Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Otogi's Dark Angel ❯ Love and Dungeon Dice Monsters ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ok ^_^ Here we go with Chapter 7! I'm surprised at the reviews I got for this one! I didn't think this many people liked Otogi, oh well, looks like all my hard work finally paid off.

Chapter 7: Love and Dungeon Dice Monsters

Kozue ran as fast as she could, all the way home. She slammed the front door and ran to her room.

"What have I done?" She asked herself. "Did I just kiss Ryouji Otogi???? This is all like a bad dream! What was I doing!?!?! ARGH BAKA!!!!"

The next day at school, Otogi approached Kozue, confused by the fact that she kissed him. He walked up to her.

"Hey, Kozue...."

Kozue turned and walked off. Otogi was confused. Why was Kozue ignoring him? He thought that she had liked him, after all, she did kiss him, right?

Otogi spied Kozue talking to Anzu, both in which were giggling and laughing as normal schoolgirls.

"And then, he tried to do the moonwalk and fell flat on his face!" Kozue laughed.

Anzu giggled. "Boy, that IS funny!"

"Huh?" Otogi said to himself as he spied the both of them talking. He thought to himself:

**Hey, that's Anzu...And...She's laughing with Kozue. Kozue never laughed with me! Maybe at me, so.....She wants to hang out with that looser Motou Yugi instead of me!?!**

Otogi walked over to Kozue and Anzu with an angry expression on his face. Kozue turns around and sees Otogi, who is looking down upon her.

"What do YOU want?" She asks.

"If you want to hang around that looser Yugi and his friends instead of me, then you can just never talk to me again. Further more, I don't want anything to do with you anymore! I'm tired of trying to please you, only to get slapped in the face for TRYING to be nice to you." Otogi yelled at Kozue, then turned around and stomped off angrily.

Kozue was dumbfounded by his anger. Why was hanging out with Anzu such a big deal? Who was Yugi? She didn't even know him, but there must be some reason that Otogi hated him so.

Otogi's cheerleaders came up to Kozue, then started talking to her.

"Oh," One of them said, looking very snobby towards Anzu and Kozue. " I guess Otogi doesn't like you anymore. You must have really made him mad."

"That is none of your business, so why don't you take your pompoms and shove them."

The large one belly bumped her from the side, knocking her down. " No one talks to the cheerleaders of Otogi-kun like that! At least he likes us!"

"Like I care if some stuck up, dice playing, guy likes you! YOU can HAVE him!!!" Kozue shouted.

"Hey, that was totally unnecessary!" Anzu yelled, trying to defend her friend, but the cheerleaders outnumbered them.

Anzu helped Kozue up.

"You ok?" she asked.

"I'm fine." Kozue replied, looking a little sad. "Let's just go."

Kozue grabbed Anzu by the arm and drug her off. They both walked away as the cheerleaders proceeded to shout things at Kozue. They ran into Yugi on the way away from the cheerleaders.

"Who are you, short stuff?" Kozue asked.

"Oh, I'm Motou Yugi. Nice to meet you. You must be the one Anzu's been telling me about." He replied.

"You're Motou Yugi?!?!" She exclaimed. She was kind of surprised that Otogi would hate a person like Yugi.

"Um...Yes." Yugi replied, a bit unsure of himself. "Why? It there something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine."

"You were very brave to stand up to Otogi and his cheerleaders like you did." Anzu commented.

"Yeah, let's not talk about it, ok?"

"Sure, I understand."

They walked off to class.

At the end of the day, Kozue saw Otogi. Upon seeing him, she felt a sort of pain in her chest. She made a face of great sorrow. She walked up to Otogi.

"O-Otogi...Otogi-san..." She said in a small voice.

Otogi stopped and turned around, and gave her the same cold look as he had before.

Kozue got infront of him, he stared her down once more.

"If you're trying to intimidate me, then you can just stop right now." Kozue told him.


"Please talk to me, Otogi."


No matter what Kozue said, Otogi would not talk to her, as he had told her. No matter how much it hurt him to see her with those looks of pain and sorrow. He continued to stand there, saying nothing. He refused to associate with anyone who spoke to any of Yugi's friends, or Yugi himself.

Kozue tried to talk with, reason with and yell at him, but it seemed as if nothing phased him. Kozue finally gave up after shoving Otogi and begging him to talk to her. She ran off, Otogi was left saddened by this. Then he changed his motives, he would challenge Yugi to a duel, but of a different sort, a duel of Dungeon Dice Monsters.

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Sorry for the cutting off of this chapter. I'm going to write another chapter, there aren't that many left, actually this is the middle portion of the story. Well, R&R!!

