Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh: Christmas Party ❯ Lost and found/ Yugi's breakup ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I don't own Yugioh. Heck I don't even own the computer I'm typing on, the clothes I'm wearing and all the things I have! (My parents do.)

Gw: OH poor Yami! He'll never be the same!

Bakura: He deserved it.

Gw: oh shutup Bakura! You're just jealous because I like Yami better than you!

Bakura: *in shocked tone* you do?! *Getting all teary eyed* I thought I was your favorite anime character!

Gw: *trying to comfort him* you are, just that I like Yami better!

Bakura: Yami, Yami, Yami, that's all I hear! *Breaks out crying* I hate you all! *Runs into a room and slams door*

Ryou: Well, he didn't take that very well.

Gw: ^_^0 I didn't know he was that sensitive.


In the room where Yami and Bakura are hiding

Bakura: What do you mean you challenge me to a duel!

Yami: I mean that I challenge you in a duel!

Bakura: -_- I know that you idiot, what are we dueling for?!

Yami: For Tea's love of course!

Bakura: Fine, I am always ready!

Yami: You don't even know what type of duel we're going to be dueling.

Bakura: What, not duel monsters?

Yami: Of course not! We are going to use these *pulls out a bunch of Pokemon cards*

Bakura: Those?!!? Man you really have gone insane.

Yami: I AM NOT INSANE! I just want to duel! Let's go!

Bakura: I'm not going to duel you with Pokemon cards.

Yami: Fine, then I guess you're scared.

Bakura: Me! Scared! I'm never scared!

Yami: Then we will duel!

Bakura: Fine!

*They set up the arena for a Pokemon battle*

Bakura: Um, how do you play?

Yami: *anime fall* you mean you don't know how to play Pokemon?

Bakura: It's not my fault that I don't play idiotic games!

Yami: Well I guess that will just give me the advantage won't it?

Bakura: O_o? You're not going to tell me? That's cheap!

Yami: Of all the different types of duels that I've been through no one told me jack squat, you'll just have to learn as we go.

Bakura: Oh ra, this is going to be a long game............

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In the hall with Marik!

Marik *in thought* now where would I hide if I were idiotic mortals? *Looks around* my dumb hikari must of forgotten that I have a mental link with him, so I already

know where he is. *Hears noise* I guess I found one person.

*Opens door to see...*

Yami: that's not fair! You said you didn't know how to play!

Bakura: I lied.

Yami: I'm not letting you take Tea like this!

Bakura: But I won fair and square!

Yami: Yeah right!!! I kill-

Marik: ahem.

*Bakura and Yami stare at Marik*

Bakura: Oh great, now we got found.

Yami: But I haven't lost yet! *Runs into the bathroom*

Bakura: That's not fair! Now he can't get you!

Marik: *puts hand on Bakura shoulder* I tagged you. You've lost. Go downstairs. *Leaves*

Bakura: Aw man. *Goes downstairs*

Yami: *in restroom* Bakura? Marik? Is anyone out there? *In thought* I guess

They've left. *Tries to leave, but the door is stuck* What? Oh no! *Shouts* HELP ME! FOR THE LOVE OF RA, PLEASE HELP ME!

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Back with Marik

Marik: *in thought* two down ten to go. *Walks up to hallway closet and knocks on it.* Malik, I know you're in there. Get out.

Malik: *coming out*what the-how did you-

Marik: *tagging him* mental link.

Malik: Aw nuts *goes downstairs*

Marik: *in thought* now to find the rest of the *trips over something* What the fu-

Tristan: Uh oh

Joey: Oops sorry Marik.

Marik: *rolls eyes* what were you two nimrods trying to pull!

Tristan: We heard you were coming and we wanted to hide somewhere else *cowering in fear* please don't hurt us.

Marik: *evil smirk* I have the mind to torture you *Joey and Tristan shake in their boots* but, your just lucky I take anger management classes. *Tags both of them* now get out of my sight before I destroy your souls *walks away*

Joey: O_o? Is it me or did Marik get a lot nicer.

Tristan: I don't know, let's just get out of here.

Marik: *in thought* now to find the rest of them.

Mai: Achoo!

Marik: -_-0 now what.

Mai: Achoo!

Marik: Is anyone in there?

Mai: um, no.

Marik: *anime fall* well if no one was in there, then the person who isn't there responding to something addressed to someone who is possibly there wouldn't respond, therefore, because you did respond, the fact that no one could possibly be there is demolished.

Mai: What?

Marik: -_- Dammit, just go downstairs.

Mai: Hmph! I don't want to play this childish game anyway.

Marik: *walking away and mumbling* jackass.

Mai: What did you call me?!?

Marik: *turning around*I called you a jackass.

Mai: ^_^0 ok, ok.

Marik: Hmph, asswipe. *In thought* now let's see where would the rest of the morons be. *Again, he hears a noise* Ra, can these people ever be quiet. *Goes to the door where the noise is and opens it.*

*Isis and Ryou are making out*

Marik: Oh, gosh -_-0

Ryou: Oh crap *bad acting* uh, Isis there isn't anything in your mouth.

Isis: Uh thanks Ryou, for checking my mouth, he he.

Marik: Isis. I can't believe you would cheat on Yugi. *Sigh* tsk tsk tsk, you can never keep a man.

Isis: Oh Marik please don't tell Yugi. I like him, but I really don't like him that much.

Ryou: Yeah, could you please just keep it a secret?

Marik: Just go downstairs, you lost. *Sighs* Mortals these days.

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Yami's bathroom

Yami: 1 bottle of beer on the wall...1 bottle of beer...take it down and *starts crying* I can't take it anymore! I should just kill myself now! *Starts to hold breath* dammit, that won't work. *Looks at bathtub* yeah, I'll just drown myself. *Goes to bathtub, but water doesn't run* damn shit damn. Wait, I can't die anyway, I'm a spirit.

*Starts crying again*

Yami: I wish Tea were here, she'd know what to do.

***Starting daydream***

Scene: Yami is at the game shop

Yami: oh what a great day! I've just got an invitation to Pegasus's funeral! Nothing could get better!

*Just then Tea comes in*

Tea: oh Yami, Bakura just got run over while trying to impress me! Could you please comfort me? *Sits down on his lap*

Yami: Sure Tea, I'll be here for you.

Tea: I love you so much Yami.

Yami: ^_^ I know.

Tea: *puts head on his shoulder* oh Yami, Yami Yami Yami

***End daydream***

Tea: YAMI!

Yami: *snaps out of it* Huh?

Tea: Yami? Are you in there?

Yami: Tea! Ra bless you! I thought no one would ever find me!

Tea: *giggling* how did you get stuck in the bathroom?

Yami: Uh, it's...a...long.... story-anyway! Could you please get me out?

Tea: Sure *opens door*

Yami: O_O how did you-

Tea: It's lockable from the outside, this place_is_pretty weird.

Yami: Thank you so much! *Going back to his dignified way* now to the Christmas Tree, we can still win this!

Tea: ^_^0 Sure.



Bakura: *in thought* dumb pharaoh, always has to cheat at something. Why I ought shove that damn puzzle up his-

Joey: Hey Bakura! You got tagged to?

Bakura: Yes. Leave me alone.

Tristan: Gosh don't have to be so friendly. -_-

*Isis and Ryou come down*

Isis: Well, at least we weren't the first people to get tagged.

Ryou: Uh, where my best pal Yugi?

Joey: probably still hiding, speaking of hiding, where is Mokuba, Kaiba, and Serenity? *Clenches fist* If I even Mr. pennypants near my sister I'll--I'll

Serenity: You'll what?

Joey: Serenity! ^_^0 How ya doing?

Serenity: *in sisterly voice*Joseph Anthony Wheeler I am not a little girl anymore! And if you ever-*gets tagged* what the?

Marik: Well that's everyone, except for Yugi, Yami, Tea, Mokuba, and Kaiba.

Tristan: Than that's not really everyone, is it?

Marik: Idiotsayswhat?

Tristan: What?

Marik: *snickers* idiot.

Serenity: We have to find Seto! And his brother too, I guess.

*Suddenly Yami comes out of nowhere*

Yami: *touching Christmas tree* hah! In your faces! The almighty Pharaoh wins again.

Tea: -_- *gets tagged* hey! *Sigh* I guess Yami does win.

Marik: No, not really. I haven't tagged Kaiba, Mokuba, or Yugi.

Mai: Shouldn't we find them?

Yami: Ya right! This mansion is like a friggin' trap! I got stuck in the bathroom!

Bakura: *snickering* isn't that cute. The almighty pharaoh got stuck in the bathroom.

Yami: Quiet you Soul Stealer!

Bakura: Fern face!

Yami: Laura Croft!

Bakura: Palm tree!

Yami: Tomb raider reject!

Bakura: Someone who looks like they barely made it out of a hair coloring explosion!!

Tea: shutup, shutup, SHUTUP!

*both look at her*

Tea: Now if I hear another word out of you two I swear I am going to-to- do something!!!!!!!

Bakura: It's not my fault.

Yami: Everything's your fault.

Bakura: Shutup.

Yami: Why don't you!?!

Tea: I_can't_take this anymore!!!!!!! *storms off*

Serenity: I hope you two are happy with yourselves! *follows Tea*

Mai: Hey, wait for me!!*follows Serenity*

Isis: I guess the girls are leaving *follow the rest*

Joey: Aw man! *shaking fist* you idiots! Now all the girls are gone! I actually thought this party might be alittle fun.

Yami: Hmph, fine be that way. *sits down next to tree* I'm not leaving this tree until everyone has been tagged.

Bakura: you really just want to be the King of Games don't you.

Yami: Personwithoutacooltitlelikeminesayswhat?

Bakura: what?

Yami: exactly. =J

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With the girls

Tea: *walking along the halls* finally away from those-those-those men! *walks into den (the place where Yugi's hiding if anyone remembers)* I wonder if I can just stay here until the party's done *plops down on the couch*

Yugi: *in thought* is that Tea? I wonder why she's so mad.

Serenity: Tea? you in here?

Tea: Right here.

Serenity: *sitting next to her* you must be pretty stressed out.

Tea: Like you wouldn't believe.

Mai: Are we all going to stay here for the party?

Tea: oh, hi Mai. I guess, I really never want to see another guys face again.

Serenity: Guys are jerks.

Mai: That's the truth.

Isis: So we're having girl talk?

Serenity: Hi Isis, pretty much.

Isis: oh yay! I haven't had a decent talk with girls for such along time.

Yugi: *in thought* This is the moment millions of guys have been hoping for! A chance to be a fly on the wall!!!!!! I wonder if Isis will say anything about me.

Isis: Well, like the beginning of all "girl talks" nothing leaves this room. Promise?

Tea, Serenity, and Mai: Promise.

Serenity: Anyone care to start?

Isis: I'll go first!

Tea: You actually have something to say about Yugi?

Mai: I thought he would be a pushover.

Yugi: *in thought* I am not a pushover!

Isis: He is such a pushover, but that isn't what I have to say.

Yugi: *in thought* *_* I can't believe she thinks I'm a pushover. Oh, well, whatever she thinks goes.

Isis: I just can't go with Yugi anymore.

Tea: Isis, don't say that!

Yugi: O_O *in thought* please don't! please don't!

Isis: It's just too weird, he's just too short.

Yugi: *in thought* I can't help it @_@

Tea: So when did you realize it?

Isis: Um, probably when I was making out with another guy and I was like all "finally I don't have to bend over just to kiss someone", heh heh e_e0.

Yugi: *in thought* Isis, how could you?!

Serenity: Wow, Isis, never expected you to do-

Mai: Who were you making out with!?!?

Isis: *sigh* you guys promise not to tell?

Tea: Of course, just spill it!

Isis: It was Ryou.

Yugi: *standing from behind the couch* WHAT?!??


Isis: Yugi! How did you-

Yugi: I can't believe you would do something like that to me *crying* I thought you liked me!

Isis: Yugi please-

Yugi: No! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! *runs out of den*

Mai: Ow, poor Yugi.

Isis: Oh, I feel so bad.

Serenity: No offense, but I think he should of seen it coming.

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Gw: *using tissues* poor Yugi!

Yugi: Hey, it's ok GW, It's not real remember.

Gw: Oh yeah! ^_^

Yugi: Besides I don't like Isis anymore.

Isis: O_O What?

Yugi: ^_^ yeah, now I have the hots for Tea!

Yami: Oh no you don't!

Seto: Yeah, besides I like Tea.

Serenity and Bakura: What?!?

Joey: Me too.

Mai: Joey?!

Gw: Ew! too many people like Tea! *uses Authoress powers* Seto you still like Serenity, Joey you still like Mai, and Yugi your still torn up over Isis. That was close!