Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fire, Ice, Jewels, and Demons ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Fire, Ice, Jewels, and Demons Chapter 4!

A.N: Sorry about the wait I didn't very good ideas, and a partial writer's block. I hope you like this and I'm trying to make this a longer chapter, no guarantee. But I will try!

On to the story!

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*Ningenkai/Yu-yu-hakusho realm*

Shuuichi Minamino a.k.a. Youko Kurama or just Kurama, depending on who you were, was on his family's annual vacation trip. Now his family included a new sibling and paternal figure, excluding the fact he remember his own father and was at least a millennium older than both, with himself an his mother were in the forest on a camping trip. Days like this made him feel normal, which he tired to be by the standards of humans.

"Shuuichi!" Shiori Hatanaka called from her son, who by all genetic odds of having two Japanese parents was a redheaded green-eyed child. Boy did the doctors have a field day when he was born but he being the only child like that in the hospital was easily identified. Shiori looked at her son that was running toward her, she chuckled when he lost his balance by nearly tripping on a concealed rock. Her son was a smiling and dressed in a white long sleeved button up shirt, with a pair of jeans.

"Yes, Okaasan?" he asked, his voice trying to hide his embarrassment. Kurama was getting the feeling that soon something would disrupt his trip and it would be back to the Reikai Tentei. He tried to act as normal as possible. He grinned as he saw his stepbrother fall into the lake after catching a fish that he lost.

"Shuuichi, would you go get some fire would? Kazuya, wants to cook on an open fire." She looked to her left, "After you fish your brother out of the lake." She laughed lightly at her joke.

Kurama laughed, and nodded, he jogged to the lake seeing his brother trying to get up but only falling on his rump. "Shuuichi, shut up! This isn't funny! I can't get up without falling!" Kurama ran and walked carefully in the water to the area where Shuuichi was, he offered a hand, which was taken. Shuuichi Hatanaka glared at his brother. But was glad he could get up.

"Just, be careful Shuu-chan you could get hurt falling on something. Now I'm going to get firewood." Kurama led his brother to dry land and went into the forest. He was gather good pieces of wood when he heard a familiar voice.

"Kurama! Kurama!" Ah, the blue haired grim reaper/assistant to the Reikai Tentei was flying down, screaming his name quite loud near his family. "Kurama-kun!" Kurama was slightly agitated by this and had the look of `why me?' to the sky. He turned and showed he heard.

"What is it Botan?" he asked in a calm voice. Botan gulped lightly she had only heard that tone when he was fighting which meant she had done something a bit to loud or obvious, maybe both.

"Um, Kurama-kun it seems that well how should I put this?" she thought for a moment and thought the straightest answer would be best. "Hiei-san and Yukina are missing and it seems that they are the only ones and the is little clues on who or what took them." There that was easy.

Kurama sighted why did something always happen when all of a sudden. "Okay, what do you me to do? Did you tell Yusuke and the idio-I mean Kuwabara!" He really needed to stop hanging around Hiei, if he was found. That was not a good thing Hiei was his best friend.

Botan nodded and replied, "Can you check out the place they were last seen, you have better sensory something than they do, I forgot what Koenma-sama told me what it was. But you could pick up something the others couldn't." Botan just left with this to leave a clearly frustrated kitsune-human.

Kurama walked the camp where his family was. "Err, `Kaasan, Otousan I need to go back home. It is a emergency." He could tell they did not approve.

Shiori frowned, that happened a lot recently emergencies would start coming up suddenly and sometimes he wouldn't come home for days or even weeks. Sometimes she saw he was hurt, and this always concerned her. It hurt her that her only son couldn't trust her enough to tell her what was going on, but now she was determined to find out what this emergency was. Maybe that would get a start to the truth later. Her husband frowned and was about to say yes out of habit but she stopped him.

"No." That was her answer, unless he told her what was going on. Shuuichi looked shocked, she had never objected before! He was about to protest, "No is no. Unless you tell us what is so important." She was not going to falter on this now.

Kurama couldn't believe it his own mother had never objected! Why this all of a sudden, his best friend and his sister were missing and they could be tortured as they spoke or dead! So he told her they truth. "It's important! Hiei and Yukina are missing! No one knows where they could be! They need my help." He told them trying to keep his voice near somewhat calm.

Shiori was shocked Hiei was an odd boy but nice in his own way and her son's best friend. She'd seen Yukina before, she was sure they were related, both the same height, if you didn't count Hiei's hair and both had red eyes. She was a sweet girl how could someone done this! They both had come to their home when it was raining and she had seen their height from the fact his hair was plastered down by the water and stuck on his head and was besides the girl.

"Oh, that is serious! Well get there as soon as we can, isn't that right dear?" she said, her voice worrisome. Kurama nodded but didn't want them to worry and he could get there faster.

"I can get there on my own, don't worry we'll find them I just have to go, now."

Shiori nodded but knew her son was responsible and reliable. "Bye see you guys later." He dropped the wood and ran to the road when he was out of sight; Youko Kurama appeared and dashed to the last location, Genkai's Temple.

*-------------------------------------------------------------- -------------*

*Lair of Naraku /Inu-Yasha's realm*

Naraku sat in his palace smirking the villain's smirk and laughed. "Perfect, with that wench gone they won't notice me coming. And that will give me, Naraku, the chance to steal those idiot's jewel shard no matter small it will give me, Naraku, more power!" Naraku starts laughing evilly, his laughter echoing in the building. He grins and summons lesser youkai (demons) for battle.

*Location: Kaede's Village*

Inu-Yasha the half-breed was what seemed a glaring contest with the fire demon. Hiei seemed to be winning, as he didn't even twitch with the urge to blink. Kaede was preparing dinner seeing as they had woken up. She sighed and smiled at their behavior. Yukina seemed to have the same tolerance as Hiei as she was staring at them staring at each other and she too hadn't blinked. (AN: Remember they tortured Yukina with a lot a methods and she didn't cry? Therefore she must have a great tolerance and will.)

"DEVIL!" Someone suddenly screamed from the village. Inu-Yasha blinked at this sudden intrusion and panic was everywhere, his senses could pick it up. Hiei was startled but didn't blink, neither did Yukina that was odd. He turned and was suddenly aware his binding was gone he reached and placed them back on quickly. He reached for his sword which was still in its sheath. Inu-Yasha sniffed the air, blood, demons, malice, fear, terror, and … Naraku!

"Naraku! He's behind this!" Inu-Yasha grabbed his sword and ran out side, only to be greeted by Naraku or a puppet and a horde of demons. Miroku ran out, his senses suddenly shocked aware out of the daze he was in from the sudden shock of being awakened. Inu-Yasha looked for Sango only to see her on Kirara fitting the demons off. She was in her kimono, not her exterminator outfit; she had too been caught off guard.

"Sango! Try to come this way!" Miroku yelled, he hoped that he was heard over the demons snarls, villagers' yells screams and death cries. Sango rushed toward them advancing slowly. `Damn it! If only Kagome was here we could have seen this earlier!' Inu-Yasha thought.

Hiei snarled, he could hear and smell the youkai here all nothing more than beasts. Yukina was looking frightened; she wasn't a fighter she could stand up against an E or D level Youkai but not more than one or two. Especially when one's power was near S class!

Kaede was startled; she had thought that he wouldn't be this frightful when angered or raged. At that was what she saw, he was irritated. His sister was in danger no way in the hells would he let her get injured while he was here.

"Yukina, old woman try to be careful, I am going out to fight." He saw Yukina nod and he unsheathed his sword. Kaede still looked hesitant. "I'm going to prove you can trust me." He stated clearly. Kaede was about to speak when he was just…gone.

"Hiei-san..." Yukina whispered.


Inu-Yasha had glared at Naraku. "You Bastard! I'm going to rip your lungs out!" Naraku currently had the three children in his clutches. Sango had managed to get next to them and was worried what was going to happen to the children. None of them dared attack.

"Oh, you will? And when? After I they're dead?" Naraku laughed, he tightened his grip on the children, which were in his tentacle like arms. The children screamed and he grinned, enjoying it immensely. He smiled and let go only to tighten it again. His sadistic grin only terrifying them more.

"NO!" Inu-Yasha could sense that they weren't going to last much longer. And then they were gone… the tentacles had been cut off and the children disappeared. Naraku and Inu-Yasha were shocked were did they go. Suddenly Hiei was next to him, with the children! The children ran to their parents' that were behind them terrified of nearly losing them and elated that they were now safer. The families ran off to a sanctuary.

"You…" Naraku was enraged, who the hell did he think he was! "You're going to pay for that! No one gets away with making a mockery of me!"

"Hn! You think you scare me!" Hiei laughed before betting into a fighting stance. "You and your army are pathetic. I've been around worse than you and trust me when I say I know you're not that tuff." He smirked, "You're using that jewel to get more powerful, the shikon no tama! You have no true power weakling." Suddenly he was gone, growls of pain and howling were heard, and half the demons under Naraku's fell into pieces before the rest fell. Hiei appeared not even exerting himself, a smile on his face.

Naraku was enraged, how dare he insult his power and destroy his minions! "Who are you?" he asked, he wouldn't show he was getting to him. Hiei smirked.

"Hiei Jaganshi." Naraku glared.

"Well lets see how, you like being burned alive!" He shot fire at his, every one scattered except Hiei, and he came out unharmed, laughing.

"A fire demon wouldn't be a fire demon if fire harmed him." Naraku snarled and threw ice at him, Hiei grinned and showed not to be affected.

"Why doesn't this affect you!" he yelled.

"I'm stronger than to be affected by a bit of ice." He ran and slammed his sword straight through his Naraku, the body disappeared and a doll came out. It was calm.

"I'm bored." Hiei said, glaring at the doll. "Is he the enemy?" he asked.

Inu-Yasha nodded; startled that he had gotten rid of them so fast. "The real one must be more powerful if he could do all that from a distance." He turned and faced them. "I'm willing to help you in exchange of getting me and my sis-friend home."

*Sango's POV*

He's going to help in order to get home. I have to help; I can't get Kohaku back without help. Oh, Hina, I'm going to help your children reveal each other, I promise. Sango smiled.

"Hiei-san, I sure we'd be honored to have your help, after all someone as yourself doesn't seem to offer help everyday." Sango said trying to sound truly honored.

"Hn." He said before turning and heading back into the hut, of Kaede, that was down the road.

*Change of view*

I'm worried but I shouldn't be. He's capable of taking care of himself. What is that? It is glowing and dark violet. It's coming this way! Lady Kaede doesn't see it why? Ah, it hit me and it burns! It's hot, I don't like real hot. I feel different. I stare at Lady Kaede. She is looking at me oddly. I smile and shrug it off. I feel like I forgot something, I was searching for someone. Oh, well. Oh, Hiei-san's coming back. He looks slightly tired. Didn't I want to him to be my brother? Why would I want that? I don't have a brother, I'm a koorime, and I probably meant he is like a brother to me. I'm hungry! I can't wait to eat! No one was killed! When we get back, I'm going home. And telling Hiei-san he is my brother in the relationship we have formed.

Somehow Keiko thinks tutoring me is important and I'm a fast learner! That is what she says. She thinks I can pass the entire test sthat will give me the equivalents to academic grades and should go to collage if I plan to live in the Ningenkai. I think I will take her advice. Or I should stay at the temple, which ever I want. I'll see.

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SO what did you think? I tried, over two thousand words, yay! Well I'll try to make them at least three pages long, this is slightly five. On word.