Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ On Angel's Wings! ❯ Chosen! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On Angel's Wings!
By Gogina
A/N: Hmmm. No reviews. Well, I'm going to update anyway.
Disclaimer - Me? Own Yu-Gi-Oh? (Places hand on forehead) Nope, no fever. I guess that means you're still sane and I still don't own YGO.
Anyway, on to chapter 2.
Chapter 2
Yugi was quiet for the next couple of days, which didn't surprise Yami at all. The loss of Solomon Motou was a big shock to everyone.
Yami calmly knocked on Yugi's bedroom door, a plate of food in his hand.
“Aibou?” he called, worriedly. “Aibou, please, let me in.”
“Leave me alone,” a muffled voice filtered through the door.
Yami sighed and placed his forehead against the door, his voice becoming almost a whisper, “I miss him, too, Yugi. Please, don't shut me out.”
A small silence met him, then, the door creaked open and Yugi hurled himself into his waiting friend's arms. Yami dropped the plate of food, ignoring the crashing sound it made when it hit the floor.
(Dream Sequence)
“Hello?” Yugi called. “Hello? Anyone in here? Yami?”
“Relax, young one,” a voice called from the darkness. “You are among friends here.”
Yugi swallowed hard and took a step backwards.
Another voice spoke to the first, “I told you it was wrong for listening to him and erasing his memory of us.”
“Shut up, Kydu.”
Yugi continued backing up, fear covering his features.
“W-Who are you?” he stammered.
Two figures appeared before him in a shimmering light. Wings spread gracefully from their backs, causing the light to become more radiant.
“You may not remember us, Yugi, but we have been here since the beginning,” the first voice replied. “You were like us once, until you were sent to earth to fulfill a purpose. Now, we've come to help you, Chosen One.”
Yugi frowned, not liking the fact that he was all by himself with two total strangers.
“Ah, but we're not strangers, Young One,” the second, Kydu, said, causing Yugi's eyes widen in shock.
“You-You can read my mind?” he asked in disbelief.
Kydu looked at his companion and smiled.
“So, Dertu, what do we do now?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yugi must have all his memories before we can complete our task.”
“Easy, Kydu. We cannot rush the process. Yugi will regain his memories slowly, but surely. We must wait for the right moment before he will remember us and his mission.”
Yugi's eyes were drifting close and the figures before him were growing blurry. His mind was suddenly filled with pain and gradually his subconscious was brought back to the living.
(End Dream Sequence)
Yugi practically fell out of bed when he woke up. Sweat covered him and he placed a trembling hand to his forehead as if it would stop his head from spinning. The door to his room opened moments later and a very concerned Yami rushed inside.
“Yugi, are you all right?” he asked, anxiously.
Not able to answer, Yugi just allowed Yami to hold him as he stared straight ahead, thinking one thought the entire time.
`What am I?'
A/N: Yes! Another chapter out and my brain hurts. So, now please R&R. Let me know if I should continue! Please and thank you.