Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Scars ❯ Pain-nice to meet ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My name is Samanta Jade Simons.
I live in NYC with my mother Ishizo, father James and my big bro Asshole,oops, I mean Harry.
Im half American half Japaniese. I have long red hair that reaches my ass, green-blue eyes, tanned skin and a hot body. Im a cheerleader, one of the best students in my school, very popular and pretty. Everyone say I have the perfect life. It really seems like it right?
But I know better. You see.. my father. He hits us. And by us I mean me,and mom. Sometimes when he comes back from work he brings his friends over and they pay him to hit me.
It's a litlle hard to hide the scars and bruises but some make-up and long sleeves fix the problem.
The hardest thing is not to go to the police and lock up the bastard. I know he's not my real father. Thats why he hits mom and me but never hits Harry.