Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thirteen Fates 1: Siren's Song ❯ Serena ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kurama looked up from his notebook as another lightning bolt struck outside. He heard a door slam and footsteps outside his door,"Come in."

His mother walked in, cradling a small bundle in her arms,"Poor thing. I found her out in the middle of the street." She set the 'thing' down next to his notebook.

Upon closer inspection Kurama realized that it was a small dog, or, actually, a small, black wolf, with TWO tails?! Her fur was completely soaked, and her eyes shut tightly. The small creature stirred, but then collapsed back into a deep sleep.

Shiori gently stroked the small creature,"Poor little thing, half frozen, soaked to the bone, probably abandoned."

"Yeah,"Kurama nodded, examining the small wolf,'she's strong, even in this weakened state. Her spirit energy, it's like she's a demon!'

She suddenly stirred, and opened her eyes. She looked straight at Kurama, amethyst eyes shining brightly. Kurama couldn't move his gaze away from the small wolf, he just kept staring into her seemingly endless amethyst eyes. Even in her weakened state a fire burned brightly in the small creature's eyes.

'Those eyes,'Kurama's mind raced, trying to remember where he'd seen them before,'so familiar.....................Serena?'

"She needs a name."Shiori smiled.

"Serena."Kurama said, not really realizing what he was saying.

"Serena?!"Shiori was suprised that her son chose that name for the small wolf,'It must be her eyes, they seem so much like her's.......'

~*~Genkai's temple~*~

Yukina sat up and looked around, everything was blurry,'What happened?' Suddenly it all came rushing back to her,'Oh no, Mohroh!!'

"I see you're awake."Genkai sat down next to her,"Hiei found you in the forest and brough you here. You kept muttering things in your sleep."

"Yeah, tell me, did he see anyone else?"Yukina asked quickly.

"Yes,"Yukina's heart jumped,"a demon. All he could make out was a flash of gold, then it was gone."

Yukina's heart sank, it couldn't have been her,"Nothing else?"

Genkai just shook her head,"Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing."Yukina looked out a nearby window to hide her tears,'Mohroh, what happened to you? You couldn't have made a mistake, could you?'

~*~The next day~*~

"For a little fuzz ball,"Hiei groaned, watching Kurama's new puppy, officialy named Serena, jump around playfully,"she's very energetic."

"Especially after what happened to her last night."Shiori added, moving out of the way as Serena ran by her feet,'Just like the real Serena.'

Kurana bent down and picked the small wolf up,"I get the feeling you're going to be alot of trouble."

"Good, then I'm not losing it."Hiei rolled his eyes and scratched Serena's ears.

"Shuuichi,"Shiori took the small wolf out of her son's hands,"you're going to be late for school."

Kurama looked at the clock in suprise,"God, you're right!" He grabbed the bag sitting on the table and raced out the door.

"He can be extreamly fast,"Hiei sighed,"when he wants to be." He took Serena and followed his 'friend' out the door.

"Mohroh,"Shiori sighed,"again I feel your protection over this one as well."

From somewhere in the heart of the city a wolf howled sadly in reply to her words.

"I thought so,"Shiori smiled,"it's good to know Serena is back with us."

~*~Back to Genkai's temple~*~

Yukina sat on the temple roof and stared at the sky,"You can't be gone, you just can't, Mohroh."

"I take it Mohroh was someone you cared about."

Yukina spun around to see Hiei standing behind her, a small black wolf sleeping contentedly on his shoulder,"Y....yes."

"I thought so."Hiei cracked a small smile,"She had that affect on people."

"You knew her?"Yukina asked.

"All too well,"Hiei poked his sleeping wolf,"she never really seemed to die. Someone would kill herself one day and I'd find her sleeping in a tree then next day. It's impossible to get rid of her, no matter what you do."

"She really is dead this time."Yukina whispered sadly,"Her spell backfired. She was supposed to kill Marinak, instead the attack killed her, and I'm afraid he might have been sent to this world."

'Marinak, the demon king?'Hiei poked the sleeping Serena again,"When you control fate, anything is possible Yukina. Put your faith in Mohroh, it's next to impossible to get rid of that thing."Serena's amethyst eyes fluttered open and met Yukina's,"Her real name was Serena." With that Hiei vanished.

'Serena?'Yukina looked at the sky,'How does he know your name?'

~*~Outside Kurama's school~*~

Hiei set Serena down on the tree branch in front of him,"It's been a long time, old friend."

Serena looked lazily up at him, still annoyed about getting woken up JUST to see Yukina, then gave an annoyed snort.

"I know you can understand me, Serena."Hiei snarled, glaring at the small wolf,"Or should I say Mohroh."

Serena gave another annoyed snort,"You're....." Serena stopped short at the sound of her voice.

"Yes, you do sound like someone just sat on a squeaky toy."Hiei was having trouble keeping a straight face,"A broken sqeaky toy."

"Very funny."Serena rolled her puppy eyes and tried to make her voice sound more demonic, only resulting in a stranger sound,"I give up. How is it a fire demon I barely know can recognize me when my two best friends can't?"

Hiei took one of his hands and ran it down Serena's back, revealing three white streaks running down her back,"I'm the only one who's seen you in your wolf form, besides, the tails were a dead give away."

"I can't get rid of my tails!"Serena yelped, squeaking dangerously,"I'll lose what little power I have left!"

Hiei finally cracked, and broke into laughter, receiving a squeaky snarl from Serena, only making him laugh harder.

"Yeah, laugh all you want,"Serena climbed up his arm and then onto his head,"just wait till I get my full power back." With that she curled up, and fell asleep on Hiei's head, completely flattening his hair.

"Great."Hiei said sarcasticly, trying to pry the sleeping wolf pup out of his, only to have his fingers dangerously close to being bitten off,"Stupid flea bag."

"Yelling at Serena I presume?"Hiei looked down to see Kurama staring up at him.

"Well, you try having a squeaky toy fall asleep in your hair."Hiei snorted, feeling a something bite his ear,'Oh great, now I'm getting my ears pierced.'

"Just don't kill her."Kurama groaned,"The last thing I need to do is go home and tell my mother that her would-be-son killed my dog."

~*~Author's Note~*~

Done, finally. I finally got this published. My aunt, KaYuTa, has been writing here for atleast a year. She's an expert on all things Anime, and forced me to put this up, I'm glad she did.