Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ The Introduction of Hiro ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Yo! This is my only technical fanfic. If you can't read the title then I don't need to post again here. I have a feeling that this is original enough for me to get by. I would also like to state that any resemblance to other people's fanfics for the first few chapters is purely coincidental. Anyways, Jo!

Jo: Feith doesn't own YYH until she gets drunk off of water. Then, she only thinks that she owns it.


Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Kurama were sitting in Kurama's room discussing Yusuke's latest case when all of a sudden a young boy with a white baseball cap on his head stuck his head inside the window and said, "Hey, stuck up! If I leave my shoes on the fire escape will you let me in?"

Kurama exclaimed, "Hiro, what are you doing here?"

Hiro grinned and replied, "Kyoko will kill me unless I can find some place to hide until she cools off. So, are you going to let me in or not?"

Kurama helped the boy in the room and said, "Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, this is Hiro; Hiro, this is Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei; they are friends of mine."

Hiro smiled and said, "Okay got it, we've got your delinquent friends."

Kuwabara shouted, "We're not delinquents; we actually help keep order in the world."

Hiro sneered, "Maybe in the long run, but you do it so chaotically that you count as delinquents in my eyes."

Suddenly, Shiori knocked on the door and asked, "Shuuichi? Is Hiro in there? I don't think that I saw him come in, but my eyes can deceive me every once in awhile."

Hiro yelped, "OMG, Kyoko's gonna kill me if she ever finds out that I'm here. She'll assume the worst and literally kill me. Sorry to cut our wonderfully enjoyable conversation short, but my sister has a very nasty temper." With that said, the boy jumped out the window, paused to put his shoes back on, and jumped off the fire escape despite the fact that it was five floors up.


Feith: Sorry for such a short chapter, but things will get interesting after this.

Jo: And she would like you to read Shapeshifting Pride and review that one. If you don't want to then review this one.