Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ X-ness ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter three

SakT: DAMN! THE STUPID WEBSITE DOESN'T LET ME SEE MY REVIEWS!! Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid….

Yugi: You know, hitting the computer with your mallet isn't going to help.

SakT: Oh, okay. ^___^

Disclaimer: Is it true that even if you do write the disclaimer, the owners still have the right to sue you? EEP! But just so that you know neither Yu-Gi-Oh nor X-Men: Evolution belongs to me. They belong to some other person/s.


Rogue, Scott, Jean, Kurt, Spyke, Kitty and Charles were standing at the entrance of the mansion, waiting to greet their new guest. Unfortunately, Evan and Kurt did not have the patience that their teammates possessed. At that point their main goal was to pester Xavier into giving the identity of student.

"Aw, come on Professor. Who's the new guy? Can't you give us a name at least?"

"Ja, ve are going to meet him in 5 minutes anyway. So why don't you tell us now?" Jean rolled her eyes. The Professor didn't seemed to be annoyed by their constant nagging. Quite the opposite in fact, he looked amused.

"Calm down you two. You'll find out with everyone else. In fact there they are now." A jeep drove into view and came down the driveway. Evan started fidgeting and Kurt repeatedly checked his hologram watch. (Is that what its called?) The jeep finally arrived at the entrance. Logan jumped out, slammed the door and Ororo gracefully stepped out. Logan opened the boot and heaved the bags out and Ororo helped the anonymous passenger out.

Scott, Kurt, Rogue and Evan's mouth flew open for the second time that week. They recognised those tri-coloured locks, that punky attire and the huge violet eyes straight away. And were kind of lost for words.

The boy looked up at them bashfully and noticed how silent they all were.

<Great, > he muttered to Yami, whom was howling with laughter at the blond-African boy's expression. <They probably think that I'm some kind of freak. >

<No, no, no hikari. > the dark side giggled, still breathless with laughter. <They know who you are. Remember, that interview was aired in English so it must have been shown here. >

<Yeah, you're right Yami. >

<As always. >

The small teen made his way up to the group.


He's doing it again. Logan saw the spaced out look on the new kid's face. It was really starting to really creep him out. Ororo hasn't seemed to notice anything. Also, this…smell. He had never encountered anything like it before. It wasn't bad, or good for that matter. It was more…old? No, not old. Ancients, fossil-like, wise. It was very strange. He sent a mental message to Xavier.

::Hey Chuck, do you find anything strange about the kid?:: The reply came almost immediately.

::Yes, it seems that my predictions were right. Even though those thought waves I picked up a while ago were a bit strange and hard to analyse, I can definitely tell that he was the source. What do you feel?::

Logan rubbed his temples. He hated it when the Professor came up with long answers like that. It killed the brain. Oh well, his brain anyway.

::Like that there was some…other person aside from the kid. I mean, look at him. He looks like he's never punched anyone in his life. But in the jeep, there was a…darkness. Another person. It was even poking me in the back while I was trying to drive. I don't know how to explain it. It's just…wrong. But I find the clothes a bit strange. What about the hair?:: Logan rubbed his temples again. Coming up with long answers hurt even more.

Charles Xavier smiled at the last statement. True, the Japanese had the strangest hair he had ever seen. And that was coming from someone who had been working with mutants for the majority of his life. The boy was now approaching them. He had a scared look on his face and seemed to be hesitating to come any closer. Charles saw that Evan and Kurt had identical looks of shock on their face but Scott and Rogue seemed to be handling it pretty well.

::Jean, would you close Nightcrawler and Spyke's mouths for them? They seem to have lost all sense of manners.:: The redhead smiled.

They never had any sense of manners Professor, but all right. And using her extremely useful powers she shut the two gaping boys' gobs, nearly cutting off their tongues in the process. To Yugi, it must have looked very strange.


And it did look very strange to him.

<Yami, did you see that? >

<Yup and that's the first time in my life that I've seen two mouths slam shut at the same time. > Yugi smiled faintly.

<Which life, this one or as Pharaoh? > he said with a wry tone.

<Very funny aibou. But do you think that they have some bond like us? >

<I dunno. Or maybe it was some coincidence. > Yami snorted.

<Oh, yeah, sure. But can't you feel it? There is some sort of …aura surrounding this place. The mansion practically stinks of it. > Yugi stopped and closed his eyes. Yes there was a strange spirit hanging around.

<I got to thank you later for giving me those `lessons'. >


"What do you mean, I need lessons?" Yugi practically hollered. Yami had been trying to persuade Yugi to get up in the middle of the night so that the dark side could teach his hikari useful…magic. And Yami wasn't going to get off Yugi's chest until he said yes.

"Please Hikari. The Puzzle has different powers and they would all go to waste if I didn't show you. Please Hikari?" Yugi groaned.

"What kind of things?" He did not want to get caught in his Yami's crazy plans again. The last time he had agreed to do something like this, which had been to…um…well lets just say it involved a lot of oil and some matches and a very drunk Yami. The result was a Yugi in a coma for three days.

But in the present, Yami looked sober enough and there was a look of pure seriousness on his face. "Fine, fine, I'll get up now." The look was replaced by pure joy and Yami leapt off Yugi's bed.

"Well, hurry up then."

Yugi had been amazed by all that Yami had been able to find out. Yami explained to him that Isis Ishtar had a whole new theory on the Millennium items, due to the new tomb that archaeologists had found. The occupants of the tomb had very close connections to the royal family in Egypt.

It looks like he's been doing some research, he thought grimly, as he donned a thick coat and let Yami lead him outside to a field, a five minutes walk away. Crickets chirped in the still night air and a breeze blew by, making Yugi shiver. "So, what do you want to show me?" Yami didn't answer but instead, proved that actions worked better than words would ever.

"Just wait Hikari," he murmured, and he let a faint aura build up around him. He caught sight of Yugi staring at him, open mouthed. Slowly, a ring of light surrounded the yami. Yugi watched in awe as Yami held out his hands and let a small ball of energy build up. Yami smiled at Yugi and let the sparking gold orb float slowly over to his hikari. Yugi timidly reached out to touch it, expecting it to be similar to a soap bubble. To his astonishment, it didn't pop, but `sank' into his arm. He yelped in surprise, but it quickly turned into a peal of laughter. Yugi didn't understand what was going on, but all that mattered was the feel-good glow inside him. Yami also burst into a fit of giggles and Yugi jumped onto the shocked yami, still laughing. The two rolled around on the ground in their mirth, oblivious to the many complaining neighbours. Hey, it still was one o'clock at night.

"It's an emotion charm, Yugi," Yami later explained. " It comes in handy when distracting enemies. Or making helpless hikaris feel better and a lot less tired." He let a blood red orb appear and twirled it on a finger, very much like a basketball.

"Yami, I hope you are not getting any ideas. And what does that do?" Yugi eyed the crackling ball curiously.

"Scares the living daylights out of someone." Yami smirked at the idea of Bakura running around screaming. "The tomb robber better run away."

"Yeah, but if Isis' theory is correct, doesn't the Millennium Ring also have powers?"


End Flashback

< You never got the hang of making someone scared. > Yami replied. It was true; Yugi could never bring himself to create the scarlet globe that would cause the victim to panic. Instead, he concentrated on the meadow green calming spheres, which came in great use to his fellow classmates as exam time was drawing nearer. But that was a long time ago.

Yami had done even further research and found Isis and Shadi. The dark side explained to them about his findings and wished to be schooled by the two Egyptians. So while Yugi was at Domino High, Yami would stay at the Museum and learn about the two ways of magic, dark and light. Then after the sun went down, Yami would drag Yugi out to teach him about the Puzzle and its powers.

It was no wonder that the small teen would come into class the next day, practically falling asleep on his books. But as time went by, Yugi learned the counter-spell to `quiesco' or `sleep', so he was able to stay awake a little longer.

<Yeah, well at least I can heal people instead of killing them. >

<That's not my point hikari. > Of course, Yugi was more adapted to curing and defending while Yami would learn about straight on attacking and hexing. Light and Dark.


Yugi walked up the stairs that led to the group. Xavier saw that the Japanese had that `look' again didn't say (Think?) anything to Logan or Ororo. Yugi smiled when he reached them and gave a short bow.

"Hello, my name is Yugi Motou." You could see that the small boy was very shy, hence the punky look he had. Evan and Kurt's mouth were about to fall open again, but Jean gave them the warning glance and they decided against it. Yugi noticed the pair and smiled awkwardly. "What is it? The hair?" He laughed and ran a hand through his tri-coloured locks. They quickly shook their heads and looked away. The Professor also laughed.

"Welcome to the Institute Yugi. As you can see, some of the students are very excited to meet you. Especially these two pranksters here." He looked at Kurt and Evan. They both grimaced. "But please," Charles continued. "Come inside, where we can be properly introduced." He turned around and wheeled inside. The others followed. However, Logan called out,

"What should we do about the other transfer?" Xavier stopped.

"The other transfer? Ah, yes. When will he be arriving?"

"Should be about any moment now-?" The Canadian was cut off by the sound of a beeping horn and a taxi driving through the gates.

"Stop now, we need to greet the other new student." The Professor ushered the teens back outside. They all seemed to be confused.

"What other student?" The taxi stopped and Logan started talking with the driver. The passenger door opened and a boy stepped out. A boy with a stripped jumper, flowing white hair and a gold ring hanging around his neck.


Yami: NOOOO!!! Why the hell did you put him in this story??? Anyone but him!!!

SakT: Shut up Yami. A little change will make the plot more interesting. More later. I know its taken ages to write this but, heck, I get writers block easily. And can anyone tell me where Evan Daniels is from? And what other spells should Yugi and Yami be able to do??? Come on people, I need your opinion!!!

Y.Bakura: Shut up woman and get typing!