Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ SAA: Sex Addicts Anonymous ❯ The Rules and Hiei's Torture ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Black: *holds up sign with evil face on it.*
Millie: -______-
Hiei: *holds up sign with picture of him murdering Millie*
B/H: Bitch!!!!
Millie: XD I do not, nor have I ever, owned YYH. Please enjoy ^_^ I know I am.
“So let's get this straight, Shorty and Foxy can't make love for six weeks?” Kuwabara asked the day after the tragic news was told to Hiei and Sarah. Melissa nodded, trying to hold back her laughter.
“Psh, make love. You sound like a host on a children's special.” Melissa replied with a roll of the eyes. Yusuke smirked and saw Sarah walk out of the room in an above the knee length skirt and a nicely fitted, dark green, v-neck, t-shirt that showed off her cleavage.
“Are you really that stupid?” Melissa asked her. “Hiei is going to go all googley eyes and get pissed that he can't tap that for six weeks.” She added. Sarah looked up from her shirt to Melissa and then back down.
“But I really like this shirt. It makes me feel sexy.” Sarah replied in a joking way. Melissa smacked her hand to her forehead and shook it.
“That's the point sis. You can't look sexy or feel sexy. That's giving in to the enemy of >_>…<_<…well…sex.” Yusuke stated. Sarah sighed and turned to change when she saw Hiei standing there, eyes wide and aimed at her figure. She stopped in her tracks and didn't know what to do. Hiei only closed his eyes and sighed.
“Dammnit Sarah!!!!” He cursed and ran back to the bedroom.
“I'm sorry!!” She called to him. “I'll go change!! You just have to…leave the room.” She added. Melissa handed her a grey hooded sweater to put over her top for the time being so that Hiei could come back into the room.
“Hiei come back in here, she's covered up. I think you two need to set some boundaries.” Yusuke called back to him from the kitchen with a chuckle here and there.
Hiei walked back in, sulking and sat on the window sill, his favorite seat. Sarah leaned on the wall on the other side of the room, arms crossed and hood up.
“Well is anyone going to say something about this?” Melissa asked.
“Well for one, I am having a great day.” Yusuke stated with a laugh once he saw how distant the two had become. “My sister is abstinent, my sister is abstinent.” He sang.
“Shutup!” Sarah snapped. “This isn't by choice damnit.” She added.
“Ok well Sarah, I have rules for you.” Hiei began, not looking at her. He couldn't look at her. She was wearing boots that led up her calf to just below her knee, drawing attention to her thighs that were being shown off by the skirt.
“Rules?” She asked with a raising of a brow. Hiei nodded, still trying his best not to look at her.
“Hn…yes. Onna, you can't wear short skirts, tight shirts, low cut anything, boots, heels, don't put your hair up; your neck will call to me if you do. No make up even though you don't wear any.” Hiei stated. “We can't train together because our bodies will clash and I'll be having you pinned up against trees during fights and that's not good when we have to go six fucking weeks.” He finished. Melissa was laughing, trying her best to stop or at least keep it silent. Yusuke was shaking his head. `Poor guy.' He thought, `six weeks without.' He looked over as Melissa and shook his head some more.
“More power to you Hiei.” He told him. Sarah turned her head and gave him a cold stare that would make even hell freeze over.
“Hn. There are rules for you too baka detective.” Hiei stated.
“Me?” Yusuke asked. He had nothing to do with anything, why should he have rules?
“Yes you; no talking about naked women, no playboy magazines, no talking about you getting any with Melissa, no nothing about any of that!” Hiei finished. Yusuke shook his head.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” He replied. Melissa looked over at Sarah.
“Do you have any rules for him?” She asked. Sarah sighed and nodded her head, still leaning against the wall.
“Hiei, no muscle shirts, no fixing things around the house to make yourself look like a hot fix-it man, no taking your shirt off EVER, not in training, not on hot days, not in the same room to annoy me. Also, wear all five of you belts at all times.” She added.
“Oh god.” Yusuke said once he heard this and shook his head.
“No bending over when you're around me, you know I'll be checkin' that out. Keep your cloak on at all times and I mean it. No being in tight spaces together like the bathroom, the attic, the closet, no collisions. You got all that?” Sarah asked. Hiei nodded and continued to look away.
“Can you go change now?” Hiei asked her. She nodded and walked away, back into the bedroom and changed into-
“And no wearing my clothes either!” Hiei called back. She sighed and put on her sweat pants and a ginormous t-shirt with CSI: Las Vegas written across the front. She put a hat on to cover her flowing red hair and long tube socks to cover any skin. Walking back out she noticed that Hiei was still in his normal attire, cloak off.
“Hiei!! Get your cloak on.” She demanded. He rolled his eyes and sighed, going back to the room quickly and getting his cloak, making sure to put on all of his belts right before. Walking out into the living room, Sarah turned her head to see him.
“Dammnit, why is he so irresistible? Ugggggh!!!” She mumbled. Melissa heard this and began smirking.
“Well you chose him.” She replied.
“CAUSE HE'S PERFECT!!!” Sarah shouted. Melissa shook her head. Hiei only blushed and went to sit on the window sill, looking away and out onto the field.
“Hn, if her and I can't train together then who do we train with?” He asked. Yusuke walked in wearing only his boxers. Melissa turned around to see him and smirked. Sarah was now in the kitchen at the open breakfast bar, looking out at the scene and saw Melissa's facial expression.
“Oh would you two fiends stop it!!! You know we're not gettin' any!!” Sarah blurted out. Melissa laughed a little and Yusuke smirked, walking back to his room and changing.
“We're not fiends. We're not the ones having to go without for six weeks.” Melissa stated. She was sitting at the breakfast bar on the opposite of Sarah, who was in the kitchen part at the moment. She was drinking a thing of grape juice, when she accidentally spilled it onto the floor, dropping the glass in the process, making it shatter.
“Shit.” She cursed. Hiei looked over and saw what had happened.
“I'll clean it up if you want me to.” Yusuke volunteered once he had changed into jeans and a black t-shirt.
“No, it's ok. I'll clean it up.” Sarah said with a sigh and she retrieved a rag from the kitchen pantry. Getting down on her knees, she began to sway back and forth, up and down as she wiped away the mess she had made, making grunting noises in the process. Hiei's eyes widened as he heard her sounds.
“Mmmm, uh.” She breathed. Hiei broke into a thin sweat on his cheeks as she continued to make those sounds. Her butt was in the air a little and oh how he wanted to go up and give it a little smack. She continued to rock back and forth, prolonging the process. This angered Hiei but he didn't want her to stop.
“Mmmmph.” She continued.
“STOPPIT!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” He burst out in the silence. Sarah turned around to see Hiei now standing up and looking her over.
“Huh?” She asked, getting up from the floor.
“You!! With the cleaning of the floor and the noise making and heavy breathing! I can't take it!” He confessed.
“Damn, she can't even do housework.” Yusuke stated. He now sat with Melissa at the breakfast bar as well, his arm around her shoulders and they were both looking at a magazine. Hiei walked over to them and wrenched his arm off of her.
“If we can't do it, neither can you baka.” He told them.
“But we aren't addicts!!”
“OH SUCK IT YUSUKE!!! WE ALL KNOW MELISSA HAS!!!” Sarah yelled. Melissa gasped loudly.
“HEY!!! LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS!!! And that is none of your business!!!” She snapped. Yusuke's cheeks turned a shade of pink and then he growled.
“If our sex life is your business then yours is ours!” Hiei spat. Yusuke shook his head.
“God I knew I was born with more brain cells, I'm the smartest.” Sarah said under her breath.
“WERE NOT!!!” Was all Yusuke could think of to say back. Hiei nodded his head.
“Yes, you are the idiot of your family.” Hiei retorted. Yusuke glared at the two.
“Leave him alone.” Melissa said. “He's smart enough and I love him anyway god.”
“I don't care, he's still a moron.” Sarah replied.
“Damn sis, that's cold.” Yusuke stated, still sitting in the same position as before.
“Well it's COLD that you two are making us do this. I'd just like to see you two try and do this.” Sarah spat back. Melissa shook her head rapidly.
“Nope, we don't have to.” She replied.
“NEITHER DO WE!!!!” Hiei yelled. Yusuke only rolled his eyes and walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. He grabbed himself a beer and handed one to Melissa.
“You hate me.” Sarah called to Yusuke, glaring at him the whole time. “You are a HORRIBLE brother!!” She added. Yusuke's eyes widened and then squeezed shut.
“I am not! You're just mad that you got caught up in sex with Hiei!” He replied.
“YES AND I LIKED IT!!!!” She called back. Yusuke's face went pale.
“I know….I hear you guys. YOU BROKE THE SOUND PROOF BARRIER!!!” He yelled. Hiei got red in the face once more and shook his head.
“Oh fuck this shit. I have to leave.” He said and began to walk to the door.
“See? See what you did?! WE CAN'T EVEN BE IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER!!!” Sarah stated as he shut the door behind him. “I'M HOOOT!! I WANT TO CHANGE CLOOOOOTHES!!!!” She continued to sulk and sigh and hang her head low, depressed. “I'M EMOOO!!!” She called out. Melissa and Yusuke shook their heads at the same time. “AND I'M LONELY!!!!” She sighed with a muffled voice. Her head was now resting on her arm, sitting at the breakfast bar.
Hiei was running around the field to let off some steam and feel the rush of cool air against his face.
“It gets so fucking hot in there! Why do we have to do this again? Oh yeah, that's right. WE DON'T!!” He talked to himself in the process and decided to retreat to a tree branch to get comfortable. Hours passed and the two continued to sulk in their separate places; Hiei in his tree, Sarah in the living room. The clock struck 12 and the stars were visible in the night sky. Sarah was groaning in boredom and abstinence as she sat on the couch.
“I guess I should go and change for bed.” She sighed. Getting up and walking into the bedroom, she closed the door behind her. She walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of tight sophie shorts and a big t-shirt.
“Hm, it's not like we are sleeping in the same room tonight anyway.” She told herself as she slipped off her shirt to reveal a blue bra. Little did she know, Hiei was right outside the window in his beloved tree branch. His eyes slowly opened when he felt the heat from the light across his face. He looked through the window to see that Sarah was fully unclothed besides her bra and matching underwear. She craned her neck back to give it a stretch before getting the shorts ready to put on. Hiei's eyes widened.
“Why…?” He said to himself, looking up at the heavens. “She's right there and on any other night I could just take her and make a night of it but this is CRUEL!!!” He stated. Sarah knew nothing about this and continued to stand there. He couldn't tear his eyes away. Her red hair traveled down to her back and settled just above her perfectly shaped butt that was now clad in red shorts. She looked around the room for her shirt and realized something.
“Psh, duh, I don't wear my bra to sleep.” She told her self and shook her head. Hiei's eyes widened even more as he saw her hands reaching for the clasp in the back.
“No…no please.” He said to himself. She pulled the straps down and soon it was off of her completely, her breasts now free from the containment of her push up.
“Ah, now that feels better.” She said to herself. Hiei only shook his head, his eye twitching. She looked down on the bed, her hands on her hips.
“What the? I knew it was here a second ago.” She told herself. She had somehow misplaced her shirt.
“Oh s-shit.” Hiei stuttered. “I can't watch this anymore. I'M A DEMON!!! I CAN'T CONTROL WHAT I FEEL!!! DAMMNIT!!” He finished, trying to shield his eyes but losing in the fight against raging male hormones.
“Shit!” Sarah cursed and walked around the room, leaning and bending over to look for it, making Hiei writhe in his tree with annoyance.
“Fuck Yusuke, damn Melissa. Fuck.” He stated.
“Oh there it is.” Sarah stated with a smirk as she found an over sized, white t-shirt with `Orange County Choppers' on the front. Slipping it over her small, but perfect frame, she smiled and looked around the room, seeing something in the window. She walked forward a little to see Hiei chewing his nails and staring back.
“Shit, she caught me.” He stated.
“Hiei?” She asked as she opened the window to see him. “Were you watching me change?”
“Awe, poor baby.” She said, wanting to hug him to make him feel better, but knowing she couldn't.
“Where are they? I'll kill them for doing this to me!” He stated. She felt so bad for him but didn't know what to do without kissing him, hugging him, or anything that didn't have to do with touching him.
“I am soooo sorry. I wouldn't have done it if I had known you were right there.” She told him in all honesty. Hiei only shook his head.
“Sleep…I need sleep. I can do anything in my dreams.” He replied. Sarah narrowed her eyes at him.
“With you onna, calm down. With you.” He confessed.
“Good. No other girls.” Hiei shook his head as she said this. Sarah sighed.
“Only…41 more days.” She said with a pallid complexion as if she were sick. She turned around and left the room, going into her room that belonged to her before she moved in with Hiei.
“Yeah yeah….41 more days.” Hiei repeated with a cringe.
Black: *still holding sign once more only Millie is dead and it says `I * Hiei and sex.'*
Millie: -_____- Oh god. Well R&R XD