Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thinking Of You ❯ Important Conversations ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Thinking Of You

Thinking Of You

"Goodbye mother," you said to your mother as she gave you another hug. It was about five thirty. We had been talking with her since noon. It was a pleasant, but long day. I like your mother. She smiled warmly at me and opened her arms. I tried to give her a short hug, but she held onto me. Both of you started laughing at me. I gave you both a slack glare. Of course you both laughed again.

"goodbye Shuiichi, Hiei. Come over as often as possible. I hope you didn't lose your job Hiei," she said as we left. She had insisted on paying the bill. Neither of us really liked the idea, but she wouldn't cave. We crossed the street, holding hands. You opened the car and we climbed in.

"What cruel and unusual things do you think he'll put us through?" I asked you. You chuckled.

"'Cruel and unusual'?" you asked. I growled.

"You don't seriously think he'll torture us, do you?" you asked as you pulled out. I sent you a glare.

"He might," I replied. You shook your head. "You never know with these Ningens."

"Oh please," you said. "He'll probably talk our heads off."

"Even better."


"Why does he care?"

"Everyone has their reasons."

"But what are his?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"He's your neighbor."

"Our neighbor Hiei."

"Now, yes. But he was your neighbor first."

"I think you're paranoid."

"I think he has a hidden agenda."

"Whatever. You sound like a conspiracy theorist to me."

"a what?"

"A conspiracy theorist. They think there is a hidden reason, or plot behind everything. The most prominent of their kind live in the US; they think the government is conspiring to hide the truth about aliens."

"You make it sound like they're nuts."

"They are."

"I'm not."

"how am I supposed to know that when you think our neighbor has a hidden reason behind inviting us over for dinner?'

"Like you normally do. Smile, laugh and support."

"Oh please."

"Please what?"

"Give it up."


"You're just making yourself seem more paranoid."

"Uh huh."


"Do you think Mukuro will let me keep my job?"

"well that was out of the blue."

"Do you?"

"yeah, she likes you enough."

"Do I hear a bit of jealousy in your voice?"


"Really? I thought I was yours."

"You are."

"Then you'll let me go back to her?"

"If you want to go, there's nothing really holding you back, I respect your decisions."

"what if I don't want to go back?"

"Then don't."

"Would you be happy?"


"Then I won't go back."

"But you love that job!"

"I love you more."


"I'll just tell Mukuro I don't want it right now. Maybe she'll take me back, when/if you go back to the Makai."


"Are we there yet?"

"We've been sitting in my parking space at the apartment for awhile."

"Oh… why didn't you tell me?"

"we were having such a meaningful conversation; I didn't want to stop it."


"Come on Hiei, we'll change into more comfy clothes before dinner. We have twenty-five minutes."


We got out of the car. I heard something behind us. I spun around, ready to defend you at the cost of my life. It was only Shizuru. I sighed. How did she sneak up on me? I guess I had been distracted.

"Can I talk to Kurama alone?" she asked me. I shrugged. You handed me the keys.

"I'll be up in a minute," you told me. I gave you a kiss. You smiled and shoved me in the direction of the elevator. I grumbled something and pressed the up button. I stood there for awhile, waiting for the doors to open. They did after awhile. I stepped in. But not before I heard her.

"Kurama, I have something I need to ask you," she said as the doors shut. I cursed softly. Maybe I'd use my Jagan to listen in, and then I decided not to, because you'd tell me what she had wanted anyway. I went to press the floor number. It was already pressed. I looked about the elevator. Alexi and Mitski stood in one corner of the elevator, staring at me.

"Uh," I started. They smiled at me.

"How did it go?" Alexi asked. Mitski nodded. I shrugged.

"She's too weird. She didn't even care. It seems she already thinks of me as part of the family," I said. Alexi gave me a thumbs up, as Mitski ran over and gave me a tight hug.

"Breathing is good for him," Alexi said after awhile. Mitski didn't let go. I tried to breath, but found I couldn't. I was getting light-headed.

"Breathing is highly over-rated," Mitski replied. "You never complained about not being able to breathe before."

"Uh…" Alexi tried to say. Mitski let go. I took in a huge gulp of air.

After a few minutes of regaining my composure I returned the question. "how'd it go?"

"They don't care," Mitski replied happily. She wrapped her arms tightly around Alexi. "I'm so happy!"

"I'm not quite sure if she's ever anything but happy," Alexi said. Mitski hit her upside the head.

"Baka," she said. Alexi rubbed her head. I allowed myself a small smile.

"Huh," Alexi replied. She cautiously moved away from her lover. "What a coincidence that we're both on the elevator at the same time, huh?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Where's your man?" she asked. I blushed slightly.

"I don't think he's my property. I believe I'm his," I said.

"Where is he?" she pressed. I shifted my feet.

"He's talking to a friend of ours," I said. Alexi shook her head. Mitski moved over to us and leaned on the wall. The bell dinged, and the doors opened.

"We're a bit early," I commented. "You can sit in our apartment until Kurama comes back, if you like."

"Sure, thanks," Mitski said. They followed me down the hall and to our door. I unlocked it and went in, they followed.

"You're not worried?" Alexi asked. I faced her.

"No," I said simply and went to the bedroom to find a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"By the way," Mitski said. She had followed me into the bedroom, where I was currently going through all `my' clothes. "What is your name?"

"Hiei," I said and picked up the shirt that said `wearing black until they find something darker'. I snagged a pair of pants and went to the bathroom to put them on.

"Thought so," Alexi was saying.

"so they're the two from the news stories," Mitski said in awe. I walked up to them, entirely comfortable in my new outfit.

"So?" I asked. They both jumped. I smiled and sat on the ground next to them, where they had parked themselves.

"It's so cool!" Mitski exclaimed. I sighed.

"She has a hyper-active disposition," Alexi said. She looked at her lover, who was now prancing about the living room. "Sometimes it drives me nuts."

"Sometimes?" I asked. A knock on the door sounded. I went over to answer it. You were staring off into space. I waved a hand in front of your face.

"Hiei, we have a problem," you said.

Yay! This is so much easier to write. That doesn't sound right… oh well. Spell check fixed it. Hoped you liked it. I now apply the standard disclaimer. If you don't know what it is by now, sucks to be you! Remember to review!