Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ After the Fall ❯ So It Begins ( Chapter 31 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
And yet another chapter for my loyal readers!

And this is a special shout out to Wrigzz who took a the time to leave me a rather nice review. Thanks, man! I'm happy you think this story is the best!

Chapter 31-- So It Begins

I can't believe we just did that.

Kurama stood quietly near the night stand next to Botan's bed as he slid on his jeans. He reached down, zipping up the fly in an automatic motion as his gaze focused down upon the carpeted floor where his dress shirt lay. Bending down, the kitsune scooped up the shirt, holding it up for inspection as he righted himself. A smirk made it's way across his lips as he noticed the lack of buttons on the right side in the center of the shirt. It's seems my deity is becoming rather aggressive. Kurama thought, his mind replaying what had transpired between them a little over two hours ago.

Their joining had been intense and very pleasurable. So much so that they seemed unable to stop. Kurama reveled in the feel of Botan's body against his, the way she moved, the sounds she made. Everything she did when they made love drove him insane. Yet it was more than the kitsune's need for Botan that had urged him to take her. He also loved her beyond words, wanting to show her the depths of which his heart yearned to hold her, to make her feel loved and desired.

And show her he did.

Several times.

Their bodies entwined in an intimate dance to music only they could hear. A lovers waltz as old as time, both too absorbed with each other to realize what they were doing could get them into serious trouble. At last Kurama had managed to gain control of himself, pulling gently away from Botan's arms as he explained they had to leave.

Botan had relented, disappointment etching her features as she nodded and slid off the left side of the bed where her clothes lay while Kurama moved off the right as the both of them began to dress.

And now Kurama stood still, staring idly at the shirt in front of him. His smirk faded, a look of concern upon his face as he pondered why he had let his desire for Botan overrun his reason so many times. Was it his Youkai instincts that demanded this sudden, intense need? Or was it his fear of losing her that drove him to lay down with her repeatedly? Kurama had been surprisingly frightened by his actions. He had never acted so impulsively before. Never. So what's wrong with me? He wondered. Why do I feel so uneasy about making love with Botan while in Reikai?


The kitsune looked up, shifting his gaze to his right where Botan now stood beside him.

"Are you all right?" The deity asked, watching as Kurama's troubled features relaxed, the calm he was known for now on display as he gave her a reassuring smile.

"Everything's fine, Botan. I'm just a little tired from all our recent activities." The kitsune replied softly, suppressing his rising guilt and fear so as to not let Botan worry over his strange thoughts.

Botan smiled back at him, her amethyst eyes twinkling as she spoke. "I'm glad. For a second there I thought maybe you were feeling a little afraid of me."

"Well, you were a little aggressive out on the balcony," Kurama replied dryly, waving the shirt slightly back and forth. "I must say I was rather shocked."

Botan blushed, her eyes drifting over to the kitsune's now button less shirt. "Oh .. heh ... heh ... sorry about that Kurama." She replied sheepishly, watching as the kitsune gracefully slid the shirt onto his lean torso. "I guess I got lost in the moment and uh .. over reacted."

"And then some." Kurama murmured, his amused tone belying the mock look of sternness that now marked his features as he turned to face her.

Botan stared back at him, her features tightened, her heart troubled at what she had done. She had never expected to get so carried away. But there was just something about Kurama that made her go crazy. Maybe it was their emotional and spiritual connection that was to blame. The need that drove them into each others arms so intensely was so consuming, all logic and reason had flown out the window.

This sudden need had ruled Botan thoughts and actions until all she knew was him.

His body against hers, his hands touching her, lighting a fire for him that burned relentlessly. The things he would do to her, the seductive words he would whisper in her ear when she returned his affection with equal vigor. She loved Kurama for that.

For the way he made her feel.

Alive and loved.

And desired.

As if she were the most precious creature in existence.

Still, the intensity of their coupling this time filled her with slight trepidation. Why had their emotions been so overwhelming this time? Why had she felt such an intense desire to mate with her future husband in her room when she knew they should have left hours ago?


The deity blinked, drawn out of her thoughts by the sound of Kurama's voice. She shook her head slightly, clearing her mind as she replied, "I'm sorry Kurama. Perhaps we should have just left when we had ..... " She started only to stop as the kitsune stepped forward and enveloped her into his arms.

"There is no need to apologize Botan," Kurama began, his voice soft and sincere. He had sensed the fluttering emotions within the deity's heart. The rising guilt and regret that threatened to overwhelm her causing him to react. "And there is no need for regrets. I'm glad for the time I spent with you. This was special Botan. You are special to me. And I don't want you to feel any shame or regret for what we did. Because we did it out of love. I love you Botan. As much as you love me."

Botan closed her eyes, the deity's heart eased as her soul basked in the devotion and affection Kurama offered freely to her. "I love you too, Kurama." She whispered, her words muffled as she spoke into his shirt.

They stood still for a few seconds longer before Kurama pulled reluctantly away.

Botan looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to speak.

"Well then." Kurama began, his voice soft as he lowered his hands back to his side. " I think it's time we head back to Ningenkai before we forget ourselves and continue where we left off don't you?" He asked as he sat down upon the edge of the bed, stretching his hands out to quickly slide the black boots in front of him onto his feet then tying them in an automatic motion.

Botan gave him a knowing smile as she watched him straighten his frame, grabbing the jacket beside him and sliding it on as he rose to his feet. "I think that's a good idea." She replied, her fears momentarily forgotten as she turned and reached down to retrieve her luggage that was still sitting on the floor only to stop as Kurama walked past her.

"Allow me, Botan." He said with a small smile as he bent down and swept up the suitcase with his left hand while strapping the duffel bag over his head with his right.

Botan studied him with affection. "You're such a gentleman you know that don't you?"

Kurama gave her a gracious smile. "Well I do try." He replied in a dry tone that made Botan giggle slightly. "Shall we then?" He asked, holding out his free hand for Botan to take.

The deity nodded, clasping his hand, a happy smile lighting her face as Kurama entwined his fingers with hers before leading her out onto the balcony. Wordlessly, Botan raised her right hand, an oar materializing beside her. She lowered the oar, sliding onto the front. She waited patiently as Kurama hopped on behind her, sliding up until his right hand was wrapped around her waist. Botan forced herself to ignore the closeness of Kurama's body against hers as she lifted the oar into the air. "Ready?" She asked as she peered over her shoulder.

Calm emerald eyes met her focused amethyst ones as he tightened his grip and nodded. "Ready."

Botan smiled at his actions before returning her focus to the night sky in front of her. "Then hang on." She cried, zooming upwards, high into the air before turning left towards the river Styx and the portal that would lead them to Sakaoshimi.


"You better have a good reason for waking me up, Naoko."

Naoko stood about ten feet from the front of Kagone's desk, his gray eyes fixed unwaveringly from the angered cobalt ones of the dark haired elder who sat before him. He ignored the disheveled appearance of his master and the warning growl in his tone as he replied, "I do indeed my lord," He began, the excitement in his voice equal to the emotion reflected on his face as he continued. "I have remained posted outside Koenma's palace for two days now just as you requested of me."

"Yes, I remember giving you that order," Kagone interjected in irritation. "And I'm in no mood for your long winded explanations, so you better just spit it out before I personally boot your ass out of my home."

Naoko flinched at the harshness of the elder's tone but quickly recovered. "I have seen them my lord," He answered, a smug look appearing on his face as he added, "Together."

Kagone's features instantly shifted from annoyance to surprise. His interest piqued, the tall elder leaned back into his chair and made a continue gesture with his right hand. "Go on."

"I saw the ferry girl standing outside alone on her balcony, staring idly into the night sky when the detective suddenly appeared behind her." Naoko began, stopping as Kagone interjected.

"I thought I told you to make it quick Naoko."

The brown haired man frowned, becoming a little unnerved by his lord's unusual short temper. What is eating him? He wondered but continued in the same smug tone he had used before. "Needless to say my lord, the ferry girl responded rather uh .. aggressively to the kitsune's presence. She couldn't seem to keep her hands off of him."

The effect of Naoko's statement was immediate, the elder knowing exactly what his subordinate meant. "What!" He growled in a deep tone. Curiosity had given way to anger, festering like an infected wound around Kagone's cold heart. The idea of the fox spirit and the deity engaging in sexual relations while within the borders of his world, sparked such a deep rage and hatred it was all Kagone could do not to rush over to the palace and have them arrested. But I can't just yet. I need more time. He reminded himself, his reason fighting against the darkening emotions that now seized control of his mind. Still, despite his warring thoughts, Kagone's voice was laced with venom as he spoke. "You mean to tell me that the ferry girl gave herself willingly to that foul creature. That they mated in Reikai!" He snarled, his eyes boring straight into the nervous ones of Naoko who took a few steps backwards, his once smug look giving way to fear as he eyed his master with trepidation.

Naoko managed a small nod but could not quell the uneasiness he felt as Kagone glared at him. "Yes .. my lord." He replied, wincing at the pain that throbbed within his now dry throat. The brown haired Reigen had seen his master angry before but never with as much intensity as what he was witnessing now. He could feel it swirling around him like a maelstrom of animosity. And even though it was not directed at him, Naoko still quivered in fear. "I .. uh .. have proof of it ... " He stammered, unable to keep the anxiety he felt from escaping his once tight control.

"Then I suggest you show me!" Kagone barked, eyeing his assistant expectantly.

Naoko nodded. Reaching down, the gray eyed man stuffed a shaky hand into his right pocket, fumbling around inside until it clasped the object concealed within. Pulling it out he walked hesitantly over to Kagone's desk. "See .. for yourself my lord." He said, holding it out for the elder to take.

Kagone shifted his gaze away from Naoko's face to the shaky hand that held out the black hued device. He studied it for a few seconds, glaring hatefully at the device before swiping it out of his assistant's hand. His ears did not pick up the sigh of relief as Naoko backed away, moving back over to his previous spot, watching his master with troubled eyes.

Kagone flipped the device over, holding it up to his eyes as he slid his right index finger over the small button centered on the top of the black box. He pressed it one time, releasing his hold as a small screen came to life, bathing the elder's face with a soft blue hue. Instantly a series of images flared within the screen causing Kagone's blood pressure to rise. His darkened features spasmed in irritation as he watched Botan make the first move, his lips curling in disgust as he witnessed the deity kissing the kitsune, pressing her body against his, the pleasure they were feeling obvious in the two lover's facial expressions. As the recorded pictures progressed, the veins within Kagone's neck began to pop out, becoming livid ridges as he continued to watch Kurama and Botan, their actions becoming more lustful, the kisses becoming deeper, the touches more intimate, the clothes flying from their bodies as they joined, mating without a care in the world.

Damn that accursed kitsune! He has defiled her! Kagone's mind screamed, the loathing he held for Kurama multiplying a hundred fold. That worthless Youkai has taken what was once pure and tainted it! The elder grit his teeth, the joints throbbing painfully as he clenched his jaw. But he didn't care, his thoughts shifting from the kitsune to Botan who he harbored an equal hatred for. And that traitorous wench allowed it to happen! She willingly gave her self to that filthy Makai thief! To that foul demon! I will not stand for it! With a snarl of rage, Kagone shut off the device, slamming it down upon the top of his desk with enough force to shake the sturdy woodwork.

Naoko gasped at the elder's action, thoughts of his safety eluding him as he rushed forward. "My lord! What have you done!" He cried, reaching out to scoop the device into his hand. He cradled it like a helpless infant, peering down with pained eyes as he took in the extent of the damage. All the work he had done. The hours spent surveying Koenma's palace. Everything he had done in the name of his master had been in vain.

Kagone ignored Naoko's breakdown, still too wrapped up in his self righteous anger to realize he had most likely destroyed the evidence that would seal the kitsune and the deity's fates. At last he was drawn outside his thoughts at Naoko's frustrated cries. Blinking, the elder's eyes widened as he gazed upon the cracked device within his assistant's hands. What .. have I ... done? He stammered mentally, his reasoning taking control over his emotions. It would not do to become angry. His anger had led him into trouble more times than the elder wanted to count. And if he were to go off the deep end before his plan was completed it would ruin his best chance for taking his rightful place as head elder. I cannot afford any slip ups. He added mentally as he willed himself calm. "Is it beyond repair Naoko?"

The brown haired Reigen looked up slowly from the device, his pensive eyes meeting the questioning ones of Kagone. "I ... don't know ... sir .. maybe .. " He answered, uncertainty evident in his voice as he studied his master.

"Then I suggest you get to work fixing it," Kagone ordered in a detached voice, back to his cold self once more as he rose from his seat. "Once I've gathered the items needed to take care of the detectives, I will need those images for our case when I bring the ferry girl and her lover in front of the Reikai court for trial."

"But how are you going to subdue Kurama?" Naoko asked, his curiosity ruling his fear as he watched his master turn his back to him. "He won't be easy to capture."

"You'll see in due time Naoko," Kagone answered over his shoulder. "Until then I want you to not only work on fixing that device but also keep an eye on Botan and that foul demon. Inform me of anything strange that happens as you observe them. I need to know their routine before I set up my trap."

Naoko nodded, feeling like his old self once again now that he had a new purpose to fulfill. "As you wish my lord." He replied with a bow, cradling the Reikai camera against his chest as he turned and walked back the way he had come, leaving Kagone alone to scheme his plan to capture Kurama.

Soon you worthless bastard I will have you in my clutches and not even the mighty Koenma will be able to save you. Kagone snarled inwardly, stalking off to his room, his thoughts as dark as the night that lingered outside his home.


Botan guided her oar downward, maintaining a gradual descent until her tennis shoed feet gently scraped across the asphalt that lined the narrow alleyway beside Kurama's apartment building. The deity gave a silent prayer, thankful for the darkness that surrounded them, concealing their unconventional arrival from any passerby that might chance a look in their direction. She brought the oar to a stop, pressing her feet firmly onto the ground, smiling as Kurama shifted behind her, mimicking her motion before sliding off and to the right. Botan jumped off next, willing the oar to disappear before turning to face Kurama who spoke.

"It feels good to be home." He whispered, casting an idle glance around him before bringing his relieved emerald orbs upon the tender amethyst ones of Botan.

Home. Botan liked the sound of that. Home with Kurama. With her mate. I couldn't ask for anything more. She told herself, the sadness of leaving Reikai lessened with the knowledge that she would be remaining with her lover in Ningenkai. "Yes. It does." Botan said softly as she moved closer to Kurama and reached out, clasping her hands gently around the strap resting at an angle against the kitsune's chest and pulling it up and off of him. "Let me help you with that." She replied, giving an answer Kurama's questioning gaze.

The red haired man smiled, understanding lighting up his features. Botan wanted to help him, to ease the burden he had been carrying ever since they had departed spirit world. Ah, my deity, you have helped me more than you may ever know. He whispered inwardly as he allowed her to remove the bag and strap it around her shoulder. And although he appreciated her concern, Kurama didn't want Botan to strain herself anymore than she already had done. "You don't have to do that Botan. I know you're tired after flying from Reikai all the way into Sakaoshimi. I can handle it just fine."

"I know that Kurama," The deity replied. "But I wanted to. Besides, you're just as whipped as I am. So why don't we head up to your department and go to sleep?"

Kurama smiled at the thought of falling asleep beside his mate. To hold her within his arms, to hear the steady heartbeat and breath of the woman he loved so close to him was an idea he cherished and welcomed. And I know she will be safe so long as she's within my arms. "Well truth be told you did kind of wear me out back there." He said as he studied the deity before him with twinkling eyes.

Botan narrowed her eyes briefly at the teasing tone in his voice only to give as good as she got. "I could say the same of you." She replied softly, earning her a small chuckle from the kitsune.

"Touché my love. Touché" Kurama conceded, giving her a beaming smile before tapping his head to the side, motioning for her to follow him to the entrance door.

The two lovers made their way inside, Kurama holding open the door for Botan who entered first, a smiling kitsune behind as he let the door go and followed her up the stairs towards the hallway that led to his apartment. Kurama was halfway up the staircase when a familar scent entered his sensitive olfactory nerves. The fox spirit stopped his ascent, taking a deeper sniff of air to make sure it was recent and not a scent from earlier in the day. A troubled look formed upon Kurama's face, the second whiff of air confirming his suspicions. But what is he doing here?

"What is it, Kurama?" Botan asked, coming to a stop a few steps above her mate's own, her amethyst eyes looking downward at him in concern.

Kurama brought his gaze upright, meeting the deity's troubled one. He closed the small distance between them, switching the suitcase to his right hand. With his left hand now free, the kitsune reached out, clasping Botan's right hand and pulling her gently with him. "Come on." He whispered as calmly as he could.

Botan frowned but complied, her heart troubled by the sudden change in her lover's behavior. Something was bothering him. But what? She wondered only to come to an instant realization as they cleared the flight of stairs, her gaze shifting away from Kurama to the small figure dressed in black some distance away. "Hiei?" She murmured.

The fire apparition was leaning silently against the right side wall beside the kitsune's apartment door. He made no move to greet them, his arms remained crossed, his head tilted downward and his eyes closed though his lips twisted into a smirk as he began to speak. "It took you long enough."

Kurama and Botan walked slowly up to him, eyeing their friend in curiosity.

"I didn't know I had to check in with you before I came home, Hiei." Kurama answered gamely as he came to a stop a few feet away from the smaller man, Botan beside him. Although he remained calm on the outside, Kurama was beginning to dread the appearance of his best friend. If Hiei was visiting him at this time of night it could only mean something had happened. Something I'm sure I'm not going to like.

"Hn." Hiei sounded as he opened his eyes and tilted his head back. Turning his gaze to the left, his red orbs took on a mirthful look as he studied the fox spirit then the deity and then back to Kurama once more. Unable to gather anything from his friend, he shifted his telepathic focus over to Botan, his smirk growing wider as he read the deity's thoughts. My, my, it seems you've been a rather naughty boy, Kurama. Hiei sent out to the red head. I'm surprised the ferry girl is able to walk after all that extracurricular activity in Reikai.

A low growl escaped from the kitsune's lips, his eyes narrowing into now golden slits as Youko came to the surface. Watch yourself, fire demon. He sent back threateningly, not liking Hiei's intrusion into his mate's mind one little bit. What Botan and I do with each other is not your business, so unless you're in the mood for a world of pain, I suggest you keep yourself out of Botan's mind or I will personally escort you back to Mukuro minus your Jagan eye.

Hiei let out a small chuckle, knowing full well Youko was speaking. The fire apparition was always amused when he got under the kitsune's skin, especially when it brought out the former thief's more aggressive personality. I never claimed it was Youko. He sent back. I was merely teasing you.

Kurama frowned, aggravated that Hiei had gotten to him so easily. Gold faded, his eyes relaxing as the emerald hue of Suuichi bloomed, the kitsune returning to his more calm and reserved human self. Is that what you came to Ningenkai for, Hiei? To tease me?

The fire demon was about to reply when Botan broke verbally into their silent conversation. "Hey you guys, do you mind sharing in whatever it is you two are talking about. Some of us can't communicate telepathically." The deity said, annoyed at once again being left out of the loop.

The two men turned their gazes over to Botan.

Kurama gave her an apologetic smile while the fire demon merely stared at her impassively.

"Sorry, Botan," Kurama stated softly, giving her hand a small squeeze before switching his gaze back to his best friend. "So Hiei what brings you to the human world at this time of night? Shouldn't you be in Makai resting with Mukuro?" He asked, not bothering to hide the smirk that now laid claim to his lips.

A dark look crossed Hiei's features, his red eyes glaring up into the twinkling green ones of Kurama. As much as Hiei liked harassing Kurama about his relationship with Botan, the small demon hated being on the receiving end of his best friend's more teasing nature. "I came because of this." He growled in annoyance, reaching quickly into the right pant pocket of his jeans.

Kurama watched as Hiei retrieved a folded piece of paper.

"Look at this." Hiei ordered, holding out the paper for Kurama to take.

"What is it?" The kitsune asked, lowering the suitcase within his right hand down onto the carpeted hallway, reaching out to gently take the paper out of the dark haired man's hand.

"Read it and see for yourself."

Kurama frowned, gently loosening his left hand from Botan's right. Both hands now free, the kitsune unfolded the note and began to read it, his eyes widening slightly as he quickly took in the information. "When did this happen?" He asked, bringing his gaze upright as he lowered the note to his side.

"Near as I can tell at least six hours ago. Maybe more."

"What is it Kurama, what's going on?" Botan asked, still wanting to be included in the conversation.

Kurama turned to her, a look of surprise equal to the emotion that now filled him. "Someone tried to kill Jin and Touya outside of a farming village within Yomi's territory." He answered softly.

"What!" Botan exclaimed. She knew the two shinobi were old rivals of the detectives before becoming friends and even partners with Kurama during the Makai tournament. And from what she remembered, they were fairly strong. Not as strong as Kurama but still, not the kind of people to mess around with. "How ... Why ... ?"

Kurama held out the note to the deity who took it from him, her concerned eyes trained upon the words on the paper as she began to read it's contents.

"You realize what this means don't you Kurama?" Hiei asked.

The kitsune drew his attention back to the fire demon, a somber look marring his features. He knew exactly what Hiei meant. But is it true? Kurama wondered. "Do you truly believe Ren to be behind this attack, Hiei?"

"Don't you?" The fire apparition retorted, eyeing his friend expectantly. Honestly kitsune, I thought you were the smartest one of the bunch. Hiei added, keeping his thoughts silent as he waited for Kurama to answer.

Kurama's features remained grim. "Ren and his group may be the ones behind the assault but why attack Jin and Touya. We haven't really had any contact with them in over two years. They have nothing at all to do with the human world so what would the reasoning be?"

"It's simple, Kurama," Hiei answered, his features serious as he spoke. "They know us. And Ren wants to eliminate any allies we might have."

"But they didn't die." Botan said, interjecting into the conversation.

The two demons turned to look at her.

"Ren or whoever attacked the shinobi didn't kill them. They're still alive. And according to this letter," Botan paused, holding it up into the air. "they are in desperate need of a healer." Botan lowered the paper back to her side, her troubled amethyst orbs focusing directly into the saddened emerald ones of Kurama. "Then does that mean .. ?" She whispered, her voice trailing off as she realized just whom the letter was requesting.

"I'm afraid so, Botan." Kurama answered, his features growing pained as he added. "The shinobi will die if I don't get to Makai soon."

Botan frowned. "But don't they have healers there. Why can't one of them do it?"

"The village they are in doesn't have anyone with healing power," Kurama answered softly, trying to keep his emotions from getting the better of him as he felt the anxiety rise within the deity's heart. "And Yomi's men are too far away to offer assistance. I can get there faster than anyone else. And besides, they asked for my help. And as a friend, I cannot refuse it."

"Then I will go with you." Botan said, her features growing determined as she moved closer to the kitsune.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that, Botan." Kurama replied, the regret in his tone lost upon the deity's ears as a look of defiance took hold of her beautiful face.

"I'm not your child, Kurama. If I want to go, I'll go." She nearly snapped, becoming irritated at the way their conversation was going. "I'm not going to stay here all alone, awake all night wondering whether or not you'll return. I'm going, Kurama. Whether you like it or not."

Kurama let out a sigh, a stress line forming on his normally smooth brow. True, it was rather cruel to make Botan wait for his return but it couldn't be helped. I nearly lost her once in Makai, I'll be damned if I allow those accursed demons the chance to do it again. He thought as he replied in as calm of a voice as he could manage. "I can't risk your safety Botan. Makai is too dangerous a place for you right now. If Ren is indeed behind this, we could be walking into a trap. If that happens, I don't want you involved. It's not worth having me lose you to the likes of him. So please stay here and wait."

"But you'll be able to protect me if that happens," Botan countered, her voice pleading, her eyes searching his for some sign that he would accept her coming along. "Won't you, Kurama?" She asked, her features falling at the look of resolve now upon her beloved's face.

"I .. can't really say if I could or not Botan. I don't want to risk that chance when I know so little about Ren's true power. I'm sorry but it's best for you to stay in the relative safety of Ningenkai." He answered softly. "Besides you're tired. I can sense it. I need to get to that village as soon as possible before Jin and Touya die and your coming will slow our trip down."

"But you're tired too, Kurama." Botan protested. "You need to rest as well."

Kurama shook his head slightly. "That is true but when I become Youko the weariness I feel now will disappear. I'll be fine."

Botan bit her lip, lowering her head as she tore her gaze away from her mate. "But I don't want to be here alone, Kurama. I want to be with you."

Kurama's features softened. "I'd like that too but it is safer for you to remain here. I promise to return to you as quickly as possible."

"You promise?" Botan asked, her voice quavering at the thought of being separated from the kitsune.

Kurama closed the small distance between them. Reaching out, the fox spirit wrapped his arms around the deity and pulled her gently to him. "With all my heart." He whispered, as he rested his head against Botan's.

An annoyed sigh was heard, drawing the kitsune's attention over to where Hiei stood.

"We don't have time for this, Kurama." The fire demon stated sharply.

Kurama fixed Hiei with a cold stare that was so intense, the fire demon actually took a half step back, but quickly recovered his composure. "Feh. Do what you will, Kurama." He murmured. "I'll just wait outside." He added, walking past the pair towards the stairs which he quickly descended.

The kitsune returned his attention to Botan, his features growing tender as he reluctantly pulled away from the deity.

Botan looked slightly upward at Kurama, a few tears starting to form within the corner of her eyes. "I don't want you to go." She whispered.

"I don't want to leave." Kurama replied. His hands strayed upwards, cupping the deity's face as he gently began to caress her skin with his thumbs. "But I need to know what happened. I have to help them Botan. You know this." He added, closing his eyes as he rested his forehead against hers.

Botan's eyelids fluttered closed, her heart torn between understanding and pain as the kitsune continued his reassuring touch upon her face. "I know." She managed to sneak past her trembling lips.

Unable to bear the sadness of Botan's heart, Kurama leaned down and pressed his lips gently against the deity's, the kiss conveying the feelings of his heart. His love for her and his pain on her behalf. He hurt because she hurt. Her pain was his. And he wouldn't settle for anything less. You'll never suffer alone, my love. Never again. He vowed as he deepened the kiss, his hands sliding downward as he wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her tight against him.

Botan's heart pounded in her chest, the pain and sadness lifting slightly as he demonstrated his reluctance to leave her. She returned his kiss, wrapping her arms around him, holding onto him as if her life depended on it. She didn't want to let go. She couldn't let go. Please stay. She wanted to cry out but keep it to herself as the two grew lost in each other.

Kurama we cannot delay any longer. The insistent voice of Hiei intruded within the kitsune's mind.

I know that, Hiei but I .. don't want to leave her just yet .. Kurama sent back, still engaged in a lip lock with the ferry girl.

There was pause before Hiei commented once again. I know that Kurama. But you're not the only one who had to leave his mate behind in order to find out what the hell is going on.

Kurama sighed inwardly, knowing that Hiei was also suffering separation anxiety. I guess I'm being a little selfish. He thought before sending back to his friend. I'll be right there.

Slowly and with great reluctance, Kurama broke off the kiss, opening his eyes as he relaxed his hold. "I have to go, Botan." He whispered as he began to pull away.

Botan opened her eyes, her body noticing the loss of Kurama's warmth as he retracted his arms. Her gaze shifted down to their now entwined hands. She nodded, unable to find her voice as Kurama began to pull out of her grip.

Kurama reached into his right jacket pocket, pulling out the key to his apartment. He picked up the suitcase and moved past the still standing deity, unlocking the door and pushing it open. He sat the suitcase down near the shoe mat before heading quickly inside to turn on the light next to the couch. Within seconds he returned to his beloved's side out in the hallway. "I'm sorry Botan." He began apologetically, his features tightened when the deity didn't respond. "I'll return as soon as possible." He added in a whisper. "Good bye Botan." He murmured sadly, unable to take his emerald eyes away from the deity who could not seem to look him in the eye.

"Good bye." Botan whispered, bringing her focus upright at last, meeting her lover's pensive gaze with her own.

Kurama maintained eye contact as he walked backwards to the stair case. Upon reaching it he at last turned and disappeared slowly down the stair case and out of the deity's view.

Botan watched him go, lowering her head as her emotions began to overwhelm her. Her chest grew heavy, her throat constricting as she resigned her self to spending the night in Ningenkai all alone. Please come back to me soon, Kurama. She whispered inwardly before turning slowly around, the deity walked into the apartment and gently closed the door behind her.


Hiei watched as Kurama exited the building, the crestfallen features of his best friend not lost upon him. He knew that the kitsune was reluctant to leave his mate's side. It was a feeling he shared when it came to Mukuro. He had been loathe to leave her, wanting to spend what little time the night provided to fall asleep beside his mate. Mukuro brought comfort and serenity to his troubled heart and mind. He being able to talk to her about things in a way he could not with his best friend. And he missed that now. Missed her comforting touch and her unconditional love. You're not alone in your suffering Kurama. I too would rather be with my mate than traipsing through the Makai forests wondering whether or not I'm walking into a trap. Still, the fire demon refused to vocalize his thoughts, instead giving Kurama an impatient look as he spoke. "We'll be back within a few hours, Kurama. Your ferry girl should survive your temporary loss until then."

Kurama paid no attention to the nearly sarcastic tone of his best friend, his eyes instead fixed upon the windows of his bed room where Botan now look down upon him. A tender smile lit up his face as he saw the deity mouth the words "I love you" to him. And I love you. He replied mentally.

"Let's go, Kurama." Hiei said in a darkened tone as he studied his friend in annoyance.

A sigh escaped the kitsune's lips though gaze remained fixed upon Botan's, emerald merging into gold as Youko began to take over, the change was gradual, without the usual display of power he used to transform. Within seconds, Kurama's demon form stood in place of his human one. His now gold eyes reflected the same emotions as his human self as he smiled at Botan, his features full of a promise as he looked upon his beloved features. I will return to you, Botan. You'll see. Youko vowed inwardly before reluctantly breaking his gaze from his mate's. He twisted sideways, tossing one last look up at the window before following Hiei down the sidewalk, the two demons disappearing from view, both unaware that someone was watching high above, within the shadows of night that lingered upon Sakaoshimi's sky.


How much further, Hiei? Youko sent out telepathically to the fire demon who raced beside him in the darkened woods of Makai, their forms a mere blur against the backdrop of trees that lined the path they were on.

Mushinaka village lies about forty miles beyond the eastern border of Mukuro's territory. Hiei sent back. We should reach it soon enough.

Youko frowned. Although he enjoyed the freedom of being in his demon form, the last place he wanted to be was in his home world. I don't really belong here. He growled mentally. It felt odd to be so close to the places he had once roamed freely. The attraction to his life of thievery had long since passed. Replaced by a longing for companionship. For all the things he had once scoffed as unnecessary and even worthless. I was such a fool back then. I can't believe I once thought of love as a waste of time. He berated himself, his mind straying to thoughts of Botan. God how he wished to be back with her. Even though he had only been gone an hour, it felt like a lifetime to the fox spirit. I don't like the idea of her being alone. Youko growled to himself. But I had no choice, we could never make it to Mushinaka in time to save Jin and Touya if she had come along. He countered in his mind. And the sooner we get there, the sooner I can go home. Inspired by such thoughts, Youko's speed increased, driving him forward as he raced on and into what hopefully wouldn't turn out to be a trap.


Okudara silently in the sparse, darkened quarters of a room within his home, his violet eyes fixed upon the prone forms of Jin and Touya. The two shinobi lay side by side on two black futons, their features paled, sweat glistening upon their exposed flesh, soaking into the stained bandages wrapped tightly around the two men's torsos. Okudara could hear their shallow breathing, his eyes taking note of the shaky rise and fall of their chests. They were struggling just to breathe.

The silver haired demon frowned. If their condition deteriorates anymore, they won't be able to breathe at all. He thought gravely as he walked over to take a closer look. Okudara had the two shinobi brought directly to his house and placed in his guest room, helping them the best he could short of having a healer. A healer. He repeated mentally as he turned to his left and crouched down, reaching out to check Jin's pulse, his frown deepening at how weak the beat was. We really need one right about now. Okudara pivoted to his right, repeating the motion with Touya.

He had been startled when the ninja had regained consciousness, asking for the help of a demon called Hiei. Although Okudara was within Yomi's territory, he knew full well the infamous fire Youkai under the command of the great Mukuro whose territory lay to the west of them. And there wasn't a demon alive who didn't know about the Makai tournament and those who participated. He knew Hiei was extremely powerful but lacked the ability to heal. The elder had wanted to ask them why they weren't asking for Yomi's help but the shinobi had passed out before he had the chance to do so. And so Okudara had sent a letter informing Hiei of Jin and Touya's situation, asking for his help. But it's been over four hours, and still I have yet to hear a word from this fire demon. He thought as he rose to his feet.

"Elder Okudara, they're here! The ones the shinobi asked for are here!"

Okudara whirled around at the excited tone of the messenger's voice, his darkened features lightening slightly as he met the relieved gaze of Yasuo who beckoned him eagerly forward with a wave of his hand. The elder complied, marching out of the room and down the hallway towards his front door. He exited as calmly as he could, though he had to admit his curiosity at seeing the fire demon and whoever he had decided to bring along. Curiosity gave way to shock as he joined the crowd of villagers outside his home.

He watched as the two demons approached, their measured strides displaying the gracefulness of their movements. His gaze shifted from the compact frame of the fire demon to the tall form of a fox spirit, his features instantly recognizable as those of Youko Kurama. My God! He brought that Makai thief all the way from the human world here in such a short period of time! The shinobi must be good friends indeed to have him come all the way here. Okudara couldn't help but swallow the lump in his throat. The shinobi were powerful to be sure but the two men coming to a stop before him the most powerful beings, short of Yomi himself, he had ever sensed in his entire existence. I only hope they don't blame me for their condition. He thought as he regained his composure and stepped forward to speak "Are you the two demons Master Jin and Master Touya requested?" He asked, tilting his head up to meet the golden gaze of the kitsune. Okudara was the tallest member of his village at a little over six feet, but the demon before him was close to a foot taller than him. Well this is different. Okudara thought, mildly amused by his sudden discomfort as he waited for the Youkai to respond.

Youko gave the elder a nod of his head, his long silver locks swishing slightly from the movement. "We are," He answered in a deep voice that could only belong to the fox spirit. "Take us to them if you would be so kind." He added, his features cool though the concern in his voice wasn't lost on the elder's ears.

"Of course. This way." Okudara answered softly, gesturing them forward with a wave of his arm.

Youko and Hiei followed the elder inside.

Kurama's features remained impassive though inside he was troubled at the heavy smell of blood that lingered within the walls of the one story home decorated with simple colors and Spartan decor. He trailed slightly behind the smaller man, walking down the darkened hallway before turning right and into another small room, his eyes widening for a second before returning to their normal state. Wordlessly, Kurama moved forward, crouching down beside Jin, his gaze studying the reddened spots nestled within the bandages wrapped around his chest, intently. His ears twitched in pain at the ragged breath escaping from the cracked lips of the fallen wind master. His lungs are on the verge of collapse. Youko thought in concern. The situation was indeed serious. And if I don't heal them soon, my coming here will be for naught.

Reaching out, Youko took the claw on his left index finger and gently cut through the right side of bandages. the cloth separated, allowing the kitsune to grab the edges which he pulled towards him, revealing a series of small, darkened holes littered like a minefield around the wind master's exposed chest. "Take a look at this, Hiei." He called out softly to his friend, though his gaze remained fixed on the wounds before him.

Hiei came to stand beside Kurama before crouching down as well. "What the hell kind of weapon could of done this?" He asked in mild curiosity as he leaned forward to inspect the wounds.

"I don't know," Youko murmured. Reaching out with his right hand, the kitsune hovered just above the wound closest to him. "So let's find out." A bright light erupted underneath the fox spirit's hand, flooding the open wound, the muscle and skin obeying his silent command, stretching, reconnecting, healing until no wound remained.

Okudara watched in amazement at the healing power of what many considered a ruthless demon, even by Makai standards. But Youko isn't really a full demon anymore. The elder countered in his mind as he remembered the things said after the Makai tournament. Kurama was also half human. Did that mean he had learned to care for others while spending close to twenty years away from his home world? Okudara couldn't believe it. A gasp was heard behind him, drawing the elder's attention away from the two strangers to the source of noise, his surprised violet orbs falling upon Yasuo who stood frozen inside the doorway.

The young demon gaped in stunned silence, watching with riveted eyes as the kitsune began to heal each and every wound upon Jin's chest, the color soon returning to his face, his breathing becoming more even and normal.

Youko pivoted to his right and repeated the process on Touya, his mask of concentration slipping as his features grew impassive once more. "You were the one who found them is that correct?" He asked in soft tone, no malice or anger within it as he shifted his gaze over to where a still silent Yasuo stood.

The boy flinched, a small delay taking over his mind as he realized Youko was addressing him. Yasuo had heard many stories about the infamous thief throughout his childhood. Stories that made a tingle crawl up his spine every time his name was mentioned. The fox spirit had attained a type of bogeyman status with all the children within the village. Something to scare them with so that they would fall in line and behave. "Watch out or Youko Kurama will come and snatch you in the middle of night and make a stew out of you." The older boys would always taunt, highly amused when he quivered in fear at the mere mention of the thief's name.

Yet, this extremely powerful demon, this supposed bogeyman, was talking to him in a civil and even a .. concerned manner with him, the simple son of a farmer, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Come on Yasuo! Say something, stupid! He berated himself. "Uh .. Yes sir." He managed to spit out, his gaze falling upon the two shinobi.

Kurama smiled inwardly. He understood the fear and awe he could sense and see within the boy's features. He knew all about his reputation. Some of it true. Some of it, not. But I'm not like that anymore. And I never will be. He added as he rose to his full height and turned to completely face the young demon. "There is no need for apprehension young one, I don't eat children. Especially ones who help my friends."

"Wh .. at ..?" Yasuo stammered, looking at Youko in disbelief. How did he know what I was thinking? Is he a telepath too? He wondered as he met the fox spirit's gaze.

A low chuckle escaped from Youko's throat, his feature twisting in amusement as he turned briefly to Hiei who sent out to him.

He thinks you can read minds.

Youko smirked. Well, he is right in a way. Someone in this room can read minds. He replied as his gaze returned to the still stunned Yasuo. "And you no longer have to fear for Jin and Touya's well being, they are fine now."

Yasuo's fear evaporated as he sensed the truth of Youko's words. He studied the now calm features of his idols, immense relief flooding him at their return to normal as he brought his gaze directly to the golden orbs of Youko. Yasuo studied the features of the fox spirit with vested interest. His mind beginning to understand the demon before him was not the ruthless one from all the stories he had heard, believing them to be more fiction than fact. If Youko was really so bad, why would he come to the aid of someone below his status and rank in power? Because they were his friends. Yasuo told himself, noticing at last what he should have the first time he laid eyes upon the ex-thief. Beneath that cold exterior he presented to the world, behind the deep, threatening tone of voice that seemed to issue without thought from the kitsune's mouth, the young man could see the concern and the anger that had drove him to come and take to task the healing of the fallen shinobi. "I ... thank ... you." Yasuo replied, giving Youko a formal bow.

Youko quirked an eyebrow at the boy's gesture of respect, totally surprised by the action. "There is no need to bow, Yasuo. It is I who should be thanking you. For taking care of my friends until my arrival."

Speaking of which, Hiei commented telepathically to Kurama, a somber look upon his handsome countenance as he twisted his gaze over his shoulder to the two resting ninjas behind him. Would you like me to see just what the hell happened to them?

A faint groan was heard, drawing Youko and Hiei's gaze to the stirring form of Jin.

I don't believe that will be necessary, Hiei. Youko replied as he watched the wind master awaken.

Jin's eyelids fluttered open as consciousness began to return to him only to clench shut, a hissing cry of pain streaming out of his parted lips at the intense throbbing of his temples. "Ow .. my head .." He croaked. The wind master struggled to rise, his body shaking from the effort only to feel a hand come to rest gently upon his shoulder.

"Easy." A low voice growled.

Jin's ears twitched in recognition. I know that voice. Opening his eyes, the wind master turned his head to the left, his surprised blue orbs meeting the calm gold ones of Kurama. "Youko?"

"Who else did you expect?"

Jin flinched at the new voice, turning his gaze forward, his eyes fell upon the small form of Kurama's best friend. "Hiei? What are you two lads doing here?"

The kitsune and the fire demon shared a questioning look with each other before returning their attention on the red haired shinobi.

"You sent for us, did you not?" Youko asked, frowning at the wind master's statement.

Jin features took on a puzzled look. "I did? I don't remember doing any thing like that."

Hiei let out an annoyed sigh. "The letter sent to me claimed you asked for my help," He nearly snapped as he eyed the shinobi in mild disdain. He had little patience tonight. Especially since it was the shinobi's request for his assistance that had dragged him away from his mate. Now that their health was no longer in question, Hiei wanted to get to the bottom of the problem. So that I can return to Mukuro. He added mentally as he continued. "The elder of this village stated as much in his correspondence, so unless you want me to feed you to my black dragon, you will tell us why you asked for our help." Hiei growled, his hard features unmistakable in the sincerity of his threat.

Jin's features grew thoughtful as he reached up to scratch the side of his head. "Well, if you say I did, I must of but honestly I can't really say whether or not 'twas me that did the asking."

Hiei's left eyebrow began to twitch, his impatience growing at the silly behavior of the wind master. Let me smack it out of him, Kurama. He sent out to the kitsune who shook his head.

No. Let him think it over, I'm sure he'll remember.

Hiei crossed his arms, disappointment evident in his features as he closed his eyes and scowled. Sure, go ahead and ruin my fun. He commented telepathically to Youko.

The fox spirit smirked, amused at his friend's juvenile statement only to have his smirk fall as a soft voice broke into their conversation.

"It .. wasn't Jin .. who asked for your help ..."

The three men turned their attention to the side where a now conscious Touya lay.

"It ... was .. me .. " The ice master added, his glazed eyes reflecting the pain that radiated through his body as he struggled to rise. "I asked .. the elder to send a message to Hiei. I .. knew Hiei would find you and ... bring you here."

Youko studied Touya, watching as the blue haired shinobi managed to sit in an upright position. His features relaxed, growing curious as he spoke. "And now that we're here why don't you tell us what happened to you out in those woods."

Touya let out a weary sigh, his features darkening as the memories of what occurred flooded his consciousness. He told them everything he could, down to the final attack that led to their injuries.

When he was done, Youko's features grew somber. Well that explains the wounds on their bodies. He thought as he took in all the information Touya had given. But that doesn't explain why they attacked each other. He added. "So what was it that made you to go after Jin?"

Touya didn't want to answer at first, the shame he felt at his weakness preventing him from telling them the full truth.

Jin, knowing about his friend's problem and confused as to why the ice master didn't tell the whole story, decided to speak. "Come on, laddie. Tell them what happened to ya. Tell them about the mind control thing." He said in an encouraging voice.

Touya let out a shaky sigh as he lowered his head, unable to meet the other men's gazes, afraid of what he might see. "I .. was .. taken control of. Used by an entity. A woman." He began, his voice trailing off as he relieved the memory. "I .. can ... still .. hear her ... in the back of my mind .. She's the one who made me attack and try to kill Jin. It was her."

Her? Youko repeated mentally, his features darkening at the sudden thought that sprang in his mind. He peered over his shoulder to Hiei who nodded, his thoughts along the same line as the kitsune's. "Did this woman ever show herself to you?"

Touya shook his head slowly. "No. I never saw her and I .. couldn't stop her. She was just too strong." He closed his eyes in shame, anger rising to the surface reflecting in his features as he turned away from them.

Jin frowned at his friend's behavior. "Come on now laddie, don't go getting all upset. 'Twasn't your fault that some crazy lass snuck into your mind, but are you sure it was a woman? The voice I heard was a man's."

"A man's?" Youko growled, turning back to Jin in surprise. "Did you get a good look at him?"

Jin nodded. "The little bastard that set us against each other. Yeah, I got a good look at his pasty face."

Youko kept himself in check, wanting to hear all the facts before he made a judgment, though in his heart he already knew the culprit behind their assault. "And what did he look like?"

Jin scowled, clenching his jaw as he thought back to the encounter with the dark haired stranger. "Well, as I told ya boys earlier, he was pasty, pale ya know with these strange looking bangs as black as the clothes he was wearing. And the bastard was thin. It looked like he could use a good meal or two if ya know what I mean .. " He prattled on, stopping as he noticed the impatient scowl marring Youko's features. "Uh .. anyway, he looked human enough and he had the coldest gray eyes I've ever seen in me life, and that's saying something let me tell ya."

Kurama and Hiei exchanged a look, both thinking the exact same thing.


He was here, Kurama! Hiei shouted telepathically to the kitsune. The bastard was here in Makai!

Youko's features turned grim. I agree with you, Hiei. It was Ren without a doubt. "And did you see any of his companions?" The fox spirit asked, returning his attention to Jin.

The wind master shook his head. "Nah. But whatever the little blighter did to me, I'm still feeling it." He groaned as he reached up to clench his forehead, wincing as the pain in his temple began to throb again.

"Did he say anything to you?" Youko asked.

Jin lowered his hand, his blue eyes meeting the inquisitive gold ones of Kurama. Strange. The wind master thought as he studied his teammate from the Makai tournament. It's almost as if the fox knows something about ... "Hey there Youko, do ya know the guy who attacked us?"

Youko blinked in surprise, startled at being put on the receiving end of a question. Well I guess I should have expected this. He thought gamely though he kept his amusement to himself as he nodded. "The man who attacked you goes by the name Ren Kurayami and he has been a thorn in my side for some time now."

Jin cocked his head to the side. "Is it because he has Reikai energy that you know of him?"

The color drained from Youko's face. "What?" He murmured, his voice full of shock. If what Jin said was true, it would explain a lot about Koenma's reluctance to answer their questions. He remembered the Reikai lord's reaction upon seeing Ren's picture. Had it startled him, seeing someone he may have recognized? So do you know something about Ren that you've neglected to tell us, Koenma. Kurama commented silently. And if you do, why haven't you told us? He wondered as he studied Jin.

Hiei meanwhile was having a similar reaction, suddenly remembering the comment Mukuro had made to him the night she was attacked. Something about her attacker having energy only those of Reikai possess. He had dismissed it, believing it an impossibility. But hearing Jin's statement made him wonder. Reikai energy. Of course! He cried inwardly before communicating his thoughts with Kurama. You know what this means don't you, Kurama? We need to have a little talk with Koenma.

Youko nodded. Agreed, but first we need to know what transpired between the shinobi and Ren. He sent back but kept his gaze on Jin as he spoke. "Are you sure it was Reikai energy you sensed?"

"Yeah, it was definitely Reikai energy," Jin replied, confused at the Youko's obvious surprise. "Just like your boss Koenma and your pretty friend Botan have."

At the mention of Botan's name, Kurama's eye narrowed. "Did Ren mention Botan to you? Did he?" Youko asked, his voice hard, demanding, as if the answer would either save his life or sign his death warrant.

Jin visible cringed at the harshness of the fox spirit's address. As strong as he was, he had never been on the receiving end of Youko's wrath. Nor did he want to. But why is he getting all upset over the girl unless... Jin smiled inwardly at the realization of Kurama's feelings for the ferry girl. That would explain the scent his nose picked up from the kitsune. It was feminine and smelled of some strange flower separate from the masculine scent coupled with roses that was Kurama's alone. So the fox has finally found his mate. Isn't that something. A grin spread on the wind master's face, his more teasing nature taking over his apprehension of being throttled by the kitsune. "So the lass is your mate, is she? I must say ya got good taste Youko." He said with a small chuckle.

Youko closed his eyes, fighting the urge to wring the wind master's neck as he willed himself calm. "Yes. She is my mate and my future wife. But I didn't ask you that did I? I asked you whether or not Ren said anything to you. So did he," Youko paused, opening his eyes once more, his eyes focused questioningly upon the still grinning Jin. "Say anything to you?"

"Well, he did mention something about claiming what was rightfully his, but he didn't say what it was he was trying to claim."

Youko frowned in disappointment. "Did he say anything else to you?"

"Nah. After he touched my forehead, everything went black. I can't remember nothing else."

"I heard something." Touya added to their conversation.

The three men turned to face Touya who was now sitting Indian style upon the futon. "And if what you say about Botan is true, you won't like it my friend."

Youko tried to keep his voice calm but his willpower failed him. "Tell me, Touya, what did you hear?"

Touya was surprised by the deep concern resonating in the kitsune's tone. So it is true. Botan really does mean something to him. He thought in wonder though he kept it to himself. "Just before I lost consciousness, I heard a man, I assume it was this Ren character, mention Botan's name." He began, only to stop as Youko grabbed the shinobi roughly by the shoulders.

"What did he say about Botan?" He growled, the fear he felt betraying him as he looked Touya square in the eye. "Tell me what he said!"

Touya studied Kurama in shock. Never before had he seen the kitsune act so emotional. He was always so calm and collected. Much like myself. He thought. But the ice master also knew that when a kitsune chose a life mate, they became extremely protective and were more likely to give in to their emotions, including anger and fear for their mate's safety and well being. He must really love the ferry girl to be acting like this. He commented inwardly, keeping himself calm, Touya answered. "He said it was time. That Botan would soon be his."

All the color drained from Youko's face. "What?!" %%%%%

Botan lie awake in the darkness of Kurama's room, still dressed in the clothes she wore upon leaving Reikai. Though physically exhausted from all that had happened, the deity fought against the fatigue that bombarded her senses. The worry she felt for Kurama giving her the strength to remain conscious. She wanted to see him upon his return. Wanted to make sure he returned to her, the thought of losing him more than she could bear. For the past few hours she lay upon her side, waiting, her amethyst eyes focused idly on the wall in front of her. Occasionally she reached out, lovingly caressing the empty space where Kurama usually slept. His scent still lingered upon the sheets and pillows, bringing comfort to her troubled heart. After some time, she lifted her right arm, clasping Kurama's pillow with her hand. She dragged it towards her, a tender smile lighting up her features as she snuggled against it, drawing a deep breath, inhaling the scent that was her lover's. Soothed by the familar smell, she finally succumbed to the call of sleep. Botan's eyes drifted closed as the need to rest laid claim to her mind, dulling her senses. So much so she neither felt nor saw the pair of dark hued eyes that peered inside the window above her bed.

A figure cloaked completely in the black uniform of traditional shinobi hung upside down, supported by a transparent rope wrapped around the railing of the top of the building. He studied the still frame of the deity for several seconds, making sure she was asleep before deciding at last to make his move. With a powerful push of his arms, the man in black swung outward, away from the window. He twisted his large frame around, righting himself as he swung back, his booted feet hitting the wall just above the window, stopping his movement. Slowly and with great strength, he pulled himself up and over the railing. Unhooking himself, the man rose to his full height. Within seconds, he disappeared, reappearing outside Kurama's apartment door.

He paused, studying the hallway with narrowed eyes. Something had garnered his attention. Something that caused his senses to go off, a warning to be wary and alert. The man shook his head, dismissing the notion that perhaps the kitsune had discovered their plans and was on his way back to try and prevent him from completing the task given to him by Ren. And I have never failed my brother before. Tahomen thought, his heart swelling with pride as he brought his dark orbs back down to the knob. And I won't start now. He added as he withdrew a small, thin metal device tucked inside his belt. He inserted it into the lock, picking it, a smile of satisfaction as he heard a soft click.

Wrapping his hand around the knob, Tahomen slowly twisted it before pushing the door open. He entered the pitch black apartment, closing the door silently behind him. His eyes adjusted quickly to the lack of light, unencumbered by the darkness as he moved stealthily forward and down the hallway that led to Kurama's bedroom. He stood still in the doorway, making no move towards the still body of the deity. Hmm. .. He sounded inwardly as his senses picked up a faint amount of spiritual energy similar to Kurama's coming from the deity. So the fox has marked her has he? The shinobi thought, his features growing troubled at this new revelation. I wonder if Ren knows that Botan has mated with the kitsune already?

Just then Botan began to stir, her arm tightening around the pillow she cradled against her. A faint mumbling was heard causing Tahomen to quickly back away and around the corner. He hugged the wall, his features darkening as he heard the rustling of bed sheets. Botan was beginning to wake up. Dammit! I can't get caught by her! He growled inwardly as he closed his eyes and held his breath. Ren had specifically ordered him to make sure she was unaware of his presence. Because if Botan awoke and was frightened, Kurama would know about it and rush back to her aid. And as much as the shinobi would have liked to face the fox spirit, he knew now was not the time. I must act before she awakens completely. Crooking his right forearm against his chest, Tahomen reached inside his gi, withdrawing a small clear orb the size of a plum. He tilted his head downward, studying the blue contents swishing inside the orb with vested interest. A smile tugged at his lips, hidden by his mask as he swung his body silently forward, cranking his right arm back then forward, throwing the object within his gloved hand forcefully to the carpeted ground. Glass shattered upon impact, flying off in all directions. Upon contact with the air, the blue fluid instantly turned into a heavy mist that flooded the confines of the room.

Botan's eyelids fluttered open, the sound of broken glass drawing her out of her light slumber. A look of horror flared upon her pretty features, her eyes widening in alarm at the sight before her. A thick mist enveloped the entire room, settling down upon the deity as if it had a mind of it's own. She gasped, inhaling the mist, her features reddening as the chemical fog invade her lungs. She began to cough violently, her body trembling at the searing pain that radiated throughout the entirety of her body. Botan struggled to rise but could only manage to slide her body off the edge of the bed, her back smacking hard into the carpeted floor. She tried to lift her head but to no avail. She was too weak to move. What's ... happening to me?

A sickening wave of terror welled inside her at the sudden thought that loomed in her fading consciousness. Someone had come specifically for her. Someone who knew that Kurama had left for Makai. Someone who knew the kitsune would leave the deity all alone in the human world, believing it safer for her, when in fact it was the most precarious situation to put her in. Someone who wanted her as his own. Oh God! He's come for me! She cried, tears forming in her eyes at her state of helplessness. This can't be happening! This can't be happening! She repeated mentally. She wanted to scream, to fight back against the one who had decided to kidnap her. But no words could pass through her parted lips.

Darkness began to take hold of Botan as her body started to shut down. The only movement now were the tears that fell freely down the sides of the deity's face. Kurama! Kurama where are you! Her heart and mind screamed over and over as she tried to reach out to him, to touch upon the bond that they both shared but she could sense nothing from him. Either the mist that swirled around her was blocking her attempt or else Kurama was simply too far away to feel her need for him. Botan began to despair. She needed him more than ever but knew he would not come. That he wouldn't make it in time to save her. I'm ... sorry ... Kurama.. for both of us .. The deity cried, her mind going silent as her eyelids grew heavy, yielding to the darkness that sought to claim her.


So it's true. Youko thought as he loosened his hold from the ice master's shoulders. He shifted his gaze away from Touya, his features darkening as he realized his mistake. Coming here had been a set up. And like a simple fool, I fell for their trap! He snarled. He had left Botan all alone. Alone and unprotected. Lured into Makai and away from his mate so that Ren could claim what he thought was his. As if Botan were a mere possession to be stolen. A beautiful jewel to be taken. And I fell right into their scheme. He thought angrily. It explained why the two shinobi hadn't been killed. Ren wanted them to live, wanted to make sure Kurama was the only one capable of saving them. You bastard, you've been planning this all along haven't you! He growled.

Just then, Youko sensed something. Something that his caused his hackles to rise and his heart to pound against his chest, the painful roar of his pulse echoing loudly within his sensitive ears. The kitsune's eyes widened in alarm. He could feel it, the fear wrapping around him like a sheet, smothering him with such intensity, the fox spirit wanted to cry. A gasp suddenly emitted from his throat as the emotional bond he shared broke. He could no longer sense anything. It was as if she ... Botan! His mind screamed, horrified at the sudden loss of their connection. He had left her all alone like a sacrificial lamb to be taken by the wolf that hungered after her. No! He cried, shaking free of the paralysis that had claimed him only seconds before. I can't let it end like this! I have to get to her! I have to! Without warning, Youko shot upright, bolting through the open door and down the hallway before anyone could lodge a protest.

Hiei watched in surprise as Kurama fled, his features tightened in concern. Something had happened to the ferry girl. The panic, fear and anger from Kurama was so palpable even Yasuo and Okudara, who didn't know Kurama, could sense the kitsune's suffering. The remaining Youkai cried out, asking what was wrong but the fire demon didn't answer as he took off after his best friend. Rarely had Hiei ever seen Youko let go of his emotions. And when it did happen, it was usually out of anger. And it was done quickly and as briefly as possible. Not being in control was something Kurama abhorred. It must be frightening for you my friend. Losing control of your emotions like that. Hiei thought to himself. Then again, Botan was Kurama's mate and she was in trouble. And that changed everything. That being the case he's going to need someone with a level head to watch his back. The fire demon reasoned as he caught up with Youko. "Youko, where do you think you are going?!" Hiei called out as he at slid up to the kitsune, his worried red orbs focused upon his friend's troubled features.

"Back to Ningenkai!" Youko replied, his voice in a near panic as he added, "I have to get to Botan!"

Hiei frowned. "Don't you think you should calm down, Kurama! You won't be able to help Botan if you get yourself killed!"

"I can't calm down, Hiei!" Youko shouted back as he sought out the closest portal to Ningenkai. "She's my mate and she's in trouble! I sensed her crying out to me Hiei! She was calling for me but I couldn't answer her!" The pain reflected in his features not lost upon the fire demon as he added, "I will not lose her to Ren! I refuse!"

"I believe you Kurama!" Hiei yelled out in a softer tone, understanding marking his features as he studied his friend. "Which is why I'm coming with you!"

Youko allowed a small smile to tug at his lips, relieved that his friend had decided to help him in his hour of need. "Are you afraid I might lose control and end up getting killed?" He asked dryly, feeling a little like his old self as he looked over to the fire demon.

Hiei smirked. "I just want to make sure you don't screw up and kill the slippery bastard before I get a chance to get in a few blows." He deadpanned, though inwardly the fire demon feared what the loss of Botan would do to his best friend's psyche. And if that happens, I'm not sure even I will be able to pull him out of it. Hiei thought, his smirk falling, his features growing serious as he sensed the pull of a Ningenkai portal.

Youko felt it as well, rushing forward as his eyes searched out what his senses now knew. Where is it?! He cried mentally, desperation filling his heart and mind as his gaze darted all around him. He had to get to Botan. He had to get home before Ren could complete his plan. Before his soul mate was taken from him. I have to get to Ningenkai! Please God help me find a way out of here!

"Over there!" Hiei cried pointing upward.

The fox spirit whipped his gaze upright, a look of elation filling his features. Sending a silent prayer of thanks heavenward, he sped forward. Hang on Botan. I'll be there soon, love. Just a little while longer. Kurama vowed as he launched his large frame into the air and into a large tear between dimensions that suddenly opened before him.

Hiei leaped upward as well, following the kitsune into the black mass of air, swallowed within it's depths both disappearing from view before the hole closed and the air was still once more.


Tahomen walked slowly through the dissipating mist, coming to a stop to the right of the unconscious deity. The mask he wore kept him from succumbing to the effects of the biochemical concoction he had created and used. Crouching down, the shinobi reached out, scooping Botan into his arms before rising to his feet. With careful motions, Tahomen made his way through the apartment, exiting a silently as he had come. He turned around to close the door behind him only to whip his head to the right when his peripheral vision caught sight of movement. His darkened orbs narrowed at the lean figure that stood on the opposite end of the hall. What's this? He wondered. He had been watching the apartment for over two hours and had neither seen nor felt the only other occupant of the building though he knew the name of the young, blond haired man dressed in light blue jeans and a blue squall jacket, standing before him. Ren had told him all about the boy named Yoh Hajime. A friend to Kurama.

"Going somewhere?" Yoh asked in a low tone, the anger he felt about the situation reflected in the intensity of his blue eyes as they fixed themselves coldly upon the kidnapper.

Tahomen let out a deep chuckle, amused by the ferocity of the young man's gaze. "I suppose you are going to stop me, little man?"

Yoh did not waver in his gaze. He had just come back to his apartment from Reikai, after spending hours looking for the common laws book despite his father's request he return to the human world. It had been his job to watch over his friends, to make sure nothing happened to them only to find some stranger, most likely an ally of Ren's, trying to kidnap the deity. But if that was the case, why hadn't Kurama stopped him? Just where was his friend now? I can't dwell on that right now. Botan needs help, and I have to do my best to make sure she is returned safely to Kurama. Keeping his anger in check, the young Reigen spoke. "I suggest you put Miss Botan down," He commanded as he began to step forward. "Unless of course you like the idea of pain."

Interesting. Tahomen thought with a smirk. Ren had mentioned to keep the operation covert. But if anyone were to see him, the shinobi had permission to take care of them. And since the boy has seen me, he must be dealt with accordingly. His smirk widened at the situation the boy's death would bring. Not only would the loss of his mate wound Kurama, the loss of a friend would most certainly add to his suffering. And the more Kurama suffered, the more happy Ren became. And who am I to deny my brother's happiness. "You're welcome to try to hurt me boy." Tahomen replied in a taunting voice. In a quick motion, the shinobi flipped Botan over his left shoulder while simultaneously reaching into his gi and removing two shuriken and projecting them towards the blond with a flick of his wrist.

The lethal metal objects zoomed towards Yoh at a speed beyond the vision of normal humans. But the young man was a Reigen, gifted with reflexes equal to those of most Youkai. Yoh leaped straight up and to the side, deftly avoiding the shuriken as they whizzed past, slamming then sinking into the far wall above the stair case. Yoh landed in a crouch, rising quickly to his feet as he eyed the shinobi in disdain.

Tahomen studied the man before him with new eyes, impressed at the blonde's reflexes. His features suddenly darkened as he began to feel a surge of energy so familar to his own. "You are not a human are you?"

"No. I am not." Yoh admitted flatly as he began to stalk forward once more. "And I'm not going to let you get away with kidnapping Kurama's mate."

Tahomen frowned. This was not going according to plan. This boy was not a human or a demon but a Reigen. Just like the woman he had slung over his shoulder. Despite his willingness to fight, Tahomen had no idea of the boy's strength nor why and how he knew so much about the deity and the kitsune. If I linger here much longer, Kurama will show up and I will have no choice but to abandon the mission. His decision made, the shinobi began to back away.

Yoh studied the figure in black in puzzlement. Just where did he think he was going? The only way out was down the stairs to the front door. And I'll be damned if I'll let him pass. The Reigen vowed. "I'll ask you one last time. Let Botan go." He offered, hoping the large man would accept his offer and fight him fairly.

Tahomen had other ideas. Whirling around, the shinobi raced forward, heading straight towards the large window now before him.

"Stop!" Yoh shouted as he ran after the fleeing man, watching in shock as the kidnapper paid him no heed, smashing through the window, glass flying in his wake. The Reigen skidded to a stop, his white tennis shoes sending the shards of glass now upon the carpeted hall shooting off in various directions. He peered downward, his surprised eyes following the large man as he landed skillfully onto the pavement below, his movements fluid as he tore off down the alleyway and into the darkness of night.

Realizing the kidnapper was getting away, Yoh shook his head, clearing his mind of any doubt as he rushed forward, gathering the courage necessary as he leapt through the ruined frame of the window. Gravity instantly took hold of his body but Yoh remained calm, using his strength and power to land solidly onto his feet. Unharmed and undaunted, Yoh surged forward, speeding down the alley in pursuit of the kidnapper. Using his ability to detect chi, Yoh soon found what he was looking for. For although he could gain no sense of the man who had abducted Botan, he could still feel the chi of the deity. Gotcha! He cried mentally, his features a mask of concentration as he picked up the pace, knowing he was the best chance Botan had right now.

Tahomen kept an even pace, quite certain he was free and in the clear. Having completely masked his chi, the shinobi felt confident he would go undetected should Yoh decide to pursue him. You may by a Reigen, boy, but you're no match for me. He thought smugly only to frown as he suddenly sensed Yoh behind him. The shinobi dared a look behind his right shoulder, his frown deepening at the rapidly approaching form of the blond man. Dammit! How did he find me so quickly?! He snapped as he returned his focus in front of him. He threw a sideways glance at the woman over his shoulder, the answer coming instantly to him. Of course. He thought as he once again turned his focus straight ahead. It's the woman's chi he senses. Regaining his composure, the shinobi increased his speed, zig zagging about, hoping to shake Yoh off.

But the young man wasn't falling for it. Don't think you'll get rid of me that easily. Yoh chided as he picked up speed, keeping pace with the larger and now completely frustrated shinobi.

Realizing his plan wasn't working, Tahomen switched tactics. Closing his eyes, the shinobi concentrated, uninhibited by the danger that might lay before him. He had to take care of this problem before Yoh caught up with him. Let's see you outmaneuver this, boy. The shinobi challenged inwardly as his Youkai energy rose.

A sudden rush of energy slammed into the senses of Yoh, causing him to stagger slightly from the intensity. He quickly righted himself, frowning as the energy disappeared as fast as it had developed. What the hell was that? Yoh wondered as he continued after the shinobi. He was so focused on the larger man's fleeing form he didn't sense the danger that sprang up behind him.

A sudden whirling sound met Yoh's ears, his eyes widening as he recognized the source of such a distinctive noise. Without looking, Yoh leaped high, twisting gracefully in the air, landing in a crouch as he now faced his new assailant. No sooner did his feet touch the ground than a series of shuriken shot towards him. Yoh managed to avoid the first two only to cry out in pain as four more stars reached him, the metal blades slicing through his jacket, tearing through the flesh and muscle upon each of his arms and along his the sides of his torso. Yoh leaped sideways, wincing as he caught his weight with his hands. Blood shot out from cuts inflicted upon him the crimson fluid staining his coat and the asphalt below. The young man clenched his teeth and pushed off his hands, righting himself as he whirled around, jerking his head to the side in an attempt to dodge yet another star only to gasp as the blade cut across the right side of his cheek. Blood erupted from the four inch long gash, streaming freely down the side of his face and neck, nestling into the material of the green sweatshirt he wore underneath his jacket. He reached up and pressed his palm against the open wound, trying to slow down the flow, crimson fluid leaking in between his fingers. He had no time to recover though as two more shuriken struck their target, sinking their metal teeth deep into the flesh of Yoh's quad muscles.

A yelp of pain tore past the Reigen's lips as he collapsed onto knees. He stared down in disbelief at the two stars lodged into his upper legs, his once light blue jeans darkening as his life fluid leaked into the fabric, staining them red. He let out a shaky sigh, fighting past the pain that threatened to overwhelm him as he raised his head. Shock was replaced by rage as Yoh lowered his hand away from his cheek. I .. will not ... be defeated .. not today! He vowed as he raised his hand, opening his palm and enacting a force field just before four more shuriken could reach him. The attack was relentless but for the moment, his field was holding, the stars bouncing harmlessly away from him. But Yoh knew he couldn't hold the field for much longer. He had to find his attacker before his energy gave out. The blond closed his eyes, searching out for a sound, a sense, anything that would help him locate his attacker. Come on you bastard .. show yourself! At last, the Reigen heard a shuffle of feet coming straight towards him. There! He cried. Snapping his eyelids open, Yoh deactivated his force field. More shuriken rocketed towards him but he was not about to let them reach him. Holding his palm out, the blond man focused, willing a blue ball of energy to burst into existence. Yoh grabbed onto the energy orb, crooking his forearm back, winding up like a pitcher before bringing his arm forward, releasing the Reikai energy orb with all his might. The small blue mass rocketed forward, growing in size the further it traveled, swallowing up and obliterating the deadly shuriken before slamming full force into the one who attacked him.

No cry of pain was heard as the orb exploded upon impact, the shock waves from the attack shaking the ground for several seconds until the light faded and darkness claimed the street once again. Car alarms went off all over, set off by the effects of Yoh's attacks. The young Reigen ignored the insistent and shrill noise, his attention focused down on the two metallic stars imbedded in his legs. I have to get rid of these. Yoh thought, clenching his teeth as he prepared to rip out the two objects. Reaching down, he grasped the rounded center of the shuriken in his right leg and gave a quick pull. A wave of nausea swept over him as the throbbing pain intensified. Blood spurted out of the wound, coating his jeans in a fresh layer of crimson. Fighting off the urge to vomit, Yoh repeated the process with his left leg. Gathering his strength, he rose upon shaky legs. Turning slowly around, Yoh closed his eyes and concentrated, searching for Botan's chi signature but it was surprisingly weak. Just how long had it taken him to defeat his attacker. Certainly no more than a minute or two. So why was the chi so weak. Yoh frowned, realizing the attack was merely a diversion to allow the kidnapper to escape. He must be beyond Sakaoshimi by now. I've got to hurry. Yoh made an attempt to go forward only to collapse onto his back after a few steps as his legs gave out. No! I can't give ... up . . I refuse! The Reigen snarled at himself, his vision doubling as he tried to remain awake. He had lost too much blood and too much time to help any longer. "I'm .. sorry ... Botan" Yoh murmured, a sigh escaping his parted lips as his eyelids closed and he succumbed to the darkness that called to him to rest and forget, completely unaware that a pair of red eyes watched him from high above.


Kurama raced up the stairway that led to his apartment, his heart thumping erratically within his chest. He had reached Sakaoshimi as quickly as he could, fortune having smiled down upon him when the portal revealed they were no more than thirty miles outside of town. Kurama had switched into his human form, so as to not to frightening anyone he might come into contact with. He had hoped to reach Botan in time. He had hoped to find the deity safe and sound, wrapped within the warm blankets upon his bed. But the closer Kurama came to the apartment, the more his hope faded. He cleared the flight of stairs in a matter of seconds, skidding to stop as his eyes instantly focused upon the broken window at the end of the hallway. Glass lay strewn about like trash, littering the carpet as far back as the door of his apartment.

Hiei reached the top of the stairs at the same time, his eyes narrowing at the scene before him. His Jagan flared to life, a green glow erupting under his white headband, his features paling instantly as he saw what happened. "They have her, Kurama." He whispered as he willed the Jagan closed. "The kidnapper was the same one who attacked us in Makai. He has her now."

Kurama said nothing as he walked forward, coming to a stop a few feet short of the window. His gaze shifted over to his apartment door, his eyes closing as he tried to quell the grief that was welling up inside him. Botan! He cried in desolation, his fists tightening at his sides so tightly he drew blood. He wanted to shout, to cry, to make the pain he felt at her loss go away. He drew in a shaky breath, his features darkening at the new scent that mingled with that of his mate. It was different from Ren yet similar. Similar enough to be a relative. A brother perhaps? Was that who had kidnapped her? Rage began to build, festering like an infected wound as he imagined what had happened. Ren had ordered someone to take his mate, his future wife from him. The thought of the gray eyed snake even touching Botan, angered him to the breaking point. He had to find Botan. To rescue her from that miserable excuse of man before he hurt or used her.

Hiei frowned at his friend's behavior when he didn't make a move towards the window. He could see the anger flare within Kurama's features. So why is he just standing there? The fire demon wondered. He should be taking off after the shinobi! "Your friend, Yoh, managed to catch the shinobi and confront him, the kidnapper responded by attacking then jumping out the window. Yoh went after him which is what we should be doing now, Kurama." He growled in annoyance, not understanding his friend's seemingly defeatist behavior.

Kurama turned his head away from the door back to the window. A look of determination formed upon the kitsune's face as he suddenly surged forward, flying through the window and landing upon the pavement a few seconds later. He hit the ground running, his nose leading him forward. I'm coming for you, you slippery snake. Kurama growled inwardly as he increased his pace. And when I find you, you'll learn the reason why I was so feared in Makai.

That's more like it. Hiei thought with a smirk as he leapt out the window, landing solidly on his feet as quickly caught up, the two Youkai a blur as they racing forward through the darkness of Sakaoshimi.


Kurama and Hiei flew like the wind down the alleyways and streets of Sakaoshimi, both remaining alert and watchful for any sign of an ambush or of their elusive pray. The kitsune's features grew worried as his sensitive olfactory nerves caught scent of blood.

Fresh blood.

The closer they got, the more intense the smell. Someone had been gravely injured. Recognizing the second scent that lingered in the air, Kurama's eyes widened. Yoh? The fox spirit quickened his pace, remembering what Hiei had told him about Yoh going after the kidnapper. The sound of car alarms ringing in the night grew louder, causing both Youkai to wince but Kurama shook off the noise, a gasp escaping his lips as his troubled emerald eyes fell upon a still form in the middle of a darkened alley way near the outskirts of town.

The red head rushed over to the fallen boy's side, Hiei close behind. Kurama crouched down, his features full of concern as he felt the weakening heart beat of his friend. He sensed a familar energy coming from the blond but chose to dismiss it for the moment. As much as he wanted to go after the kidnapper, he had to heal Yoh enough so he wouldn't die on him. Quickly, Kurama raised his hands and swept them across the deepest cuts, those upon his legs and his sides. The skin mended, muscle reconnecting enough for the blood flow to cease.

Do you sense his energy, Kurama? Hiei sent telepathically to the kitsune who gave a grim nod.

He's a Reigen, just like Botan. Kurama sent back, allowing a small smile as he heard the blonde's heart beat strengthening. He'll be waking up soon, Hiei. Watch over him until I return.

Hiei gave Kurama a small nod, watching in concern as the kitsune rose to his feet and took off once again, swallowed by the darkness of night. Be careful, my friend. The fire demon thought as he remained crouched down, hoping against hope Kurama would find Botan. Because if he didn't, the fire demon feared the mental state of his best friend would never be the same.


Kurama ran onward, driven by the scent of his mate and the kidnapper, following it beyond the borders of Sakaoshimi. He crashed through the woods surrounding the outskirts of town, paying no mind to the breaking of branches upon his body as they tore at his clothing , marking his flesh in angry red welts and gashes. He felt no pain, only the need to find Botan and make her kidnapper suffer for his misdeed. The kitsune continued for some time, undaunted by the weariness that surely would overcome his weaker human form, but Kurama was too caught up in following the scent to change into the more powerful form of Youko. A flash of light erupted above his head, signaling the approach of another storm. The wind began to pick up, tossing Kurama's red bangs violently about him. Still he pressed onward, even as the lightning intensified. I will not give up! He snarled as he darted upward along a steep hill. He cleared the hill with little trouble only to suddenly come upon through a thick grove of pines. Kurama brought his right arm up in front of him and made an angry swipe of his hand. The branches obeyed his silent command, lifting up to allow him a clear path through.

Kurama charged forward for a short distance only to skid to a stop as his ears picked up the roaring sound of a river in front of him. He focused his gaze, frowning as he realized he was upon a cliff top. He crept forward, peering downward at the rushing water below. The kitsune brought his gaze upright, studying the ledge opposite of him. It was about a fifty foot jump. No problem. The kitsune thought as he backed up near the edge of pines before rushing forward. He leaped forward, propelled into the air by his strength and his spiritual energy. He cleared the ledge without difficulty, landing with cat like grace upon the stony ground. He smiled as he took in a whiff of air, trying to capture the scent again only to gasp when nothing met his nose. They were gone. Disappeared into thin air! But, that's impossible! Kurama's mind cried as he studied his surroundings. For the first time in his life, the kitsune's confidence in his abilities came into doubt. He had lost the trail! Lost his best chance of finding his mate! The red head's features twisted in anguish, the desolation of his failure swallowing his normally rational mind. Kurama sunk to his knees, his body wracked with convulsions of grief. Botan! He shouted over and over in his mind at first only to have her name slip past his lips in a cracking voice. "Botan." He whispered sadly, his chin sinking dejectedly into his heavy chest. Rain began to pour down from the sky above, pelting the wounded kitsune relentlessly with cold liquid pellets as if to punish him for losing the one most precious to him. His skin bruised and his soul empty, Kurama remained as he was, to consumed with grief to care whether or not he became sick from exposure. Where did he take you Botan? He wondered as the rain continued to wash over him. And what will Ren do to you now that he has you?


Botan lay still upon a large bed, sky blue silken strands free from their normal restraint, flowed elegantly around her beautiful face, her pale features contrasting with the darker hued black comforter underneath her. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, the only signal that she was still alive. For the deity made no sound, nor movement as a hand reached out to caress the side of her face. The touch was gentle, reverent even, as the slender finger tips traced along Botan's jaw, pausing to brush her slightly parted lips before at last pulling away.

Ren leaned back in the cushioned black seat beside his bed, completely baffled at his actions, his normal cold gray eyes alive with a feeling he hadn't express since his childhood. How was it that this woman could calm his darker nature? What was it about her that made him want to revere her, to cherish her? Perhaps because, like him, she was of Reikai. And like him, she deserved only the best things in life. Ren had been drawn to the deity ever since he had first laid eyes on her. She was so different from any other woman he had ever lusted after. Because this time, he wanted to win her heart and her love. He wanted her to love him. But could she love him? Would she love him? A sly smile formed on the dark haired man's lips. After tonight, it won't matter. Because after tonight, Botan will belong to me. He thought as he rose out of his seat, wobbling a little before he reached the door, opening and pulling it forward before exiting and closing it gently behind him.

Four sets of eyes watched him expectantly, most of them curious but one was extremely ticked off.

"I can't believe you had Tahomen bring her here!" Ailia hissed in a low tone. "Did you forget that with Kurama's sense of smell he could follow your brother's trail all the way here!" She added, leveling a hardened stare upon her leader.

"Calm yourself, Ailia, all your scowling will give you wrinkles." Ren replied in a tsk tsk tone, as if he were scolding a child. "As to why I decided to have my brother kidnap Botan, it's quite simple really." He began as he walked slowly forward, his legs shaking from the effort, his body still suffering from the side effects of the ultimate attack. Although he had finally understood the mastery of the technique, it still left him vulnerable. His first attempt had nearly killed him. This time around he had learned the true secret to the attack. But it weakened him physically. And unless I have the others with my all these techniques will be in vain. He thought as he lowered himself onto the chair at the head of his dining table.

The others watched him, Lina and Kigorei impassively, Tahomen in concern and Ailia in agitation, all waiting impatiently for him to explain his reasoning.

"Our trip into Makai was two fold," Ren began after letting out a weary sigh. "First it was a practice exercise of our power but the second, and more important reason, was to set up a trap to lure Kurama away from Botan so that she would be alone and unprotected. And as Tahomen performed so brilliantly," He paused, giving his younger brother a rare smile which caused the shinobi to straighten his frame in pride. "The deity is now in my possession and away from that fool of a kitsune."

"Uh, huh," Ailia said in a disdainful tone, not caring one bit if he became upset with her or not. "Tell me something, Ren. Did you realize that that fool of a kitsune as you call him has marked Botan. That she has mated with him?"

Ren was unfazed by her words. "My dear, I knew that the day we entered Makai."

Ailia frowned, disappointed at not getting the reaction she wanted. "And that doesn't bother you?" She asked. "Knowing that Botan is bonded with Kurama?"

Ren's features took on a conspiratorial look. "After tonight, Kurama won't have any claim on Botan's heart."

Ailia quirked an eyebrow, her features puzzled. "You can't force Botan to love you, Ren." She said sharply, wondering just what in the hell was going in her leader's head. "Especially since she's in love with Kurama."

A wolfish smile played upon Ren's lips, his eyes darkening as he replied in a voice as serious as the words behind it. "Not for long."


And there you have it. The longest freaking chapter I ever wrote. I hope you guys appreciate this. I certainly didn't feel all that good while I typed it. The lack of reviews really make me just want to up and quit writing. I just don't feel motivated to do anything right now. My home life is rather unsettling at the moment. Especially since my mother started seeing some new guy named Michael. She's out almost every night with the guy but I have yet to meet him. Not that I want to since she seems more interested in being with him than hanging out with my brother and I. She called home on my little brother's 11th birthday, drunk. She said she couldn't make it home until around noon. I couldn't believe it! She spent all night partying with her friends when she knew it was my brother, Anthony's, birthday. Gee, thanks ma!

I love my mom, don't get me wrong, but some of the things she does really ticks me off. So I took my little bro out for a nice lunch and we went to some cool stores and checked out some swords and weapons. It was pretty cool! I bought him some books which he really liked and of course I took him to Sam Goody so he could spend his birthday money.

He thanked me for making his birthday fun. Hey, I was happy to do it. But mom should have been there with us. But instead she's hanging out with her friends. Then again, she never really did anything with me either when I was a little kid, so I shouldn't be surprised. Every Judo tournament I participated in, every track meet, every band concert. She's never there. No freaking wonder I have TMJ.

So you can see my life is kind of sucky right now. That coupled with so few reviews makes me feel like just saying, screw it, I'm not up to it. I'm not even sure if I want to write anymore. This will probably be my last fanfiction story since it seems so few people like my work. I just don't feel up to doing anything. Not even writing. So review if you want. I always do like the reviews I get, even if they aren't a lot because those of you who do review actually bring a little hope to my otherwise painful life. Believe me when I tell you, I'm happy for the loyal few who continue to follow this story. And for those of you who read and don't review, I still appreciate that you take the time to read it, even if you don't feel my work is worthy of a comment.

Well here's a synopsis for the next chapter:

What the hell do you mean Botan's been kidnapped! Man, I never expected Kurama to go off the deep end but it seems fox boy can't forgive himself for failing to stop Ren from taking Botan away from him. If that's not all, Hiei's got problems of his own as he confronts Koenma over the truth of Ren's origins. And if that isn't enough, my idiotic best friend has decided to forgo our search for Botan to take Yukina out on a date! Hey stupid, can't you see that Kurama needs our help! Man being a spirit detective isn't all it's cracked up to be for sure. And what's up with that Ren freak and what has he done to Botan? Find out in chapter 32--Fateful Meeting.