6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 6teen/ 7teen: the beginning of a new friendship ❯ A Love Triangle? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm-clock. It sure felt nice being finished with school so I didn't have to wake up earlier.
Of course 7:00am was still kind of early for me, but I wasn't waking up to get to work early. The Mall was open, but most of the stores were still closed.
I was really waking up to for a jog, and to take Penny for a walk. The poor little dog, she was all I had for company in this big place.
When I wasn't home during the day, I had special things made for her so she could learn to take care of herself if I wasn't there.
Her food dish had a special drum of dog-chow attached to a little chute that traveled into the bowl. So she would never run out of food.
If she needed to answer to nature, well that's partially what the walk was for, but during the day she could use the doggie door to the balcony and go in a litter box I taught her how to use.
Penny really was a good little dog, and I loved her very much, but still, every now and then I wondered how much nicer it would be to have some faces of my own species to be around.
I got on my jogging clothes and Penny and I headed out.
The sun still hadn't risen too high yet, so the sky was pretty much still in dawn-daylight, but the perfect time to go Jogging.
I let Penny do her business in a filthy tunnel-way before heading onto the park.
We jogged a little ways around the park three times until we decided to stop and rest on the bench. I brought a cool bottle of water, and gave Penny some in a tiny bowl.
As I sat there admiring the view, and watching Penny playfully sniff around, I began to wonder. Should I really take up Danny's wedding invitation?
What could I do? This was a guy who really hurt me bad. But on the other hand, he was family, and the only caring family I ever knew.
Mama died when I was little, and Pop was a drunken idiot. Danny on the other hand helped me, he buttered me up when I was down, he gave me a home, and a happy life I always wanted.
Maybe I should consider dropping the restraining order, and accept his invitation.
To the insensitive guy who left me all alone, with no friends, no family, and I was afraid of taking certain things in life up a level.
Forget it!! I had enough money to look after myself, and I was strong and tough to fend for myself. I was perfectly happy on my own… I was.
Just then, My Cell-phone Rang, to the Ring-tone Bye, bye, bye, It was a text message from Danny asking me not to hate him and to come to the wedding.
I just deleted it.
I stood up gently, “Come on, Penny, let's go home.” I said, it would deep morning soon, and I had to get to work.
Later that Day
The mall was completely opened up for business.
Caitlin had just opened up the Lemon, and the guys were all gathered for a quick squishy before heading to work.
“You look tired, Caitlin.” Said Jen, “What's wrong?”
Caitlin yawned a big one. “I hardly got any sleep last night.” She said. “I was up all night thinking about what Tricia and might try to do to Mykan.”
“Well I was up all night thinking why, Amelie was acting like the way Tricia does when she flirts with him for.” Said Jonsey,
“You're telling me!” snapped Jen, “You were up all night listening to rock music to try and help you take your mind off of it, and kept me awake too.”
“Okay…” said Jude. “I don't like where this is coming from, I'll head to work early. Later!”
Wyatt saw that all the grumpiness wasn't going away that easy, so he decided to get some coffee.
Wyatt sniffed his Stimu-latte. “Ahh… 25 percent cream, the perfect coffee.” He said to himself.
“Only you'd know that.” Came a familiar voice from a table behind him Wyatt turned and saw his girlfriend waving to him.
“Well… good morning Serena.” He said as he sat down. “You look prettier every time I see you.”
“Hmm, mm… thanks, Handsome.”
As they chatted, Serena showed Wyatt the latest Magazine scoop about a love triangle going on in the mall.
“A love triangle?” said Wyatt. “Not every day you see one of those. Whose the unlucky one?”
She handed him the magazine, and Wyatt gasped. The unlucky person at the top of the triangle was, Mykan Spotswood, and the two girls at the bottom, competing for me were Tricia, and Amelie.
The headline also said everything about me in the story Wyatt told the guys last night.
I was owned and ran my own business. I was a high-school graduate with no need for college or university. I was great at being a one-man keyboard band, and a good comic artist.
But most importantly, I was single.
Wyatt suddenly heard a scream coming from the mall. It was me, and I was being pursued by no less than seven pretty girls.
“Oh, no!” Wyatt cried. “Sorry Serena, but I have to go!” and he left.
“Gee, sounds like someone's a little over excited.”
I finally made it to the safety of Comic Cavern and was able to lock the doors tight and block off the entrance with the bars.
The girls just kept pounding on the glass begging me to let them in, but this was nuts.
“I need a break from all this.” I said sadly. So I walked up the stairs to a room marked Do not enter!
I unlocked the door and turned on the light switch. If anyone ever saw this room, they'd be dazzled.
Large coy ponds in all four corners of the room. Oversized potted plants and artificial plants. Much like a regular forest.
So I switch on the boom-box to play the Zelda Forest Temple music, and changed the light colors in the room to a type of Amazon color to match the room around me.
This room was my private sanctuary. My special place to get away from the outside world, and also the place where I work on my secret project.
I always wanted to have my own comic series, and have been trying to work on some to start, but I always ended up doing the same thing.
Added a girl into the picture. One special girl.