Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Save Me From Myself ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Save Me From Myself

Chapter Six: Searching For You

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-Yami’s POV-


I clung to Yugi without thinking. He was so warm against my cool body and I felt I needed him near me right now. I felt him tighten his grip and the tears fell even faster. Then slowly, I felt him rubbing my back.

“Love, it’s love.” I heard him whisper. I felt him rest his head on mine and I titled my head to stare up at him. He stared down at me as well and I could see the love in his eyes. I had a strong feeling that I could trust him and not get hurt anymore.


When my tears finally subsided, I looked up at him. He just stared down at me with a small smile playing on his lips. I smiled up at him as well and he stood up a bit. I watched him stand slowly and put all his weight on the other leg.

“What happened?” I asked, jumping up quickly and helping him. He frowned but didn’t say anything right away. He just sat back down and slowly rubbed his leg. I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulder.

“Are you OK?” I asked again, pulling him close to me because I didn’t want his warmth to leave me. He nodded and I laid my head on top of his.

“Thank-you,” I whispered, closing my eyes.


-Yugi’s POV-

I heard him whisper thank you. I closed my eyes and told him he was welcome. I let out a contented sigh and leaned against his warm body.

“I think you need to know what happened to me,” I finally said after a few minutes of silence between the two of us, “but it’ll take awhile for me to tell you.” I felt him shift and I moved around to where I could face him. He nodded and waited for me to speak. I opened my mouth and started talking.


I sat alone on my front porch steps, waiting like usual. It was unusually warm and I had become sticky and sweaty in my clothes I was wearing. I plucked the sticky material away from my body and flapped it back and forward for a minute. Several of my friends from school walked by, calling out hello and waving. I waved back and looked back down the street.

“They’re late again,” I mumbled, closing my eyes and leaning against the stone steps. I stretched my legs and pushed myself back in a sitting position. I sighed and stood up.

My parents are hardly home. They often forget about me and just leave me enough money for food and anything else I need to get. But this time, they forgot to leave me the house key. We had just moved and they didn’t leave me the new house key last night before I left for school.

I felt my cell phone vibrate and I reached for it. It read my father’s number and I answered it quickly. He told me he was sorry for not leaving me the key but it was in the mailbox. I thanked him and he hung up. I shut my phone off and put it back in my pocket.

‘In the mailbox huh?’ I thought to myself, standing up on my tiptoes to reach the brass box. I felt around for a few moments and felt the cool key. I smiled to myself and pulled it out. I hopped down and landed on my ankle rather hard. I made a face and pulled my leg up to where I could rub the sore spot. It pounded for a moment, and then stopped. I stuck the key in the hole and turned it. I heard the lock clicking and I pushed open the door.

Our house had the smell of roses still in it; it greeted me when I opened the door all the way. I sniffed and covered my nose; the smell was a little too strong for me and often made me sick. I picked up my book bag and went inside. I kicked off my shoes and slammed the door behind me.

I glanced down at the table that was in the hallway. The answering machine beeped several times, letting me know that there were new messages. I dropped my bag by the table and didn’t play the messages. I let out a sigh and decided against getting something to eat. I trudged wearily up the stairs, my hand guiding me along the railing.

I heaved a yawn and quickly raised my arms up for a quick stretch. Then I started back up the stairs.

‘Homework’s in my bag, bag downstairs. Screw it all.’ I thought, taking a deep sigh. I was tired and didn’t feel like doing any work right away. I eyes drooped and I yawned again. My bed was calling to me now.


My alarm clock rang shrilly in my ears and I flew upwards. I panted and looked over at the clock.

“Shit!” I shouted, jumping out of bed, getting tangled up in the blankets and sheets. I fell gracelessly to the floor and kicked everything away from me. I got up quickly and rushed around my room to find everything.



School was a drag all day. I couldn’t concrete during class and my head was spinning. I rubbed it once more during Algebra. Once class was over, I was going to go to the nurse to get something to kill the headache; that much I knew.

The bell rang and I was one of the first few out of the classroom. My head spun even worse and I felt wobbly on my legs. I put my hand to my head and slowly began to try to rub the pain away.

I hurried into the nurse’s office and she sat in her chair, fast asleep. I tapped the desk and she startled, a line of drool dripped onto the desk.

“I’m not feeling too well,” I told her, holding my head slightly. She nodded and grabbed a pad of paper and wrote me out an excuse. Then she handed it to me and I stared at it.

“You don’t need to..”

“No, Mr. Yugi, now go on home.” she said, waving me off with her hand. I nodded and hurried out of the room.


My house loomed before me, slightly swaying since I was dizzy. I had barely made it across the street and I felt hot and sweaty. My body ached in tune with my beating heart and I yearned to sit down and soon. I reached out and felt the stone steps against my burning fingertips. Then I fell down and leaned my head against the next step. My head became last fuzzy but it still spun. I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out my house key and stood up as slow as I could.

I gripped the key rather hard and walked slowly up the steps. It only took a few minutes but to me it felt like a million years. I gripped the doorknob and slid the key into the hole and turned it. I slipped inside and the darkness of the hallway greeted my pounding head and eyes. The dark was a soothing sight for my eyes and I slid down to the floor against the door. I shook my head slightly, wondering if I could make it up the stairs. I closed my eyes, and then reopened them to stare at the stairs before me. I reached up and clutched the doorknob to brace myself. Then I pushed up and I stood shakily.

I started up the stairs slowly, and then I took two steps at a time. I wanted to go to bed and I wanted up there as fast as I could go. But I took it a little too quick. My foot caught our run on the stairs and I went backwards, my hands gripping nothing but thin air. And then everything blacked out.


-End Flashback-

I stared at up at Yami, my arms wrapped around his waist. He held me close to his body and he let out a sigh.

“So when you fell backwards, you…”

“I landed on my leg and snapped my bone in two places. The fragments of one bone went into my leg muscle. The damage alone was pretty great and surgery didn’t do me too many favors.” I told him softly, snuggling close to him as close as I could get. He nodded and laid his head on top of mine.

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Sorry it’s taken this long for a new chapter! I haven’t been home for quite awhile and this was one of the few times that I could sit down and write without being disturbed by anyone.

Me: You take too freakin’ long to come up with something, Kiki!

[Kiki (my muse)]-Well, excuse me! I’ve been busy ok!

Me: With what?

[Kiki]-Ummm….I dunno………

Me: You’re hopeless…