Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden memories ❯ You must be suicidal ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello fellow readers and welcome to this fanfiction which I didn't write alone! I really hope you enjoy this as much as we love writing it! It will be kind of special, since written by two person, each of us will write a chapter and perhaps you will notice the writing style changes. Anyway please take the time to review so we can update faster hopefully and make our writing a lot better thanks to you!
Forbidden Memories
Written by Animefreak11 & Lunasaturn
Summary: Written with Lunasaturn. Ever wondered why Hiei was so cold toward his friends? Why Kurama didn't have a girlfriend? The answer lies in this fic. Hisa has a powerful gift that gives her the power to see the future and save people's lives even though she is deathly afraid of what she sees sometimes. Kya on the other hand hides her emotions scared they would make her weak and pretends not to care for anyone but herself. There's only one person that can see through all that and he is exactly like her. They become best friends and have to face their dreadful memories together along with a persevering demon. OCxHiei, OCxKurama, enjoy your reading and leave a review if you wish.
Hisa Jashuya, 16, has black hair shoulder length, red eyes like Hiei's, usually wears a black jean, covering her shoes, and a one sleeve red shirt. She's a witch and uses a magic staff, can have premonitions, recently discovered she can become invisible if in need, and make a shield no one can break through. She likes to be alone, has no parents but inherited a precious ring and necklace she keeps on her at all time, that protect her sometimes, lets say they are in her. Her inner self is emotionally frozen from having lost everyone and everything dear to her she thinks she can't love anyone scared to have to endure the same pain again, but dedicates her life to saving others. She lives in a warehouse but close to Yusuke's school.
Kya Tenshi, 15, has long black hair waist-length with silver streaks running trough it. She has midnight colored eyes, usually wears a black tank top and blue jean shorts. She's a light and darkness demon and uses scythes similar to Kuroune's, her attitude is pretty bad and she likes to be alone a lot. Has no parents, were murdered by a demon that wanted her power and she was abused most of her life. She doesn't go to school but stays at Genkai's temple. She met the gang after escaping from the Fortress of Chaos, her and Hiei slowly became friends by bitting their heads off.
Disclaimer: We (as in both authors) do NOT own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of its characters we borrowed for your entertainment.
Claimer: Animefreak11 owns Hisa and Lunasaturn owns Kya, and we both own the plot! ^^~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~
Chapter 1: You mustbe suicidal...
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful baby girl who grew up into a beautiful princess, one day her prince charming will kiss her and they'll live happily ever after... No just kidding this isn't a fairy tale, sorry. This new romance started two years ago when a little light and darkness demon escaped the Fortress of Chaos, the place she was imprisoned in since her parents were coldly murdered in front of her very innocent eyes.
She never forgave the murderers and tracked them down until their guts were in her hands. Yes, a little rough for a girl of her age, but she was killed that very day, nothing could save her from grief... or so she thought. She felt helpless and tortured every minute she breathed on this earth until she met the Renkai Tentai, then it changed. Everything changed from worse to better.
There was a certain cruel demon in the Renkai Tentai, and at first sight she hated him for being so heartless, but giving him some time she discovered he actually had a soul and was able to love. Of course being the Forbidden Child he was reluctant, but Kya was able to break his barriers and penetrate the fragile heart of the fire demon. Two years past since their first meeting and now, they find life perfect... or as perfect as it can get with having to fight demons and go to school...
While Yusuke was going to school, by that I mean spending the entire time on the roof being dragged back down by Keiko, escaping her again and repeating the whole process over and over. Kurama was being a model student and attended school without a fuss, Kuwabara was... lying on the school ground unconscious, he seriously needs to stop picking fights with Yusuke... Kya was wondering in town, doing her 'job' Koenma had assigned her, to keep an eye open and kill any demon she encounters, plus who needed school when one was a demon and knew everything important?
Hisa had no parents, like Kya, she never attended school for she was too smart to start with, but unluckily she lived on the streets, feeding on the rests she found on tables or in garbage. Her goal in life? Save as many people as she can, her parents' death haunting her forever is her main reason for being willing to sacrifice her own life for others.
Having no recent meals, Hisa was really pale, fragile and thin, even though her stubbornness is what makes her survive in this world. She was haunting an alley when she urgently closed her eyes and everything around her started to dim, the world spinning around her as she collided against the wall breathing hard, having yet another vision. She saw a bank robbery, someone bravely opposing the attackers to protect the hostages, but the robbers shot her and she died instantly. Her red eyes snapped open, she thought she recognized the background, she passed in front of that bank everyday and it was always crowded, tempting some robbery there would be suicide!
No doubt the girl facing the robbers was determined, but nonetheless powerless facing four men at the same time. What to do, what to do? She knew her visions always became true, and she couldn't afford to see someone dying while she saw what happened, she had to help. Standing back up on her weak feet, she ran to a near pay phone and called the police.
After two rings she heard a bored voice, “Hi police station what is your problem?” she quickly answered “There's going to be a bank robbery! You must send out units to intercept four thieves!” The voice became irritated “Are you psychic? How do you know there is going to be a bank robbery?” Clearly Hisa could not say more, “Please I'm begging you, it's real! Send units to Rosamond Avenue!” and with that she hung up and ran to the bank before it was too late.
Kya wondered the streets, looking around as if nothing was happening when she saw a black car skid into an alley and four men with masks coming out, they had weapons and were heading right for the bank. 'Hey are they insane or what? It's mid day!' she thought surprised and angry while silently following them. “Everyone stay calm we are taking over the bank!” said one guy while killing a police officer right off the bat, everyone started screaming until another guy fired at the ceiling.
“Lay on your stomach, hands away from your body and nothing will happen to you!” another guy said while walking towards the counter to stuff all the money in a bag. Kya stepped out of the shadows, “Not so fast! Who do you think you are? Robbing a bank during the day? You must be suicidal...” she teased while taking out a knife from her pocket.
'Faster faster faster or she'll die!' thought Hisa while running as if fire was hot on her tail. Meanwhile Hiei had been following Kya but he lost her somewhere and now he couldn't find her, 'Damn I knew she was good at masking her energy, but how the hell am I supposed to find her now?' he thought angrily when he noticed a fragile figure sprinting through people in desperation, 'Odd... maybe she knows where Kya is.' he decided to follow her.
“You bitch! We told you to get on the ground!” raged a guy while charging at her with a knife of his own which she easily dodged, “Ch, if you want to strike me I suggest you start moving faster.” she mocked while sending a punch into his guts. The guy instantly fell on his knees clutching his sore area, “Frankie get going! I'll take care of her...” and he too charged her. Again she dodged and stroke him repeatedly until he was on his knees and finally unconscious.
Hisa entered the bank to find terrified customers on the ground, two masked men on the ground, another one soon following and the last one hiding his gun behind his back. Kya watched the man fall on the ground, proud of herself, although she didn't see the last and most dangerous guy creeping behind her, prepared to shoot her in the back.
Without hesitation Hisa ran to Kya “Watch out!” and at the last minute, jumped to push her out of the fired bullet's way. Kya turned her head in the direction of the warning as she heard the detonation of a gun, and she felt herself being pushed roughly to the ground as the bullet swooshed close to her ear but dug into someone else's skin. Blood splattered on Kya's face and body as Hisa fell numbly next to her. Outside on the roof, Hiei heard the detonation and rushed into the bank...
To witness the last robber fall on his back, customers slowly getting up from the ground. “Kya!” Hiei called as he glanced around soon spotting her next to a bloody person. “Over here Hiei.” she said sadly not bothering to look up for she knew Hiei was standing next to her already, “What happened?” he asked frowning at the thought she could have been injured.
“I was being careless and turned my back on one of those bastards and now she's injured because of me!” Kya was holding back her tears as she reached for Hisa, “Are you okay?” asked Kya certain the answer would be negative. A small voice answered “I'm fine...” as Hisa slowly got up from the ground holding her right shoulder in her left hand. “No, you're not! You're bleeding... Let me help you.” Kya again reached to Hisa but stopped when she heard police cars skidding madly in the street.
Kya and Hiei looked at the cops swarming in like mosquitoes, when they looked to see Hisa again, she was gone. “When did she--? Where did she go?” whispered Kya getting mad of letting her escape like that. “Excuse me ma'am could you tell me what happened? Some people told me you were the one to knock those guys out.” interrupted an officer, Kya turned her head towards the superintendent and started describing as best as she could what had happened.
“So someone saved your life by pushing you to the ground but she escaped before we could come in? Is that it?” he asked raising an eyebrow from his notepad. Kya nodded, 'What a waste of time, I could have followed the blood trail...' she thought absently. 'Hn and do what? Clearly that girl didn't want any help or she would have stayed...' commented Hiei in Kya's head.
“Yeah you're probably right.” she said out loud, “Excuse me?” questioned the officer, “Sorry but I don't have all day so I'll be on my way now.” and she disappeared leaving the officer utterly confused. Hisa had indeed escaped while the cops were bursting in the bank, unfortunately she didn't go far. As soon as she was in her habitual alley again, she had yet another vision, she saw a small man with a strange dragon tattoo on his right arm, he had fangs and a third eye and power was emanating from his body as he killed hundreds of innocent people.
Hisa shivered as her senses came back to normal. 'Why would he kill that many people? I can't prevent this! But I must try... it is my duty.' and with that in mind she walked out of the alley, her hang clinging to her bleeding shoulder. People were giving her strange looks but she didn't mind, she was used to being an outcast. All she needed now was to find this mysterious guy and drive him out of the city.
By the time Kya and Hiei reached Yusuke's school, everyone was gone, they all had flown home, “Where were you guys? You're late!” came a voice from behind them, both turned around and saw Yusuke, Kurama and Kuwabara leaning in shadows against the school wall. “Hn, must we explain everything we do?” “There was a delay... bank robbery.” finished Kya in a whisper.
“Indeed, you do not need to explain everything, Kuwabara was being impatient while Yusuke took a nap.” chuckled Kurama stepping out of the shadows, “We should go.” they all nodded and headed out of the school ground onto the sidewalk. Sure enough, people kept glancing at them suspiciously, one girl surrounded by four guys can look a little weird, especially if she has some blood on her clothes.
Hisa walked silently on the sidewalk, somewhat invisible if it wasn't for the blood behind her. She wanted to walk her head down but she needed to find that guy from her vision. No doubt he had to be here somewhere, she was drawing near to the place it would happen, 'I must prevent it from happening! If I don't, then I'll never forgive myself.' she was determined to counter her vision when she felt a cold wind.
A chill ran down her spine as she looked even more around her, 'He's near... There!' She noticed his cold blood eyes as he locked his eyes and bore into her ruby eyes, she felt his battle aura and sensed many deaths caused by his fiery spirit. Hisa stopped walking and stepped back close to a wall, there she waited for the five people to pass her. As the crimson warrior passed by, he glared at her from the corner of his eyes and she shivered. What she failed to notice was the red hair also glancing at her, but curiosity peeking in.
~Hn, did you see that onna on your right Kya?~ said/asked Hiei to Kya, ~No why?~ she asked surprised, ~Hn, she was the one from the bank.~ he growled a little. ~Yes and I was wondering why she would be bleeding.~ came in the voice of Kurama. ~Mind your own business kitsune.~ snapped Hiei, he sensed that girl following them and he didn't like it. He didn't like it at all...
'I hope I won't be too late to save these innocent people. How could someone do something like that in an open space!' Hisa thought revolted as she remembered the vision again, 'Let's just hope he'll be easy to lure...' and with that thought in mind, she continued her silent stalking.
So how did you like it? I hope it wasn't too boring or confusing... And do not expect the following chapters to be so long, that was a lot of inspiration... ^^U Constructive criticism encouraged and reviews appreciated.