Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Sister of the Blade ❯ Mistake ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Takeshi hurried to her grandfather's mansion, a grin across her face. Now she could have her family back! She walked up the path towards the mansion, stopping to stare in disbelief at the person standing in her way.

"Kai! What are you doing?"

"I'm stopping you." he said, holding out a dark blade, "Takeshi, you have to stop living in the past and move on."


"You have to grow up."

"Grow up? Grow up!?!?! I have grown up!", Takeshi ripped D_Taizer, "More that you will ever know!"

Kai smirked and ripped Dark Dranzer. (A/N:... they battle *boom boom boom* speech here and... let's go.)

"I'm... so tired..." Takeshi dropped to one knee, trying to keep her eyes on her bitbeast, "Why am I..."

"You don't have the strength to control this kind of power Takeshi. You're trying to grow up too fast."

"I'm not growing up too fast." She glared, her eyes flashing red and her hair flaring up around her, "I have to do this! You don't know my pain!"

D_Taizer stood on all fours, hissing in the position a cat makes. Its wing burst into flames and became Dranzer's wings, its body was washed over by water and replaced by Dragoon's, it forepaws and hindlegs became incased in gold and shattered becoming Driger's, and it's tail became Draciel's (because it's the only part of Draciel that I like XD). The new D_Taizer roared and fired a fusion of each bitbeasts attacks. Takeshi groaned as the attack hurdled towards Kai. Her vision was being to blur, she was losing consciousness with every spin of D_Taizer's blade. Dark Dranzer took the full brunt of the attack, but it didn't seem to receive any injury. Instead, it had absorbed it and launched it back. Before both blade and beast dissolved into the night, a net wrapped around D_Taizer and brought it Dr. K. She laughed at Takeshi gullibility and hurried back to Voltaire's lab. Takeshi started to cry and collapse. Kai rushed to her side and held her up. She whimpered and clung to Kai's shirt.

"Gomen nasai...." she sobbed, "I'm such a fool."

"It'll be okay, Takeshi. But first..."


Iris: :D


"You feeling any better, Takeshi-chan?" Rei asked again, rubbing her back.

"My legs are sweaty." Rei chuckled. Kai had to carry the tired blader on his back as they went inside to save their bitbeast, but with her skirt as short as it was, he had to get her to change into pants. And those pants happened to Rei's. They were big on Takeshi and kind of uncomfortable, but they did the job.

"I'm sorry everyone."

"53." Tyson said. He and Max were counting how many time Takeshi apologized.

"Let's not worry about the past right now." Kai said, "We need to get our bit beasts before Voltaire destroys them."

*** TBC