Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Freak Show ❯ Good Morning ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Belle: Sorry for the delay, I was awaiting my favorite cousin Nick to mail me another YYH dvd. It came in today!

~Kurama: Finally she was able to see how I defeated Karasu.

~Belle: I love Kurama even more now! We almost lost him in that battle!

~Kagome: What would I have done with out him?

~Inuyasha: Been happy with me in a non-cross over fiction version of this tale?

~Kagome: Exactly! Which is why I'm so happy he's okay!

~Inuyasha: …………..



Kurama was having the strangest dream. He was flying over the earth, zipping past the clouds, moving faster than the wind. It seemed so real, the sense of weightlessness. The sun was beginning to shine through the window. Why did Kagome's room have to be on the eastern side of her house? He tried to pull the blanket over his head.

There was no blanket.

Wait a second, was he at Kagome's house?

His emerald eyes snapped open in an instant as he observed his surroundings and situation. Kagome was still securely in his arms, just like he had left her. But, unfortunately, he did not recall laying three feet above the bed.

Kagome stirred, noticing his stiffness. She opened her eyes to gaze at him blearily. "Shuuichi is something wrong?" She asked while stifling a yawn unsuccessfully. She just had the most amazing dream where she was flying through the skies.

Kurama smiled at her uneasily and gestured with his chin towards the bed. Kagome followed his gaze and they both plummeted to the mattress in a soft thud. Kurama laughed softly as he caught himself from crushing Kagome by placing his arms on either side of her.

He shook his head sadly. "I guess I didn't do much good."

Kagome looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"I promised that you wouldn't fly away with me holding you down." He replied with a playful grin as he pushed himself off her and stood beside the bed. He extended his hand towards her to help her stand.

"Thanks for coming over." Kagome thanked him shyly, embarrassed now that she realized they were alone together in her bedroom.

"Think nothing of it. Besides you owe me breakfast." Kurama replied simply as he took hold of her wrist and began walking down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"My family won't be up for at least an hour." Kagome told him. "I don't think they will be very happy to see you here." She replied worried.

"No need to worry. Tell them the truth." Kurama noticed her eyes widened dramatically and he smiled at her reassuringly. "You don't have to tell them the WHOLE truth. Just enough that you can honestly say you didn't lie."

"You mean, like you came over this morning and we decided to make breakfast for the family?" Kagome suggested.

"Your grades really are a poor reflection upon your intelligence." Kurama replied seriously.

Kagome huffed in annoyance and retracted her imprisoned wrist as she opened the door leading into the kitchen. "Like your grades would be any better if you spent all your time in the Sengoku Jidai."

Kurama shrugged. "I'm sure you are right, Kagome." He began to rummage through the cabinets for pancake mix.

Kagome watched him as he began to prepare pancakes. She had placed several slices of bacon into the microwave. She believed in convenience. After Kurama had flipped his seventh pancake into the air with expert ease Kagome decided to ask the question that had plagued her mind of late.

"Kurama, can I ask you something?" Kagome asked as she sat upon the kitchen counter.

Kurama kept his attention on the pancakes, with his back facing Kagome. "Certainly."

"I couldn't help but notice how well you worked with the other Spirit Detectives. Why aren't you one anymore?" Kagome inquired, gauging his reaction. He visibly stiffened.

"Well, I suppose it would be related to my battle against Karasu in the Dark Tournament. I took a potion to release the strength of my previous incarnation as Youko Kurama. There were unknown side effects. I should have died in that fight. I would have died if not for the potion." Kurama explained, losing himself to his thoughts.

He missed the pancake as he tossed it into the air. He watched it land upon the counter, splattering onto the wall. He turned to face Kagome. "I should be dead right now." His emerald eyes bore into her dark ones.

"But you're not." Kagome countered, meeting his gaze right on.

"This is true. However, my life as Shuuichi Minamino has been altered." Kurama continued. He wondered if he should continue. He had only told Hiei of the merge between his two selves. Kagome had seen his Kitsune form, but he doubted if she realized the implications of that.

"How so?" Kagome pressed, oblivious to his inner turmoil.

Kurama's face broke into an unexpected smile that Kagome couldn't help but return. "You know, the whole near death experience. It isn't anything too uncommon. After that it was only a matter of time and opportunity before I left the Spirit Detectives."

Kurama was taking his own advice. Half-truths were always easier on one's conscience.

"I understand completely." Kagome told him while hopping off the counter and removing the bacon from the beeping microwave. She pointed to the ruined pancake. "You better hurry up. My family will be up soon, and they need their pancakes."

Kurama gave a light laugh as he turned back to observe his ruined pancake and start over on another one.


Kagome's family, surprisingly, didn't ask why Kurama was at their home early in the morning. They noticed the food and were satisfied. Kurama suggested that he and Kagome also clean the dishes. Mrs. Higurashi was in love with the boy. Kagome had better not mess things up with him!

"So does this mean you are coming back with me?" Kagome asked as she washed and he dried the breakfast dishes. Kurama shook his head.

"I'm afraid I will not. I think my mother may become a bit upset when she notices that her son, who does not have a license, took off with her car." He smiled at her mischievously.

Kagome couldn't resist giggling at his `dangerous' side. "You're such a fiend." She declared teasingly before focusing on plunging the dishes into the soapy water, hoping to hide her disappointment.

Naturally, Kurama didn't miss the tension. "Hiei will be accompanying you though."

"Really?" Kagome looked over at him a little shocked. "Why would he do that?"

"He's doing it as a favor to me."

"It's really not necessary. We've got things under control over there." Kagome told him firmly. She was sure that Hiei would murder Shippo.

"Nonsense. Do not forget I have seen the difficulties you face first hand. I trust Hiei with my life and if I can not be present to protect you, I want to make sure he is. Of course, I am confident that Sesshoumaru would let no harm come to you now that he knows of our relationship." Kurama continued.

The dish Kagome was holding fell from her hands and shattered in the sink. Her fingers were soon cut upon the porcelain shards. Kurama reached for her hands concerned to examine them. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kagome replied while wrapping a towel around her slightly cut up fingers. They looked worse than they actually were. "What do you mean when you say relationship?" She asked him pointedly. She wasted so much time with Inuyasha because she never bothered defining their relationship and by george it wasn't happening again!

Kurama looked at her puzzled. "I thought it would be obvious that we two are a pair."

Kagome offered a nervous smile. "Of course, it's just………"

Kurama leaned towards her, placing his hands lightly upon her hips. His lips were inches from Kagome's. "Quite obvious." He replied as he closed the distance. Their lips had just met when the kitchen door flew open and he drew back quickly to cast an annoyed glance at the intruder.

It was the old man.

Kagome's grandfather cast the red-haired young man with his hands upon his granddaughter's hips a narrowed glare. He cleared his throat loudly. "Kagome, there are some guests at the door for you."

Kagome laughed nervously. Things were just starting to get good and her grandpa had to walk in. She wouldn't even get to see Kurama for days, maybe weeks! Life was not fair! Her lips pouted in disappointment.

Kurama leaned down once more to give her another teasing peck before grabbing her by the wrist to greet their visitors.

Standing just inside the door stood Hiei and Botan. Hiei and Ji-chan were participating in a glaring contest. Hiei's arms were crossed in front of his chest. Botan was smiling cheerfully, trying to ease the tension. However, Ji-chan was suspicious of young girls with blue hair.

"Grandpa, these are my friends Hiei and Botan." Kagome introduced. Her grandfather walked by her and whispered that he'd be in the temple if she needed anything.

"So when do we leave?" Hiei replied after he was satisfied that the old man was long gone.

"In a few minutes." Kurama answered. "Why are you here, Botan?"

"Koenma felt it would be a good idea for me to check out this situation. All this time traveling does upset the balance between the three realms somewhat." Botan answered smiling.

"Very well, you have both met Inuyasha. The others in Kagome's group are quite tolerable. Hiei, take special care to be nice to the Kitsune pup." Kurama advised much to Kagome's relief.

"And Botan, I'd like to warn you about the monk. Sometimes he has a tendency to not control his hands." Kurama informed. He leaned back towards Kagome and hugged her tightly against him.

He breathed in her scent deeply while making sure to leave his own rose scent clinging to her. Few would dare to harm her if they could smell his scent of ownership upon her.

"Let's go." Hiei interrupted impatiently.

Kurama followed the three out to the well to say goodbye. At the last second he thought of something. "Wait one moment Kagome." He walked towards her and pulled a seed from his hair. He placed it into the palm of her left hand. It began to glow faintly. Then the plant slithered towards her index finger and formed a ring. It was a green ring with tiny red berries located where a stone would be.

"It's beautiful." Kagome admitted as she admired the gift.

"Take care, Kagome." Kurama told her.


Shippo had convinced everyone to wait by the well that morning. He was certain Kagome would return soon, especially since Inuyasha said she would be back that day.

Sango was sitting far away from Miroku. Apparently his gentlemen streak had run out and his lecherous habits came back to haunt him. The monk sighed dejectedly as he stared at his cursed hand.

Suddenly the familiar magical light of the well caught his attention and Kagome appeared before them with two new friends in tow.

Miroku noticed on to be a rather annoyed looking demon and the other a beautiful woman with blue hair.

Miroku walked toward the woman in a daze before dropping to his knees. "Lovely woman, might I ask your name?"

"It's Botan." She answered nervously.

"Dearest Botan, might you do me the honor of bearing me a son?" Miroku asked in his usual tone.

Botan sweat dropped. However, both Sango and Hiei saved her from having to answer. Sango hit Miroku upside the head with her giant boomerang as Hiei sent him a fierce kick in the gut.

Hiei and Sango acknowledged each other with respect.

"Sorry about that." Kagome apologized for Miroku. "He's like that, but you'll have to forgive him. You remember that Naraku we mentioned?"

Hiei gave a brief nod of his head and Botan replied that she did. "Well he cursed Miroku and his family. If we do not kill Naraku soon, then Miroku will be killed by the curse." Kagome explained.

Botan looked thoughtfully at the monk. Maybe there was something she could do to give him more time. She was Lady Death.

A tugging of Kagome's sleeve finally caught the miko's attention. "Yes Shippo?"

Shippo pointed towards the well. "When is Kurama coming back?"

Kagoem looked at him sadly. "I'm not sure. He had things to do back home. But Hiei and Botan are both good friends of his and they have come to help us." Kagome replied trying to sound cheerful.

"Okay! Let's hurry to the village, you need to `sit' Inuyasha. He's been mean to me all day!" Shippo cried.

Kagome looked at him skeptically. How could Inuyasha be mean to him all day? It was still early in the morning.


~Belle: Sorry, this chappy is a mite short.

~Hiei: Nothing wrong with short.

~Belle: Of course there isn't!

~Kurama: Worry not readers, although Kagome and I may be in two different eras you will still be blessed with both points of view in each future chapter.

~Belle: By the way, thanks to CrimsonBlades16 for the idea! ^_^