Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's First Love ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I still do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, so leave me alone about it! I don't think typing this repeatedly will truly help that sink in.

Chapter 7:

Kurama stood there, his mouth slightly agape. He had been given too many facts in too short an amount of time. Could this demon that stood before him actually be the very same girl he had a crush on?

"Don't look so surprised," she said, smiling.

He blinked. "So all of this was a trap? But why?" he asked.

"I'm glad you asked," she replied, returning to her demon form, her voice taking a subtle change. "I had to meet you; I found it imperative."

Kurama took a step away from her. "What are you talking about?" he asked, baffled beyond belief.

"It's simple Kurama," she said, pausing slightly at his name. "I know who you are."

She stood in front of him, her eyes flickering. "You are one of the most feared demons in Makai; Yoko Kurama, or you were, before you went soft and allowed yourself to be caught. It was said that you were killed years ago, but I see the rumors were incorrect. You seem very much alive and well to me."

He was watching her; the reality was slowly sinking in.

"So, where is it?" she asked firmly.

"Where is what?"

"The Forlorn Hope," she replied, as though he should have known the entire time.

Kurama looked at her sternly. He remembered all too well how hard he worked to obtain the mirror.

"I don't have it," he admitted to her, crossing his arms in front of him. "I haven't reverted to my old ways of thievery. I've suppressed my yoko side for the past 15 years."

"Is that so?" she asked, narrowing her eyes to slits. "You mean to tell me that every time you fight you don't feel him rising in you? Struggling to escape that prison you call a body?"

Kurama stared at her. It was beyond him how she even knew he was indeed the same person as the demon who did that so long ago, but it seemed impossible for her to know about his yoko side's rising influence.

Every time he fought, he found his yoko tendencies rising in him. He would have to apply his strong will to force his yoko side to subside within him, instead of bursting out and causing mayhem.

"N-no," he said, his voice wavering slightly.

"You're lying," she said flatly. "I can tell. You don't have to lie to me Kurama."

Shiro took a small step towards him, her eyes still narrowed. Kurama, in turn, took a step back in the direction of the door.

Kurama could sense her aura. Something about it stuck fear into him, he just couldn't place his finger on it. Was it her overly calm demeanor? Yes, that had to be it. While he seemed to quiver and quake, she stood firm. He shuddered involuntarily.

`If only I had listened to Hiei,' he thought. `He tried to warn me before, but I put a girl, who I didn't even know, over my best friend.'

Shiro had managed to steer Kurama into a corner. His back was to the fall and she stood before him, smirking. She held one hand out and pressed it to his chest.

"Yoko, come out and play," she said, a sinister glint in her amethyst eyes.


Hiei blinked.

He stood at Kurama's locker, like usual, waiting for the fox demon to arrive. It was unlike him to be late.

The bell signaling the start of homeroom rang.

`Where is he?' Hiei thought, glancing around the nearly empty hallway.

With no more than the blink of an eye, Hiei was gone.


Kurama yelled out in pain. It felt as though his heart was going to be ripped out of his chest. Inside him, he could feel his yoko side collecting itself together, uprising against him.

His emerald eyes flashed a golden brown. His teeth ached, fangs poking his bottom lip. His bones were lengthening, a painful process.

Shiro's smirk widened. "Let me see your truest form Kurama. Don't fight it; let's see what is hiding inside that pathetic human carcass of yours!"

Well, I'm sorry it took so long to get this posted. Lately it seems I've had very little focus, but now, I have complete concentration! *holds a finger in the air, patriotic music playing in the background* And I shall do my best to make my updates more quickly and get them posted!

*music cuts off* Hey, a girl can hope. Let me know whatcha think of this chapter!

Kawaii Youko ^_~