Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Real Life Applications of The Bunny Hop ❯ The Mistress of Wolves ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Hello, I'm back `cuz I just remembered how the rest is supposed to go.

Jo: She probably couldn't remember her own name if it meant forgetting some valuable piece of info on YYH.

Feith: Shut up, Jo and go back to your CDs and your dictionary.

Jo: Feith will never own YYH or any of the characters in it.


While the YYH gang (a/n: as my friends and I affectionately call them) were discussing how to solve this case, Botan said that they needed to find the Mistress of Wolves (Feith: I like wolves.) because she was the only one who could perform the final defeat.

"But how can we find her?" whined Yusuke.

"I don't know that. Koenma only told me that we needed to find her," replied Botan abruptly.

"Sheesh, you don't need to get all snappy with me," Yusuke responded, "I get enough of that from Genkai."

"Well, shouldn't we get started?" Kurama asked. "Botan, do you know which world this Mistress of Wolves is located in?"

"She should be in Ningenkai," replied Botan again abruptly. Botan wasn't that fond of the Mistress of Wolves; in fact, if she had a choice, Botan would rather give up her job than deal with the Mistress of Wolves.

"So, then let's start on the streets!" exclaimed Kuwabara. (Feith: I had to get him in somehow. Hiei doesn't talk much, so he can get away with no dialogue.)

And that is where they started. Everyone, and I do mean everyone including Shizuru and Keiko, was searching for a lady who just might be the "Mistress of Wolves" when they took a break for lunch. While they were eating their food (Feith: you use your imagination), Kyoko walked by carrying Hiro by the scruff of the neck of his shirt. She was saying, "… And I do expect you to repair every last thing that you destroyed with your little `prank'." Hiro wasn't listening to a single word that Kyoko said; instead he was struggling to get out of her grip. When he finally did, Kyoko shrugged it off and said over her shoulder, "You better remember to pay it all off dearly, Hiro, or else I shall be most displeased."

Shizuru and Botan were buying their food when all of this happened, so when they found Hiro by the table, they were naturally surprised. Unfortunately, Shizuru didn't exactly notice Hiro until it was too late. Botan recognized Hiro immediately and tried to shoo him away (Jo: actually, I think that she was trying to avoid contact with him, but she failed miserably.) When she was shooing him away, Hiro realized that she knew who he was.

Thusly, he figured that it didn't matter whether or not he did it himself, he was going to be revealed anyways why not do it now? So, he jumped up onto the table and pulled his cap off revealing long black hair and yellow eyes. And… breasts?


Feith: No, Hiro does not look like the elder Toguro brother. In fact, he's actually a girl.

Jo: I think you revealed too much.

Feith: So? Anyways, review please. Thank you for reading my story.