Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Let Me Sleep Forever ❯ Part 5: Missing Replacement ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Let Me Sleep Forever


Part 5: Missing Replacement


Genkai absentmindedly sipped her tea. There was peace in this temple. But it got kind of boring for her. The silence was interrupted as the doors opened and closed. She looked and saw Yuusuke making his way to sit. She couldn't resist.


"Where's your kid?" she asked amusingly.


"You mean you don't know?" he asked confused. Genkai let a frown form on her face. Something was definitely wrong.


"Don't know what?"


"I thought Kurama came by here."


"No he didn't."


"Are you saying you didn't see him?"


"Yes Yuusuke."


Yuusuke frowned, Genkai never called him by his name unless it was something important. Something was definitely up. He didn't know but there was so much tension in the air, like something else was going on.


"Genkai, is there something wrong?" Yuusuke asked. He never usually asked Genkai using her name. This time he was serious. She shook her head casually. But Yuusuke figured she was lying. "Alright. Maybe I'll just check and see if he came back. He probably went looking for Diana." He said before walking out and leaving.


Genkai became expressionless as three figures emerged from their hiding place.


"Very good, Master Genkai. He's falling for it just as I expected," a female voice spoke, "Our special token should meet him when he gets there. After all our bargaining chip is safe and in my care. Right Kurama?" Her hands trailed on the sides of her captive's face making him flinch away. Her hand retracted and she smiled an evil kind of smile. "Czar, why don't you and your friends have fun with your new pet. But remember don't break it just yet the fun hasn't even started." She told her companion, as two pairs of eyes looked at her, one in horror the other in amusement. She noticed that Genkai tensed a little. As her companion and captive disappeared only she remained to discuss some things with the temple master.


"I thought you said nothing would happen to him." Genkai spoke for the first time in the whole conversation.


"Actually I said I wouldn't kill him. I never said anything about something happening to him. But remember to keep your promise. If I hear this is blurted out to someone else I'll make sure to torture the kitsune to my hearts content. Although I'm allowing you to give them clues. Call it a game of sorts. For everyday that pass the kitsune would get something in return. Though I'm sure you don't want to imagine of what I really have in mind. Good luck." The woman disappeared.


Genkai sat back down thinking in the silent dojo. Something needed to be done.


And it needed to be done quickly.




Yuusuke found Kurama back in his room with Diana who was sleeping peacefully next to him. Something was definitely off but shrugged it off. He then left for his house, hoping that someone would tell him what the hell is going on by tomorrow. Right now he needed some sleep.




Kurama groggily woke up. His eyes squinted as to clear his vision. So far it was prove futile, as the pain came back. Memories of last night and past few days before were taking its toll on him. He curled up in the blanket trying to cover him self up completely. He tugged at the ropes that were tied around his wrists. They weren't tied to something else but there were wards on it preventing him from doing anything productive at the moment.


Besides it didn't matter. What was the point? He just couldn't do anything. He was hopeless. There were times when he wanted to cry but no tears ever did come out. He wasted enough in these 'daily sessions'. It was cold and his naked form couldn't handle the cold that well. His clothes were out of the question considering that they've been torn every night.


But the thing is, no one would ever know. They wouldn't know what was happening to him because someone else was living his life, the life he will never continue.


Kurama heard the door creak open slowly. It couldn't have been twenty-four hours yet. It was just too soon. His body tensed waiting for the inevitable pulls of the blankets, being thrown to the floor by such force and start to fear and feel the pain that goes on with the activities.


None of it ever came.


The blanket covering his dirty, tainted body was pulled from over his head. He closed his eyes thinking maybe that this was some sort of trick. He heard a gasp and someone about to cry. He thought it was himself but it wasn't. Thinking it safe to open his eyes he gazed into a teenage looking girl who had her hand to her mouth and was on the verge of tears. To him she looked like a teenage version of Diana. She began to murmur something he strained to hear it.


"I'm sorry…oh my god I'm so sorry…please forgive me…I didn't know she'd…I just…"


Kurama heard her murmur sadly. She was on her knees at his bedside looking at him with remorse. He hated that look. She had her hands on the edge while her head rested on the back of her hands. Kurama reached out his hand, though a bit slowly, and placed it on her head. She looked up at him with those amber depths reading his confusion.


What's there to forgive?


It just made her cry some more. She threw her arms around his neck and began to sob uncontrollably. Kurama just returned the embrace weakly. He had no idea who she was but she was regretting everything that she had done. What is was, he didn't know. After she calmed down she pulled away and gave a small smile.


"Wait here, I'll go get some clothes." She said and took off in a hurry. Kurama couldn't stop her. He wondered what was the point when it's just going to be torn off later?


The girl came back with fresh new clothes and a cool wet towel. She placed the clothes on the end of the bed and handed Kurama the wet towel. She turned away as he stood up shakily. She has modesty.


Kurama carefully stood up. His nether regions hurt. It was very hard to stand up. At least they were kind enough to leave his undergarment on after their little 'fun'. While cleaning himself thoroughly red marks were appearing on the skin, as he scrubbed hard. He could smell the other demon's scent on himself and he didn't like it. He scrubbed until he bled. His motions were stopped when the teen's hands held his still.


"Don't do that. You're hurting yourself." She said.


Kurama stopped and released his hold on the cloth as she took it and placed it on the table. She handed him his clothes that he then put on. When he was finished it was silent in the room. The silence was broken when the door opened. Kurama stiffened as he heard that tiny bit of noise. He was afraid that it has already been one day. He lied down and shut his eyes tightly.


"NO! Stop! Haven't you done enough already?"


"Stand aside Diana. You made the deal. Now step aside. I didn't know he'd be broken by now."


There was a skid of someone being thrown to the floor. Kurama just buried himself deeper. The blanket was pulled away but very slowly. Kurama winced at the light as it hit his eyes. The rope tied around his hand was tugged as he was forced to shut his eyes completely. A hand brushed away his hair from his face. Surprisingly the touch was soft and gentle.


His green eyes slowly opened as he looked into deep blue of a woman's. Her skin was pale and her hair dark as if it would blend well with the shadows. He gasped and tried to sit up the best he could. Her hand rested on his shoulders to keep him down. He could object but right now nothing would work since the ropes had wards on them keeping him from summoning any plants. And this woman is exceptionally strong.


"Do not get up. I know. I am a bit disappointed that you were broken so easily. Is it that…you've been broken before? Your trust has been broken? Or is it that you just couldn't take it being a handicap?"


Kurama didn't answer. He wasn't in the mood to deal with games.


"Ah, so I see. Trust is so hard to build. Yet, it is the easiest to break. But you have nothing to worry about. I'll have them stop and I'll stop this nonsense once I get what I have come for. In the meantime Diana will take care of you. And your detective Urameshi would be dealing with one difficult friend, so to speak. After all you could be in two places at once."




Kinshin: Thanks for your visits!


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