Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hands of fate ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Seven
Small droplets of crystalline tears fell from the sky, emitting soft drips and draps in the dying light of the falling sun. The last of its rays shimmering thoughtfully through the clouds wishing for one last chance to glimpse the earth in it rapid descent. Howling winds scraped harshly at the trees creating an eerie sort of rhythm with the quietly chirping crickets and the pitter-pattering of the lake below's tittering noise.
Amidst this noise a youkai flew, small rain drop tears beginning to fall from normally clear blue eyes. Ruby red hair flew frantically in the air, as small pebbles of water mingled uncontrollably with the fiery locks, and ran down his face to amalgamate with the already tear shed face. And normally sapphire blue were now that of the ocean, churning and intermingling with emotions as far deep as the soul; allowing one to see easily into the wind master's eyes.
As the wind master flew, he never really noticed the red eyes almost like his hair, however darker, much darker, filled with malice and deceit. Never feeling the almost smirk like gaze that they held on him or the smell of rotting corpses on his white fur coat.
Moving gracefully through the shadows, the red eyed creature allowed a small cruel smile to show on its half viewed face as one furred covered hand moved upwards to pull the mask down once more. In one swift movement, it awkwardly threw into the air a small vial and moved farther into the shadows as the vial burst upon impact with the ground and resulted in almost twenty youkai, each with one thought on mind, to taste blood.
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Touya allowed his youkai powers to help him as he smelt the rotting flesh, he almost chocked in surprise at the amount of poisonous miasma that surrounded him. Icy blue eyes flew wide in shock as he realized that his best friend had flown through there.
“Please be okay!” the ice apparition chanted over and over as he moved onward, every breath sharp and painful as the dark mist began to swirl around him. The mantra was all that kept him going, the fact that his friend was in danger and the small tugging at his heart knowing it was his own fault.
Thinking this, Touya was not prepared for the sight that met him, a small little human girl stood in the mist white hair spilling over as emotionless blue eyes stared blankly at him. She seemed almost nine or ten in age and held a round silvery mirror in her hands. His eyes widened even more if possible at the stench of death that covered her.
“You must not interfere,” she whispered so low that he had trouble hearing it, “leave now, it is not your time.” Her voice was as much void of emotion as her eyes except the small almost invisible glimmer in them, it was then he realized that the girl was not real, simply a hologram of the real thing. So what did he smell her? Searching the area he found the answer at the top of a middle aged looking tree. There in one of the highest bows hung a piece of whitish fur, yet somehow it seemed red. Taking another breath he felt his will give out as he fell to the ground as the poison began to enter his lungs as he stared helplessly at the girl. One small sad smile crossed the girls face before she disappeared in the mist of miasma and he lost consciousness his last thought on Jin and hoping desperately that he would be okay.
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“Mistress all has gone as wished,” whispered a holographic hallucination, white hair floating calmly around it.
“Good job Kanna,” responded a baboon covered creature holding a small keychain with a little Jin on it, the smell of death and decay expelling off of her as she smiled maliciously at the key chain within her hold. She reflected back on her fight briefly with the wind youkai and allowed her energy to heal the small yet deep wound on her arm.
Tentacles streamed out from underneath a baboon pelt as the wind master, Jin, fought desperately against the already expelling miasma.
“Why do you struggle? What have you left? Join me and you can be one of my generals!” called out the hooded creature as its ruby eyes gazed piercingly in Jin's.
“Never!” screamed Jin as he began to evade the tentacles, however there were many of them and he unfortunately got hit by one. His arm went towards his shoulder as he berated himself for the wound so early in the match; if he kept this up he would be dead for sure.
“Fine, if you will not join willingly then I will force you to,” called the baboon faced creature as it pulled its large pelt of and allowed the long black hair to stream in waves down its shoulder. Ruby red eyes pierced maliciously into Jin's as a beautiful young woman appeared from beneath the fur.
The woman began to chant, so quiet that Jin did not realize she was talking until her voice began to rise. Words long forgotten to the modern world streamed for her mouth as a bluish glow covered her. Raising her arms so that they were facing Jin that was now held firmly in her tentacles she smiled vindictively before repeating the final verse and allowing the bluish black colored light to shoot from her arms and escape through her hands to encircle Jin before a bright light was pulled from him and into a small wooden block that almost immediately turned into an exact replica of Jin. Just as he did this the real Jin had fallen limp, still breathing, but almost dead to this world.
Smiling slightly she pulled him towards him while placing him on her baboon pelt, she sped off in the direction to her palace her thoughts wickedly happy at the success of her plan so far.
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“Ugg, what happened?” asked a certain ice master as he began to stir slightly, he grabbed his head at the sudden pounding and fell back to the comfy bed from his attempt to rise.
“Don't you remember anything?” questioned a voice, it was soft and gentle, it seemed to warm his soul with its pureness and the soft touch of slender fingers seemed to lessen the pounding infinitively.
“A little, but not much,” he admitted as his eye sight cleared so that he could make out three distinct figures. Two of them were boys but one of them was a girl, and as his vision swarmed he could make out the form of long black hair held back in a low ponytail as well as Kagome's figure.
“Kagome?” he questioned as he tried to concentrate on the girl. At the name all three laughed a little and the woman smiled softly at Touya.
“No ice master,” she replied calmly as she noticed him swaying back and forth, “I am Kikyo.”
“The dead miko?” he asked as fear began to consume him, he began to back away until he heard the other two laugh/snort at the comment.
“It would seem Kagome has not left me out of her story,' smiled Kikyo as she began to use her miko powers again, only to heal.
“What? You mean you know Kagome, but how are you even alive? And where am I? All I remember is… JIN!”
“Slow down ice boy,” called out a young man, his face somewhat aged, and his eyes a molten gold that held wisdom and pain from years of experience.
“Don't call me that, and who are you?”
“I am InuYasha,” he replied an arrogant grin upon his face as silvery hair cascaded down his back.
“The Inu-Haynou who tried to kill Kagome?”
“Well, in the beginning yes, but I would never harm her now, she is like my sister!”
“Whatever, I have to get out of here, Jin could be in trouble!”
“It is too late, they already have him,” replied a different figure from behind the other two. A young looking Kitsune walked forward, he seemed about a teenager in his appearance, but Touya knew better, this demon was exceeding 500.
“Who are you? And who has Jin?”
“I am Shippo, and Kagiyo took him of course!”
“Kagiyo, the daughter of the most dangerous demon to ever walk the earth of course! She is a spawn of Naraku, and his only living heir. She's as powerful, if not exceeding, Naraku. She is uses holograms to do her work, instead of puppets and has been plotting to gain the shikon no tama for almost five centuries. She wishes to avenge her father, or so she says, but we do have our doubts.”
“What do you mean? And aren't you the little Kitsune Kagome spoke of?”
“Hai, Okasan must have told you about me! Of course I'm not as little as before and much stronger!”
“So exactly where am I?”
“A small under ground cavern near the park you were at, we felt Kagiyo and came as fast as we could, only to find you unconscious in the miasma,” answered Kikyo, her eyes dark with anger at the evil girl's destruction.
“What will happen to Jin?”
“His soul was stolen from him so therefore he will be like that of a puppet, Kagiyo's mind in your friend's body.”
“Why are you telling me this?” asked Touya as he began to allow the information to sink. At this InuYasha spoke up his eye filled with disbelief.
“Isn't it obvious?” he asked his eyebrow quirked at the stupidity of the shinobi, “She is after Kagome and the jewel! Therefore she will do like her father and use her powers to weaken Kagome emotionally and then she will do it physically.”
“We've been watching Kagome since she was born,” suddenly spoke Kikyo as she gazed deep within Touya's soul, “we have watched from afar as she has grown up. We have seen the way she acts around the wind master, she loves him. And he loves her back, if not he would never have gotten jealous and run off into the woods like that. And it is for that reason that we saved you from death.”
“I don't understand. If you have always been watching her then wide you let her get attacked by those thugs, or allow her to go through the well?”
“We didn't have a choice,” announced Shippo as a small tear welled up in his eye. “Do you think we wanted to let her go? Do you think that I wanted my Okasan to be attacked by youkai and return home covered in both her and demon blood? I was forced to stay in the shadows as she was hurt over and over again by the one that she loved! I had to remain out of sight when she cried herself to sleep at nights because InuYasha had run off to Kikyo again! I had to…”
“That is enough Shippo,” spoke InuYasha as he place a large callused hand on the younger boy's shoulders. The undead miko simply looked at them before sighing sadly and sitting in a chair by Touya's bed.
“We have all had to watch from afar as Kagome grew up, and we have always been haunted by the question of whether it was right or wrong. However, Kagome is in great danger in both present and past. Should we reappear, she may change the future by knowing the past. It is for that reason we have hidden the ending of the battle from all for if she learns then a paradox may issue and we will not risk that no matter what!”
“So that means that you all beat Naraku because you are all here?” asked Touya as he suddenly realized the meaning of the three.
“Actually, that is not for sure for how can Kagiyo be here if we defeated Naraku?” questioned Shippo back to the shinobi a small smile on his face as his lessons in psychology began to pay off. Touya merely scowled at the headache from all of the information and laid back and allowed sleep to over take his weary body once more. With three figures smirking happily at their newly found ally. The same thought running through all of their minds…
“And it shall come to pass.”