Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mayonaka Ryuujin ❯ Kagome Meets the Rekai Tantai ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SW: Well hey there! I'm back with chapter one of Mayonaka Ryuujin!

Shiezu: Sunstar, thanks for your awesome report! This chapter is dedicated to you and all our faithful reviewers!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Inuyasha tachi or YuYu Hakusho!

CLAIMER: I own Shiezu, Shoukyaku (Kagome's sword), Kagome and Shippou's second names…oops! I said too much!

Key: `thoughts'

*Hiei talking telepathically*

+Kurama talking telepathically+

-Kagome talking telepathically-

[Inner Voice]

{Author Note}

~~~Settings change~~~

`~`~POV Change`~`~

_______End Chapter______



Mayonaka Ryuujin

Chapter 1: Kagome meets Rekai Tantai

Hiei sighed at the reminiscence of Kagome's birth. Once she had learned to talk, she never stopped…unless he said so himself. Good thing she had admired him, or he would've never survived all those years. Fortunately for him, she stayed at Genkai's Temple with Yukina. She was content, but `not really her animated self without her Kurohi.' `Why must she entitle me that?' he thought.

Hiei was snapped out of his musings when he saw the rest of the Rekai Tantai, Kuwabara and Yusuke were having a verbal dispute with Kurama watching amusedly.

*What's so funny, fox?* came Hiei's telepathic message to Kurama.

Kurama slowed his walking tempo so Hiei was right beside him. +Hiei, you know as well as I do what Kagome'll do to them. With her being locked when they're around and all….How I wish I brought a camera so I could take a photo of their faces. +

Hiei gave a side glance at Kurama, and then smirked. He knew exactly what she'd do to them….if she didn't castrate them first… Luckily for Kurama, he wouldn't be hurt unless he pissed her off.

~~~~Genkai's Temple~~~~

A dark figure giggled in anticipation as they felt the Rekai Tantai near. `Soon, they'll be at my mercy! They'll be crying for their mothers by the time I'm through with `em.' The person thought gleefully. But the individual didn't notice that it had sent the thought to a certain fire apparition while continuing its plans.

Abruptly, just as it reached the tree limb outside the temple, a jolt racked the tiny body. They fell towards the ground, but landed with poise to expose a short girl that looked fifteen with blood red hair to her ankles. There were a few streaks of midnight colored hair. She looked so much like Hiei and Yukina…

Her clothes looked akin to Hiei's, but her clothes were dark red and the pants were baggier. On her brow was a scarlet bandanna that had the symbol of the Dragon King on it. She lifted her head to show cinnamon eyes that held fire and determination in them.

She had a cherry red weapons belt that had a sword, two daggers, diverse colored bags, and what appeared to be a scarlet whip. The sword was slightly flaming in a bright red scabbard that had `Shoukyaku' written in black ink on it. The daggers were the same, except `Death' was on the crimson one, and `Life' was on the cherry one.

She had a red choker on; it had a black dragon and a black cherry to black flame on it. Her eyelids seem to have black to red eye shadow on them. On her right cheek was the symbol for life, and on the other cheek, was the symbol for death.

`Is she hot or what?' went through Yusuke and Kuwabara's minds. The girl, seemingly telepathic, snickered inside her mind. It sounded like wind chimes clinking softly against each other.

~~~Rekai Tantai~~~

Hiei, after hearing her thoughts, had sent a shock to Kagome to see if she would react. She did. As Kagome landed, the two bakas in front stopped their fight to look at her. Hiei unconsciously growled at their filthy thoughts.

"Why do you appear and smell funny?" asked the teenager as she pointed at Kuwabara.

"I'm the Great Kazuma Kuwabara. The puny one in green is Yusuke Urameshi," Kuwabara paused for the cause as Yusuke glowered. However, before Yusuke could retort, Kuwabara started again. "The one in pink…erm…red…is Shuuichi Minamono/Youko Kurama. The shrimp in black is Hiei….? What's last your name shrimp?" Kuwabara asked crossly. He did not like having a lack of information when he meets a possible date!

"Hiei Mayonaka Ryuujin," stated the girl.

"How'd you know that? And why do you seem to know Hiei?" inquired a perplexed Yusuke.

The girl smirked and was by his side instantaneously. To say this stunned Yusuke was an understatement. `Who is she?' Yusuke thought idly.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he felt the cold steel of her sword and was irked immeasurably when he saw Hiei and Kurama both looking serenely at the blade. "Who-" He was cut off when the girl put pressure on the blade. Now he panicked. The girl must have been a demon and sensed his fear, because she smirked wider.

"I am Kagome. I don't understand why my brother trusts you, since you like to make fun of him so much," the steel was pressured more into his neck. Yusuke could now feel the heat of the blade as flames appeared near the hilt. "Don't fret about introductions, I have previously known everything about you there is to know, including your previous death…I probably know more about you then you do yourself. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you," she whispered; her smirk now part of the past.

`How does she know about us? That information was classified,' Yusuke thought, bewildered.

"Oh, so that's what you deem? The many wonders of a Jagan eye are infinite my friend. Maybe, if you took the time, you would know this and more. If only you listened a bit more closely to your demon allies that could easily kill you without a thought."

Realization slowly dawned on Yusuke's face as Kagome sheathed her blade. He was about to share his theory, when Kuwabara and his stupid ass beat him to it. "You're Kurama's sister and Hiei's mate aren't you?! I knew it!" he shouted.

Hiei looked revolted at the idea as Yusuke bellowed, "You idiot! She's Hiei's sister! Even I'm not that stupid!"

"Learning are we? Good." Kagome's hard-edged eyes dissolved into that of mirth at the two. "So why have you guys come here? Oh, and Kuwabaka, I would love it if you didn't go all gooey over my oneechan. I don't appreciate it and I know my oniisan doesn't," she said, hugging her elder brother, even though her head only came to his mouth. {That's saying something!}

Everyone, except Kurama, was taken aback when Hiei hugged her back. Then Kagome promptly released him and disappeared into the tree.

"Kagome-chan! Where are you?! Genkai-san said it's training time!" Everyone turned to see a fluffed kitsune pup standing at the door to the temple. "Shippou-chan!!" squealed a rapidly appearing Kagome as she jumped down before him, efficiently scaring the pup.

"Don't do that! And why are you excited, it's just training." Shippou asked as he gestured towards her vaguely flaming mane.

Kagome sent him a withering glare. "Genkai said she set up a new course for me that would assess my shadow and fire abilities."

Suddenly Shippou's eyes went big… "Fire?" he whispered dejectedly. "Hai Shippou-chan. Oh! Meet the Rekai Tantai…in person." Kagome said the last part because he got info from her when she was checking out the Rekai Tantai's files.

As Kagome introduced them, Shippou stared at the ground thinking of his brother that had disappeared brusquely before Kagome adopted him. He looked up when he heard a certain kitsune-human's name.

"What's wrong Kagekachuu" Kagome asked gently.

Shippou love it when she called him that, it made him truly feel like he was her son. `Kurama? I thought you were my brother? So why didn't you ever come to see me?' Shippou pondered.

While Shippou continued his thoughts, Kagome's hair was blazing! She was pissed, and Kurama was going to pay dearly!

Kagome knew her oniisan couldn't see her all the time, but he still came! This, there was no reason for this! Kurama had NEVER come to see Shippou!

Kagome picked up Shippou gently, effectively bringing him out of his thoughts as she started towards Kurama with her long bangs shielding her crimson eyes. Shippou noticed this and was glad that he was labeled as `her pup'. He crawled on top of Kagome's head, shocking everyone when he didn't get burned like expected, but instead, the fire made a crown on his head, a scepter in his hand, and a robe on his back.

Shippou knew what was happening, his momma was mad. He had only seen her like this once before, when he was fatally injured in Makai by a group of demons. When the demons had seen Kagome, they immediately made to run away, for Kagome was known to the Makai as Enshokuhi, the number one feared demon(ess) in Makai and Rekai. They died before they could even twitch.

Shippou shivered slightly at the memory. He knew his youbo would probably rip his oniisan to shreds. `Then again, that is cool!'

Kagome smirked at her kitto's thoughts. She walked over to Kurama, drew her trusty sword, Shoukyaku, and was about to castrate Kurama, when Hiei stood in front of him, blocking any and all advances.

-Move oniisan! I don't wish to fight you, but I will if I must!-

*I know you're pissed, but that doesn't mean you must castrate him. There is a such thing as talking things out.*

Kagome's sword clattered to the ground as she gasped out loud with wide eyes. Hiei had never acted like this before and he certainly never protected anyone, not even Yukina or herself!

Kagome snapped her jaw shut with a loud `clack' and narrowed her eyes to slits. She made Shoukyaku sheath itself, a trick she made herself. She stood rigidly and turned her back on her `brother'.

"Well Kurama, aren't you the lucky one, my brother protecting you and all, when he's never done it for anyone else, including family. Very lucky indeed. Good day to you all."

Kagome walked away stiffly, obviously hurt at her brother's show of support. "Shippou-chan, would you like to go home for a change?" Kagome paused. "Instead of being servants to `Koenma-sama'." Kagome said sarcastically.

"Sure! I can't wait to see Souta, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Shiezu, and let's not forget my brother Mayonaka! I like playing with him, since he's a kitsune, too! When are you going to officially adopt him Haha-ue?"

"I don't know Shippou. I guess we could do it tomorrow. I need to Sesshoumaru first, though."


"There is talk of a lightning apparition in my realm. I need his name so I can exterminate him properly."

Kagome chanted a spell under her breath and a crimson portal appeared before her. She stepped in to be instantaneously transported home.

To everyone outside the portal, it turned black a split second before returning to a dark crimson again. Kagome and the portal disappeared the second Kagome stepped in, leaving many unanswered questions.

To say the Rekai Tantai was shocked was the understatement of the year. No one ever thought Hiei would protect Kurama. That fact that Hiei had never done so before was mind boggling alone. When everyone went to question the koorime, they noticed he had disappeared.

______End Chapter_____

SW: Hey, hope you enjoyed it!

Shiezu: Dictionary and Preview below!



Youbo- adoptive mother

Shoukyaku*- destroy by fire

Rekai Tantai- Spirit Detectives

Jagan- mystic third eye

-Sama- honorific (more highly regarded than -san)

-San- honorific (highly regarded)

Kitto- kit

Mayonaka Ryuujin- Midnight Dragon King

Makai- Demon World

Rekai- Spirit World

Kagekachuu*- Shadow in the flames

Enshokuhi*-Bright red flame

Neechan- older sister

Oniisan- older brother

Koorime- fire aparition

*=I own it, which means you must ask and get a reply before using it!