Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ De-Clawed ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10: De-CLAWED
Kurama held on to Nyako tightly as they sat outside the temple before she needed to go home. Her heart was racing and he could hear it in his sensitive ears. He had to admit that his own heart was racing just as fast if not faster. The smell of her shampoo crept into his nose and made him feel relaxed. It was a faint smell of lilac; softly caught in his mind.
“What are you thinking `bout?” Nyako asked him. He pulled her closer to his chest as they both faced the night sky. She looked straight up at him and smiled when she found herself looking right into his green eyes. Kurama shrugged and let himself melt into her fiery magenta eyes.
“Nothing. Nothing at all. You?” He asked in return. She shook her head in response, letting the worries slip away.
“Nothing.” She smiled. He felt warm inside when she smiled; like all the wrongs had been righted and the universe was some how going to be right. Nyako nuzzled Kurama's shoulder and smelt the spot where she left her scent.
{I cannot believe I'm marking you.} She inwardly laughed.
{I can…} Kurama chuckled.
“You silly fox…” Nyako muttered as she played with Kurama's fingers, rolling them through her own so she could keep their hands warm. The two sat there for a while until Nyako pulled herself away from the fox and decided that she needed to head home before her father worried. Kurama reluctantly let go, trying to keep her as long as possible.
“Are you sure you want to go home? You can always stay.” Kurama asked politely, hinting that he wouldn't mind if Nyako stayed at the temple with him. Nyako shook her head and glared at the kitsune.
“Don't let your libido take over your brain, boy-wonder. I'll see you tomorrow.” Nyako laughed as she walked down the stairs and crossed the street towards her house. Kurama smiled and blushed a bit from the directness of her words. He didn't think that way always… just when she was around.
{Calm down!} Kurama reprimanded Youko
{Can't help it!!!} Youko purred
{You're going to have to try!}
Kurama watched as Nyako was finally out of sight, but far from out of mind.
& & & & & & & & & & NYAKO & & & & & & & & & &
Nyako walked towards her room without waking her sleeping father who was already asleep on the couch. She chuckled when she noticed him drooling on his pillow like a little kid dreaming about candy. It was funny, and for another night, the house didn't smell of alcohol. Momo followed her and batted at her ankles as she opened her bedroom door and her night vision kicked in. She made her way over to her bed and flopped down on it. It was soft, and she let her body relax into it. Her body tingled from head to toe as she thought about the kitsune and his sensual personality. It was stemming directly from Youko, who seemed to have set his eyes on her. Nyako's face blushed a dark red, covered by the blackness of the room.
“What has gotten into me?” She wondered out loud. Momo jumped onto the bed and nudged her legs, sending prickles down Nyako's spin. She turned over and looked at the cat, her green eyes wide in the night. A small amount of light escaped the window and fell on her mirror. She crawled over the edge of her blankets and pulled them back. Carefully she pulled off her socks and put on a big t-shirt before she crawled under them. Nyako felt herself curl up on her side under the blankets. Momo curled up on Nyako's pillow, purring the entire night. Quickly she let herself fall into a deep sleep.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HER DREAM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
She was standing with her mother and Ume-chan. They were smiling at her and she knew that she was dead. Her body floated to them and she felt their warm embraces as they hugged her tightly.
“Mom, Ume It's been so long! Both of them smiled sadly at her and nodded.
“Go back, Nya-chan. Go back.” Ume urged her. Nyako looked at her best friend like she was back from the grave.
“No! I'm finally with you! I can't go back!” Nyako said loudly, almost screaming into the void of death. Her mother placed her hand on Nyako's shoulder and looked into her eyes gently. Nyako had never seen burning magenta eyes turn soft and smoldering with love and admiration.
“Go home to your father. He needs you.” Her mother brushed Nyako's hair back behind her ears and kissed her forehead. Nyako's eyes watered as Ume and her mother walked away from her. Nyako ran towards them, tears falling down her face.
Nyako couldn't catch her mother and Ume. They were too fast, they were too far, and she was too slow. Nyako dropped to her knees and buried her face in her hands. She cried desperately for her mom to come back. To just spend a few more minutes together.
“NYAKO!” A voice screamed in Nyako's head. Nyako's body yelled at her, telling her that she was as close to broken as she could get. The rage under her skin started to build and she could hear ambulances and fire trucks near by. Her eyes were heavy and the bed below her was cold, as cold as cement.
{Cement.} Nyako thought to herself, realizing she was outside. A hand grabbed hers as she was lifted onto a set of warm linens. She tried to tell herself that she was fine, that she was having a realistic dream back at home, but she knew she wasn't. She was outside, her body was screaming at her, and she had just seen her dead mother and best friend.
{NYAKO! WAKE UP!} Kurama's voice screamed in her head.
{Go away…} She put up her walls again, keeping them strong so no one could cross. All she wanted was to go back to seeing her mother again. Her sweet smile and her gentle eyes filled Nyako with a sense of happiness that she hadn't felt in a while.
“Nyako! OH god! I am so sorry Nyako! Oh god! Please, Natsumi, don't take her with you! Please! She's all I have left! Nyako!” Her father panicked next to her. Nyako could feel the sadness in his tone. He honestly wanted her to live. The mention of her mother's name sent prickles down her spine.
“Hurry, she's bleeding really badly.” Another voice called. Nyako didn't know who it was, but she assumed it was the voice of a nurse. The voices started to get fuzzy, and Nyako's breathing slowed. Her chest was heavy as they lifted her onto another bed. She was going to die and all she could think was,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KURAMA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He sat by her bed and watched the breathing machine pump life into her. Nyako's black hair was straight and perfect from Keiko and Botan's help. Kurama introduced himself to Nyako's father under less than good circumstances, but the man seemed to be happy that Nyako's friends were there for her. He even left the hospital for a while to head home to grab some of her own clothes.
“Hey…” Kurama heard Yusuke's softer voice, reserved for the worst of times. Kurama looked up at the detective and noticed that he looked rather healthy compared to everyone he had seen lately; though Kurama was positive that being in a hospital with sick people didn't leave a high bar for healthy looking.
“Hi. Come in.” Kurama stood up and went of the his friend. The detective hugged him and motioned for Kurama to go back to sitting down. Kurama noticed that Kuwabara and Hiei had managed to show up too. All three of them looked nervous and angry.
“Any word on how she is?” Kuwabara asked the kitsune. Kurama sighed and ran his cold hands through his unwashed hair.
“The doctors said she is in a coma, and… they just don't know much else.” Kurama finished. He hadn't been totally honest with them, but then again, it wasn't all their business. Kuwabara nodded and Hiei looked completely uncomfortable to see Nyako with a set of tubes hooked up to her.
“What happened, fox. Weren't you suppose to be watching her?” Hiei demanded. Kurama looked at the Jaganshi, surprised. He didn't know that Hiei had cared so much.
“Her dad said that she just started sleepwalking and walked right out into the middle of the road. The guy who hit her stopped and called 911.” Kurama spoke softly. Yusuke sighed and rolled his eyes.
“At least he had the decency to call. Most drivers wouldn't.” Yusuke clenched his fists and looked at the kitsune. It was killing him to see Kurama this way. “Why don't you go get some sleep at home? Your mom is worried about you.” Yusuke mentioned. Kurama shook his head.
“I promised her father I would stay with her. You guys can leave if you are uncomfortable. I just want to stay by her side.” Kurama confessed. Hiei walked out of the room and tried to calm himself down. Kuwabara nodded and left the room too, waiting for Yusuke to make some last attempt to get Kurama to leave the health-depriving hospital for a little while. When it failed, he too left the room.
{I wish you knew how many people are here for you. Even some girls from school came by with cards from the classes. They worry about you too.} Kurama thought to himself.
{She looks so… fragile…} Youko admitted.
{Yeah. Of course she does.}
“Please, hold on.” Kurama begged Nyako.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NYAKO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{Where am I? Kurama? Dad?} Nyako asked herself. The place was pitch black and she was suspended in air. There was no room to close her in, and no matter what she did, there was no consequence. Nyako held tight to herself, trying to figure out what happened.
{What was the last thing I remember?} She asked herself. Images of her mom and Ume flashed before her. The blackness around her became a giant t.v. screen. Nyako remembered the horrible dream she had, and then nothing. It was black again.
{Why can't I remember what happened?} Nyako racked her brain but couldn't figure out what had happened. Hadn't she woken up yet? She didn't feel like she was asleep.
{Unless….I'm not awake yet. Then, am I still dreaming?} She asked herself. The reality was creeping upon Nyako faster and faster. She couldn't feel her heart beat anymore, but she knew she was alive. The pain came in tiny pings every once in a while; and although she couldn't tell time, she knew that it had to be night if she was still sleeping.
{I… I'm in a coma aren't I?! Oh god! I'm not dreaming, I'm in a coma!}
& & & & & & & & END CHP 10 & & & & & & & & &
Bunny: WOW! That took me forever! Woot! I am so happy it is done!
Kurama: I hate you >.<''' poor Nyako! *huggles Nyako*
Hiei: *growls*
Bunny: she's not dead at least! *threatens*
Hiei and Kurama: *glares*
Bunny: yeesh! Tough crowd! V.V''
Yusuke: Keiko brought flowers. She wanted me to mention that.
Bunny: Noted. I know Nyako would appreciate it.
Kurama: Don't talk about her in past tense! She isn't DEAD!
Bunny: Not yet. *winks*
Hiei and Kurama: *faints*
Bunny: I was only kidding…. @.@'''
Yusuke: They didn't know that.
Review and Read! You know I love when ya'll do that! Thank you so much to everyone who has been faithful and reading to see if I update anything, Sorry it has taken so long… I have a lot going on and most people know that sometimes writing does have to take a back seat until you can get your creative outlet or spark back. I just wanted to finish this before I head out to NC for my college tours there! WOOT!
LOVELS, chibibunny!