Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Blue Eyed Beauty ❯ Miko ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Holy shit—?!” Yusuke stopped dead, as he noticed the woman sitting on the couch. “Ya actually do have a woman in here, ya dog!”
Keiko, far more observant than her boyfriend, blinked. “Uh, Yusuke, she's—”
The boy caught on before she could finish, realizing that the small woman, now staring at him openly in confusion, was not draped in anything that he had seen Kurama wearing. “Holy—” he did not even bother to curse, “—is that Hiei's cloak?!”
Botan stiffened noticeably, suddenly trying to find a way to see around Yusuke.
“No way!” Yusuke shook his head. “Tell me I'm not seeing what I think I am, Kurama? Kurama?”
The black haired woman shifted, asking, “Is there a problem?”
Kurama did not feel there was any need to introduce them. He merely nodded in Kagome's direction and returned to the seat he had previously occupied to watch the entertainment that was no doubt about to unfold.
From deep within his mind, Youko chuckled darkly.
“Who the fuck are you?” Yusuke demanded.
Yusuke!” Keiko huffed in outrage. “Don't be so rude!”
“My name is Kagome,” she stated. “But, considering your being very rude, I don't think there's any reason for me to tell you anything other than that.”
Yusuke's mouth flopped open, as he gapped at her in surprise. “Holy—”
Upset with his constant need to reiterate the phrase, Keiko finally smacked him in the back of the head. “Yusuke, stop being so rude.”
“Ow!” Yusuke growled. “It's not my fault that she's got Hiei's fucking attitude!”
Botan narrowed her eyes, saying, “I don't think that's true, Yusuke. She's merely stating a point, while Hiei would have probably attacked you. And, besides, she'd have to be Hiei's mate in order to even begin to develop some of his characteristics. We both know that Hiei would never—!”
“I am Hiei's mate.” Kagome did not appreciate the superior tone that the other woman used toward her. “I have the mark to prove it, if you're so sure that there's no possible way that Hiei would have mated with me.”
Kurama watched, fascinated, as Botan's desire finally surfaced completely and caused jealously to flare around her.
What?” Botan asked. “That's impossible. Hiei knows that demons are strictly forbidden to mate with humans anymore, and he knows that if Koenma ever found out, he would be forced to give up his mate through a painful ceremony that would permanently separate—”
Kagome's energy erupted around her at the threat, and a slight sheen of pink began to glow along her flesh. Even Keiko, normally blind to the supernatural unless it was pointed out to her, shivered at the feel that it left behind as it caressed her.
“I don't care how powerful Koenma believes himself to be, you will never separate me from my mate,” Kagome hissed.
Miko,” Botan whimpered. Her growing desire to make Hiei notice her suddenly disappeared, and she turned pale with fright.
`What did I tell—?' Youko stopped, processing what Botan had said. `…Wait, what?!'