Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Love can be Hell ❯ Can you say trouble? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

THANKS FOR WAITING EVERYONE!!!! I'm so sorry... Explanations you can skip are at the bottom... but need I to say school is evil? I have no life this year... But I'm glad I finished this chapter... Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own what is mine, you own what is yours. Makes sense? Good.
Chapter 6: Can you say trouble?
Hisa silently wept in her room, tending to her minor cuts, `Why does he have to bring it up again?' she thought biting her lip. She closed her eyes, trying to erase the bashful and nasty comments her father made earlier. Sighing softly, Hisa got out a piece of paper from her backpack, maybe it was worth calling Shuichi's friend. Cracking the door of her room open, Hisa peered in the hallway and checked both ways then listened for any sounds. Silence and no one around. Hisa crept out of her room and tip toed to her parents' room, heading for the phone.
As quickly as she could, Hisa dialed Kayko's phone number, clearly remembering Shuichi introducing her as a friend of that punk who's name Hisa had forgotten already. “Hello?” asked a somewhat cheerful voice on the other line. “Um, hello? This is Hisa... Shuichi gave me your number...” replied Hisa in a hushed tone, scared her dad was about to burst in her room and beat her to death. “Oh yes, Hisa. It's nice to hear from you. Is anything wrong?” she asked suddenly concerned. “... Nothing too bad... I... just need your help for a little while...” answered Hisa as truthfully as she could without actually admitting her dad was abusing her.
After giving her address to Kayko, Hisa hung up and checked the house to make sure she wouldn't get yelled at for bringing a stranger into their “humble home.” `Maybe I do have some luck...' thought Hisa almost smiling while waiting next to the door. Ten minutes later, a soft knock was heard from the door and Hisa opened instantly. Kayko stood in the doorway, the wind blowing her two piggy tails and blue skirt to the side. “It's nice of you to come.” thanked Hisa in a small voice and stepped aside from the door as Kayko entered. Kayko nodded, smiling a little, “I was a bit worried when you called... Shuichi... told me about your situation.”
Hisa glanced at Kayko's face then stared at the ground, she had expected this. Kayko had to know or she couldn't help her at all... Hisa closed the door and hurried back in her room, closing her door behind Kayko. “Sorry for the poor accommodation...” whispered Hisa sitting on the edge of her bed as Kayko shook her head, “Don't worry about it... So what did you call me for?” she looked at Hisa intently. Letting go of her bottom lip, Hisa carefully lifted her shirt on her back, revealing ugly infected gashes. Kayko let out a loud gasp, “Oh my goodness!”
Hisa let her shirt fall back in place, “... Promise me... you won't tell anyone. Not even Suichi.” she whispered pleadingly. Kayko bit her lip, “But... you have to tell someone.” she replied sadly, incapable of bearing such a heavy secret by herself. “Promise me...” begged Hisa through teary eyes which made Kayko sigh and nod, “Alright... I promise.” she gave a hint of a smile and sat behind Hisa on the bed. Hisa carefully laid down on her stomach, sighing silently as she felt Kayko lifting the shirt just enough to uncover the putrid gashes.
~*With the gang*~
“So who was that shy chick you introduced me to last week?” asked Kuwabara ready to ask her to go out with him. Kurama sighed but chuckled softly, “Hisa Jashuya, she's new to the neighborhood.” he stated calmly, ignoring Hiei's annoyed look and Yusuke's smirk. “Right... and... why did you introduce her to Kayko then?” inquired Yusuke with an eyebrow raised, Kurama coughed uneasily, he couldn't betray her secret so he would have to tell minimal portions of the truth. “... She... needed some help...” he finally replied, truthfully, looking at Yusuke with his usual serene look.
Yusuke answered him by a skeptical look, “She's in your school... not Junior High... Doesn't that mean Kayko should be getting help from her?” Kurama slightly sweat dropped and shook his head, “Yusuke... some things were never meant for you to understand.” Kurama smiled to himself as Yusuke started yelling at him hotheadedly with Kuwabara and Hiei snickering at the true statement made by the fox. Kurama sighed softly and stole a glance at Hiei, he hadn't really been any different since the rescue of his sister, but again, why should he be? Kuwabara was the only one who showed any sign of change when it came to this ice maiden beauty.
~*With Kikyou*~
Kikyou was kicking empty boxes around her small house, kind of feeling a need to clean, but would never allow herself to actually clean. “It's so boring out here... Why bother going to this stupid skool or whatever they call it... Such a waste of time...” she mumbled to herself and decided to go take a walk in the park, that would relax her. While walking past the kids' playground with her hands in her pocket, Kikyou thought back of her last encounter with Hiei.
It had been drizzling and she still tried to make him say `Thank you' for the tip she gave him about the bounty hunters being after him. Kikyou slightly giggled at the memory, `He still hasn't thanked me...' she thought with a small smile on her lips. Reminiscing some more, Kikyou transported herself back at the warehouse where she almost killed her boss before fleeing and finding Hiei, helping him escape Makai to go to her house. After he had glanced around the new surroundings, Kikyou remembered he had scared her for a minute when he unsheathed his katana quickly.
She had almost yelped when he threw his weapon “at” her but instead it killed the werewolf creeping up behind her, `... I should have killed him myself though...' regretted Kikyou as she noticed she almost tripped over a bench. “Sorry.” she smiled apologetically to the elderly couple sitting close by and continued until she reached her favorite spot. Under the shady oak tree.
~*With Kurama*~
The afternoon slowly ticked away, the Earth continuing its usual rotation of the sun, the shadows elongating on the streets. Kurama looked at his watch, “Oh, I almost missed it.” he mumbled to himself. “Huh? Missed what?” inquired Kuwabara as clueless as the others, “Sorry but it appears I have a meeting at the school with the students' senate.” he smiled apologetically and headed back towards school. “Student what--?” blinked Yusuke and Kuwabara as Hiei rolled his eyes, even he knew about it...
~*With Hisa*~
“There... I'm all done.” said Kayko carefully pulling Hisa's shirt back in place as she sat up. “Thanks...” whispered Hisa, almost fearfully. “No problem.” smiled Kayko with so much friendliness and sympathy that Hisa smiled unconsciously before hearing a door slamming downstairs. Kayko's head turned to the door, “Is someone coming?” she asked softly, her gears turning that if Hisa was mistreated... and not allowed to bring guests... that could be bad, very bad for her... Hisa suddenly bolted up straight, grabbed Kayko's arm and dragged her to the small, and only, hiding place she could provide. Behind the mirror, one door closet.
“Don't say a word...” whispered Hisa hurriedly before closing the closet and going on her bed, grabbing a book to fake being busy. Her dad nearly knocked the door out of its hinges as he stormed into the room, “You bitch!! It's all your fault!” he roared loudly, starting by smacking Hisa into the wall. Hisa grunted and tried to sit up, her head throbbing painfully against her sore skull, but her enraged father yanked her hair backwards, pulling her off the bed in a loud `thud.' Inside the closet, Kayko hugged her knees tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. Never, ever, had she imagined a parent could be so brutal and cruel towards his own child.
“P-please s-stop...” whimpered Hisa, her hands on her hair to try and lessen the pain. “You stinkin', lying, worthless piece of crap!” continued her dad even louder while he kneed her in the stomach, still holding her hair. “He fired me because of you!!” he hollered smacking Hisa's face again and again, countless times, ignoring the small trickle of blood escaping her closed lips. Kayko shivered in the closet, just the sounds of a beating frightened her and she was glad she didn't have to witness it on top of that... Until she heard a sharp yelp and had to cover her mouth to not gasp loudly. Drops of blood tainted the wooden floor once again, a loud breathing filling the now silent, thick air in the room.
Hisa felt thick liquid stain her shirt where Kayko had carefully tended to her wounds, she deduced he had kicked her so hard he had opened them again... Hisa didn't dare make a move, maybe he was going to leave, hopefully... She opened her eyes and watched him, he was doing something at the level of his pants but she couldn't make out what. Her eyes slightly widened when she understood, he slowly turned around, his leather belt in his hands and a wicked grin on his face. Hisa shivered and pushed herself back against the mirror, only access to the closet, or Kayko. “I'll make you feel my wrath... Nobody gets my fired because of a tramp!” he spat and grabbed Hisa by the throat.
Gasping for air, Hisa instinctively put both hands on his strong grip as he forced her up, pinning her to the door. “I'll teach you not to make a fool of me.” he said through gritted teeth as his grip tightened around the leather belt before his fist collided with Hisa's forehead. The force of the impact was so great the mirror shattered as Hisa went through it, unconscious. Kayko used all her self control to not let out a horrified scream and squatted more in the dark corner so she wouldn't be seen. The tall figure snickered and brushed the glass of his jacket before he grabbed Hisa's ankle and pulled her out of the closet, oblivious to the deep gashes opening on her sides and arms.
~*With Yusuke*~
“Kayko's not home? Really?” he nodded, “Thanks...” and hung up. “Her parents said a friend called and she left an hour and a half ago...” he said to Kuwabara. “I wonder where she is... It's not like her to be late.” Yusuke sighed, he knew Kuwabara was right, Kayko wouldn't be late unless something showed up... something bad. “D'you think she's in trouble?” inquired the orange haired friend, Yusuke shrugged, “I have no clue...” `I hope not.' he thought clenching his fists. “Hey wait... doesn't she have her cell phone?” blinked Kuwabara.
“Yeah! Kuwabara, you're a genius.” smiled Yusuke teasingly as he quickly dialed Kayko's number. “She better pick up.” he mumbled.
~*With Hisa*~
“Wimp.” muttered Hisa's father under his breath, letting go of her ankle. Kayko's breathing was so quick and shallow she thought she would pass out soon, her hands were white and she started to get cold. She was incapable of thought, her eyes fixed on Hisa's bloody form on the ground. The school uniform was ruined, no question about that, and the student in the uniform was close from being ruined as well. Hisa let out a small grunt as her dad started whipping her restlessly with the leather belt, “That'll wake you up, wench!” exclaimed the mad father. Kayko watched, transfixed in horror and shock when she thought she heard a soft ring.
`Oh no!' her eyes widened as she tried to sit on her phone to attenuate the ringing noise, it would give her away! Hisa slowly opened her eyes, her body stinging with pain, the world spinning around her but she clearly heard a cell phone ring, and apparently so did her dad...
~*With Yusuke*~
“C'mon, pick up darn it!” frowned Yusuke, losing his patience.
School, but especially junior year, is really really really a pain! An essay due for Friday, a book to read in a week and take a test on it, a history essay but notes flying around (2 hours every 2 day average) chemistry tests every week, algebra hw every night... I think I deserve a vacation after being at school for 3 weeks!!! Don't even have the weekends to look towards since SAT tutors come and torture me for 2 hours... arg... need break... and free time! I don't even have time to practice my flute anymore!! @.@ Wow it's been a long time since I last even opened this file... it's now October and I took the SAT and PSAT... so no more of that! But English and History hasn't changed at all... add French to that... -.- Meh. End of October... what do you know...
Sorry for the ramble, I hope you skipped that... Just felt like some people should know why I'm not updating often anymore... needed to get it out of my system too... And another delay because of the major local disaster known as brush fire in California, Ventura county. Heard of it? I was in there... stressful... horribly stressful and disgusting to breathe... Got to ditch school one day though... XP
So thanks for all who reviewed, really when I read your reviews it made me smile. :) A really nice distraction from homework. So thank you so much!
Quick note: I just finished my essay!!!! I can finally relax a bit... hehe
Thanks for waiting!!
On to the answers to reviews... After all the... unnecessary ramble... :P
Payne N. Uranus: But I'm glad your reviews are longer, I get to smile more. :) Homework is SO overwhelming right now I don't even have time to watch TV or do something random on the computer beside essay... Maybe I should look for your im then I could chat with you!
Aquaticmage: Yay for new reviewers! I'll try to update as soon as I can but... heh school is depressing... Thanks for reviewing though!
KrysTheBloody666: Oh yeah huh new pen name? ... You make me hungry too... in fact I'm hungry right now... (when am I not?) Back to my essay... I hope your OC ain't too out of context... @.@
Athenera: *blink* I'm not really sure what the damn it was... lol maybe the cliffie? I dunno... but school is too time consuming sooo I'll need extra time to update... and I will tell you when I need help. :)
anime-freak-chick123: Lol! I told krazykrispi and she was smiling haha it was fun... :) And for Hisa, yeaaaah she has Kurama *wink wink nudge nudge*hehe annnd... hmm I should go look for your sn... mayyybe... :D