Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ love throught the time ❯ Chapter 5

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Hi it's me again!! this his the next chapter!! don't worry Atem will see his friends soon!!
Well I wish you a good reading!!
Thanks so much to my reviwers i love you for your support!! thank you so much
So this the new chapter!!
On the other side of the planet, Atem who took his breakfast with his friends, felt, suddendly, a great cold invade him and he broke his cup. He had a bad feeling, as if it had happened a great misfortune. He began to shake and brought his hands to his head, to meditate.
The other three, surprised, looked and asked him what he had. He didn't reply immediately because he was in his thoughts. Then realizing that the other had asked him a question, he replied in a trembling voice, he had a strange feeling and he didn't know how to explain it.
They looked stunned and didn't know what to say. Atem looked at them and saw that they were worried for him.
« No! Don't worry! It is nothing at all! I had to dream! » He reassured them.
«You… Are you sure? Because if you have a little problem, don't hesitate to tell us! » Said Ishizu watching him a little worried.
«Hum! It's ok! This is nothing! Really! Well… I must to go to my lessons! I am a little late! "
Then, Atem picked up his cup broken and wiped away the liquid that would flowed out, but he wondered what had happened. Then he left the kitchen, leaving the other perplexed.
«It's weird what he told us, isn't it? » Asked Ishizu always worried.
"Yes… you're right! » Approved Marek. Moreover, a cup broken it is a bad sign! » He continued.
«It's true! What had happened in your opinion ? » Asked Odion, looking the other two.
« I hope that nothing serious happened! Because me too… I begin to have a bad feeling! » Said Ishizu putting her hands around her.
Marek and Odion began to worry as well. If there is a misfortune which has actually occurred, it would create problems.
« Well I go to school, otherwise I'll be late me too! » Said Marek rising also « Listen, if something had happened we will know it one day, hadn't it? Maybe he is right and this is nothing serious » He finished to say going out of the kitchen.
During that time, Atem went into the living room to follow his classes. But this feeling doesn't leave him.
Mr Haras, was worried to see him like this. He asked him what he had this morning because it was the first time he saw him like this since the begining of the classes. Knowing the courage and determination he had shown throughout these weeks of hard work, this disorder destabilised the teacher. He questioned his young student hoping to help him.
Atem, after a few seconds of hesitation, told him what had happened that morning.
« Hum… it is strange indeed! I hope it is nothing serious. But… you must resume, if you want to succeed » He approached Atem and put his hand on his shoulder for support and encouragement. « You are on your way to succeed, my boy!"
Atem looked at him and thought. He said he may be right. But he decided to talk about this with Bakura, maybe he could reassure him giving him good news of his friends. He therefore worked his lessons with the Professor during six hours and didn't think about this.
In the evening, he was waiting for the arrival of Bakura so that he can provide news. The latter arrived, accompanied by Marek, after their classes finished in their school. But entering the living room, they saw the concern face of Atem. Without waiting, Atem invited them to sit down and talked to them.
« This morning… I had a bad feeling… and my cup was broken as…… as if something terrible had arrived! I do not know what it was, but it don't leave me no more since this morning and I wanted to know if you had a new of them! » Said Atem to Bakura with his low voice looking seriously and fixedly.
Bakura, stunned by what he had just heard, looked at Marek, who agreed moving his head like to confirm what Atem had said and looked thim for a moment and saw the concerned look of his friend. He could see the seriousness that characterized the temperament of Atem. But he also distinguished, a slight glimmer of concern and even fear. This surprised Bakura and he decided to reassure his friend.
« Bah! For the moment I haven't get news about them! But if you want, I will write to Honda. You know it maybe nothing but it is better if I check! » He said him smiling for comfort him.
Atem agreed and thanked him. Then they discussed other things to try to take over his concern. The evening past, Atem, a little more relaxed than in the day, laid in his bed saying that there was, perhaps, nothing after all, and went to sleep. That night, he slept heavily without dreams.
The next day he woke up less in fit and earlier than usual. But he decided to resume going to run a little. After all do sport would not harm and would help him to feel better. So he dressed and he came out running around the residence, as he used to do it. He ran for almost an hour before he feel better and decided to return home and take his breakfast.
Besides during the breakfast, Marek and the others looked at him a little worried, because he seemed always worried too. They wondered if it was related to what he had told them the day before. They were afraid that he lost heart and they so lose the efforts made so far. But also feared that this presentiment became true.
« You… you feel better today, Atem? » Asked Marek worried.
« Yes! I'm fine. Maybe I had imagined things. I wait news from Bakura, we'll see » Answered Atem lowering his eyes.
« Yes, if Bakura get news I am sure he will tell us » Reassured Marek.
The other two looked each other and thought 'I hope that nothing serious is arrived ! If it would arrive, it would be a disaster. And Atem would surely go over there and abandon his efforts'
They continued to eat in silence. Each lost in their thoughts. After finished, Atem went into the living room, while Marek went to high school with the hope to hear from Bakura good news. Atem followed his classes with his teacher and thought no more. It continued like this for a few days without nothing had happened.
The next days, Bakura, which had received news of his friend Honda, came to school one morning and waited until Marek arrive. This one saw him and his alarmed face, so Marek realized that something had happened.
« Marek Hi! I waited for you! Listen I received a mail from Honda and he told me that Anzu had an accident a few days earlier and was in a coma! » Said Bakura alarmed.
Dumbfounded, Marek didn'tt say a word. He began to shake and had turned around.
« Marek! Where are you going? The classes will start? » Asked Bakura surprised by the behaviour of Marek.
He continued to move up and returning, he looked at Bakura and said with a serious tone:
« Listen ! Classes can wait! The most important thing to do is going to see Ishizu and tell her the news! »
Bakura hesitated for a moment, then taking a decision went and accompanied Marek.
They arrived at the department of history and asked to speak to Ishizu. After a few minutes they entered in the office of Ishizu, who talked with Odion. When they saw them, they wanted to ask them why they were not at school but with their desperate look, they understood that something serious had happened.
"Hey! Guys! What's happening? You seem to hide something? Oh! My god something had happened?" She asked worried.
Marek and Bakura looked at each other without knowing what to tell, then Bakura spoke.
"Well! I have received news from yesterday evening by Honda and... they are not good. So… Anzu has had an accident 3 days ago and she is in a coma. I came to see you after I said it to Marek, because I don't know what to do?” Said Bakura sadly.
Odion and Ishizu didn't move no more for a few minutes, to resume their minds. `Anzu... an accident and in a coma?' The presentiment of Atem was correct. And their concern grew even more. They never imagined there would be a such awful tragedy. They looked at each other and didn't know what to answer. They thought to Anzu that fought to stay alive and prayed for her to wake up. But they also thought to Atem, because they suspected how he would react about this.
'What we are going to do?' They thought. They didn't know if it was necessary to tell him or not. If he learned it, Atem would travel to Japan to be at her side, that it was normal and they understood very well. But at the same time, he would abandon everything and therefore his every effort would be lost. In addition, he had not yet receive his papers. But if they didn't said and he learned this news later, he would have a grudge against them to hidden it and this they didn't want it in any way.
They thought about this to find the best solution.
"I think… we must tell him! Otherwise he hated us not to tell him" Proposed Bakura, after a few minutes of silence.
"Yes… it's true! You're right! We must tell and persuade him to stay here a bit, to continue his efforts" Admitted Marek sighing. Because he knew that the task will be not easy
"Yes… I think you're right. But it will be a stressful time for him and for us. But we must tell him" Ishizu finished ti say sighing a little as well.
They looked at her and agreed. Yet they would wish that nothing like this happened. They feared the reaction of Atem and didn't know how to bring the news too.
"We… could talk to the teacher because they are very close! I'm sure he could help us?" Proposed Odion calmly.
"Yes! You're right. And then I think the five of us will be enough strong to make him understand our point of view” Said Ishizu, also delighted to know that they wouldn't be alone with this problem.
They began to elaborate their script and decided to talk about the terrible news the same evening. Then Bakura and Marek came out and went to the highschool a little reassured, because they also wouldn't have known how to do it, if they were all alone to learn him the news. Along the way, they all thought that, but also to Anzu who struggled against a coma. They thought that four days ago, everyone was healthy and more or less happy. And then, because of this accident, everything was changed. They were, by the way, in no hurry to be tonight and they feared this moment.
In the office, Odion and Ishizu was still in shock. Ishizu decided to meet Mr Haras at lunch to talk about it with him and Odion agreed what she decided. Then they returned to their work, but they thought about the event they had tonight and they weren't concentated in their work.
At lunchtime Ishizu, encouraged by Odion, talked with the professor and explained the situation. This one was affected, because he knew the feelings of Atem to his Japonese friends and he knew that this one would be shocked. She told him that they intend to announce it tonight and they would wish his presence among them. After a few seconds of reflection, he agreed to be among them during the announcement of this terrible misfortune. The professor suggested them to come and join him after his lessonwith Atem at five o'clock in tne evening.
During the afternoon, the professor thought about what Ishizu had learned him He imagined without problem what would be the reaction of Atem, learning the news and he complained him. Indeed Atem will be stressed because he has a big decision to take that could shock his life. He also guessed the cruel dilemma that Atem will have. He apprehended about this evening and this fateful moment. But he tried not to let anything appeared, not to worry his favorite and continued to give his classes.
A five hours in the evening the classes was over. Atem looked at his teacher in the eyes. Because despite the effort of Mr Haras trying to hide what he thought, Atem felt that something was wrong for Mr Haras. It was as if he had something important to say and didn't dare to do so. Moreover, he saw his friends who came in the living room, although it has never occurred before. He looked into them, wondering what there was and saw in their eyes a sadness and a huge embarrassment.
"What's happening?" Atem asked, not knowing how to react. He looked at them alternately with his penetrating gaze to decipher what they were hiding him.
Marek, his sister, Odion, Bakura and even Mr Haras looked at him and nobody didn't dare to speak first.
"So… I have taken news as you'd asked me and I finally learned……… is" stopped Bakura, then taking his courage, he continued without stoping. "There had been an accident. In fact, it's Anzu,she… she was overturned by a car and she is in a coma for three days. "
A cold silence ensued nobody didn't dare to say something, and especially look at Atem. He also didn't react because the new had upset him : 'Anzu... an accident? and in a coma? '.He thought. Then he began to understand where came the premonition that he had had a few days earlier. He began to shake and haggard, he requested more information.
"That is all I know for the moment" Bakura came and sat beside him for support. "Honda told me that everyone looked after her not to let her alone and there was no improvement" stated Bakura.
"I must go, it's impossible!" Said Atem rising determined to leave on the spot. His eyes expressed a determination that they had never seen in him. There was also a kind of anger. Indeed, Atem couldn't believe it had happened a terrible thing to Anzu. He didn't understand, she didn't deserve that and he was so annoyed with himself for not being over there with her.
What they feared arrived and they tried to persuade him not to go, at least for the moment.
"Listen!" He approached Atem to restrain him to leave. “I understand what you feel. But you can't go there, you don't have your papers and therefore you can't leave the country now." Answered Marek, who felt that it wouldn't be enough to stop it.
He looked for the other to implore them to help keeping Atem.
"Yes! Think of all these efforts that you provide, from a little over a month to keep this promise that you have made to go and join them next spring, to further your education in the same school. … If you go now it will serve no purpose. "Implored Ishizu who was worried about the gaze he had always, even though they didn't see him because his back was turned.
"I don't care about that! I want to go there and be with her” He said with a dark and powerful voice. "She… She has always been with me in the hard time for me, despite the many dangers. Her help and friendship have always been valuable… and now that she has a problem I shouldn't be with her! She means for me very much” Said Atem with a tone calm, too calm, although his body was shaking. The other could feel he would accept no compromise and he was determined to leave to go and to join her.
Scared, they looked helpless. They understood what he felt, but they also believed that this wasn't the time to falter in his resolution. Especially after all the efforts he had provided.
"We understand what you feel!" Began to say Bakura, who had joined Atem and put his hand on his shoulder, to signify that he was with him and supported him. "But… I am sure that she … said you the same thing: not to give up. She wouldn't like that you abandon your dream for her” Finished to say Bakura.
"Wait until you have your papers, which should no longer delay. And if in the meantime, she hasn't awakened we will see about then" Stated Odion.
Indeed they felt completely helpless with this problem. Atem began to think, because the remark Bakura had just said was true. He knew that Anzu wouldn't have agreed to drop everything he had began to do to help her. Knowing the dream of Anzu have and the strength that she put to achieve it, he couldn't give up now, she would have a grudge against him and he knew it. He calmed down therefore,sat and finally that his friends wanted to help. But he was terribly worried, even if he doesn't show it and wanted with all his heart to go.
The professor, who had said nothing, looked at the fight which took place in the minds of his student and thought about this himself. He was pleasantly surprised at this deep friendship he had with this young girl. Knowing his pupil and his strength of character, he thought that she should be formidable, because he was ready to abandon his goal. He also thought that even if he remained here to keep his promise, he would never be too concentrated, because he would be too worried.
"Excuse me, but I would like to say something" Mr Haras Began "It seems that the importance that you have for this young girl is as important as your goal! So that's what I propose" He stopped for a moment you and everyone looked at him very surprised at his sudden intervention. Atem, more than others, looked straight in the eyes fixedly, with his penetrating eyes and waited patiently thereafter.
"If you agree to wait until your papers are done and you promise me you get to work seriously, despite what happens, I am willing to accompany you in Japan. So you can be with her and follow your classes at the same time. Remember that you have made me a promise! And you love the challenges and give up ever! Well, young man! It's time for you to prove it" Finished to say Mr Haras.
Everybody looked at him grateful. Atem looked straight in his eyes and began to smile, which didn't happen for a while. His gaze had also softened a bit, and expressed a serenity finally found. He accepted his offer and the others also thanked him. Relieved, they came out of the room leaving only Atem, and accompanied Bakura and Mr Haras back to the door thanking him again. He told them that this doesn't disturbed him to travel to Japan with his pupil, if he could help.
Staying alone, Atem thought at what had happened and boiled inside him. He wanted so much to be with Anzu, but he had accepted the proposal of Mr Haras and didn't want to disappoint him. They ate quietly and went to bed.
He continued to receive his lessons from Mr Haras, although he was frustrated and worried. But he showed nothing at least the day. He wanted to do everything that was possible to keep his word and to honour Anzu and also to himself. But this wait was very long. The tension was at its climax, when he received a week later, his papers. Moreover, he learned that the state of Anzu hadn't changed. He prepared, therefore, his suitcases, while thinking of her and her friends through a terrible moment. He came down the stairs, with his bags and went with the professor and Bakura, who had taken the decision to return to Japan to be with his friends.
Marek decided to accompany them also to take news of Anzu and be with his two friends. Ishizu approved after a little hesitation, but she knew that her brother could be stubborn and therefore agreed. She therefore proposed to continue his classes in Japan and that she would deal with his transfer. Marek thanked her for her understanding and also prepared his luggage.
Atem thanked Ishizu and Odion for their help. He promised he give them news and work well during his lessons, a homage to the help provided by his friends and especially after all the efforts he had provided.
They went to the airport, which was crowded. They were struggling to come to customs control because there were so many people. But when they finally arrived, they were controlling their papers and luggages and went up in the plane. When it took off, Atem thought: "I come! Keep going on Anzu. I would be there soon. "
It is with these words he went with Mr Haras, Marek and Bakura in the direction of Japan.
The plane which took Atem, Bakura, Professor and Marek, arrived at five o'clock in the evening in Japan. After aligthing from the plane and have registered their papers, they came out of the airport under a pouring rain. The weather was in harmony with the events. Atem looked at the sky with an morose look and wondered that the weather couldn't be worse. He was nervous, because the trip had seemed to last an eternity. He was so impatient to arrive in Japan to see his friend and be at her side.
They arrived at their hotel an hour later, because nothing arrange traffic was horrible, putting the nerves of Atem in severe test. Yet he said nothing because he was someone who doesn't lose his temper easily. Moreover he believed taht get angry would serve no purpose and it was better he keeps forces to support her very dear friend, Anzu, to whom he apreciated very much. They therefore went in the hotel, where a suite had been booked before their departure. Atem calmed because he finally saw the end of this long journey. The four men took their key, went up in their room. They came to enter into a sumptuous suite which had a spacious living room which soft and appropriate tone and furniture with classic style but comfortable. There were also four comfortable rooms. They chose their own rooms, put their luggage and refreshed quickly. Then they found themselves in the living room. Atem and Marek sat on the sofa, while Mr Haras remained standing in a corner and that Bakura walked, reflecting.
"Well! I think you will agree with me that it's too late to go over there tonight, won't you, Atem? " Said Bakura, always walking.
Despite his desire to go there immediately, Atem agreed. They took too much time to get here, so he thought that it could take more to go over there. It was better to wait and go tomorrow, fresh and available.
"Moreover, the other don't know that you're back in our world. I think it would be a shock… and they already had enough, you do not believe? " Continued Bakura.
Atem agreed one more time again and looked at Bakura to hear he would propose. Because he knew that he had a plan.
"So I would suggest you something. Tell me what you think. Well… I think I'll go there alone, first, to see what's going on. Then i anounced them taht you're back. And finally, the next day I'll bring them because, I think… they will find it difficult to believe me " He said smiling, then resuming "So ! What do you think? " He said to Atem before stopping in front of him and looking in his eyes waiting his answer.
"I agree with Bakura, Atem! It is better that you stay here and wait until tomorrow to see them! I will stay with you, so you will not be alone, ok? " Said Marek, who had remained silent since the beginning.
Atem looked at Marek, then turned his gaze to face Bakura, and thinks about what his friends had told him. He wondered they were right, even if he had wanted to go with him. But he didn't want to rush his friends, which should already be upset. Moreover, he could wait a day longer. Even if it was hard, because he was so close.
"Ok, I will wait!" He began to say. "Even if I wanted to come with you… Anyway I understand. So I'll wait you come with Yugi, Jono uchi and others. Thank you for your help to both of them, I am grateful. " He finished to say, looking at Marek smiling, then approaching Bakura and laying his hands on his shoulder, to show his gratitude. His gaze was calm and serene.
"Eh! It's nothing! This is normal! And then I too am concerned for Anzu. This is my friend " Answered Bakura, which was concerned by the friendship that Atem shown him.
The professor had seen the scene without intervening because there was nothing else to add. He looked at the three boys and was concern by the friendship the three of them had.
After setting the final details, Bakura left to go to the hospital, leaving Atem, the Professor and Marek alone. Indeed Mr Haras looked at Atem and saw, again, the conflict Atem had inside him : 'My poor boy, I imagine how it must be painful. But you must be strong, I am with you '. He think deeply.
Atem turned around and looked at him as if he had guessed what Mr Haras thought, and thanked him wiht a glance. Then they heard the bell rang indicated it was the time for eating. They therefore decided, to come down. The dinner room was beautiful, sparkling light with its candelabrum and there was a calm and dynamic atmosphere at the same time. Indeed there was the waiters who serve their customers and at the same time, calm reigned, because nobody could hear the conversations of people. The professor was delighted because it was the first time he went to Egypt and he discovered a world different from his. As for Marek, he was more interested by the choice the menu proposed and licked his lips. Unfortunately, the mood of Atem wasn't the same, yet he made an effort, when he saw the contentment of Professor and the cheefullness of Marek. He thought : 'Go and pull yourself together ! Don't spoil their evening. The professor is so happy to discover another country, and Marek has fun. They have been so nice, patient and understanding with you.' He thought to encourage him.
During that time, Bakura arrived at the hospital. He remained a little time out to develop his script he had prepared along the way. He didn't want to rush his friends, especially with what they lived at this time. Then after checking it one last time, he entered.
He saw his friends who were waiting at the reception, because when he had left the hotel, he called everyone, to prevent them from his back. He was transported with joy, because they had missed him a lot. Indeed the latters looked happen, delighted, despite the circumstances.
"Bakura you're back? It's great " Exclaimed Honda.
"Yes… soon as I learned to Anzu I came back. Indeed how is she? " Asked Bakura worried.
"Ah! There is no change unfortunately! But… we're all here for her! " Answered Jono uchi.
Bakura felt sad, because he had hoped for a miracle, and he was disappointed. Then, he looked at his friends to announce the news.
"Indeed! If I was a little late to come,… it's because I didn't come back alone! " He began hesitant.
The others looked at him surprised and curious about what he could announce them.
"So! We wanted to surprise you, but with the circumstances were not too had the choice " He put his hand behind his head lifting his eyes to the celling, and try to found how he could announce the following " First, Marek came back with me, but he stayed at the hotel for letting me go there alone and to stay with the other person who came back with us too " He stopped his speach to look at his friends and seek his words to announce the following " So … A month ago, there had been like… like a sort of miracle and… that in fact it seems that Atem is alive. So he is the other person who has accompanied us " he finished to say without daring to look at them.
No noise could be heard. Nobody reacted. 'Atem come back?'. They all thought. 'It's a joke?'. Then a crazy laugh was heard. They all believed that Bakura joked. This latter understood their behaviour, because if he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would have reacted the same way. He waited therefore that everyone calms down to resume his explanation.
"I know it may seem impossible, but yet… I swear to you, on my head, that is true!"
"Stop your joke!" Said Jono uchi trying to resume his breath.
"Yes, it's nice to want to relax the atmosphere but still is a bit strong" Continued Honda which was leaned on Jono uchi and tried to resume his breath too.
The rest of the group looked at bakura surprised. He looked so serious.
"Listen! if you don't believe me I will take you tomorrow at the hotel where we're down and you can see him with your own eyes " Said Bakura seriously.
Everyone lookedt at him, especially Yugi. If what Bakura said was true, so it was great. Indeed, the pharaoh missing him terribly and now he is back, it brought a little joy in the heart of the battered young duelist.
"So you just tell us that Atem has returned more than a month ago and went down in a hotel? It's great! But why you didn't have brought him? " Asked Jono uchi excited and raised his fists in the air and jumping everywhere.
"Oh! Calm down " Said Honda by giving him a blow on the head " Where do you think you are! We are in a hospital, I remind you, Dummy! "
"What, repeat what you have said" Answered Jono uchi by massaging his head where Honda had hit him.
They have embarked on a fight of insults, and then when they were running out of insults they went outside and began a pursuit to find out who would give the greatest punch.
The others looked at them for a little while and then they looked at Bakura again.
"But, why you didn't brought him with you?" Asked Yugi approaching bakura to hear better what he had to say, through the cries that they heard.
"Well! In fact… I thought it would have been a shock to you to see him now… with the situation. I wanted to be easy with you! That is why I preferred to warn you first! But don't worry, you will see him tomorrow, I promise you! " Said Bakura.
"Why tomorrow? let's do it right now! " Continued Jono uchi who was back in the corridor, followed closely by Honda.
"It is perhaps a little late tonight! Be patient Jono uchi. He just made a long journey. Let him to rest. But… We could meet us tomorrow at 10 in the morning. It is Sunday tomorow and that no classes, so you can come and see him " He said them and he gave them the address of their hotel.
They therefore agreed to meet again the next day, despite the fact that Jono uchi is a little disappointed. Then Bakura left them and returned to the hotel.
When they came out of the hospital, they all happily discussed, which had not arrived for a long time.
"Atem is back! It is great! Isn't it Yugi? " Said Jono uchi excited a lot.
"Yes! It's true it's great! " He said less enthusiasm he would seem, because he always thought about Anzu.
"Yes yes yes, I can't wait for tomorrow ... Well, I leave you! " Said Jono uchi lifting his arms to the sky.
"But… Do you know where the hotel is located at least?" Said Honda the most seriously possible. Because he knew, in fact, Jono uchi didn't know at all where it was.
He stopped abruptly in the middle of the race and the others looked at him.
"You take me for an idiot or else!…." Then after a moment he continued "In fact it's true where it is?" He said coming back to his friends while running, his hand behind his head and smiling stupidly.
"Idiot", they all thought.
Everyone began to laugh at the behaviour of Jono uchi, even if they knew him, they were still surprised by his impulsive reactions. This had the effect to relax the atmosphere even more. Then, after that, they decided to meet at Yugi's home at tomorow nine and to go together. They teared apart happy and everyone returned home.
Meanwhile, Atem, the Professor and Marek, who had returned from their dinner, had reported something to Bakura, and waiting quietly. Indeed this one arrived soon. When Atem heard the key and the door open, he looked at him and came to meet him, hurry to have the news. Surprised by this rush, Bakura sat down and looked at him.
"Well… ! I have said everything. At first, they had trouble believing me, which is understandable by the way! And then when they finally admit that I was saying the truth, they were all hurry to see you, especially Jono uchi " Bakura began to smile, thinking back to the scene, and then he resumed his story " Jono uchi would come immediately. But I preferred to tell them to come tomorrow at 10 am, so you can rest and them, they digest the news. Because you can believe me it was a shock for us! "
Atem began to smile, which pleased the teacher to see his pupil like this, rather than sullen. He thanked once again, Bakura for what he had done. Then he showed him what they had reported to him and the latter thanked them. They decided to go to bed to be fresh and available.
The next day, the weather was good and everybody had found at Yugi to go toward the hotel. The latter, by the way, was stood up since seven o' clock, to think again about this, what had surprised his mother and grandfather. Indeed usual Yugi didn't get up as early because he was the type of people to stay in bed, so, it was unusual for them.
When everyone else was there, they went to see Atem, Bakura and Marek. They were all impatient to see them and the miracle. Yugi began to think, very strong, that if a first miracle had occurred, another might be made for Anzu. In any case he believed firmly at that and with this resolution, he smiled for the second time since a long time.
At the hotel, Atem was got up too early, impatient to see them and go and see Anzu. He was so in his thoughts, he didn't hear Mr Haras, Marek and Bakura stand up too. They found him then, standing at the window, absent minded, and they understood what he felt. he should be eager to see all his friends, he had not seen for so long. They approached him and greet him. Surprised, he looked at them and greeted well. Then they decided to come down to take their breakfast together. They talked a little because Bakura, Mr Haras and Marek felt although he didn't really want to discuss. He didn't eat so much, and was merely looking at his watch. After taking their breakfast, they came upstairs in the living room waiting for the fateful hour.
It was a long wait for Atem who was in a hurry taht it was ten o'clock. Indeed he kept looking at his watch or the wall clock. the show. 9 o' clock, half past nine, quarter than nine... : 'it is not possible! Tis wall clock will make me crazy! '. he thought. Then he decided to calm down. He got up and he went to the balcony to take a bowl of fresh air. He began to breathe a great breath of fresh air and sit back gradually. His gaze lost in contemplation of the city that stood in front of him. While watching, he thought at all what he had crossed with his friends, and he began to consider Anzu, his heart shaking suddendly. She had always been there, healthy and strong. And when he learned that she had had an accident, it was a shock for him. He could not believe she could disappear like this, while he was back in this world. The fate could not be so cruel No, it should not happen, it was impossible. He pulled himself together and decided to be strong, because she would surely fight to live. Because he had seen, throughout his adventures, she was courageous and strong. She had such a will, he had been impressed, and he is always by the way. Because he had never met someone as courageous, voluntary and at the same time cherishing all those she met and never showed hatred towards people. She always tried to see deeply inside each person. Rare was the people she hated, they must be really awful like some that they had met. And yet, she always found a place in her heart to complain, rather than hate. Moreover, during these adventures, and when the danger was present and she was afraid she was still there to assist and support them. That's what he enjoyed the most about her.
When the bell indicated 10 o' clock, he stood and waited. Finally, time to see his friends had arrived. Then the phone began to ring and Bakura take the call. After a short moment, he hang up and told him that his friends had arrived and they came. A few minutes later, they heard a knock on the door, then after the door opened and there throughout everyone entered. They remained speechless and don't moved. You could hear a fly. They were all amazed and transported with joy. They looked at him carefully to be sure it was him. Because even if they had finally believed Bakura, they had wondered if it was possible.
Then everyone greeted and shook in the arm, to express their feelings of great pleasure. A huge cacophony could be heard, between matter and hug. The teacher, surprised, looked at them a bit far, because he felt it was an important moment for Atem and he did not want to disturb his reunion. He saw that all these people were important to him, this was reflected by the immense joy that was on his face. A genuine and warm smile.
Atem saw a little behind a young girl with green eyes and light chestnut hair. The gang noticed this and made intoriduction. Atem greeted the young girl who was the cousin of Anzu and noticed that they all had both the same warmth and love for his fellow men, but she seemed more reserved and quiet than Anzu.
Marek also noticed her and immediately his heart began to beat a lot. He blushes slightly and went to welcome her; This one looked at him and began to blush as well. She thought he seemed to have an aura and a mystery inside him which impressed her. She also noticed that despite his cheerfulness, this one seemed to hide a painful past. The two of them therefore welcomed them and remained motionless to look at each otehr for a little while.
The others noticed this and, with a smile, they teased them a little. They began to blush more and after a while they became serious.
After this interlude, Atem was able to fully explain everything that had happened since. He told their his back among the ruins of the tomb where he had disappeared after his duel against Yugi. Then his arrived in the town and his encounter with a policeman, who was kind enough to call for Ishizu. Finally, all the arrangements needed to make his papers and also the classes he followed , in order to return to Japan next spring and followed his classes with them. A silence ensued and everybody stayed dumbfounded by this story. Atem then turned around and he introduced Mr Haras who had remained standing in a corner quietly. He explained who he was, the help and the proposal he had made for Atem was able to come back here and see Anzu. They were surprised seeing him, because they had not noticed him since their arrival. They eventually welcomed him affectionately, to thank him for his assistance to Atem and his generous proposal. Because without him, he would not be there.
Finally, returning seriously, Atem asked for news of Anzu. Yugi and his friends looked sad and he learned that nothing had changed, but they kept hope. Atem, watched and meditated a few seconds. 'So, the situation has not changed! It is not possible! Anzu hold on! I am here now ', he thought with afraid eyes. The silence could be heard, because all thought about Anzu and this tragic accident. They all decided to go see her this afternoon to support her.
Atem was impatient to go there and waited the moment with his friends. Mr Haras was also eager to meet her because he was curious to see this person with his own eyes. They continued chatting happily as they had many things to say. At noon, they all came out of the suite, and down lunch at a fast food because they did not have any moneys to go to the restaurant. Moreover, they had so much to say that they might make noise and disturb the customers. After lunch, they went to the hospital to finally go see their friend who was in a coma and was fighting to get out.
And here!! Another chapter done!! i hope you will like it
How do Atem react when he see Anzu like this??
I wait for your reviews!! thank you so much for your support!!