Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Past and the Heart ❯ Past ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"Come on mommy."

I was five at the time and still living with my parents.

I dragged my mother to the back yard by her hands.

"Ok Aiko I'm coming," she stated smiling.

We ran into the back yard where I remember having something for my mother and father.

I ran a head to a stop in the flower garden and knelt down. I carefully moved some flowers around and found the tow flowers.

"Mommy here, over here!" I yelled over my shoulder.

My mother came behind me.

"Look," I said pointing to the flowers, "they are the same color of your eyes and daddy's eyes."

The one that looked like my mother's eyes was a soft shade of gray, and my mother's eyes were gray also. My father's eyes were yellow, and the flower next to the gray one was a soft shade of yellow. The flowers were intertwined and hung on each other.

My mother smiled.

"Aiko they are beautiful," my mother said wanting to pick them.

I stopped her.

"No mommy, if you pick them then more flowers like these won't grow," I stated looking at them.

My mother placed her hand back.

"You're right Aiko," she stood, "how about we pick the flowers around it so that we can find them easier?"

I smiled and then nodded.

My mother went inside to grab our gloves. I carefully started to pull some out. When my mother came she handed me my gloves and we started pulling the flowers around the yellow and gray ones.

When we were down we heard some one behind us.

"Hey what are you two doing?"

It was my father.

"Daddy!" I shouted standing and running after him.

He knelt down and grabbed me in his arms. He then picked me up and spun me around. I laughed. My mother came up.

"Hello Kamui," as my father placed me on the ground.

He kissed my mother on the cheek.

"Hello Sakura," he stated staring into her eyes.

I tugged on my father's arm.

"Daddy you have to see what I found," I said pulling him towards the flowers.

He looked at the flowers and smiled.

"See this one is the color of your eyes," I stated pointing to the yellow flower.

He chuckled and then kissed my forehead. Just then there was a crash in our home.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

I came up to a house in the woods at the end of the trail. It was covered with moss and surrounded by trees, vines, and other wild plants. On the ground next to the house in the middle of a field of flowers were two crosses.

Hiei and the others peered behind me, and looked at me staring at the run down place.

"What do you think happened?" Yusuke asked.

"Probably something horrible in her past," Hiei stated staring at me.


We all rushed into the house and saw several men standing in our house. Two men were taking our things, another man sat in a chair watching them grinning, and another one stood by the doorway not moving.

The man in the chair stood up and looked at my father.

"Kamui, I believe you have something of ours," the stated glaring at my father.

My father stepped a head of my mother and me and placed his arm in front of us.

"What do you want?" my father asked sternly.

"We want the map back," the man stated with his arm extended.

My father glanced back at us. He sent my mother and me a telepathic message.


My mother slowly picked me up and jolted out the door.

"Get her!" I heard the man shout as my mother ran out the door with me in her arms.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

I walked towards the door and slowly opened it. It looked the same since the last time I saw it. Everything was dusty and dirty. I walked in further and saw that some of the things knocked down. On one part of the floor in the center of the house was a stain of blood.

The others followed me in and looked around also.

"Man what happened here?" Yusuke asked looking at the blood stained ground.

"My father's death," I muttered.


My mother and I ran faster and deeper into the woods.

"Mommy what's going on and what do those bad men want with daddy?" I asked as my mother continued running.

"Don't worry just don't look back," she stated running faster staring a head.

Her human body though couldn't run much longer though. Soon she stopped.

"They're up here!" one of the men shouted.

My mother looked back and then ran to the right near the forest. She hid me behind a bush leading to a small cave big enough for me to fit in only.

"Aiko you have to be a good girl and stay here," she whispered brushed some hair from to face.

"But what about you?" I asked.

"Don't worry just no matter what don't come out till it is safe ok," she stated staring into my eyes.

I nodded and she smiled. The men ran by and my mother ran out back to our house.

"Hey there she is!" the man shouted.

I waited in the small cave as their shadows rushed by. There were only two of them. I waited even longer until I heard my mother scream. I gasped and ran out.

I ran in the woods making sure that I wasn't seen. By the time I reached my mother, it was too late. The man that stood by the door from before had stabbed her with a sword. She coughed out blood and when he drew back his sword she feel to the ground. Hot tears ran from my eyes as I saw her blank expression hit the ground.

"Good now let's go back," the other man stated.

He sheathed his sword staring at my mother and then ran off. I rushed out the bushes and raced to her side.

"Mommy why did you have to hide me? I could have helped you," I cried as she raised her arm and gently brushed my cheek.

"Aiko, promise me that you will live."

I stared at her confused.

"You are so young and fragile my sweet daughter. You have not decided how you will live your life. Until that day comes Aiko, I want you to live and be happy."

And with that she passed away. More tears streamed from my eyed as I nodded.

"I promise," I whispered and kissed her forehead.

I then got up and ran to the house as quickly as I could. I walked around to the back of the house and peered inside. No one was there, it was finally safe. I walked inside and found my father lying on the floor. Blood covered his body as I rushed over.

"Daddy," I stated.

He looked over at me and smiled.

"Aiko," he whispered brushing my cheek.

I nodded.

"Yes it's me," I stated smiling.

"Aiko the map's within you," he stated.

I looked at him confused.

"Daddy I don't understand."

Before he could finish the sentence he died as well.

"Daddy… Daddy?" I questioned shaking him.

It was too late, he was gone. I didn't understand what he meant about the map. Just then someone stepped inside. I looked up and saw the person who killed my mother. He was as tall as me with black, spiky hair and red eyes while wearing a brown cloak. I jolted up and stood in a fighting stance. He stared at me and smiled.

He vanished in front of me and then appeared behind me. He grabbed both my hands and pushed me to the floor. He sat on top of me as a struggled under him to become free but it didn't work.

"If you struggle more then you'll just run out of energy faster and die as well," he stated.

"I don't care as long as I'm away from you and those people I don't care," I cried still struggling.

I soon stopped and tears fell from my eyes. Slowly he got up and I had a surprised expression on my face. He then helped me up. After that he walked towards the door.

"Come on Hiei hurry up!" the man shouted and then he was gone.

I stared at the door.

"I shall remember that name, Hiei," I thought as walked outside and started digging holes for my parents.

It seems that our own Hiei is apart of this horrible past. How will Aiko react to this? Find out.