Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Shadow of the Past; The Light of the Future ❯ A Dark Wish And the White Dragon Appears ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note to self: `Never go to Disney World during the holiday season, it's crowded and ridiculous.' Okay now for the new chapter. Enjoy!
-??? POV-
`la la la' - song(s)
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Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Wherever you are
You're gonna see me fly
Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Wherever you are
You're gonna see me fly!
Across the midnight sky~!
Where were you to hold my hand
Do the things that we had planned
Yes, I need you by my side
When things go crazy
I just need to know you care
Guaranteed that you'll be there
When I wake up in the night
Will you be my guiding light?
I don't care how far
I'll take a plane tonight
Just tell me where you are
And everything's gonna be alright
Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Gonna fly
Just to be with you tonight
Like a shooting star
Across the midnight sky
Gonna fly
Just to be with you tonight
Ch.22: A Dark Wish and the White Dragon Appears!
~Back at the Palace~
While the battle went on, Akhenaden laid in the healer's wing as he remembered what happened in his past. `Seth…' he thought. `My son…'
^Flashback: fifteen years ago^
A huge battle was going on and at the palace in the throne room, there was another pharaoh, Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, sat on the throne.
“Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen.” Said a guard. “The foreign armies have crossed into our land! We have no forces left to fight back!”
A priest went up to speak. “We have seven days until they reach the palace.”
“Is there no way we can protect the kingdom?” The Pharaoh said.
“Great Pharaoh…” Said the same priest. “This is more than an invasion. The enemy knows what we have. They want the Millennium Tome passed down by the High Priests since ancient times… Even foreigners have heard the legend, of spells which can summon gods and demons… of heka, magical power, which can bring even armies to their knees! If this tome were to fall to the invaders, they would gain even greater power… And the entire continent would be theirs.”
“But after 100 years of trying,” The Pharaoh said. “we haven't deciphered the spells…”
“No Great Pharaoh.” The priest said. “The translation is finished.”
What?! Is that true Akhenaden?!”
“The tome describes a form of magic called Shadow Alchemy.” Akhenaden, younger, said. “It changes… worthless objects… into precious metals. The book tells how to make seven treasures, each of which grants mysterious powers.”
`Seven treasures!!' The Pharaoh thought.
“I, the philosopher Akhenaden, and these three magicians have already made the preparations to perform this shadow alchemy.”
The Pharaoh was silent for a moment before he asked. “How long will it take?”
“Seven days.”
The king went silent again as he thought. `But… to unleash such a great power could bring disaster…'
“Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen, there is no time!” Said a priest that looked like a younger version of Siamun. “What shall we do?”
`I have no choice!' The king thought as he stood up from his throne, saying. “I entrust the fate of Egypt to the seven treasures!”
“My Lord!” Akhenaden said.
`It is in your hands now, Akhenaden…' The king thought. `My brother…'
Outside the men were assembled and Akhenaden was there. “Hear me!” He said. “We ride for the village of Kul Elna near the Valley of the Kings.”
“Kul Elna?!” Said a guard. “That place called the Village of Thieves'?” Said a guard
“There's nothing there but grave robbers!” Said another. “They were descended from royal tomb builders, but they went bad. Why are we going there?
“I heard we were going to perform a magic ritual…”
“Yeah… we're not wizards, we're soldiers.
Behind the priest is a woman and a child, who looked as though he's three or four. He looked back at them and thought as he looked at the child. `Seth… I must bloody my hands to save this country… From the day my older brother took the throne, I was fated to walk in his shadow…' He then started to ride off towards the palace gates. `Neither I nor you will ever become king… Farewell, my son.' He and the men then rode out into the desert. `Shadow Alchemy has a cost. In order to change base substances into gold, a mass human sacrifice must be made… Seven treasures, ninety-nine lives… The Pharaoh always frowned on cruelty… He doesn't need to know the truth…'
When they reached to Kul Elna that night, the men began to either round up or kill the villagers. The villagers screamed and cried as men, women and children were either trapped in a corner, cut by swords, or stabbed by spears. A young boy was hiding as he saw the horror of the people he'd known being killed. When ninety-nine corpses filled the pot, the liquid substance turned into gold and went into a small hole to be molded. `With shadow alchemy they forged a magic contract with gods and devils… And so, the villagers of Kul Elna died… and the Seven Millennium Items were born.
When the conspirators returned to the palace, they chose how would wield the Millennium Items. Six priests took the items, leaving the seventh for the Pharaoh, their leader. I became the holder of the Millennium Eye. The pain I paid was incredible… But it was written in the tome that the Millennium Eye would grant one wish to the one who wears it… How absurd! A wish?! But why not… This is my wish… Make my son the Pharaoh!
~Seven days later~
The foreign army was looking at the palace when the leader spoke. “Look… We were going to build a mountain of corpses, but there are no soldiers guarding the palace!! We'll have the throne in no time!” Then they started to move out. “Attack!! This land is our now! Kill anyone you find alive!” They were near the palace, when they saw seven people. “What the…?! Seven men?! Is this a joke?! They're sending seven to face our whole army?!
The mentioned seven were ready as the Pharaoh thought. `Seven treasures… Protect my country and my people! Spirits! Give us your power!'
The army looked up to see a pillar of light which then turned into monsters that destroyed them.
`And so, the Millennium Items saved the throne... But, at the same time, they set us on the path of destruction.'
^End of Flashback^
~Meanwhile, in the Ruins of the Hidden Shrine~
“Now two of the items are mine…” Bakura said. “I sealed a bit of my personality into the old priest's Millennium Eye… With the Pharaoh, not to mention the girl, dead, it's only a matter of time until the kingdom falls… Even without my help, the last five treasures will make their way back to this slab… Then I will gain the shadow power of Zorc Necrophades, the great god of the underworld… And with my comrades, the ghosts of Kul Elna… I will steal the world!!
~In a cave somewhere: four days later~
Heba woke up with the sun's rays in her face. She looked around to see that they were in cave. She looked at the young king, who was lying right beside her. `What happened?' She thought as she remembered what happened. `I remember now!'
^Flashback: Heba/Yugi's POV^
I was running back to the group just after I was pushed back by that reverse time spell. But as I did though, Diabound's surprise attack nearly got me, but I quickly jumped out of the way and `played dead' before getting up and ran the other direction, since the way I was going was destroyed. I was heading into the canyons, knowing Bakura was there and I saw him along with Atem shortly after I came up. I waited to catch my breath while Bakura was talking, but then the canyon part where Atem was standing started to crumble and Diabound appeared only for a moment. Shada appeared, but he was on the other side of the canyon and I noticed that Bakura took Atem's item. I didn't have time to think when I started to run up and shoved him to the side as well as grabbing hold of Atem's hand, just when he was about to fall. I was so happy to see him that I didn't pay attention to Bakura as he stepped on me, as if I had time to get him away from me. Then the crazy thief was talking about that he tried to kill me before and I was confused and thought that he was the reason that I lost my memories, but my thinking went blank when he kicked me to the side, hard! The last thing I remember was Atem holding me as we fell into the darkness.
^End of Flashback^
I looked to see if there were any critical injuries on him and finding none, just really wounded but still be alive. I would like to wake him up, to see his eyes and to hear his voice, but from what happened… I thought it was best if I let him be and rest. `How long have we been here?' I thought but then brushed that aside as I laid back down next to him and rested as well.
~At the Palace~
Haven't you found the Pharaoh yet?!” Seth shouted.
“Lord Seth, the search party has not come back yet!” The guard said.
That's enough!” Seth shouted. “Find him, even if you have to drain the Nile to do it!”
“Yes sir!”
“Could it be…” Kalim said. “That the Pharaoh has fallen to Bakura? And Heba as well?”
“Shada is still out with the searchers.” Siamun said. “If not only the Millennium Ring, but other Millennium Items have fallen into Bakura's hands… Of the six priests sworn to protect the Pharaoh… only four are left in the palace…”
Akhenaden looked at the empty throne and thought. `A throne without a king…'
The Pharaoh must be alive!!” Seth shouted. “And his dream to protect his country is still strong! We must not lose faith that the Pharaoh will return!”
`Faith… Dreams…' Akhenaden thought. `That isn't enough to protect this country. You need power Seth! Like fifteen years ago… Even if it means selling your soul to the shadows…' He remembers the villagers in Kul Elna and seeing the Millennium Eye.
Isis had her eyes closed as her item glowed.
“What do you see, Isis?” Siamun asked.
“I see a ripple in dark waters…” She said. “I see the reflection of the shadows… If only one, it will soon fade, but… If two… three ripples over lap they will become a great swell that will drown us in tragedy.”
“Is that the future of our land?” Siamun asked.
“Yes… that prediction has already begun.”
“The divine order of Ma'at upheld by the Seven Millennium Items has already begun to unravel…” Akhenaden said. “And all by the hand of one thief…”
Then Isis looked surprised. “I… I know what will prevent the tragedy! I see a light… a powerful spirit that will create a balance within the swell, making the waters calm once more.
Akhenaden seemed surprised as well as a few confused priests.
`A powerful spirit?' Seth thought when a guard came up and told him something. `The woman of the White Dragon is awake!' He then told the guard. “There is no time… take her to the underground at once.”
~Hospital Wing~
The young woman looked confused as a guard came in. “Are you done eating?” He said. “Get up.”
“Where… am I?” She asked softly.
“The hospital wing of the palace. You were so weak when they found you, you slept for four days. They weren't sure you would wake up… While you were asleep, a special doctor took care of you… did everything he could to get you well!” He then turned around and started to walk, with her following behind. “It's all because of high priest Seth. You owe him your life…”
“Priest… Seth…” The woman said.
~Somewhere in the Palace~
Seth and Akhenaden walked down a dark hallway as the older priests questioned. “A woman who harbors a god?!!”
“Yes!” Seth said. “When I was on the ka hunt in the city, we found her with Shada's Millennium Key. We also have another prisoner who witnessed her White Dragon god with his own eyes.”
“A White Dragon…”
“You are welcome to confirm it with your Millennium Eye… Lord Akhenaden.”
“Seth… If something has happened to the Pharaoh… then we have lost the protection to the Three Great Gods… And that means this palace is helpless.”
“We need a ka stronger than those gods… Strong enough to bring anyone to their knees.”
“Yes. And one more thing… We need a leader. A new Pharaoh!!”
Seth had the look that said `what the hell'.
“Only the missing Pharaoh can summon the Three Great Gods. To become the next Pharaoh, one needs even greater power… one needs new gods to fill Egypt's need… Seth… You must gain the power to surpass the gods!” Seth looked emotionless as the elder priests thought. `You are the one in Isis's prediction. To become Pharaoh with this White Dragon.'
They then saw a very small, very old, and very wrinklely man. “I have been waiting.” He said. “Lord Seth, Lord Akhenaden.” He then turned towards the steps that lead down with a lantern. “This leads to the underground prison wing. Please watch your step.”
“To think that we priests must visit a place like this…” Akhenaden said.
“The Pharaoh doesn't even know this place exists.” Said the man. “This facility has been closed since Akhenamkhanen's reign. I had quite a time finding the keys to the torture chambers…”
“Gebelk,” Seth said. “how goes the ka extraction?
“After many tests…” Gebelk said. “I have discovered that hunger and fear are the best stimuli to bring out violence from a man's ka… On the other hand, severe torture risks killing the prisoner's ba… and so it is counter productive.”
“A spirit ka becomes stronger when its wielder undergoes training and meditation.” Seth said. “But these prisoners have monster ka. What strengthens them?
“There were a few casualties but… I have found the answer.” Gebelk said as they reached to two doors. “Here! Through this door… I'll show you my results. As they entered the room they were brought to two stone chairs.
“What a foul room…” Akhenaden said. “It's pervaded with a dark aura…”
“I believe that is the result of my work as well…” Gebelk said. “Please have a seat.”
As they sat down they noticed the arena-like scene before them.
`An arena…!!' Seth thought. `The prisoners are fighting!'
There were two huge monsters were huge and ugly. One looked like a caterpillar with spider-like legs and a mouth with sharp razor teeth, while the other is a monster with five eyes and three huge horns.
`Both have mighty ka!' Akhenaden thought.
`Amazing!' Seth thought. `I can't believe they had ka such as these…'
“No, Lord Seth…” Gebelk said as if he read the young priest's mind. “When I first saw these criminals, their ka were small and weak. I raised them. I grew them…”
You grew them?!” Seth said as he looked completely shocked. “HOW?!
“Those two have been fighting on and off for thirty-four hours…” Gebelk explained. “They were given only one rule when they began… only one man may leave the arena alive… At first there were ten prisoners in the arena, but those two are the only ones left.”
Seth looked shocked.
“Lord Seth… What makes a monster ka strong… is the wielder's desire to live.
`Their desire to live…' Seth thought as the two men, bloodied and beaten, where panting and staring at each other.
`Do it!' Gebelk thought. `Fight! Kill!! And grow strong!' He then said. “Yess… Yess! You can't live unless your enemy dies!
A guard came up and stood beside Seth. “Lord Seth! We've brought the woman!” The two other guards shoved her and she looked up to see the young priest.
`Lord… Seth…?!' She thought.
“Well…” Gebelk said. “So this is the girl who harbors a god…”
`A god…?' She thought then looked at Seth once again and said. “High priest… Seth… I have no way to thank you for saving my life… You have my eternal gratitude.”
“Woman…” Seth said. “What is your name?”
“I am called Kisara.”
`Kisara…' Seth thought. `So it's you who possess the White Dragon! How much untapped power lies inside you?'
Then she noticed the arena. “Priest Seth…” She said. “Why have I been brought here? What is this place?”
“This is an underground prison.” The old man said. “Specifically, this is the arena where the monsters in men's hearts are given free rein.”
`Monsters?!' She thought as she saw them fight.
“Why are you so surprised by the prisoner's ka?” Gebelk said. “Surely you know… There is a ka inside your soul as well.”
“A ka in my soul?” She said. “There is nothing like that inside me…!”
`This girl…' Seth thought. `She doesn't even know about her ka?' He then said. “All living things have an energy that normal people can't see. Some people can give this energy a physical form with the power of their soul, their ba. This is what we call ka… and you all monsters. Kisara… You too, have this power!
She looked shocked. `That can't be…'
`They say your power surpasses even a spirit ka…' Seth thought. `And rivals that of the Three Gods…'
“Lord Seth…” The old man said. “Let us determine the extent of that power right now. It's simple… we make her fight the prisoners in the arena!”
`In the arena!!!' She thought as Seth seemed to be thinking the same thing as the old man continued.
“When this girl's heart is filled with fear, she will involuntarily summon her ka! It will come to her side to defend her!”
“Are you sure?” Seth asked. “She doesn't even know what it is! How could she control it?”
“If she is truly possessed by a god… it will be simple for her to defeat the ka of a mere criminal.”
“But she might die!” Seth said.
“Seth…” Akhenaden said. “Let us test the power of the god.”
`Lord Akhenaden!!' Seth thought, completely surprised by this response.
“Without the Pharaoh, the palace is wide open!” The older priest continued. “We have no gods to protect us! We must make a new god as soon as possible! If not… Anarchy… DeathDESTRUCTION!
`But..' Seth thought as he became speechless. `What is this passion that I see deep in Lord Akhenaden's eyes!? Why…?! I feel frozen… I can't possibly talk back to him…'
`Seth…' Akhenaden thought. `Become the vessel of the god!!' He then ordered. “Put the woman in the arena!”
“Yes sir!” The guards said as they held the girl by the arms.
“Do as they say…” Seth said to Kisara. “And get ready… Kisara.”
The bridge then appeared, leading to an upside-down pyramid platform, which was held up by chains and has spikes on the flat surface where two corpses lie.
“Now go!” The guard said as he pushed her.
When she reached the platform, she was noticed by the prisoners and their monsters.
“What the…” Said one with the five eyed monster.
It's a girl!” Said a heavier one with the bug monster.
“Is she a prisoner too?”
“Who cares? If she's in here that means we can do what we want with her… Let's take a little break…”
Their monsters faced her and were inching near her.
Seth didn't like this, this isn't what he wanted at all.
“It will be just as I said.” Said the old man. “When fear of death floods her body, she will call her ka unconsciously and her desire to live will make her ka strong!”
As the monsters neared, she became less afraid.
`Call the god! Now!' Seth thought, fearing the girl's life.
She closed her eyes, which surprised the old man.
`What's wrong with her?!' He thought. `She isn't resisting!'
`She's prepared to die!' Seth thought as the monsters were only seconds away to kill her. “Duos, my spirit!” He called out his monster, which blocked the other monster's attack. `Why won't she do it?' He thought as he said. “Why won't you call the White Dragon!?” He got onto the platform and went to her side. “That's enough, you two! Stop!”
“Lord Seth…” The old man said as well as the elder priest, who called out.
“So a priest has joined us, eh?” Said the first prisoner.
“Now we can pay you back for everything we've went through.” Said the second.
“That woman can't control her ka… If it's a two versus one, we have a chance! DIE!!!
The two monsters were heading towards the other two.
Seth grabbed hold of her wrist and thought. `I was planning to let these scum live… But there's no choice!!' He then called out. “Aura Sword!!” His monster cut the chains, which brought the arena down in the dark pit.
“Seth!” Akhenaden called.
Seth held his Millennium Rod, which had a part of the chain, and held the girl's wrist in his other hand. “Girl!” He said. “Are you alright?!” That's when he saw that she passed out.
“That was close.” Said the surviving prisoner with the bug monster. “I'm lucky my ka can spin spider webs, or I'd be dead!” He then looked at Seth. “And look, priest… See what happened to your spirit?”
Duos was caught in the other monster's web. `He caught Duos!!' Seth thought as the bug monster was above him, ready to kill him.
Then all of a sudden, a bright light appeared.
`What the…' The prisoner thought. `What's this light?!!'
Seth and Akhenaden were both surprised at the sight.
`It's here!' Gebelk thought as the light materialized into a dragon.
`A White Dragon!!' Seth thought.
`This is the god that resides within that girl?!!' Akhenaden thought.
“What?!” The prisoner said. “She summoned her ka!? Gudoul!! Cut the chains and send them both to their deaths!” The monster started to move closer.
“Kisara!” Seth called as the thought. `She's still out cold… If she doesn't make the dragon do something, we're doomed!!'
“I can't believe it!” Akhenaden said. “She…!”
“Kisara! Wake up!” Seth said, but she remained still.
“Lord Seth!” Gebelk called. “You must not wake her!!”
“Under normal circumstances, a person's ka - - their spirit guardian - - is controlled by their ba - - their self, their soul… But that White Dragon is that woman's ba freed from her body!! It only roams when she sleeps! Is she awakens, it might vanish!”
`Then…' Seth thought. `The dragon is the true form of her soul?!'
The bug monster was getting very close to them. “Die priest!” Said the prisoner.
“Seth!! No!!” The elder priest called.
“Look, Lord Akhenaden!” The old man said as he pointed to the dragon. “The dragon shields them with its tail!” The dragon's tail was in a spiral form as some powerful energy was gathering in its mouth. “And… A blazing light is building in its jaws!”
`Is this…' Seth thought as the dragon let out the attack, which obliterated both the monster and it's wielder as well as burst a hole in the palace grounds above and continued towards the sky where it slowly disappeared. While back at the underground prison, He carried the still unconscious girl to safe ground.
“Oh my…” Gebelk said. “What a sight for these old eyes… What a mighty god dwells within her!”
Seth then handed her to a guard. “She's tired… take her to her room.”
“Yes sir!”
“She's amazing…” The old man continued. “She released her ba, her very soul, from her body to summon the White Dragon. Kisara, eh? She has great power…”
“Indeed…” Seth agreed. “And she doesn't even know it…”
“When the ba departs the body,” The old man started to explain. “the wielder falls into a coma… She probably doesn't remember anything when the White Dragon appears.”
“Seth…” Akhenaden said. “The power of the White Dragon… might be greater than Bakura's Diabound.”
“I know.” Seth said. “If we harness that monster, then we can counter Diabound's shadow power.”
“No… That's not all. The White Dragon might be stronger than the Pharaoh's Three Legendary Gods!
Seth was once again surprised by this.
“Gebelk…” The elder priest said. “How do we capture the White Dragon?”
“The girl is different from the other prisoners I've tested. I've never seen a case where the ka appears when the wielder is unconscious. This can only mean one thing… her ba and her ka are united.”
“Or in other words…” The elder priest cut in. “The ba of the White Dragon is possessing that girl's body… using her as a vessel.”
“Just as you say.”
“In that case…” The elder priest looked at Seth. “Seth… You must become the vessel of the dragon.”
“Yes, Lord Akhenaden…” The old man said as Seth was surprised by the other priest. “It just might work! We just need to free her soul from her body…”
What?!!” Seth said. “You'd make her a vessel without a soul!? That would mean her death!
“Yes… you are correct.” Said the old man.
“If you sacrifice the girl…” Said the elder priest. “The god will become yours… Seth.” He then thought. `And then… the throne will accept you… as the new Pharaoh!'
Seth looked to the side for moment before saying. “I think we're getting ahead of ourselves. First things first… We must discover what happened to the Pharaoh!! Let's go, Lord Akhenaden.” He went up ahead to the exit.
`Seth…' Akhenaden thought. `You don't know that I'm your father… I've already sold my soul to the shadows… As a father, the only thing I can do for you… is to give you a god… to make you king!! My hands are already covered in blood…'
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In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
In my heart there'll always be a place for you
For all my life
When I think back on the times
And the dreams we left behind
I'll be glad cos I was blessed to get to have you in my life
When I look back on these days
I'll look and see your face
You were right there for me
In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
In my heart there'll always be a place for you
For all my life I'll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am there you'll be
And everywhere I am there you'll be