Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Love of a Kitsune ❯ She's Not?! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[Disclaimer: If I owned YYH I wouldn't have nightmares of lawyers taking away my manga collection because I forgot to put this in. And trust me without manga life wouldn't be worth living…Whoa! Where did that whole poetic thing come from?]
Kit-Forest-Mistress: I'm sorry to all my other fans but you are now my favorite reviewer (next to Kagorin who is my dear friend). You wrote the most detailed and touching review of my career. Which, incidentally has only been a few months but you get what I'm saying. You touched my soul when you compared me to two of my favorite authors, JRR Tolkein and JK Rowling. I am honored to have such a high opinion from you. Thank-you.
Botan and Kurama Lover: Yeah, I love that chapter. It's all cool and threaten-y. Death threats made by an enraged Kitsune are insanely cool!!
Kagorin: Thanks Buddy!
Kitsune Kit: Petting ears is AWESOME!!!!! I know!!! I love it too!!! I'm glad you do!
JDFielding: I love Botan's thievery! Wait until she leaves Rekai (chapter 8. Sorry) that will be hilarious!! **wink, wink**
lil-rosa: Thanks! Here's your chapter!
Rogue Kitty: That is soooooo true!
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The Love of a Kitsune
Chapter 7: She's Not!?!?
“Hey Lord Koenma Sir!!” cried Botan as she walked into the toddler's office, smiling as she saw him at his desk amidst a sea of paperwork.
“Why hello there, BotaAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” he yelled as he looked up and saw his new ferry girl, “What the—?! What happened to you?!”
“We were hoping you could tell us,” said Yusuke from the doorway, “It was kinda weird.”
“Well, what happened?” the godling asked again though a little more calmly, “Maybe I can figure it out.”
So the Tentai launched into the retelling of the whole ordeal starting with Botan being captured to them walking through his door.
“Then Botan said `Hey Lord Koenma Sir!' and you said `Why hello there BotaAHHHH' and—,” rambled Kuwabara.
“We know Kuwabara so try and shut up for a second before you make an even bigger duffus out of yourself,” yelled Yusuke.
“Oh, right,” he said sheepishly, “Hey! Wait a second!” Kazuma seemed to have deciphered the `hidden' insult and was not pleased. “What do ya mean `bigger duffus'?? I'm gonna—,”
“Let's figure this thing out before you ramble empty threats to a person who could beat you with his pinky finger. Okay, Kuwabara?” said Botan.
“Okay!” said Kuwabara.
“Well,” said Koenma, who had ignored the little outbursts from the boys while pondering their story, “I think I have an idea about what happened.”
Everyone crowded around him, eager for an explanation.
“Yakimiko had adjusted the blast of the Staff so that it not only gave life but took it away. It had a small flaw though. He had it altered to kill Rekai souls, ningens, and demons, but Botan, in her solid body, is none of these.
“Since the staff was not created to destroy this kind of life form it thought that it was to place a soul in it like it's original purpose intended it to. In this way Botan was infused with some properties of a different Youkai soul.”
He turned slightly and looked at Kurama, frowning a little in deep thought.
“It is a little bit like Shuuichi and Youko really. Except instead of a dying soul entering a fetus body, a fetus soul entering a meant to be dying body.” He chuckled grimly, “Kinda ironic huh?”
“And weird,” said Yusuke.
“And confusing!” put in Kuwabara.
“There's a new soul in me?” asked Botan incredulously.
“Yes, baka ferry girl there is and you'll just have to deal with it,” said Hiei.
Botan glared at him but didn't get the chance to reprimand him as Koenma spoke up once more.
“I'm afraid you can't call her that anymore, Hiei,” he said quietly, and somewhat sadly it seemed.
“What do you mean?” asked Hiei angrily, “I can call her whatever I wish!”
“Not when it's not true,”
“Huh?” asked Botan, “It is true, though, Koenma. I'm a ferry girl, and I have been for hundreds of years.”
“I'm sorry Botan,” said Koenma as he changed into his teenage form and looked into her eyes, “You can't be a ferry girl anymore. Demons are not allowed to be ferriers of the dead. You were one of the best too.” She looked at him in disbelief. “I'm sorry.”
And he looked sorry too. He had to let go his best ferry girl and his best friend. He may have sounded harsh and impatient with her sometimes…okay all the time but she was the closest thing he had to a friend. As you can imagine the people who he harassed and DIDN'T pay all day were not very happy with him that often. He would miss her.
The Tentai were speechless. Botan? Not a ferry girl? It was absurd! She had always been a ferry girl and always would be!…Right? How would she survive? She loved her job, morbid though it was she still enjoyed it. As the boys saw the sadness grow in her eyes their hatred for the man who caused it grew. Yakimiko would die. They would make sure of it. No one messed with their friend.
“Cheer up, Botan! This could be a good thing!” said Koenma trying to lighten the mood with his false happiness. It didn't work. The sadness was still present in his eyes; “You can live in Ningenkai now! I know it was your favorite place.”
“Don't you think a few humans might be suspicious when they see these—,” she pointed at her ears. “—or these?” Her tails swished/cracked behind her.
Koenma turned and rummaged in his desk for a moment before turning around and handing her a ring.
“This will give you a human body,” he said, “When you take it off you'll revert to your demonic form again though.”
Botan nodded. Then a thought occurred to her.
“Where will I stay?” she asked quietly.
Koenma looked at the Rekai Tentai expectantly.
“Not a good idea about my place,” Yusuke began apologetically, “Mom's been less stoned lately. She's actually started asking me where I'm going when I go out!”
“I've brought home too many stray cats already,” said Kuwabara, “Shizuru will kill me if I bring home another one.”
Botan hissed angrily and flexed her claws threateningly.
“I doubt the onna would be very comfortable in a tree,” began Hiei, “Hn. And I wouldn't be comfortable with her there anyway.”
Everyone turned to Kurama.
“I'm sure mother wouldn't mind if I had a guest,” he smiled at Botan, “Especially the new exchange student I signed us up for.”
Botan smiled at him but then put on a fake pout.
“Darn!” she said, “I guess that means I'll have to go to school. Don't get me wrong I love school…It's just that if I'm gonna hang around with Kurama I'll have to put up with the glares of his fan club!”
Kurama blushed and everyone (minus Hiei and the kitsune) started laughing.
“Yeah!” put in Yusuke, “If you don't watch it you might not survive! A jealous woman's wrath is never pleasant let me tell ya!”
“I wouldn't know, sadly,” said Kuwabara, “My fan club is much too shy to show themselves so Yukina's never had the need to be jealous.”
Everyone was silent for a second as this sunk in before they burst out laughing ten times as hard as before. Even Hiei started chuckling at this absurd thought but soon he stopped and glared threateningly at Kuwabara. That thing about Yukina would not go unpunished.
“What?” asked the once again confused Kuwabara.
“N-Nothing K-Kuwabara,” stammered Botan through her laughter.
Soon the laughter died down and Botan looked a little sad again.
“I guess I'd better get my stuff,” she said a little depressed.
“I'll help you Botan,” offered Kurama who had recovered from his brief embarrassment.
She smiled and looked grateful.
“Follow me,” she said and walked through another doorway.
They emerged in a hallway the kitsune had never seen before. It looked a lot like the hall in an apartment building.
“This is the housing area for the ferry girls of Rekai. The ogres live in another hallway,” Botan explained.
“Oh,” acknowledged Kurama.
They continued on for a moment until they stopped at a light blue door that contrasted to the others that were dark green.
“Here we are!” Botan said as she inserted a small key into the lock and opened the door, “Home sweet home.”
It was a reasonably sized apartment. On the far wall of the living room was a large window that looked out on the beauty of Rekai. The walls were painted light blue with white trim. There was a small kitchen to his left (white walls and tile) with a bathroom and bedroom on his right. Inside there was an assortment of furniture as well, which complimented the color scheme.
“It's nice,” he said kindly though it was a little small for his liking.
“Thanks,” said Botan as she made her way towards her room, “I have had quite a long time to make necessary changes to it.”
Something glinting on a small coffee table caught Kurama's eye. It was a group of photographs. He smiled at their contents. It was the Rekai Tentai. The first one had Botan giving Yusuke a merciless noogie. It looked like it was taken before the youkai had met them yet. Then there was one where Kuwabara and Yusuke were running from Botan as she tried to hit them with her oar. They were all laughing. Next she and Hiei were standing next to each other. Botan had pie all over her face and Hiei was laughing at her. She didn't look amused.
One held Botan and Koenma laughing as Kuwabara chased a laughing Yusuke who had obviously done something insulting. Kurama chuckled when he saw that Yusuke was holding a razor and Kuwabara had a Mohawk. Then he saw one that made his heart flip-flop. One of the biggest pictures there was of him and Botan. They were hugging each other but they had both given the other bunny ears as the picture was taken.
Then there was one of all of them. Even Hiei was smiling. They all looked so happy and Kurama smiled as he looked at them all.
Yusuke had his arm around Keiko, Kuwabara and Hiei had their arms around their sisters, and Kurama was holding Botan. Koenma stood a little over to the side but even he smiled.
“We really are great friends,” said a sad voice from behind him.
He turned and saw Botan holding a small suitcase.
“I don't know what I'd do without you guys,” Kurama walked over to her, “I'm glad it's just Rekai I'm leaving and not you guys. I can deal with leaving my home…just not my friends.”
“We wouldn't be able to stand it without you either,” said Kurama as he placed his hands on her shoulders, “Just think what would happen! Hiei would kill Kuwabara. Keiko would probably slap Yusuke to death if he wasn't killed by demons first. Hiei would become a loner again. Yukina, Keiko, and Shizuru would lose their best friend. I…well…I would just miss the Hell out of you. We all would.” (A/N: that was a little ooc but deal with it)
Botan positively beamed and Kurama's heart swelled at her happiness.
“But why are we even talking about that!?” he asked suddenly, “Your not leaving us! You're just not a ferry girl anymore. You're still our friend Botan and you're going to be our friend for a very long time.”
“Definitely!” cheered Botan happily.
“Let's go,” he said, “We've still got to get you settled at my house.”
He walked to the door and held it open for her to walk through. She beamed and, with one last look at the home she had kept for more than half a millennia, walked through the door.
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[Yeah!!!! Good chappie except for the whole sad bits. Botan is staying with Kurama and gonna go to school with him! Isn't that convenient? **evil grin** Will Botan survive the evil jealous fangirls!? I sure wouldn't be able too since I am a crazed fan girl! **evil grin…again** Read and Review!!! Thanks! ^___^]