Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Entering Another Realm ❯ Remember Me ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH or Inuyasha!


Remember Me

"No, I'm Youko, you're Kagome." Youko growled in frustration while directing his furious golden orbs towards the man hidden halfway behind Kagome. "You did this?" Youko snarled angrily, baring his deadly fangs at the same time. The man tripped backwards, landing on his rear end with a large thump. Youko's gaze softened when Kagome took a small step back in fear.

"Please don't kill me, my husband, or my village." Kagome pleaded, tears welling up in her blue eyes.

"I could never hurt you, Kagome." Youko replied, "But that human is not your mate!" Kagome stumbled backwards as the intensity of Youko's words hit her full force. "You're mine and I'm not giving you up!"

"Wow, if I my life wasn't on the line…I would say…this is so romantic!" Kagome's friend sighed dreamily (the friend she made when she was known as "Fumi"). "That's how I want my husband to be like - possessive and fiercely loyal! I can't image him running off to other women in the middle of the night."

"Hey, Mimi, I think you're getting ahead of yourself." Kagome whispered softly to her friend. "And I don't see how possessiveness is a good trait. Plus, I'm a married woman!" Kagome reminded her friend.

"Ah, you mean almost married women. Just be glad you aren't married yet, or you'd be a widow pretty soon." Mimi whispered under her breath. "Just look at his eyes and claws! He'd kill him if you were actually married (ah, how romantic)." Mimi sighed wistfully. Kagome quickly disregarded her friend's eccentric outlook on a person's love life and focused at the more important matter at hand.

"Don't you remember me?" Youko asked, his words coming out harsher than he had intended. "Did our love mean nothing to you? Is Inuyasha all you can remember? Is he really that important to you?" Youko snarled angrily.

"N-no!" Kagome yelled, tears welling up in her eyes. Kagome gently touched her wet cheeks and murmured, "What's going on? Why am I crying? Why does it hurt when you said those words? I don't understand. I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING!" Kagome cried while clutching her head in agony. "Ever since I was rescued, I couldn't remember a single thing about me."

"Kagome, I'm sorry," Youko whispered as he pulled Kagome into his embrace. "I hate apologizing, especially in front of humans." Youko thought angrily to himself. "But I will make sure your memory recovers. I can help you, if you will let me. Do you trust me?"

"I-I do, but I don't know why." Kagome whispered. "I don't even know you, yet it feels like I have known you all my life. It's like, I want to yell at you, but I don't know what I want to say. I feel like smacking you, but I can't seem to comprehend why."

"Come with me," Youko whispered softly in Kagome's ear, his hot breath caressing her skin. "Even if you can't remember, we can start over. I'm not giving you up, ever." Youko finished before pulling Kagome away from him.

"How sweet," Mimi sobbed pitifully. "It's settled, I'm not marrying a human! I want a demon lover!" Kagome could feel a vein pop in the back of her head as she clenched her fists.

"Jeesh, Mimi, I doubt all demons are like this. Youko's…one of a kind and I love him, a total stranger. But according to him, we were intimate lovers. Why can't I remember any of it? I WANT to remember!" Kagome thought to herself when she noticed Youko's outstretched hand.

Kagome slowly placed her small hands within his much larger one. "I'll show you what we had before and more." Youko whispered seductively in Kagome's ear, causing her to blush a bright shade of red. "You look as beautiful as ever, if not better." Youko complimented.

"Talk about mood swings." Kagome thought idly to herself. "He was pretty angry a while ago." Kagome smiled softly to herself. "Mimi, take care of yourself and don't bother the village to much!"

"Oh, I won't!" Mimi assured. "Don't worry about me! I'm going to go on a journey!"

"Now I'm worried." Kagome muttered, "What is this journey for?"

"Well, Kagome." Mimi wagged a finger. "Aren't you selfish? How am I supposed to find a demon mate when I'm cooped up here? You're settled for life, Fu…Kagome. You got that strong, loyal, handsome, romantic, beautiful, tall…"

"Okay," Kagome cut in, feeling her face blush a bright pink.

Youko lowered his mouth to Kagome's neck and whispered, "But you know she's right. You should feel honored to be my mate."

"I don't know why, but I have this really big urge to…" Kagome warned as Youko caught her hand in midair.

"To slap me, I know." Youko replied. "You're mind might not remember, but your heart does. Your heart belongs to me as mine beats only for you."

"Oh, right now, my heart is telling me that it has the suspicion that you say that exact same line to every pretty female you meet." Kagome replied, pursing her lips slightly. "Damn it, what am I doing? I talk as if I actually KNOW him! And I'm talking to a demon! Do I not value my life?" Kagome silently asked herself.

"Let's go." Youko stated as he lifted Kagome into his arms bridal style before taking to the air.

"But it feels right. Sometimes, my heart might just be more accurate than my brain." Kagome whispered silently to herself as she watched the scenery rush past her in a blur. "I want to remember, so I WILL remember. I hate being kept in the dark. It hurts not to know. If what Youko said to me is true, then this must even harder on him."

"It is." Youko replied, startling Kagome out of her thoughts. "You don't really think I destroyed nearly half of the villages in Japan just out of boredom, did you? It was my only way to vent my pain and anger, because I lost you and I wanted you back."

"Can you read thoughts?" Kagome asked in amazement. "Because I could swear I didn't say that out loud!"

"On occasions, I can read people's facial expressions, especially yours. You might not remember, but your attitude and instincts have not changed at all. They're as horrible as ever. Your attitude shows no feminine traits and your instincts are never accurate (they lead you to do stupid things)." Youko summarized, earning a half-hearted glare from Kagome.

"Stupid kitsune!" Kagome grumbled under her breath, but Youko easily caught it. "Woops, hope I didn't offend him." Kagome winced inwardly. Kagome was startled out of her reverie when Youko suddenly smiled. "I don't think I've seen him smile before, so, is it a bad thing? But then again, I've only known him for barely half a day."

"Your vocabulary hasn't improved either. Still the same old 'stupid kitsune', it's getting old." Youko smirked. "Maybe, I can get a reaction from her. She's showing signs of improvement already. Stupid kitsune…I'll know she's fully recovered when her vulgar language recovers." Youko thought to himself. "Wench."

"I have a name you know?" Kagome cried in protest. "It's…it's…what was my name again?" Youko chuckled at Kagome's expression of pure confusion before placing a chaste kiss on her unguarded lips. "Eeek!" Kagome squeaked before a crimson stain covered her cheeks. "YOU PERVERT!" Youko snorted at Kagome's sudden outburst. "Give me a warning next time, will you?"


"I never knew Kagome loved me." Inuyasha whispered to himself as Miroku appeared to be dozing off as he walked. "Kagome has feelings for me? Keh, of course she likes me. She's kind of like Kikyou, only weaker." Inuyasha smirked triumphantly. "I'll just have to take them both then."

"And I thought I had it bad." Miroku muttered as he glanced at his hands. "Ah, Sango, how I have missed you." Miroku sniffled. "Inuyasha just isn't any fun. Then again, his head is caught in cloud nine. I really hate to burst his bubble, but I don't think the way he's thinking is going to work out. Especially if it involves Kagome-sama."

"You miss Sango's butt, you lecher!" Inuyasha growled. "Quit whining, do you think I like wandering around here aimlessly with you?"

"Ah, you miss Lady Kagome and Kikyou." Miroku concluded. "Well, if it will make you feel better, I guess I can comfort you."

"Stay away from me, you lecher!" Inuyasha growled as he took a step away from his friend.

"Inuyasha, you wound me." Miroku gasped. "I would never, ever fall for you, especially since you're a two-timer." Miroku whispered the last part. "But seriously, Inuyasha," Miroku stated in a no-joke voice, "you can't have both. Kagome-sama won't stand for it, neither will Lady Kikyou."

"How do you know?" Inuyasha spat. "You don't even know Kagome and Kikyou that well. And you're not even a woman! How do you know how they feel?" Inuyasha growled. "They both love me, so they would get along just fine! I'll show you, Miroku."

"I might not be a woman myself, but I know a woman's heart," Miroku quickly defended, "and body." Miroku finished in his mind. "A woman's jealousy is dangerous, you know?" Miroku warned Inuyasha. "Just don't come running to me when they both turn against you."

"Feh, I…" Inuyasha halted his sentence when a familiar scent drifted to his sensitive nose. Inuyasha lifted his nose to the air and took a long sniff. "It's Kagome and she's caught by a demon. Kagome's such a stupid, weak human." Inuyasha growled as he unsheathed Tetsusaiga. "Guess I'm going to have to save her again. Kikyou would never get into this mess." Miroku quickly fell into a defensive stance, prepared to save Kagome from that demon at all costs.
