Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen Roses: The Past ❯ Where It All Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yup and another fic goes up. This is Chapter 1. Wow, four reviews in one shot.

Ashleigh-K: Honey, this is Princess Serenity and Prince Endyimon we’re talking about here. Not really Usagi and Mamoru.

Neominitails: Me thinks thegloryfades has a point. No one is perfect.

Jay FicLover: Well, all I can say is Mercury and Kurama were already together. I see your point about her emotional ties and bonds with other people are one-sided and fake, that’s what I mentioned in my summary in the prologue; she did the same for the Inner Princesses. One wish on the Ginzuishou and wham, all four love her to bits. And about the prologue characters, the Ginzuishou takes the readers back to the Silver Millennium to see what really occurred. I did say this was a memory fic.

Thegloryfades: I know, that’s why I’m racking my brains for this fic. Anyone has aspirin?

Disclaimers: I own nothing, except this darn plot.

Chapter Summary: We’re taken back to the Silver Millennium where we find out what exactly prompted Princess Serenity to use the Ginzuishou.

Chapter 1: Where It All Started

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Princess Chishiki Kallan was standing on the pillion overhanging the royal gardens at another masquerade ball in the Moon Kingdom.

The dance hall was shrouded in bright lights as couples whirled around on the dance floor.

Being the “Ice Queen’, the Mercurian Princess was never the one for such lavish events; she always preferred to shy away from the limelight.

However this time, she was waiting for someone, a particular person.

A faint scent of roses told her that her wait was worthwhile.

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Yoko Kurama let out a rare smile as he sneaked into the ballroom.

Normally only Earth royalty were allowed into the Moon Kingdom; but he made an exception, for her.

His golden eyes skimmed across the hall and he quickly spotted his beloved, standing outside.

There she was; ethereal-looking as ever. Her short blue hair had been allowed to grow wild and free from the night breeze and curled about her face cascading in waves to her shoulders. There was a power in her stance, and but also an air of innocence, of one that needed protection.
What an irony. A master thief falling in love with a Planetary Princess. Unlike the other Inner Princesses, Kallan’s beauty radiated from within. And that was what he loved about her; no pretences.

As if she noticed him, Princess Kallan turned around.

Yoko was drawn into those mesmerizing eyes that blazed with sensuality, humor and intelligence that rivaled his own.

Sneaking outside to the pillion, his silent steps drew close to the azure-haired Princess.

But his very distinctive scent gave him away, as the Princess of Ice and Water turned around to meet his cocky grin.

“I really should cloak my Spirit Energy.” he joked.

“That won’t help love. Your scent gave you away.” Princess Kallan teased.

“Then I really should cut down on my usage of the Rose Whip.” he joked.

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Inside, Princess Serenity was sitting on the throne-like chair as she observed the numerous number of men gathering around the three Inner Princesses; seething in pure jealously.

Princess Mesuinu of Venus had hordes of men flocking to her. Granted that she was the Princess of the planet of Love after all, but she was the High Princess of the Silver Alliance of Christ sake! At the very least, she should have an equivalent number of suitors compared to Mesuinu.

Mesuinu had been on the dance floor for every single dance.

Princess Meskira of Jupiter, though did not have Mesuinu’s huge quantity of suitors, she was popular to say the least.

She had been on the dance floor for the twentieth time the last time she counted.

Heck, even Princess Ren of Mars, the most fiery one of the four, had men asking for a dance.

For the record, the Martian Princess was on the dance floor for at least ten times.

And Princess Kallan of Mercury…

Well… Princess Serenity wondered as she scoured for the familiar shade of blue.

Princess Serenity’s eyes eventually found the girl, kissing a masculine figure beside her.

Princess Serenity just plain didn’t get it.

Even the shy Princess of Mercury could find a suitor, then why couldn’t she!?

Yes, why couldn’t I? Princess Serenity wondered. I am the High Princess after all and every guy will want me. I must have all of them falling in love with me.

That decided, she excused her self from her seat on the prospect of going to the washroom.

Once out of sight, she ran.

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Outside, Kallan finally broke the kiss Yoko had initiated when she noticed Princess Serenity had left her seat.

The pair nodded, a similar thought running through their heads and they took off after the Moon Princess.

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Moments later, Princess Serenity stopped before the Prayer Room where the Moon Stick and the Ginzuishou were kept.

This is wrong. the rational side of her argued.

You’ve done this before with the Inner Princesses. You can do it again. Remember, you are the High Princess and everyone must love you. the other domineering voice replied.

The domineering voice won as Princess Serenity stepped into the Prayer Room.

Yes, the Ginzuishou will provide me with what I want. the Moon Princess thought.

With the presence of a White Moon royal, the security systems of the Prayer Room automatically shut off.

Princess Serenity walked towards the tier where the Moon Stick, complete with the Ginzuishou, floated.

Grabbing the Moon Stick with shaky hands, she thrust the said wand into the air.

The Ginzuishou mounted on top of the Moon Stick began to glow brightly as Kallan and Yoko watched in horror from outside the Prayer Room.

"Please Ginzuishou... Make every eligible bachelor love me!” she shouted

The crystal began to pulse in response to her wish.

Yoko shielded his love as the silver light filled up the room.

Seconds later, the light washed over the entire Solar System.

Noting where the light was coming from, Queen Selenity immediately headed over to the Prayer Room.

The wish begun to take effect as every unattached bachelor from every planet within the Solar System fell under the love spell that was cast unwittingly on them.

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SailorStar9: A short chapter, but I’m racking my brains on ideas for this fic.