Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ 9 Lives ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 11:9 Lives
Kurama watched as the doctor's walked in and out of the room and checked Nyako's stats. He could feel the oppressing sense of misery and death in the hospital, but he tried not to let it get to him. There wasn't any way to fix what had been done. It was all up to Nyako right now.
- - - - - - - - - - - FLASH BACK - - - - - - - - - -
“There is always the slightest chance that she could make a full recovery. There isn't really anything we can do about it; it is all up to the will power of the patient. I'm so sorry.” The doctor said before he left the room, taking with him the only feelings of hope. Kurama looked at Nyako and sighed, she was so pale and fragile… there was an amazingly obvious chance she wouldn't make it.
- - - - - - - - - - END FLASHBACK - - - - - - - - - - -
Carefully Kurama brushed Nyako's hair behind her ear. She looked abnormal being hooked up to so many machines. One to keep her breathing. One to keep feeding her. One giant mess to keep her alive while she made the decision to live or die. Kurama felt like he couldn't take it anymore.
“Neko-chan, come back. I'm waiting for you.” Kurama whispered as he stood up to kiss her forehead before he left the room for a cup of coffee. It didn't look like Nyako was going to open her eyes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NYAKO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nyako sat in the room and watched the t.v. screen. It replayed her life over and over again. She watched as her father beat her in his drunken rages. She watched as her mother collapsed and died in front of her. She re-read the suicide note Ume had written her. It was a soap opera. Her life was a fucking soap opera.
{This sucks.} Nyako thought to herself.
{We'll that's what you get.} A voice said back. Nyako felt herself shiver.
{Who are you?!} Nyako demanded. The voice didn't answer back. Nyako tapped her foot impatiently and sank back into her chair of darkness.
{I'm still here.} The voice replied. Nyako tried to ignore the rude voice.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KURAMA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Genkai stopped by for a visit in the afternoon, giving Kurama enough time to work on his homework and send it to the school. He had taken to falling asleep at his normal times again, and even his mother had commented on how he was practically living in the hospital. The nurses knew him by name and many of them `ooo-ed' and `awww-ed' when they knew why he was there.
“You really need to get out more.” Genkai warned the kitsune. He was looked pent up, like a wounded fox in a small play pen. Kurama could feel himself getting sick of the hospital fast, but he needed to be there for Nyako when she woke up. She would. He promised himself that.
“I want to be here with her.” Kurama replied. Genkai nodded. She looked over Nyako and sighed. The accident was so soon. Genkai wasn't sure what to do.
“There is going to be a time when she can no longer stay here. When that time comes, you need to figure out what you have to do.” Genkai warned the boy. Kurama looked at her and nodded. He knew that soon she would no longer be able to stay in the hospital. It wasn't right for her.
“I know. I just hope it isn't any time soon.” Kurama said.
“For her sake, I hope so too.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NYAKO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nyako waited for what seemed like hours before the voice spoke again.
{You are so selfish.} The voice said.
{HOW!?!} Nyako argued.
{All you do is think about yourself. How your mother's death affected you, how Ume's suicide affected you, how your dad's drinking affected you…} The voice retailiated.
{And why is that selfish? It's my life. I have to look out for myself!} Nyako said.
{You haven't been over to Ume's house in a long time to see her parents. You never go and visit your mother's grave. And you barely give your father the time of day. Selfish.} The voice argued.
{Yeah. It's true. But I've been busy.} Nyako sighed. She was getting really fed up with this voice in her space.
{With Kurama.} The voice mocked.
{YES! WITH KURAMA!} Nyako yelled. {Why? Is THAT a problem too?!}
{Yup.} The voice said.
{WHY? What is your problem? Am I not allowed to have anything good in my life without being considered selfish for having it?} Nyako asked.
{You aren't being fair to him. All you care about is yourself. You put up walls and you never really let him know what is going on. You are selfish.} The voice said coldly. Nyako growled and shook with anger.
{You're a BITCH!} She yelled at the voice. The voice was too smug to reply.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KURAMA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Quick! Get some restraints!” A nurse called from Nyako's room. Kurama walked back from the vending machine and dropped his can of soda. Nurses and doctors flocked to the room to hold down Nyako. She was seizuring and shaking violently. Kurama ran to the room and frantically looked for Nyako's hand.
“Get him out of here!” A doctor called towards a nurse and Kurama. Kurama fought of the nurses and ran back to Nyako. The nurses tried to soothe him, but he wouldn't leave her. Her hands were shaking, but Kurama grabbed one and held on to it tight.
“Nyako! Wake up! You have to open your eyes! PLEASE!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NYAKO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“PLEASE!” Nyako's head turned sharply and she swore she heard Kurama's voice yell for her. She stood on her feet and she stopped feeling so angry. After she finally gave up searching for Kurama, she lie down on her back and sighed.
{This sucks. I want to see my mom.} Nyako complained.
{You are such a baby.} The voice teased. Nyako growled and rolled on to her stomach.
{I'm going to see her. And Ume-chan too! You can't stop me.} Nyako yelled at the voice. The voice didn't answer. Nyako waited for some reply, but there wasn't an answer. {You can at least yell at me or something. This no talking thing is painful. I don't want to be alone here.} Nyako said.
{Hurts worse when I leave you alone. You aren't alone. You have Kurama and your father. They are both with you. You just need to wake up and see them.} The voice pushed. Nyako shook her head.
{I don't want to go back. It is my chance to escape this weird life I have to live. Kurama will be better without me. Besides, my father is doing better. He doesn't need me causing trouble.} Nyako looked down at the bottomless floor. She tried to forget about all the warm feelings Kurama conjured up when he was near. There was a passion in herself that she didn't understand when it came to him.
{Fuck you, voice!} Nyako growled.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KURAMA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He watched as they took off the restraints and brushed her hair out of her face. Kurama squeezed her hand as she suddenly calmed down. The night was beginning and Kurama could feel himself getting sleepy.
“I have to go soon Nyako. I'll stay a little longer, but I will have to sleep at home tonight.” Kurama told her. She didn't make a sound to try and make him stay; she didn't even try to kiss him good night. Kurama's eyes felt the pressure of tears, but he brushed them aside, trying to be strong for her.
“Shuichi, it is almost time to go; don't worry, we will take good care of Nyako for you.” A nurse promised. Kurama nodded, kissed Nyako on the forehead and walked towards the doorway. She looked less fragile that day, and Kurama noticed how her nails were growing longer and longer each day.
{I love you. Come back to us.} Kurama thought to himself.
# # # # # # # # # END CHAPTER 11 # # # # # # # # #
Bunny: WOOT!
Yusuke: You tired yet? *yawns*
Bunny: *yawns* yeah, I am…. But I wanted to get two chapters in before I left for NC.
Keiko: Good job for pushing yourself! See what you can accomplish Yusuke?? SEE!! *pokes Yusuke*.
Yusuke: Yeah… I get it… Ready for bed Bunny-san? *throws blankets at Bunny*
Bunny: *nods* You got it.
Bunny and Yusuke: *fall asleep on the floor with Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara*
Keiko, Botan, and Yukina: We just don't get it. They are always tired!
Bunny: *yawns* we are so… active….
Hiei: *nods* hnnnnnnzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZ zzzzzz
Kurama: *pokes Hiei* sssshhhhhhh
Hiei: *stops snoring*
MMMKAY! Don't forget to review a bit and spread the word that I am amazing. =]
Ohhhkay, you don't have to spread the word, but you can if you would like!
Lovels, Bunny-chan!