Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Shared Wishes, Shared Lives ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shared Wishes, Shared Lives
Chapter Four

"Calexia... What did you find?" Ranko asked.

"A lot of things, Ranma. Very few of which I like."

"You want to tell us now or wait for Urd?"

"No need!" Urd called from the living room.

"Ranma what kind of people have you gotten involved with this time?" Nabiki shouted.

"Urd, tell me you didn't!" Ranko wailed.

"It was fast and keeps the Mercenary here from selling your location." Urd replied.

"You know, I'd resent that if it wasn't true." Nabiki drawled entering as Ranko poured more tea. "So why did you want to see me, Ranko?"

"Call Kasumi. You're having dinner with us tonight." Ranko said decisively. "Urd, did you bring- Ah, Tofu san."

"Ranko, I'm not sure which is stranger for me, making a house call for you anywhere but the Tendou home or coming through a television to do it."

"That will lend some credence to the tale I'm going to tell, but what you hear tonight does not go beyond this house on fear of death. Am I clear?"

Tofu and Nabiki both nodded silently though Nabiki leveled a steely gaze at Ranko.What's happened to change you so much Ranma? She thought.

"Then Bell and I will go prepare dinner." She said firmly.

Dinner itself was a quiet affair with small talk before Skuld stopped in mid bite. "You! Do you have any idea how many bugs were at Furinkan? Hundreds of thousands of the evil little things." The goddess of the future and system debugger twitched slightly.

"Oh yes." Calexia said calmly. "That place is totally off limits for debugging. You'd need the equivalent of a nuclear bomb to clear the place which would still do nothing to stop the cause." Skuld grinned as her hands started twitching. "Don't even think about, Skuld! Those orders come from Kami sama. You wouldn't go against him would you?"

"Umm... Let me get back to you on that." Skuld said.

"Well for once we can't blame this all on Ranma." Nabiki said as the dishes were cleared and a very male Ranma returned to the table. "That place has been a nuthouse... for as long as anyone can recall." Nabiki made a mental note to investigate that. "And now Ranma, What happened to you? When did you grow a spine?"

Ranma smiled. "Have you ever known me, Nabiki? Honestly."

Nabiki opened her mouth automatically, then paused a long minute. "Guess I haven't, Ranma."

"Would you like to?" He asked extending his hand.


When the circuit was broken five minutes later a sobbing Nabiki fell into Ranma's arms as he cooed and soothed her. "Now what happened to that cheerful girl who cried over butterflies and loved chocolate chip cookies?"

"She went to keep her mother company, so she wouldn't be lonely." Nabiki sniffled. "Can I kill your father?"

"There's a few others in line for that job." Bell said grimly. "But we'll pencil you in for the lynch mob."

"Amazing. I thought the system might have mistaken it, but it really is a cyclic empathy loop." Calexia said in amazement.

"Explain." Ranma said coolly, still holding Nabiki close.

"A CEL is exactly what the name and experience implies. You feel the other persons feelings. You live their life. In some cases you may even start taking on aspects of the others personality. You'll still be you, but you'll have a bit of Nabiki and anyone else you linked with. And they'll have a bit of you."

"And why did this start happening to me now?"

"Well, when did you first experience this with?"


"And what were you feeling, Bell?"

Bell sat with her eyes closed and her lips pursed in thought. "I was realizing for the first time how truly lonely I was without Keiichi."

"Loneliness. That's what I felt too. Bell's simple act of kindness reminded me how truly alone I'd been." Ranma murmured.

"That's it then. Similarly intense emotions." Calexia said, staring at the thick folder in front of her. "One mystery solved."

"Calexia? What did you find?"

"It won't hurt to put this off a touch longer. Tofu san, I understand Ranma was very badly injured. Would you examine him please? I've studied his file and he has a tendency to run himself ragged."

"As a friend of mine once said, I'd argue the point if it wasn't true. You gonna be alright?" He asked. Nabiki nodded and smiled as she regained her composure but not her full Ice Queen facade. Though I wouldn't mind if I never see Ice again. The whole family looks so nice when they smile. Ranma thought as he exited with Dr. Tofu.

"By the Kami Ranma!" Tofu murmured looking over the few remaining scars from the latest battle. "This level of damage should have killed even you."

"Would've too, if it wasn't for Bell and her sisters." Ranma sighed feeling much older than his seventeen years.

"How did this happen?"

"Food." Ranma said simply.

"Food?" Tofu echoed.

"Yeah. I just wanted a nice quiet lunch, so I got up early and helped 'Sumi san make an extra large bento for myself. This way I wouldn't have to worry about Amazon ramen, over friendly Okonomiyaki chefs, deranged gymnasts, and well intentioned tomboys."

"Let me guess. They all got offended. Their significant suitors joined the chase. And the fathers came to press the engagement issue."

"Got it in one, Doc." Ranma sighed again. "Why is it that everything I do, no matter how well intentioned, never works out the way it's supposed to?"

"Believe it or not Ranma, it has to do with your soul." Calexia said from the doorway. "What's the prognosis?"

"He's fine now. The damage to his knees was the worst. But you are to take it easy for at least a week. I want you stay away from any stressful areas."

"In other words stay out of Nerima for the duration. Done." Ranma said with a touch of regret to his voice.

"Doctors orders. I don't wanna see- not I don't even wanna sense you in Nerima proper until at least next Friday. In either form."

"You are such a killjoy, doc!" Ranma groused. "And I thank you for it. You know how long it's been since I actually rested till I recovered, as opposed to just being functional? It'll be a nice change."

"Good." Calexia said. "Now I think we've put this off long enough. Back to the table everyone."

When everyone was seated again Callie opened her folder to reveal a sheaf of transparencies. "I thought about doing this on the computer but I'm still an old fashioned girl. Besides, any dope can animate images on the computer. This way takes real style." With a grin she reached to the bottom of the stack and drew a piece of paper which she laid down. "All right Ranma, this is your core soul. No matter how many times your body reincarnates, this remains the same."

"Okay. Why is it shifting like that and that red lattice isn't normal is it?"

"Your soul is shifting because you're an unknown." Skuld said. "In addition to being a system debugger, I'm also the goddess of the Future, just as Bell is the present and Urd is the Past. I... I can't see your future, Ranma. Just fog, and a flash of fire. You attract chaos... Or you're attracted to it."

"And as far as the lattice... I've rarely ever seen it, but it's a Venus Matrix." Urd said. "This is the first time I've ever seen it grafted directly to a core soul."

"What exactly does it do?" Ranma asked.

Urd pursed her lips. "Better to use an object lesson. Skuld, how do you feel about Ranma?"

Skuld jolted and hung her head. "I- I care about him a lot. I think I love him."

"Why?" Urd asked.

Skuld stared for a long a moment as she thought.. "His intellect. Everyone seems to think he's stupid but he picks up everything so quickly." She blushed as she looked at the striking young martial artist across from her.

"Okay." Urd said crossing behind her youngest sister and covering her eyes. "Now, just imagine Ranma's been badly injured. There's been severe brain damage and the doctors say he'll have the intellect of an eight year old.. Do you still love him for his mind?"

"Yes! It doesn't matter! I can help reteach him! Anything!" Skuld said panicking.

"Easy Skuld, easy." Urd said soothingly. "See? Ranma's fine. Whole and happy."

Skuld relaxed and gave a happy sigh. "I'm sorry but the thought of Ranma not being here just..."

"Scared you witless, didn't it?" Urd asked as Skuld nodded.. "The Venus Matrix is a companionship aid. When Ranma finds someone he finds attractive, the matrix brings out something in him that they will find attractive and sort of amplifies it."

"So these feelings... aren't real?" Skuld said, sagging in depression.

"On the contrary Skuld. They're quite real." Callie said. "That's part of Ranma's fiancée problem. The matrix just gives you two a starting point, or anyone for that matter."

"So what your saying is that everything me, and Akane and the fiancée brigade feel for him is basically all Ranma's fault?"

"Basically yes." Callie said reaching for a transparency before Ranma caught her hand.

"And why exactly did you count yourself among that number Nabiki?"

The middle Tendo sighed. "I should have known you wouldn't miss that. I certainly wouldn't. I, ah... I did the one thing I swore I'd never do."

Ranma laughed ruefully. "Why?"

"Because you can be so ruthless when you put your mind to something and yet you're so caring. You were the one I actually thought would melt my heart, and in a way, tonight you did."

"Then why-"

"Did I treat you like I did? I was trying to push you away. I'd rather have seen you and Akane happy with each other than to break your heart myself."

"Oh my." Ranma said massaging his head. "I can see that this Matrix is going to be a bit of a headache."

"Well Ranma, would you rather not know, and leave me pining?"

"Like Kasumi? I'm not as stupid as everyone thinks. I've seen the way she looks at me when she thinks I don't see." Ranma scrubbed at his eyes. "I didn't want to drag anyone else into this madness."

"Well, Ranma, let's continue." Callie said. "This is one of those things that startles me. You've got more energy than anyone has a right to and of so many different types I don't know what to make of it. You've got Jurian energy... this looks Saiyan energy... This is from the Silver Millennium.... and there's others that I can't quite identify, not to mention more ki than your entire pack of fiancées and rivals combined."

"What does that mean?" Ranma asked.

"You've got power Ranma. More power than any single individual should. I mean, even though most of it's dormant you shouldn't be sitting there. It should've vaporized you a long time ago."

Ranma took that in and sat quietly for a long moment. "Why?"

"I... I don't know Ranma. The only thing I know for certain is that you're never given something if your not going to need it. I just hope we never see the reason for all that power."

"You and me both." Ranma said frowning in thought, as Callie drew another transparency.

"Splish splash Ranma." She said. "It's your curse. Pretty simple really. A template form, a water trigger, and a water attraction geis."

"Funny. I always thought that my curse would be more impressive, but you know what? After all this time...."

"You accept it now, don't you?" Belldandy said squeezing his hand with her gentle smile.

"Yeah... I guess I have." Ranma said with a slight smile. "Now if it wasn't for the annoying tendency to be triggered at the worst times... I'd like a little control. "

Skuld picked up the transparency and started gnawing on her knuckle. "I'll get back to you on that." She said absently.

"This is the last thing and it's what scares me the most." Calexia looked grim as she held up the last transparency. "Do you know what this is?"

Ranma instinctively recoiled tumbling out the chair and backing up close to the wall. Nabiki and the goddesses cringed back as well. "N-n-neko-ken?"

"That's right and wrong. It's actually a demonic taint."

"But how..." In unison five people began mentally reviewing the memories of the pigtailed martial artist.

Nabiki found it first and bolted for the bathroom. A loud retching was heard before she staggered out looking a little green and more than a little haunted. "Ranma, the attempt right before you mastered the Neko ken for the first time. Do you remember the cat? The cat with the fangs?"

"The cat that grinned..." Ranma shuddered at the memory. "But he wasn't a cat. He was... an exaggeration. It was as if his body was warped to the point that you'd think he was a cat..."

"But you wouldn't want to look to closely. None of the other cats would go near him." Urd said. "Neither in the cage or the pit."

"They feared him. I feared him." Belldandy murmured losing herself in Ranma's past. "Then Pops threw me in."

Nabiki picked up the tale now. "The other cats got as far from him as they could and he came to me and he raised his paw... his claws flashed in the muted light of the pit just before-"

Ranma doubled over clutching his chest. "So.. c-c-cold... Like he froze my..." Ranma suddenly straightened up and bolted for the bathroom himself.

Bell and the others glanced at each other before Bell and Nabiki followed to find Ranma peering into a mirror.

"Ranma?" Nabiki touched his shoulder causing Ranma to slump to the floor.

"That pointy eared little demon stabbed me in the heart with those claws. It was so cold. Like he froze my soul." He said dully.

"The eyes... Your eyes haven't always been that icy blue, have they?" Nabiki asked as she drew Ranma closer to her.

"I'm not sure.... but now, I'm guessing not." Ranma said as Bell helped him to his feet.

"So..." Calexia asked. "How did that end?"

"Where's Skuld and Urd?" Ranma asked curiously.

"Skuld went to check on something and called Urd back a moment later."

Ranma shivered violently as Nabiki placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Ranma, what's wrong?"

"Ranma has the willies!" Ranma said in an exaggerated Chinese accent. "Sorry. Got that off an American martial arts cartoon. But it definitely fits what I felt just now. Anyway, the short version is after small, black and creepy stabbed me in the chest, he vanished and the c-c-cats... No! No! Daddy Help! Momma, don't let the cats hurt me!"

In an instant Belldandy had Ranma cradled in her arms as she soothed and cooed to him. Meanwhile Nabiki moved between Calexia and Tofu and lowered her voice. "The cats weren't going for the food that time. Whatever that thing did to Ranma, they sensed it. They sensed it and they tried to destroy it. After Ranma recovered from what should have killed any other child, his father threw him in and they attacked again. Ranma fought back the only way he could."

"The neko ken." Tofu mused over his tea as Ranma's wails of fear began to subside. "He established himself as a superior cat. Has he had any problems since then with feline attacks?"

"Not that I can recall." Nabiki mused closing her eyes to sift through Ranma's memories. "With the exception of Shampoo... I really ought to see about deporting them." She logged that thought and continued on. "Feline aggressiveness isn't really an issue for Ranma. I wonder why he wanted me here, though." She mused aloud as Ranma slowly regained his composure.

"Almost f-forgot." Ranma said. "I need something arranged." He grinned slightly as he outlined what he wanted. "Can you do it?"

"You know I can, Ranma." The middle Tendo said almost contemptuously.


"No charge Ranma." She smiled. "Tonight you reminded me of something I thought I'd lost forever. You reminded me... of the hope I used to have."

"Are you absolutely sure?" Urd asked as she and Skuld rejoined the group.

"That is his signature and I'd really much rather not get this the other way." Skuld said. "But I understand why this freaks you out. This is highly irregular."

"What is?" Ranma asked quivering as the last vestiges of fear left his system.

"Ranma, the GRO has designated you worthy of a wish." Skuld said.

"That's not so unusual." Bell said.

"Belldandy... You've been designated as a recipient as well."

"What? That's not possible. Goddess grant wishes, not make them."

"If you want to argue with father, you're welcome to it, but as the two parties specifically designated to grant these wishes, we'll take our chances. Skuld, which one will you take?"

"Gotta take Bell. I don't trust my emotions around Ranma."

Urd grinned. "Fair enough. We'll be in the kitchen." With that the Goddess of the Past whisked Ranma out of sight as Skuld and Bell adjourned outside.


"You know my life so well Urd, you know this isn't gonna be easy for me. There are a thousand things I could use this for. To cut back fiancees."

"To get rid of the Amazons."

"To see my mother again."

"To repair Ukyo's honor."

"To cure my curse."

"To cure Ryouga's curse."

Ranma wandered over to a picture of Keiichi. "I could bring him back." He whispered running his hand along the frame.

"Ranma." Urd said hesitantly.

"Oh I wouldn't actually do it." Ranma said. "I'm sure that he's happy wherever he is. It's just... I know I've been playing second fiddle to him since I've been here, and it's not fair to me, or him... Or Belldandy." Ranma raised his hand to cut off Urd's argument. "You can't just expect to step into someone else's life and fill the void but still I wish-" He paused as the words hung in the air and then looked again at Keiichi's picture. "I wish that Belldandy... had someone to share her loneliness with."

The last thing he saw was Urd's genuine smile of peace as her facial tattoos flared to life.


"I know I shouldn't cut corners Bell, but you know the pitch. A single wish." Skuld said.

"I think we can over look the formalities this time around, Skuld. I suppose every goddess thinks about this question. And now here in my lap I've been given the chance." Bell chuckled quietly.

"And all you can think about is Ranma?" Skuld gave her older sister a lopsided, but sympathetic grin.

Bell sighed and smiled serenely. "It's strange, Ranma is the first mortal in our lives since Keiichi. He's just so... " Bell trailed off gazing at the stars. "Nobody deserves to be alone. I wish... that Ranma had someone to share his loneliness with."

Skuld gaped in shock as the wish was sent to the Yggdrasil system....

Only to intercept a second wish en route spiraling together in a brilliantly glowing helix that exploded into a brilliant starburst.

"That's never happened!" Skuld said scrambling to her feet as Ranma and Urd bolted from the house.

"Bell," Urd asked anxiously. "What was your wish, verbatim please?"

" 'I wish that Ranma had someone to share his loneliness with.' Those were-"

"My exact words." Ranma said. "Except my wish was for you."

At that moment a brilliant column of light slammed down on Skuld and Urd causing all present, mortal and immortal alike to shield their eyes.

"Wish Approved." They said in unison.

"However," Urd said. "There's been a glitch. Due to your wording, the system interperted it as a single shared wish. We'll know more once we get the final Kami approved contract, but for now... Ranma, meet your fiancee, Belldandy."

A/N: Mwah! Another masterful cliff hanger! Yes I was poking fun at all the various Ranma crosses. And what does Ranma have planned that he needs Nabiki's help? And Belldandy is WHAT? Yes I'm evil, and proud of it.

However this story is on indefinite hiatus while I return to some of my older projects, and maybe something new as well. *listens to the wailing fans* But here's a teeny little sample of the next chapter for you to enjoy.

^ ^ ^

"Mother," Ranma took a deep breath and poured the cold water over his head causing the change from tall brunette to busty red head. "I'm afraid you've been deceived."

"Pig tailed goddess!" Kuno cried. "At last I may free you from the clutches of the violent sorcerer Saotome! Tell me, fair maiden, whence has the fiend fled?"

"Kuno you baka! I am Ranma! It's a curse!"

"Scarlet harridan, you lie like the common slut you are! You are not my Ranma sama!" Kodachi screeched snapping out with a ribbon.

In a blur of motion Nabiki was on her feet catching the ribbon an instant before yanking forward dragging Kodachi to the floor and dropping one knee to her throat. "You will not interrupt! It took him two years to gather the courage to do this! Two years in which everyone in this room tried to make him into something he isn't or use him to their own ends. That's going to end tonight, and anyone who interferes -be they fiancée," She glared at Shampoo. "rival," Ryouga was now the recipient of a cold hard gaze. "or even my own family," Now Soun and Akane shrunk from the middle daughter's nearly palpable rage. "So help me Kami sama, I will destroy you, and I do not invoke that name lightly."