Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hate ❯ Perky! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

FF: Guten Tag! (That's German for good day^-^)
K: She is taking German in school and she likes using it at random times. Excuse her if it bugs you and I am sorry if it does!
FF: Did you just say what I think you just said?
K: *gulps* That depends. What do you think I said? *backs away slowly**puts hand on whip handle*
H: foxy, I don't know how to tell you this, but he just said that he didn't like your German.
W: hiei, I thought you didn't know how to tell her.
H: figure of speech wolfy
W: okay!
Yusuke: hey guys! *looks around dumbly* what's going on *stares at Kurama and fox*
Kuwabaka: Kurama, did you downgrade her German again?
FF+W+K+H+Y: Wow Kuwabaka! You said another big word. We're so proud of you!
KB: that's not funny!
FF+W+K+H+Y: we're serious!
FF+W+K+H+Y: Please read and review!
KB: *mutters* please don't read and review
FF: excuse me while I go and demolish Kuwabaka. If you want him to live then you better R+R!
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for Shadow!
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“Hello. My name is Kurama. I will show you around today,” Kurama said as she sat down next to him, “Hmm. It looks like we have all of the same classes!”
`So he's a little perky. I'm over it' she thought. “That's cool, I guess.” She turned to face him and found a huge (and I mean huge) smile on his face. `Okay. Okay. He is more than a little perky. I think I can handle it,' she thought in reply to the smile, `I hope!'
Her homeroom class was History and she finished her all of her homework in class. Next was Science. She used to love Science; now messing around with the Chem. Labs just reminded her of her parents (the three of them used to play with the Chemistry set that her father got on the first trip that he took out of Demon World. She finished all of her homework in class, again. Break time! `Finally!' she thought as the bell rang for break, `I thought class would never end.'
“Hey Shadow, Wait up!” Kurama shouted after her as she walked into the courtyard, “want to eat lunch with us?
`No stupid, I want to be alone!' she held in and instead said, “Sure.” They went in the opposite direction and found Yusuke and Kuwabaka fighting.
Kurama whistled and they stopped, “Yusuke. Kuwabaka. This is Shadow. Shadow. This is Yusuke,” he said, pointing to the one in the green uniform, “and this is Kuwabaka.” He pointed to the ugly one with the orange hair wearing the blue uniform (sorry for any Kuwabaka, I mean Kuwabara, lovers! I don't like him at all.). Did I mention that Kurama's uniform was a light red ( NOT pink. Light red!)? Well, it is.
They devoured their snack (all of them except for Kurama and Shadow that is) under a tree (they wouldn't let her go in it) and then went of to class. She tried to leave Kurama, but failed. So they walked to Math together and took their seats (in every class they were partners and sat next to each other [she didn't want to, he was too perky.].). Guess what happened with her homework. That's right. If you said that she finished it, then you are the winner! Your prize is a pat on the back! Good job!
Her next class was English. Then she had P.E.. No, Kurama was her P.E. partner also! She once again tried going the wrong way but Kurama stopped her. She couldn't think of an excuse for going the wrong way so she just shrugged and frowned, following reluctantly. She hadn't packed a lunch and told them she would eat when she got home. They tried to give her some of their lunch but backed off when they saw the glare that they were being given. After lunch she had one more class. Her safe haven! Astronomy! He must have missed her elective when he looked at her class list. `Yes!' she thought as she said bye to Kurama for the first time. Right when the bell rang for the end of class she was gone. No time for Kurama to catch up! She ran home and ate a little. She had no homework because she finished it all in class. She changed and started training again.
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K: foxy is still chasing Kuwabaka
W: I hope you liked her chapter
Y: if you like Kuwabaka then review
W: preferably good ones
Y: yeah
K: I agree. Please review anyway though
W: hiei, don't you have anything to say?
H: hn.
W: hiei. *glares at hiei*
H: fine. Review or I will kill you. Make sure to put the fact that you hate Kuwabaka in the review so that foxy can still demolish Kuwabaka.
Y: wow. When hiei speaks he says a lot!
H: do you wish to die? *pulls out katana happily*
Y: no. *backs slowly away*
H: darn! *puts away katana and crosses arms over chest and pouts*
K: can't you two ever stop fighting?
W: silly Kurama. You know that that's never going to happen! It is alright hiei, if foxy doesn't kill Kuwabaka then you can
H: great! Now I will never be able to kill him
W+K+Y: please review!
H: hn!