Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ All Down Hill From Here ❯ I Only Cry When There Is Something To Cry About ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All Down Hill From Here

Chapter 2: I Cry When There Is Something to Cry About

Pairings: ? ((I wonder if I should even make parings you guys vote and tell me))

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Me: Hey everybody! Guess what it is summer in my little state and it is snowing

Yusuke: That sux

Me: You know it.

Kurama: Where do you live

Me: In the little state of Wyoming . . . . Well it's really not little it's one of the biggest states just least populated.

Kurama; I would have thought Alaska would be least populated

Me: That's what I said!


Me: Well somebody is being a dick face, for that you get to do the shout outs

Hiei: You mean shout out only one person reviewed

Me (*Growl*): That's it I am going to think up a horribly painful form of revenge!

Hiei (cowering): I hate authors; umm that's demonwolf for your review.


Jordan very carefully approached the boy. She was shivering, part from the cold and partly out of fear. Whatever attacked this boy might still be near and seemed very dangerous.

The boy than looked up at Jordan he lifted up his index finger and thumb making a gun. His vision was slowly coming in and out of focus.

Jordan stopped in her tracks.

"I. . . I am just going to help you." said Jordan as stern as she could, trying to keep the fear from her voice

Then boy dropped his hand and Jordan ran to him and slowly bent down to look at his wounds better.

"Don't ask me to explain." said the boy in almost a whisper

Jordan didn't really know what to do now, she was to afraid that she might hurt the boy if she pulled it out.

"Put your hand on it and I will pull. If I don't have to feel it I might be able to pull it out."

"I can do it." said Jordan after regaining her composure

Jordan wrapped her fist tightly around the icy spear and pulled very hard ripping it from his body. The boy screamed in pain and clutched the wound which was now gushing blood

Jordan was very worried now she had nothing to wrap around it and he had already lost so much blood that he wouldn't last much longer. | What am I going to do? |

Jordan than ripped the sleeves off her shirt and gathered some leaves from around her and began wrapping it around the boys wounds. Although there wasn't enough to wrap around the boys should her and hand. She began looking around but nothing was there.

"I'll be fine." said the boy he was now trying to get to his feet.

"You have already lost to much blood I am not going to let you walk around." said Jordan forcefully

But the boy was too stubborn to listen to her

"Oh at least let me help you." said Jordan

The boy gladly accepted the help; well he did for a while until they got close to a street where he decided it would be better to use a stick.

Jordan almost pleaded for the boy to lean on her shoulder she was worried that he would injure himself more but he refused.

"What is your name girl?" asked the boy while still limping around on the stick

"Uh, it's Jordan." she said

"I'm Yusuke and I promise that I will find you and explain everything one day, but for now I am going to have to ask you to leave me for the time." said Yusuke in almost a whisper

"What I can't to that your half dead and who knows what might happen if I leave you-"

"look get out of her now it isn't safe to be around me at the time!" yelled Yusuke

Jordan was now a little frightened but did as she was told and left the boy to himself.

It had been almost five minuets since Jordan had left the boy and she was furious, she could even feel the heat in her cheeks as she gently shivered in the rain. Her arms were now bare to the wind and cold. | Stupid, if he wants to leave and die than that is fine with me see if I care what he does or doesn't do. . . . . . but what if he hurts himself again and ends up dieing from it . . . . . than it will be all my fault. Oh darn it | thought Jordan as she turned around and began to run down the road towards where she left the boy.

When she returned to where they had parted there was no one there. | Where could he have gone | Just than something hard hit the girl in the back. She fell forward falling on the ground face planting in the mud. After the shock of it all had past Jordan lifted her head from the mud and coughed.

"You should have let the detective die, than your life would have been spared." came a male voice from behind Jordan

She could than feel a foot placed on the back of her head pushing it hard into the mud suffocating her. Suddenly she could feel the pressure being pulled off her head and the last thing she saw was the flash of blue light.


Me: That is it for now I am kindda tired. but I have to update my other fic dancing in the darkness than I will come back to this one I probably won't sleep tonight to it's all good right.