Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Fox's Kiss: Love From Afar ❯ Love of a Kitsune ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Fox's Kiss: Love From Afar
Chapter 5: Love of a Kitsune

So I'll just watch him from afar
Waiting for eternal bliss
And I will wish on all the stars
For just one fox's kiss



As Kurama watches his end draw nearer, he sees movement flicker out of the corner of his eye. He turns his head toward it and spies none other than Nobara Shigo rushing into the clearing.

He understands what is happening.

"Nobara," he yells, "no!"

But he is too late. His jaw drops and he catches his breath as he sees a head with a brown braid in front of his face. He gasps as a girl in a sweater and knee-length skirt falls into his arms.

He screams a frightfully loud, "NO!" as her chest falters to rise.

/////////////////////////////////////////////////IN THE FOREST///////////////////////////////////////////////////

Kurama looks at the pale girl in his arms. Her chest rises ever so slowly and her breathing is coming out in short gasps. It was as if all of the action that had been going around him froze. Nobody, not even the two villains, were moving. They were all of them staring at the human-form of the demon and the dying human girl in his arms.

"N...Nobara," he whispers, "y...you saved my life." It was a statement, not a question.

Her eyelids flicker and a small smile falls on her face. "Kurama..." she began.

Kurama's eyes widen. "You...you can talk!"

She gave a short laugh, immediately followed by a cough. They could all see the thin trickle of blood that started to run down the side of her mouth. "Strange, isn't it? I think my mother gave my tongue back to me." She opens her mouth to show him her pink tongue resting behind her blood stained teeth.

Kurama gapes at her for a moment. He blushes and then brushes the hair (come loose from her braid) out of her face. "You shouldn't talk, Nobara. You need to save your strength for when we finish beating these guys."

This brought a few good chuckles from the monsters, which were currently strangling a limp Hiei and cornering Yuusuke.

Nobara's head rolls from side to side in a confirmed "no." "You know as well as I do that I'm as good as dead."

"Don't say that!" says Kurama. "You're going to be just fine..."

"Kurama..." starts Nobara. He looks at her white face and her lips, which were a vague blue in color. ""I...I love you."

/There,/ she thinks to herself, /I've said it. Now I can die in peace./

"Goodbye, Kurama," she gasps.

/Goodbye, my love,/ she thinks.

And then she was gone.

//////////////////////////////////A BREAK BECAUSE IT SEEMS TO FIT///////////////////////////////

Kurama is kneeling on the ground with a lifeless body in his arms. He stares at her, not realizing it, for a few moments before he closes his eyes...and all he can see is her face. He envisions her once warm lips upon his and wonders if that is what she had been thinking about him all this time. A salty tear rolls slowly down his cheek.

/A tear...?/ he thinks. /Such an alien feeling that is in me. It's like what I feel towards my Shiori, except...different. Could this finally be the love that I have been searching for?/

His eyes open and a few more tears appear. He feels himself letting go of Nobara's body and watches as it slides from his hands and onto the forest floor. He couldn't believe that she was actually gone. He'd known her for, what, 30 hours at most? And yet, it had felt like a lifetime. Like it all had been meant to be...even her death.

"Um," Yuusuke begins, "I hate to break you away from your thoughts, buddy. I mean, I know dead girlfriends are hard and all, but could you off us a bit of help over here?"

And so they did. Kuwabara and Hiei lie next to each other on the ground groaning (A/N: Much to both of their displeasure, I'm sure.) while Yuusuke was firing blasts of his Spirit Gun at the two advancing demons. His energy blasts have no effect, however, which makes for an even nastier situation.

Kurama's fists clenched into two, tight balls and he stood up ever so dramatically. The two demons had their backs to him, preventing them from seeing him, but Yuusuke could see what was happening.

He turns back towards his attackers. He smiles and then says, "You guys are so toast."

The demons laugh and get ready to give the final blow to the spirit detective's head when they feel a tremendous energy behind them.
"Huh?" they both say, stupidly. They turn and Yuusuke grabs his friends from their place on the ground and gets away from the felons as fast as he could. And with good reason.

For, what the two demons saw as they turned, was a sight that would stay with them until they died, which would apparently be not very long. A brilliant white light flashes from the place where their supposedly dead victim had been struck. (A/N: The demons are too prideful to check and make sure that their prey is dead after they hit it, so, after they fired the blast, they didn't even bother to look and see if it had hit its target.)
Both of their hands go to their eyes and one of them yells, "What the hell is that?"

The red-haired schoolboy that had been behind them was there no longer. In place of him was a tall (A/N: And handsome, and sexy, and...) Kitsune. His silver hair goes down to his waist and his long fingernails are digging into the palms of his hands so hard that they begin to bleed. His eyes slowly open and his head turns to face the ones that killed Nobara.

The glare that he gives them is enough to drive the sanest man mad.

The smaller of the two steps back and a kind of gasping noise is heard coming from his throat. "Who...who the hell are...are you?" he stammers, clearly frightened.

The fox demon sneered at them and smoothly replies, "I'm everything you've ever feared in an enemy. I am that cynical thing that haunts you in your dreams." He's walking towards the demons, his hands still clenched, and his mouth set in a cold, dead line. "I am a demon beyond anything which you have already faced. I am the thing that your mamma told you to stay away from. I am a S-class demon that is loved by few and feared by all. I am Youko Kurama." He stops about two yards away from his opponents and his head shoots up to stare them straight in the eyes. "And I am your eradicator."

As if he'd been anticipating this moment forever, he lunges at the demons thrashing his claws wildly, but skillfully. He manages to get both of them drenched in each other's blood before landing back on his feet. They aren't dead yet, of course, but certainly stunned at their new opponents strength, speed and agility.

"You..." yells the taller one, angrily. He pulls out a large club and starts running madly at Youko Kurama. The kitsune laughs aloud and dodges easily. As the foe tries to figure out what just happened, he swings his clawed hand down hard onto his back. So hard, in fact, that his hand goes THROUGH the demon's flesh!

The demon is immediately torn in two. He looks down at his severed body and raises his hands to his eyes. Thousands of flecks of blood dot them and he looks up at the laughing kitsune. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but all that comes out is a rush of blood. He collapses dead on the ground. (A/N: I know that you're thinking, "He was cut in half! How was he able to live that long?!" Well, here's my explanation: ever cut a cockroach in half?)
The remaining demon gapes at the silver fox. He is backing away slowly from the tall figure, only to stumble over a tree root. The kitsune approaches him, still laughing.

"Did you really think you could beat me?" he laughs. "You scum, you are weak. You never deserved to walk the Makai, let alone Ningenkai!" He stopped on the demon's foot, crushing it. The demon winces in pain, too frightened to do anything. The sound of bone can be heard breaking and cracking.


The joint has come out of its socket.

The demon raises his head in a scream. Youko Kurama continues to laugh and he lifts his right hand...the hand that chopped the other enemy into two. The blood is still wet and warm and it drips radically off of his pale skin. He sticks out his long red tongue and licks some of it off.

"Garbage," he mutters to the sobbing demon. "You'll take on any number of opponents as long as they are weaker than you, is that it? But as soon as a real fighter makes his way into the arena, you cry like a child!" The kitsune's stomps down hard onto the demon's other foot.

"Ah!" moans the demon. Blood is flowing in a quick stream out of his broken feet and a pond of red soon surrounds the two enemies.

"Your life was never worth living," whispers Youko Kurama. He bends over the quivering demon and rips off its head.


Yuusuke stares at the scene before him. The two demons that they had been fighting earlier now lay dead in large puddles of blood. Kurama, now gone youkai, strolls casually over to Nobara's body, which is in danger of turning red. Youko Kurama's white attire is splattered with and stained with the blood of his adversaries. He bends over the dead girl and lifts her up into his strong arms.

Her head rests in-between Youko Kurama's elbow and shoulder and her hair (fallen out of the braid altogether) looks like a silk blanket swaying gently as he walks. Her legs dangle from his arms and a hole can be seen in the middle of her sweater. What was once white bra is visible charred in that hole and a pendant, a silver rose pendant, rests on it.

As the kitsune walks, tears begin to form in his eyes. Streaks of red materialize in his silver hair and his claws return to a normal sized fingernail. His clothes are now a pink school uniform instead of a white fighters dress. (A/N: I mean dress as in clothes, not as in prom dress!) His eyes lose their golden color and become an emerald green.

Youko Kurama has disappeared and the old Kurama (a.k.a. Shuiichi Minamino) now stands in his place.

As the tears fall down his cheeks, he looks at Yuusuke. Hiei and Kuwabara are beginning to get the feeling back in their legs and take a stab at standing. After several tries, they are able to and they come up behind the Spirit Detective. All three of them stare at Kurama and the body held affectionately in his arms.

"Kurama..." begins Yuusuke.

"Don't say anything," interrupts Kurama. His voice is full of anger, sorrow and pain. And, above all else, a hint of love. But he manages to maintain the sound of calmness that is always there at the same time. "It's time to leave. We've outstayed our welcome."

He walks away, ignoring the look on his three friends' faces. Hiei closes his eyes for about 45 seconds, opens them again, and follows Kurama. Kuwabara shrugs and trails the two youkai.

Before he goes, Yuusuke glances at the scene in the clearing. Blood cakes the ground and the process of carcasses rotting begins. He sighs and looks up toward the sky.

"And so the predictions were true," he breaths. "Whatcha' know..."

His voice trails off and he makes his way out of the forest.