Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ Tempestuous ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any of “Avatar: The Last Air Bender's” characters, etc. This story is for entertainment purposes only.


Summary: Ten years have passed since Sozin’s war ended. Alliances must be forged between embittered nations, and Katara must marry to keep stable the peace. But can she ever find love in the arms of an old enemy? (Zutara)


A/N: When I started this story, I wanted to see if I could use a more romantic, formal style of writing than how the characters are depicted in the show. It’s been hard to keep some of them actually incharacter---Aang is one I couldn’t. =) You’ll also notice in this chapter how Katara calls her husband, “my lord.” That is definitely out of character for her---but kept with the formal style I’m using, so I left it as is---after leaving a few head-sized dents in my desk agonizing over it. Anywhot, I wanted to thank everyone again for the awesome reviews. They are truly humbling. (Fate)

Chapter Six

My waking was like parting with an old friend---with great reluctance. My sleep had been so deep that it was like wading through layers of awareness as my conscious mind slowly asserted itself over my unconscious. I gradually became aware of my surroundings, from the feel of the smooth sheets beneath my cheek to the pocket of warmth that surrounded me. Stretching was a luxury I savored, wiggling my toes and fingers into the wide expanse of the mattress as I yawned, my eyes blinking open to regard the empty room with bemusement.

Curling back into the warm blankets, I eyed the silent room with muzzy curiosity. I felt no alarm---I was not so daft-headed as to forget where I was---but the shadowy silence was different by day than it had been last night, when I was overwhelmed by impressions. The bed, while still huge and ugly, was of a nice size to be swallowed up in, and the room far more spacious than I remembered. There were a few doors, all closed, that led off of it and the walls were circular, part of the outer edges of the tower. The bed was on a raised dais, also circular in outline, mimicking the curvature of the walls. I was amused at the prominence the bed was given, as if the builders of this room wanted its purpose as a place for repose spelled out with no error, not trusting to the intelligence of its future occupants to determine its use.

My lord was obviously not here, but I wasn’t that worried by the fact. Although I did not know what exact time it was, the morning felt well worn to me, who had always been a bit of an early riser. It was odd that I had slept so long, but not unexpected. The excitement---not to mention, the alcohol---of yesterday, as well as the sleeplessness of the night before, would have ensured my somnolence even if a gale three blizzard had been howling about the room. I did not blame Zuko for leaving me to sleep myself out and was rather touched by the courtesy.

He was a mystery, that one---one hard to figure out. Cuddling deeper into the warm blankets, I touched my lips with wondering fingers, smiling faintly at the warm memories I had of the night before. Very warm memories---I felt a blush rising as I thought again of the unbelievable passion that had built between us. His fire burned hot---almost frightfully so---but he had been deft and---kind. Very kind. Very gentle and patient and surprisingly understanding. He had been a sure guide to my faltering steps, but once my steps became emboldened and more certain, he had backed off and started treating me as an equal partner, one who trusted me to be able to do my part as he did his. It was a refreshing approach, one I would not have expected him capable of. He seemed to be so controlling at times---I hadn’t thought that he would have given over the reins as he had, allowing me to explore him as he had me.

The memory of those explorations lent a deeper blush to my cheeks. I idled some time exploring the wonder of them. I knew now why a person might give all for that feeling, and was a bit surprised and disgruntled to find that something I once viewed with a bit of ironic, somewhat superior, amusement was something I finally understood. It had been innocence---virginal innocence---that had lent me such a supercilious attitude toward the foibles of love---or, at least, the act of love. I was not a sheltered girl---my Gran-Gran had been healer and midwife as well as Elder of my home village, and I had been her assistant from my earliest memories. I knew full well what happened between a man and maid, at least the mechanics of it, and was also certain of the outcome of such acts if no sensible precautions were taken.

Sensible precautions---there would be none of that needed in my case. In fact, it was rather expected, even demanded, that I supply my new lord with an heir and the sooner the better. Pushing back the blankets, I touched my flat stomach with inquisitive fingers, curious if the Lord’s seed had yet quickened inside of me.

Speculation was useless, though. I would not know for a month or so if I would come from my bridal bed pregnant. There was no use in wasting time on conjecture---time itself would tell me soon enough.

My fingers wandered over my skin, wondering anew at the sensations stirred within me, sensations stirred so completely and yet so easily by a mere man’s touch. Not that Zuko was a mere man, he was far more than that. He was---well, he was a contradiction and a conundrum, and the spirits knew it was as wasteful of time to spend brooding on the tangle he represented to me as it was in speculating if I were yet carrying his child.

I was ever practical, even if I was still rather idealistic. I had spent enough time musing on the night past and I was now ready to be up and about---if a bit reluctant and shy to confront my lord by day. Remembering how loudly I had called out his name the night before at the height of our passion made my skin positively roast from the flush that crept across it. Deciding to push that thought away with the covers, I climbed somewhat awkwardly from the bed (for I was, I must admit, somewhat sore) and groped around for my discarded robe.

I did not know what had happened to my nightgown---it was torn, I know, in our haste, and I was too embarrassed by the fact to try and look for it among the tousled blankets on the bed. Pulling the blue robe to me, I huddled the draping fabric closed. The impractical tie was held loosely at the neck and would do nothing to adequately cover me, so my first thought was to find something else that would.

Trailing the long hem behind me, I tried the first door and found a small office. The desk was bare but for a locked satchel. Several sheets lay crumpled inside the waste bowl, but all writing supplies were cleared off of the surface. Closing the door, I went to the next and found a small dressing room. Everything neatly folded and hanging inside was of rich colors of red, gold and black and was most decidedly masculine. I breathed in the faint scent of leather and the indeterminate scent that bespoke Zuko to me. It was something akin to sandalwood and incense, something akin to the sulfuric aftermath of a burnt match, something even faintly resinous. I could not name it, but it was a scent I remembered from long before, when we had sheltered in the Western Air Temple and I---well, I had snuck into his rooms, many a time, trying to find anything to disprove his stated intensions to help the Avatar.

Hurrying past that memory---which was not of my best, I have to admit---I turned my attention to finding something I could wear. As much time and energy as had been put into making up my trousseau, one would think one of us would have had the presence of mind to bring my things here yesterday. But caught up as we were in the excitement of the wedding, I could not fault anyone, including myself, for the oversight. Once I found something to borrow, I might head back to my own room and retrieve something a bit more suitable than the over-large tunic and short pants I finally settled on. They were the simplest I found among Zuko’s things---at least, the simplest I could find to don in a hurry. The others, while complicated in ties and buttons, were actually of a severe style, mostly in black or red. My new lord had little taste for variety it seemed.

Lips twitching, I regarded myself in the large mirror in the main room. My hair was impossibly tangled, hanging long and tousled down my back and shoulders. Using a red sash I purloined from one of Zuko’s robes, I tied it back in a loose tail. Not that better---my fussy femininity was hardly sated by the rumpled appearance I thus made. I was rather a woebegone vagabond---the short, wide-legged pants tied tightly to my narrower waist coming just above my bare ankles and the sleeveless red tunic falling nearly to my knees. I was conscious of my breasts moving freely under my shirt. If for no other reason than in pulling on some decent underwear would I saunter forth.

Thus determined, I quickly made my way to the double doors that opened directly into the hall. Even as I pulled on one of the handles, the other cracked open and a man in Fire Nation armor, eyes widening as he caught my appearance, made a sharp bow.

“My lady, is there anything you wish?” His question was polite but he could not quite hide his grin.

“Ah…” I blushed for no other reason than for being caught by surprise.

“Lady Katara, if there is any place you need to go, me and Li would be glad to escort you,” the soldier said affably enough.

“Escort?” I didn’t particularly like that word.

“Yes, Lady. Captain Shi, at your service.” The soldier bowed again.

“Thank you, I guess. Ah, Captain---”

“Shi, my lady,” the soldier supplied helpfully.

“Yes, Captain Shi, thank you, ah, but I don’t really need---”

“May I present Lieutenant Li?” The door widened to show another soldier, who also bowed.

“Ah, hello, nice to meet you, Li,” I bowed back and turned back to the captain.

“May I also present to you…Lieutenants, Jie and Yi.” Two more men, stationed further down the hall, turned with military precision and came forward to present themselves. They bowed in unison, every line of them stiffly correct and yet showing a glimmer of their differing personalities, for Jie’s bow was a bit more debonair, Yi’s a tad more reserved. All wore the formidable armor of firebending officers of the imperial army when out of national waters, helmeted and much alike, save for their eyes (for they did not wear the skull-like masks that would hide their features) and a bit of their noses and lower jaws.

“Nice to meet you,” I said with another bow and blush and a nervous smile. The four of them relaxed and grinned, towering over me like a stand of trees. They were of a uniform size and seemed much alike, though I would get to know them well in time. They were anonymous to me now, though, in their imperial armor and I did not know what to make of them.

“We have been assigned as your personal guards, my lady,” Captain Shi explained. “If you need anything, we are here to serve.”

“Ah, actually, Captain, I was just going to run down to my rooms to grab a few things I need,” I said hastily, scarcely wishing to disturb them for something so trivial.

“No problem, my lady. We will be happy to escort you wherever you need to go,” the captain replied with a serene expression.

“I don’t want to take up your time, Captain---” I began politely.

“It’s no problem, my lady. We have nothing else to do.”

“I’m certain you have more important matters to attend to, Captain---”

“No, my lady. We are your attendants, and we will attend you.”

“It’s not far---”

“Far enough, my lady.”

“Truly, Captain, thank you for your---fervency---but I really don’t need an escort, you see---”

“It’s no trouble, my lady.”

“There’s really no need---”

“There’s always need, my lady.”

“It’s just to the other tower---there’s no danger.”

“I would have to judge that for myself, my lady.”

My patience finally snapped. “I’m not some weak little girl, Captain.”

“No, my lady,” he agreed readily.

“I can defend myself, if needed. I have some skill, you know.”

“Your skill is renowned throughout the world, my lady.”

“I don’t need an escort, Captain.”

“No, my lady, you don’t, but we need to escort you.”


It was one of the others---Yi, I believe---who explained quite simply, “It’s our duty, my lady, to guard you.”

“Our honor,” Jie added with a rather dashing smile, “and our privilege.”

“Your privilege?” I blinked up at him.

“The Fire Lord trusted us, my lady, with the task of guarding you.”

“Zuko put you up to this?” I demanded.

“Of course, my lady.”

“One would think he knew better!” I snapped. The men exchanged quick grins between them, which disappeared under my hot glare.

“I’m sorry, my lady, but we cannot fail to do our duty. It would be dishonorable,” Captain Shi bowed again.

“You wouldn’t wish to see us dishonored, would you, my lady?” Jie was positively pleading, the manipulative puppylamb.

My shoulders slumped in defeat. “No.”

“Thank you, my lady,” Yi said with all seriousness, bowing with grave dignity.

“Fine. Come on, then, though I’m sure we’ll wake up everyone tromping around like an Earth Kingdom militia through the halls.”

“Everyone is already up, my lady,” Li helpfully supplied. “It’s late in the day, near noon.”

“I don’t need a babysitter,” I groused not so quietly under my breath.

“No, Lady,” Captain Shi agreed with a grin, even as they fell in pairs behind me. I tried to gather what dignity I could, raising my head high and hurrying my steps. They kept up easily with me, the tramp of their boots on the stone an annoyingly loud reminder of their presence. I would have words for my husband when I got hold of him.

We caused quite a bit of a stir---I had not realized how crowded the halls might be, or the open great room beyond. The courtyard was worse, for there were many taking their ease among the flowering fountains. Flushing with anger at my predicament, I suddenly came to a decision and abruptly stopped. My hovering guards were forced to halt in turn. “Captain Shi?”

“Yes, my lady?” Shi bowed.

“Would you quit bowing? You’re making me seasick.” I sighed at his puzzled look. “Never mind that---I’m just tired. Sorry.”

“No apology is needed, my lady. We understand.” He bowed again.

“Do you?” I snapped, then felt immediately contrite. I was doing that quite a bit lately. “Captain, do you happen to know where Zuko---the Fire Lord---is?”

“Yes, my lady.”

“Where is he?” I asked, determined to rid myself of this traveling circus sooner rather than later.

“My lord is---”

“My lady! Master Katara, by all the gods above and below, how could you be out here in public wearing that? Where is your sense, girl! Heavens help me, hasn’t anything I’ve been teaching you stayed with you? By holy mercy, it’s lucky I’ve come or you would be tramping through the whole Temple looking like an ill-kempt barbarian.”

I stiffened as Suni’s shaking finger wagged right in my face. The guards behind me all clamped hands on their knife hilts---it was lucky that they were not permitted swords---at the old woman’s sudden appearance.

Sharp-eyed as always, Suni had noticed their reaction and scowled at the lot of them with a fierce frown. “None of that, now. You want to start a second war? If you’ll notice, gentlemen, there are quite a few people taking more than a little interest in what you are doing right now. Stupid boys. Stand down! I’ll not hurt your lady, and you’d best get used to my presence, for I have decided that my lady needs me more than my young Avatar right now, and I am going with you when you return home.”

“What?” I gaped at her, not entirely certain if the news were that welcome.

“Yes, Lady. You should be pleased. You will be, for I will not let you continue making a fool of yourself like you are right now. Let us hasten away---there’s enough people staring, the idle fools. I cannot believe you would show yourself in public in such a costume. What were you thinking of? No, don’t tell me, just come now, come along---” Seizing my hand in one tight talon, she dragged me away until we were almost running, my armored escort pounding after us in a double-time march.

Suni kept haranguing me, ignoring my half-hearted protests as she led us up the winding stairs. People scuttled out of the way, the formidable red wall behind me and the crazy harridan in front ensuring our path cleared quickly wherever we went. I was out of breath by the time we reached my old room. Suni threw open the door with a slam and hustled me inside. All four firebenders followed us in, spilling over and taking up all the available space.

Suni turned on them with a glare hot enough to scorch. “Are you simple? My lady needs to change. Out! You can see for yourselves there is no place in here for an assassin to hide---if he were, you great big oafs would have stepped on him by now.”

“My lady---” Captain Shi held up a placating hand.

“You will leave. You will wait for us outside. You will let no one---and I mean, no one---in until I allow it. Go on, get along with you.” She handled them as deftly as they had handled me, hustling them all out the door until she closed it firmly behind them with a satisfying thud. Turning back to me, she put her hands on her hips and scowled.

“Suni, don’t you think you’re being a little…” Bitchy was not a very polite word, but I couldn’t think of another as apt so didn’t bother finishing my sentence.

Suni was ignoring me anyway to wave her hands in the air. “What could you possibly have been thinking, my lady, to appear in public---public!---in such clothing! Why, I almost suffered a brain storm when I saw you marching across the courtyard as if nothing were wrong. It’s good for you, my lady, that I have decided to leave with you today.”

“Wait---what was that?” I stopped her, caught by her last words.

“You’ll be leaving soon. The Fire Lord finished up his business this morning with the Earth Kingdom delegates while you slept. He’s already taken his farewell from the Avatar, and proffered his thanks and gratitude. I saw to the packing of your things, my lady, as well as my own, and they just need to be taken to the ship. The Lord has already given the order that he will sail with the afternoon tide.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” I stared around the room, which was pretty much cleared of my things. Bundles and trunks were neatly stacked to one side. A folded bundle of blue cloth, a few odd things littering the top of it, was the only thing still left unpacked.

“There‘s little time. You slept long, Lady,” Suni sniffed.

“But---” I said, still taken with the suddenness of it all.

Suni’s expression softened. She patted my cheek with a motherly gesture. “You’re all right, child? Last night---he was good to you?”

I blushed to the roots of my hair and stuttered, “Y-Yes, uh, yes, thank you.”

“Good. I thought he might.” Suni looked smug.

I coughed, trying to cover my embarrassment.

“Now, then, you must bathe and dress. There is little time---you wasted so much of it sleeping the day away,” Suni scolded, back to her old no-nonsense self. “I have some water here---it’s cold, but should be enough for you to bend yourself clean. Do so now, and make sure you use some to heal yourself.”

“What?” My question was muffled as I pulled the tunic over my head.

“I expect you might be a bit sore. Thanks be, you are a Waterbender and can tend yourself. Most young brides are not so lucky.” Suni smirked as I blushed scarlet again. “Go on, then, I’ll not look, I promise. Take off those wretched pants and give them to me. Wherever did you find such things?”

“They’re Zuko’s,” I said, dropping them and the tunic into her outstretched arms. There was no modesty for Suni, who had already barged in on me at any number of inconvenient times. Her casual contempt for my own embarrassment and her nonchalant attitude about my state of dress (or lack thereof) had forced me to accept her bullying presence whether I would or no.

There were some things, though, that I would not do before her and she was intuitive enough to know it. She pulled up a small screen for my bath and left me to it. Bending the tepid water out of the basin provided, I was quick with my ablutions, taking her advice and seeing to myself as she suggested. I felt better, after, and was grateful enough for her thoughtfulness to let her fuss as she would as I donned the clothing left me. Soft, loose pants, a sleeveless under-tunic and an embroidered over robe that fell to my knees were all of a shade to match my eyes. They were simple in cut but beautifully rendered. Curling lines of darker blue embroidery coifed the draping sleeves and hem. Suni sat me down to see to my hair, which I would have simply braided and she would prefer to twist into some unmanageable confection. The argument between us was soothingly familiar, and we compromised on a braid simply twisted around my head and pinned in place with a few pearl-tipped pins.

I refused the paint she offered, though she warned me that I would eventually have to get used to it, as it was expected of a lady of my station in the Fire Nation. That might well be, but I was determined to reserve that type of thing for a more formal occasion than this. I had had enough paint on my face yesterday, thank you.

I was still a bit shocked that we were leaving so abruptly. I did not have time to dwell on my anger over it---for I was angry, and also decidedly hurt that I had not been consulted about it. I wanted more time with Aang, more time to get used to my new situation in surroundings that were more neutral. I had not even set eyes on my lord since the night before and I was irritated at the high hand he was taking with the ordering of my life.

Truth was, though, that my life was now linked with his, and I might not know the full reasons why Zuko felt such haste to return to his home. I should, at least, give him the benefit of the doubt. I reminded myself that he was as new to this as I, and that we had had no time yet to speak of the expectations we had of each other.

Still, it was rather thoughtless on his part not to even ask me and it soured my mood a bit. I still held more than a little suspicion that he had not---and would not---think it important to ask me much. I would keep peace, though, in front of others. I, at least, knew how to give the appearance of going along affably with his decision. The last thing needed by a ruling lord was public questioning of his decisions by his wife. I knew already that he feared that, though he had not spoken of it in so many words. His hints at loyalty last night though---they had stuck in my mind, and I knew that he worried secretly if I would stand with him.

I would, though, even if I thought he was being a selfish jerk. I was not that much of a simpleton not to recognize the hazards of showing division between us. I would have quite a few words, though, once I was able to see him alone and in private.

That was not to be for some time, however. As soon as I was dressed and ready, Suni was ordering my imperial escort to make themselves useful and start hauling some of the baggage down. It was funny to see how quickly they jumped to obey the little old woman. She was a past master at handling people and directed her troops like a general, her sharp tongue falling on any and all who paused even for a fraction of a second before doing as she bid.

This did not exclude me. She was horrified when I made motions toward picking up some of the bundles to carry down myself, more than willing as I was to help and more than used to doing so. Nearly choking on her indignation, she hastily plucked them out of my arms and into a startled Jie’s. “Take that, soldier, and ask for some of the children to come and help. There’s more here than I would ask you or your comrades to carry.”

“You,” she rounded on me, “will leave now with me before you take any more strange notions into your head about helping to do your part. You are doing enough, Master Katara, in being yourself.”

If I was being myself, I would have picked up one of those bags and be damned to her offended outrage of it. I felt uncertain and off-balanced by her criticism and her poignant stab at my instinctive desire to lend a hand. I felt ill-at-ease being waited on and felt foolishly out of place as they bustled around me. I needed to be more than just ornamental, and Yi must have sensed it, for he paused to add in a quiet voice, “It would be dishonorable to see the Fire Lady carrying her own baggage, my lady. We understand you are willing to help, and thank you for the honor, but there is our honor to consider as well.”

I frowned but nodded, thanking him quietly. These men were being surprisingly nice to me, considering I did not know them. My first instinct, truth be told, was to see them as I always had---as faceless soldiers of an enemy no longer an enemy but still one to be deeply distrusted---but they were as any other men. Save for their overly-ornate armor and ugly helms, they could have been any of the young warriors of my own tribe.

I mused on that surprising realization as Suni bullied us into proper formation (myself leading, of course) and set a pace that was properly decorous after my normal, long-legged stride caused her to hiss in my ear, “Mince, my lady, mince!”

Mincing was slow and tiresome. I found my steps growing longer the more irritated I became with it, until I was walking at more normal a pace. Suni had to remain quiet, lest others hear her scolds, as we were now down in the open courtyard, where a surprising throng of people awaited us. Many of them were hazily familiar to me, though I could not remember their names or faces. Suni proved invaluable as she tersely whispered their proper titles in my ear, bowing to the correct degree, I a shade behind her, following her clever lead.

Somehow, we got through it, as well as the less formal farewells of the Air Temple’s people. Aang’s wives, looking like so many pretty flowers, were sweet yet distant, his children too young to be more than excited. His son, a sturdy lad of five winters, bowed with grave sincerity, though a twinkle in his wide grey eyes reminded me so much of his father at a younger age that it brought an ache to my heart and sorrow at the knowledge that we could never return to such innocence.

Aang awaited me, last of all, and it was hard for me to bid him goodbye again after so little a time. We hugged, ignoring the surprised whispers that rose behind us, and I whispered fiercely, “Gods, I’ll miss you.”

“As will I,” he said, emotion thickening his deep voice. He hugged me harder for a moment with surprising strength and then abruptly let me go, his head tilted slightly to peer past me, an amused smile twitching at one corner his wide mouth. I turned, realizing the crowd’s whispers had suddenly ceased, and met the hot gaze of my new lord. He stood at the top of the steps leading down from the central yard, his face expressionless, but his body tensed as if for battle. His eyes were narrowed, the yellow gold of them burning us even at such a distance. I blushed for no reason, feeling like a naughty young girl caught with her hand in the jar of sea prunes.

Zuko strode toward us, the path clearing as if by magic as the people melted back on either side. They watched with baited breath and avid curiosity as to what the Fire Lord would do. I blushed again and dropped my eyes as he came up beside me. He felt overshadowing---whether it was his height or his unspoken tension, I did not know, but it made my spine stiffen and my head come up with sudden anger for the embarrassment I should not be feeling.

Ignoring the oaf I had just married, I smiled sweetly to Aang, all my earlier determination to show unity with my lord’s decision flying out the window. “I wish I weren’t leaving so soon, but I’m sure my lord has his reasons.”

“Er…yes,” Aang said, mouth still twitching, trying to hold back a laugh.

Suni gave me a hard poke in the back to remind me we weren’t alone. Lips thinning, I fought the urge to turn around and smack her. I forced a wan smile which did not reach my eyes.

“Avatar,” Zuko bowed, the word greeting, reminder and farewell.

“Sifu Hotman,” Aang grinned as the Fire Lord glowered, a reminder as well.

Aang turned to me, grabbing both my hands in his and squeezing them one last time in true farewell. “Be happy, Katara,” he said, his grey eyes mischievous as Zuko stiffened up again.

“We need to leave if we are to catch the tide,” he said sharply, his tone biting.

“Goodbye, Aang,” I said, sad that there was no more time left us as Zuko grabbed one of my hands in his and abruptly turned away. His grip was hard as he stalked back to the stairs, which spiraled unevenly down the steep mountains the Southern Air Temple sat upon. They had been chiseled out of the rock by some of the earthbenders who had come to join Aang in reconstructing the old temple into the new.

Being dragged behind my lord until I was all but jogging to keep up with his longer-legged stride was not a very dignified exit. I tugged lightly at his grip on my left hand, trying to make him let go, but he would not. I jerked back with all my strength and he suddenly stopped, just at the top of the stairs. Suni must have been howling inside for the scene we were creating as I fell into his hard shoulder with an unladylike “Oof!”

Turning abruptly, he let my hand go to grab my shoulders with both of his. Hauling me up and forward, his head tilted down until he captured my mouth with his. His tongue snaked out as I let out a muffled protest, for the kiss was not gentle, but a hard claiming. Heat surged through me until my senses were reeling as my nerves came to tingling life. Cheers rose up behind us as my world spun in a sudden tempest of need and desire. I felt myself go boneless, supported by his hard heat and his harder claim upon my lips. For a long, breathless moment, I was caught up in it, spun about and knocked off my feet by the chaotic whirl of thundering sensation as I melted against him, my only anchor in a raging storm as his mouth ravaged mine again and again.

If he thought I would be cowed and overcome by such raw attention, he was an idiot. Virgin I might have come to him this past night, but no innocent was I to be blinded by passion and think it something more than it was. If he thought I would be overwhelmed by his deliberate manipulation of my desire, than more fool he, for I was not so easily conquered as that. Much as I hungered and ached for more of his fire than just this, still my pride had me stiffening and pulling away, though the slight movement was hidden from our cheering audience.

For a moment, his eyes caught mine, the gold in them hot enough to burn. I trembled, for which my pride howled, caught up in the raw heat of that hungry look. There was pain there, as if I had slapped him, and such poignant need and vulnerability that my hand unconsciously rose to touch his cheek. He almost flinched, a muscle working in his clenched jaw as he abruptly let me go. I staggered back, trying to catch my bearings in a world suddenly shattered of what notions I had ever had of him.

I was left to wonder, though, if I had just imagined it all as he suddenly turned and left, striding down the stairs as if he had not a care in the world. Our loudly cheering audience might have assumed my stunned confusion the mere overwhelming of a young bride’s innocence by her manly husband, and I didn’t care if they did. It was not---it was doubt and confusion which had me blushing as I slowly followed after, Suni taking my arm as if to support me. She was as fooled as anyone, for she laughed aloud to herself that she had known all along he was a good one!