Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ River of Crystals ❯ Week 1, Day 1 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Week 1, Day 1
Watching the morning sun rise was supposed to be relaxing. There was a saying about blood on the morning horizon being a bad omen. Stepping away from the hut she shared with Inuyasha, she walked the dusty path. Inuyasha had jumped down from one of the roofs and grunted to inform he was behind her. Kagome smiled, her dark blue eyes sparkled with the rising sun. She had long since dropped her human illusion. Her true form seemed more comfortable then trying to act natural. Sango and Miroku had alerted the villagers the previous day that they would have a visitor.
The guest announcement went well considering they were all to use to youkai passing through peacefully. Miroku had simply explained that the youkai wished to study the village. The villagers questioned who the guest would be, and Miroku had told them that he would be a Kitsune. Sango then told them that should go on like normally and act as if the youkai wasn't there.
Kagome sighed as they reached the edge of the village where Youko would enter. Inuyasha was wishing that he could just cut down the fox and be through with it. The first rays of light were pushing past them and hitting the huts. Kagome tensed as she saw a figure in the distance. Inuyasha also tensed and his hand traveled to the handle of his katana.
Dark blue eyes studied the figure as he approached them. His confident stride screamed deadly to her nerves. His golden eyes appeared like melted amber as the sun faced his back. His ivory skin held a golden tint to it and his silver hair almost appeared to be yellow. He stopped ten feet away and smirked at her. Kagome scowled and wondered why he would even waste his time with them.
“Are you sure you won't give me what I want?” Youko asked Kagome as he ignored Inuyasha.
“Welcome to my village,” Kagome greeted with a venomous smile.
“Very well,” Youko purred, the amber in his eyes became darker.
“You are welcomed to watch the village and talk to any villagers,” Kagome began.
“How kind,” Youko mocked.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome motioned to him, “and the others will be more then willing to answer any questions.”
“Inuyasha,” Youko repeated as he studied the hanyou.
“You have any problems you come to me,” Inuyasha warned as he walked away.
“Is he Sesshoumaru's brother?” Youko asked.
“He is his half brother and an ally of this territory,” Kagome informed with a smile.
“Status doesn't affect my choices,” Youko also informed.
“I hope that doesn't hinder your life span,” Kagome wished with a smirk.
“You are a strange Kitsune,” Youko mumbled.
Kagome's ear twitched as she turned and walked back into the village. She could hear the woman and men waking in their huts. Slightly saying a prayer, she hoped nothing went wrong. Stopping at Kaede's hut she turned to find Youko staring at one of the shrines. Reaching a clawed finger out to touch it he pulled his hand back to find that it singed it. He growled at it and Kagome smirked.
`Maybe he'll purify himself,' Kagome hoped with slight glee.
“Who is the priestess of this village?” Youko demanded.
“I am,” Kagome answered.
Youko chuckled at her and Kagome frowned. Her mood had darkened at his mirth.
“You have youki; and could not have this level of power,” Youko stated.
Kagome frowned at him, reached out, and laid her hand on the shrine. She picked out one of the flowers and rolled the stem in between her fingers. Youko watched her in mild curiosity before she blew at the flower. The petals glowed blue and charged at him. Each petal stung him and vanished.
“You know not my level of power,” Kagome hissed as she dropped the stem to the ground. She glared at him once more before turning away. Youko smirked as he watched her walk into a hut on the right.
“I will know your level,” Youko promised.
Kagome grinned as she stood above Hiei and Shippo. Shippo had drool coming from the corner of his mouth and Hiei was mumbling. Kagome took a second to observe the scene before she reached down and pulled their blankets away. Hiei sat up and tried to grab for the sheets. Kagome laughed and pushed him out of the room. Kagome sighed when Shippo just curled into a ball and continued to drool. Picking him up by the tail, she carried him outside. Setting him down on the ground she picked up a bucket. She saw Youko watching her and grinned.
“Wake up,” Kagome sang as she dumped the water on his head.
“IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!” Shippo screamed as he sat up.
Kagome grinned; her job was done. Her children were awake and so was the rest of the village.
“Momma,” Shippo whined as he wiped his wet bangs from his face.
“You'll miss training,” Kagome scolded.
“Can't I miss it once?” Shippo whined.
Hiei snorted as he tied his sash at the doorway. He was dressed in a black fighting Gi with a platinum fox on the left leg. His undershirt was also platinum. Shippo growled and ran inside the hut. A few minutes later Shippo ran out with a brown Gi on, his under shirt was beige. He tied his sash and his hair back and stood awake.
“What is the first lesson Mother-sensei?” Hiei asked with mischievous red eyes. Kagome grinned at the two of them and began to laugh.
“Go wake Miroku for he's training you first,” Kagome stated with an evil smirk. Both children bowed and took off.
“How do you have two children, their not your blood,” Youko observed.
“Shippo was an orphan that Inuyasha and I saved, Hiei I saved from a bandit myself,” Kagome simply answered.
“Most female Kitsune don't take strays,” Youko commented.
“I am not most,” Kagome firmly said and followed the yell to Miroku and Sango's hut.
Kagome's ears twitched as she followed the smell of Miroku's annoyance. It smelled like a spiced mint. The smells her nose could pick up always amazed her. The terrible two wasn't awakening Sango because she already was awake with Kohaku. She could hear the Hiraikotsu clashing with Kusarikama. Miroku walked out of the hut rubbing his head as he yawned.
“The guest has arrived and it's your turn to train the children today,” Kagome stated with a smile.
“What can a humble monk such as I hope to teach your generation?” Miroku ventured.
“Your humble butt can teach them to avoid barriers and work on building their speed,” Kagome declared as the two rushed out and jumped Miroku.
Inuyasha sat on the roof and `keh'ed before he rolled over. Kagome frowned and jumped onto the roof. Inuyasha blinked a few times before his eyes widened.
“You can help the villagers today,” Kagome suggested.
“I've got better things to do,” Inuyasha ignored her.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome growled.
Kicking him off the roof, he flew through the air.
“Osuwari,” Kagome yelled.
“Damn it!” Inuyasha growled as he struggled to pull himself up.
“Will you help around the village?” Kagome asked.
“No,” Inuyasha growled.
“Osuwari,” Kagome happily sang.
“Please,” Kagome said and gave him puppy eyes. He growled before he pulled himself up to an Indian position.
“Fine,” he grumbled.
“Thank you,” Kagome happily yelled as she hugged him.
“What a weak fool,” Youko mumbled to himself.
“The weakling is one who doesn't have emotion,” a voice grunted from behind him.
Youko turned around and growled when he saw the Ookami in front of him. Cracking his knuckles, he smirked at the wolf. The wolf growled a warning before he rushed passed the Kitsune. Youko watched in confusion as he picked up Kagome and hugged her. Turning his attention to the two, he wished to know their relationship.
“Kouga-kun,” Kagome awkwardly greeted.
“Kagome, no need to be so formal,” Kouga said as he hugged her. Kagome hugged him back and then stepped away.
“What brings you by?” Kagome politely asked.
“I've decided to take a mate,” Kouga happily announced.
“Really! Congratulations,” Kagome happily cheered.
“I wanted to invite you to the ceremony,” Kouga explained.
“You are going to keep your promise to Ayame,” Kagome happily assumed.
“Yes, I figured that since Naraku is gone that I can work on my pack like a real leader,” Kouga informed.
“When's the ceremony?” Kagome decided to ask.
“In five full moons,” Kouga informed.
“I'll try and make it,” Kagome said with a grin.
“What's with Kitsune, you having suitors bother you?” Kouga whispered as he glared at the Kitsune.
“No…just the usual,” Kagome sighed.
“Death threats,” Kouga growled.
“Yep,” Kagome sheepishly said.
“Well, I hate to leave but I have other tribes to invite,” Kouga said.
“Bye,” Kagome whispered as she watched him go.
Kagome smirked as she watched the small tornado of dust take off. She was happy to have been invited. Something told her she would be spending more time of this side of the well. Turning back around she faced Youko again.
“You know what those ceremonies are.” Youko queried with a grin.
“Not really,” Kagome sighed.
“They're a giant mating ceremony, you either bring a mate or go and meet someone for some fun,” Youko filled in.
`Great and at my time of the month,' Kagome thought with a laugh.
“Sounds delicious,” Kagome muttered before she walked away.
Something defiantly was warning her that she would not be able to shake this fox. Looking back over her shoulder she smirked at him. Something also told her she wouldn't mind not shaking him.
Author's Note:
A Gi is a fighting uniform so you all know