out. Maybe he could catch his breath for a bit before they torture him more.
What he didn’t know is that his sweet little brother left a surprise for him there:

Sadly Kaiba forget to look around, but just sat heavily down on a chair after locking the door. He didn’t notice the mousetrap until it latched at his ass.
Startled he leapt up and held his abused behind, while he braced his other hand on the table.
And grabbed in a second mousetrap.

"AUA! God damn that fucking shit to hell!"
"Hey! Watch your mouth, would you!? What kind of example are you for your brother?!"
came a voice from above him! From the ventilation system!
"I will give you an example, just come down there!"
"But I don’t want to! You are always mean to me, just like Ishizu, even if I never did anything to deserve that, you two are meanies, and you are mean and not very nice!"
Clatter above him told him that Marik crawled away, probably to come back later and annoy him even more…

He made a step back and stepped on a skateboard waiting for him. And it made, just like it was supposed to, sure that the young CEO landed ass first in a sea of mousetraps, which snapped immediately.
Needless to say that it made him even more enraged…

And, how could it be any different, that was not the end of it.
Because he landed exactly beside the stove, which rattled suspiciously, as if it was about to explode.
He shouldn’t be too worried, he knew his brother would never hurt him. Until now everything that happens is just a big mess and bad mood.

But then again, Marik and Bakura are also involved in the whole thing…
Before he could even react, the backing oven flipped open and coughed up confetti and paper steamer, which rained down at Kaiba and promptly stuck to him.

"Do you need help? Wait, I know just what you need!" came Marik's voice again, and a glance upwards showed the blond head sticking out of the ceiling.
Before he had a chance to replay, a bucked of water was dumped over his head, and right afterwards another one:

"Now look how you look, Kaiba! Like a little kid, all dirty and soiled. And you claim to be an adult? Even your little brother is tidier then you!"
"Do you have even the slightest clue what kind of mess you made in my home?!
I will make sure you clean every little corner until the house is so clean, you can eat from the floor! And you will close every fucking hole you made in my floor, even if I use your empty heads as sledge!
You will clean up, even if I have to whip you to make sure you make it right!"

"You have to talk with my Hikari first, I doubt that he would like it when you come onto me like that! He sees that as his privilege, and I share that option!"
"Too much information!" Kaiba growled as he heard Marik crawling away again. He hoped the insane dark would stay away this time.
But he knew it better…

The water made it even worse, he now left puddles of jello and water everywhere, and leaves and feathers still were all over him, now together with the colorful paper…

For a moment he considered if it wasn’t better to leave the mansion altogether and wait outside until the three of them calm down a little.
He didn’t like the idea to allow his innocent brother to play with those… those monsters, but at the moment he did exactly what they want him to do, and he couldn’t allow that to go on…

Then again, by the strong smell of coffee coming from the kitchen, he doubts that they will come down anytime soon.
'It would be a wonder if the come down from their sugar high sometime this week!'
He cast a glance to the table, with the tree empty cups, the cookies, chocolate and empty wrapping paper of different kind of candies, and he could only guess how much they brought, and how much they ate and drunk…

He hate the though of someone seeing him on the street in this condition, but maybe he could go and get Ryou and Malik to help him. They could at last take their Yamis back, and then he could take care of Moki alone…

He would only ask Yami if anything else fails, because, well, he just didn’t like to tell the former pharaoh that he couldn’t deal with the situation alone…
He was halfway on the way outside, as another idea struck him.
He could use the limo, no one would see him with the toned windows of the expensive car, and he had his cell phone there…
And surely they didn’t think about putting traps in the garage, too…

But suddenly, how could it be different, the floor under him gave in…
That’s not funny anymore!
Always the same stupid trick! (And yet he fell for it again and again… ^____^)

This time, he landed in an inflatable wading pool, filled to the brim with mud!
And again there were those damn colorful rubber ducks with their cheery smile on their beak.
'Somehow I feel like eating roast duck today…' Kaiba thought and ducked a yellow thing in front of him, but it just came back up and seems to mock him.

For a moment he just sat where he was and let his shoulders drop:"How many fucking holes did that insane chainsaw-murderer make in my damn floor?" Kaiba exploded all of a sudden and hit in the mud, spreading it around even more. "I'm going to sue you, do you hear me? Sue and murder you! And then I sue your dead body, too!"
"I don’t know why anyone wants to kill me today…" came a whisper from a certain blond Yami, somewhere above him.

It seems that the three of them were always around to watch him suffer in their weird version of hide and seek.
That certainly explained the traces of powder sugar all around the mansion, traces Kaiba surly didn’t leave there.
He only left the leaves, sawdust, feathers, water, jello, confetti and paper streamer.

"You want to mess with me, yes? Good, have it your way…" and with that he jumped up and run growlingly to the computer room.
From there he is able to control the security system in the whole mansion, and all the cameras would show him where they are.
He forgot completely about Ryou and Malik and calling them for help…

He didn’t pay attention to the sugar before, but now he used them to detect and avoid further traps.

He wasn’t even surprised to find the guards shackled with handcuffs sitting in a corner.
By now, nothing could surprise him anymore. Not even if the devil himself would come up and tell him he threw Marik and Bakura out from hell because they got on his last nerves and annoyed the hell out of him.
No, he would totally understand it.
'Hell, I would even congratulate him and ask how he did that!'

He freed the struggling men from the frosted apples that were used as a gag, and learned that it was Mokuba who did this to the poor, unsuspecting men.
Sure, who else…

"Those empty-headed psychos taint him with their stupid ideas, and their Hikaris don’t do a thing to stop them!"
On one of the screens he could see a black-haired boy in a black-white dress winking and waving at the camera, as if he knows that his brother is watching him.
Suddenly Marik and Bakura appeared behind him, each threw an arm around his shoulder and laughed at the camera, too.
Like taking a fucking picture!

"Okay, Seto, never forget: Murder is not allowed! If you kill them, you get caught and get into more trouble then they are worth!
You can maybe, maybe torture, bully, torment and harass them." Kaiba said more to himself then to the other men in the room, before he noticed something:
"They don’t have any papers, records, identification or any other document! No one can report them missing, even if they want to, they don’t exist officially! The police couldn't to anything if they suddenly vanish…"

He shoved that promising though away for later, he has to find them first, before he could think about getting rid of their death bodies.

"You think you can play with me? Well, we will see about that…" he pushed a few buttons and triggered the burglar alarm:
All windows and doors to the outside were barricaded and blocked with bars. And inside it was the same, several steel doors closed automatically, so the burglar wouldn’t be able to run free in the whole house.
He would only have a small part of the house to hide, and that makes it easier for the police to find him then…

Just that there was no burglar in this case, just three pests high on sugar and caffeine, and with their heads full of stupidity.
Kaiba checked every camera until he found them again near his bedroom.
Bakura kneed before one of the steel doors and searched for a lock that he could break. But sadly there was none, since they are electronically controlled.

"You! Make sure I can get there, open the doors for me! But make sure they don’t get away, or will have your heads!" Kaiba growled at the guards who looked at him startled and nodded quickly.
They really didn’t like the way the brunet was grinning, but what can they do?
The poor men watched helplessly as Kaiba took something out of a glass case and weighed it in his hand without stopping him.

Who wants to get in the way of a man having yellow hair, wheeling an ax and looking like the insane murderer from the massacre in a horror-movie?
He looked like he bathed in a swamp, leaves, feathers and confetti stick in every direction, he was in a bad mood, wet, dirty, and now he had an ax…

Normally it's used in an emergency, when it burns in the house, that’s why it is beside the fire drencher.
But then again, they didn’t feel very comfortable getting in his way…
And so they just let him go on his hunt, and dialed the ambulance so they just have to push one button and they would come, just in case they need them.

Now, that he knows what to look for, Kaiba had no problem to see and avoid traps and get forward without more accidents.
Every security door opened before him, and he didn’t need to even slow down and wait. For now everything went the way he wants it!

"That’s a security door, you can't open it like that!" he could hear Mokuba's excided voice "They are made so burglars can't run away until the police comes to catch them!"
"We aren't burglars! We didn’t even plan to take something away this time! "

"This time?" Kaiba asked sharply, and the three of them turned quickly around to face him.
"Hey, big brother! Congratulation, you found us, now you are the winner!
Wanna play again, that was so funny, did you have fun, too!?
Oh please, let us play again, we go and hide, and you have to search for us again!
But you have to give us a headstart, and this time we make it harder, we don’t let you find us again so easily! And you are not allowed to play with that!"
He pointed at the ax still glimmering dangerously in Kaiba's hand.

"No, I don’t want to play with you! I finally got you, and now you get what you deserve!
It wasn’t funny, and it wasn’t a game, and if one of you insane Yamis moves as much as a finger, I behead you!"
Bakura and Marik moved slowly over to Mokuba to hide behind him. With their backs to the wall, that was the safest place for the moment.
With the black-haired boy between themselves and his ax-wheeling brother.
Mokuba happily ignored Kaiba's dark glare as well as the weapon in his hand and talked on and on:

"Or do you want to drink coffee with us? You know, Marik does it really well, all sweet and yummy, and he didn’t even burn down or blow up the kitchen. I thought he would, but he didn’t, and there was no smoke and no noise, and we had breakfast together, but I'm sure there is still cake there. We could eat it and we drink more coffee, and maybe we can disguise them also!

Ryou and Malik want to fetch us in the evening so we don’t have to go alone, and Yami and Yugi and Bakura and Marik will come with us, too, and we will have lots of fun and get candy and play pranks!
You will join us, right? Since you are already masked so greatly as a swamp monster, it shouldn’t be in vain.
But isn't it a bit early for that, its not even noon, or are we going somewhere else before? Where are we going, will there be cake, when will we be back, when are we going and what will we do there?

Oh, oh, oh, and you know what else?!!
I can keep my costume, because Bakura says it fits me so good, and that I look nice, isn't that great? I don’t need to change before we go!"
It was obvious that the boy had lots of sugar and caffeine, or he wouldn’t be able to talk so much with breathing so little.

"You will change, and you will do it right now! Out of those clothes, immediately!"
You know that you are talking to you brother, and that he is underage, right?"
Cold, blue eyes glared at Marik, who just smirked at him and waggled his finger:
"You should better find someone your own age, and someone who's not related with you. You should better make sure no one hears you talking like that, or the cops put you in jail until you're too old to remember what to do with a nude guy."

That was probably not the best thing to say to a guy with an ax in his hand and murder shining through in his eyes…

"Any other last words that I should tell your Hikaris, before I make dog food out of you?"
"But, Seto, they are my friends!" Mokuba protested "They were nice to me the whole time, and kept me company and gave me sweets and a new costume….
You can't just go and kill them, that would be mean and unfair and not very nice and you can't do that, they will lock you away and I don’t want to be alone, I want to go out with you and play trick and treat and with costumes and…"

And Kaiba calmed down slowly after looking into those dark, moist puppy-dog eyes, looking up at him like a little puppy that would never do any harm and just wants to be cuddled.
Kaiba never stood a chance against them.

"Don’t worry; we even left an apology for you, in your study. Now smile a little, no reason to be so mad." Bakura cut in, while Mokuba grabbed the ax from Seto's unresisting grip.

While Kaiba glared at the thief, Mokuba used the opportunity to go and hide the weapon under his bed.
Happily bouncing he took off to his room, since the alarm was over and all the doors open again, and left anything else to his big brother.
He had better things to do for now.
Like, searing for more candy, or looking if there was any coffee left before Seto could take it away from him.

"I don’t want a fucking apology, I want you gone!
And I want it now!
Or better, I want you gone yesterday!
I never even wanted you in my home to begin with!
I don’t want you in my house, my garden, and especially I don’t want you two around my little brother!
Fuck off! Or I swear I will not need a damn ax, or even my bare hands, I rip you apart with my teeth!"

Mokuba giggled as he heard him yell through the halls.

"Somehow I get the feeling he don’t likes us!" Marik pouted sadly, and Bakura nodded agreeing: "Yeah, I get that feeling, too. I just don’t know why that is…"
"Okay, okay, we know when we are not wanted."
"Why are you here then in the first place?!
I will declare open season on you, if I ever catch you on my ground again! The next time, the guard will use armed munition!"

"Just don’t forget to look in your study. There is a little something waiting for you…" they both called over their shoulder as they turned around to run away and pester someone else, before Kaiba could get really angry (and what would they call all his yelling then?)

As he turned, he noticed that his brother used his distraction to get away again. Well, he could talk with him tomorrow, when all that sugar and caffeine wears off.
The whole mess was not the Yamis fault alone, after all, even when they have had enough sugar themselves…

Reluctant he stood now before the door of his study and considered if he really should or even wants to go in there.
After everything that happened today, that 'apology' as most likely just another trap, and he had enough of them for one day.

If this day would be over right now, he wouldn’t really mind it all too much…
But then again, he could go in there and just get it over with, if it's just another prank. Or else he went in there tomorrow, he would get wet, dirty or what else, and get a bad mood all over again.
And it couldn’t get any worse anyway…

Slowly he opened the door and made a quick step back, in case something fell down or jumps him.
But nothing happened.
Carefully he stuck his head through the door and looked around, but still, nothing happened.
Finally, he stepped full inside.

A blond head shoot up, and honey-colored eyes starred in relieve at him, before widening at his attire:
"Ähm… nice costume… as what are you going, a swamp monster?"
Here, in the middle of his study, sat Joey, tightly bound to his chair with duct tape and was clearly relieved that finally someone showed up to let him go.
On his head sat a pair of soft, golden doggy-ears, matching his hair color perfectly, and a fluffy dog tail hung from his belt nearly down to the floor.

"One question… why am I here?" Joey asked, and Kaiba just shook his head as he walked up to him:"How should I know? Shouldn’t I be the one to ask you that, seeing that you are in my house?"
"I don’t know…. I was at home, there was a knock at the door, and the next thing I know is that I sit in your chair and can't get way!
And outside there are weird noises, and you show up covert in mud like a pig."

Kaiba noticed a big bow with a note attached to the fake-tail, and kneeled down beside him to get a better look at it.
He snatched it away without freeing Joey and looked at the familiar, scrawly writing.

He also noticed the leather collar around Joey's neck, as well as the dog-tags with Kaiba's name and address on it.
A lash hung from the collar and tied him to the table leg, and doggy treats lay on the table.
"Hey, what do you have there? What is it?"
Joey tried to turn his head back to look what Kaiba held there, but he couldn’t move far enough.
And Kaiba wasn’t any help since he didn’t answer him…

'Have fun with you new puppy, but don’t overdo it!
You have to train him first so he get used to it!'

'Maybe I think twice about killing you…' Kaiba thought as he stood up again.
Somehow Joey didn’t like the smirk slowly spreading over Kaiba's face a bit…


I'm really sorry that I wasn’t able to finish this on time, and that I'm still posting it after Halloween is over, but I don’t really care and will finish it anyway… if peoples will read it is another question…