Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fire, Ice, Jewels, and Demons ❯ Dream of a desperate plea ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Fire, Ice, Jewels, and Demons

Chapter 3!

Err update . . . and um it hasn't been a month . . . yet…so um enjoy and err review!

Oh yeah! I own what I own and that being well what is my property, and characters (future chapters or previous) not being mine unless said so! This applies to all chapters!

Kagome stared slightly shocked at their tale, well more of an explanation but who cared? At least they didn't want the jewel, if that was true then she was sure by all means that Hiei would have attacked her or Sango or Miroku. They did have a few shards; it was theirs.

Kaede was the first to react see if they had any injury, to their head from the fall. That was a very loud thud, seeing as a few villagers came to ask if there was a problem. Inu Yasha was bored; he was poking both the demons to see if anything `fun' happened. Sango and Miroku wisely chose to sit on the opposing side of the room incase something did happen.

Shippo was playing with a game boy that Kagome had brought. He'd been freaked out at first and thought that the people and creatures in there were trapped and real until Kagome had to explain it to him that they were nothing but data and electronics. He, of course, was confused and Kagome had explained the whole `electrical-data-technology' thing.

Poor Kagome, she had to learn to nearly all the entire history of it and how some of it works. Surprisingly she had learned it in less than a week and remembered, but of course when needed it took her a while. Shippo had then taken a liking to technology. What was the reason behind her long explanation? Shippo would not stop bothering her every time she was near him. How where they to find the jewel shards with him pestering all the time?

Kagome got up and looked at her clock, it was nearing nightfall, and they were close to the well maybe she could go home tonight. She glanced at the demons and noticed at a very bored half-demon with the `I wish I had something to do look'. She pulled out a large yellow backpack; she started to rummage in it. Everyone not having anything to do, minus Shippo looked at her, she was pulling out many items.

She pulled out a book on modern day Japan and all its sights, along with a dictionary. She'd taught Inu Yasha some modern day reading and `updating' which was easier since he could read. Shippo was learning to read through the game boy, most of the things Kagome brought were RPG's, which required reading. Inu Yasha was looking at the book of Japan before he snatched it and the dictionary he had no idea what some of the words meant.

Inu Yasha glared at the other amused humans, so what if he had a hobby of reading about the modern day, err futuristic sights and country. At least he didn't look like an idiot when he went to get Kagome, the first time he'd gone he would have freaked out if it weren't the fact Kagome might have died.

Kagome was still rummaging through her bag and started on some homework she would turn in tomorrow seeing as they were so close to the well. Kirara was between Sango and Miroku, Sango having near fallen asleep was `protected' by Kirara from the monk's lecherous hands. Boy, what would her teacher's say if they met Miroku, when they spoke about the monks in the past being amenable and generous etc. Math, why'd she have to pull this above all? Sigh, oh well it looked like it would be a while until those demons woke up.

0--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------0

*Dream thing-sequence*

Sango was staring at Hiei, who was staring at something in his hands; she tried to obtain a better angle of perception. She caught him staring with wonder at the complete Shikon no Tama that was glowing in his hands. His eyes were wide and held some innocent curiosity, she then spotted a blurry image of a woman, and the image was barely visible.

The woman was moving toward her, Sango stared as the women became slightly more visible and Yukina was suddenly with her companion staring at the jewel with fear but more in wonder. The woman in front of her was very blurry, like a `hologram' she had seen in one of the games on the gameboy. She was wearing a kimono and looked like Yukina to some degree but held an atmosphere of dismay and melancholy.

She pointed to both the demons and started to speak, at first the words in audible but gaining strength with each word. She kept repeating the words "My children" until Sango was looking at her confused.

"What about your children?" Sango finally spoke her voice cautious. The woman looked at her and pointed to the Shikon no Tama.

"In your journey they shall aid you." She looked at Sango, her eyes with utmost trust and confidence. Her eyes were shining with tears. "The children of fire and ice, please help them return home. The key shall shine when the four souls are restored to one." She stared at Sango. Embracing her in a hug as the image of Hiei and Yukina disappeared and met with the memory her losing her family."

Sango was starting to feel misery over take her but then it faded as the women continued. "Brother and sister torn by tragic events, each unique." Sango turned her view past her and saw a small child being thrown off a cliff before it disappeared swiftly. The woman looked at her and smiled grimly. "Reunite them in truth with out a word and you shall be again with your brother."

Sango looked at the woman shocked, she had to do what to get Kohaku back! The woman put an ice-cold finger on her lips. "Not a word to them, if you do as I plead, then I shall guarantee your brothers protection." The woman was fading,

"Wait! What's your name!" Sango yelled at the figure. The image smiled and pulled out a gem, wrapping it in her hand, "Hina." Sango was about to ask something when an ice-cold draft blew in her face.

Sango awoke gasping.

End of dream-thing

The room stared at Sango concerned, she was sweating and looking a bit shaken. Sango stared at her hand; one was holding something. Opening it she was surprised into seeing the gem from the dream. There was not a single word she could utter but getting up she walked out of the room. She was trying to maintain her own calm appearance. The demons that she had seen were still asleep and she was glad she needed time to think.

Two hours later: Nothing has happened

Kagome had long returned to the well. Miroku had gone to the room that he would sleep in. Only Kaede and Inu Yasha had stayed only for there was not enough room to spread out. Inu Yasha was noticing the fire demon waking up, he looked at him warily as her got up. He looked around trying to figure out where he was when suddenly he knew and growled.

Spotting Inu Yasha, Hiei growled at him mearly for being in a bad mood. This was going to be a very odd relationship…

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Err, How was it? I'll try to update earlier! Sorry about the waiting. Heh, Should I make Hiei and Yukina full siblings? Should Sango agree with Hina? Well please tell me, I'd like to know what you want to happen next chapter:

Next Chapter: Naraku strikes, someone changes and an unlikely ally is found. . .